Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Further Flu Alert

I thank all of you for keeping alert as to sneezing birds as one defense against the bird flu.

There has been talk of an epidemic or a pandemic. Now Pan was a Roman version of a Greek Good with a human torso and the legs, hooves, and ears of a goat. This is getting frightening.

One comfort has been that the virus had not mutated or evolved to be able to move from human to human, only from birds to human. Now, five people in Indonesia have been reported to have that flu and no contact with birds! Or goats, for that matter.

Anyone who is not worried now, is, using a word-coinage I recently heard on our media, anti-semantic.

Therefore, I implore all of you to watch for both sneezing goats, birds, and oriental-looking people. The only other way to be safe for sure is to move to Kansas where I understand evolution is illegal.

Take care!

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