Showing posts with label power. Show all posts
Showing posts with label power. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 19, 2021





We could have been putting out a mammoth edition of all the reports from Palestine/Israel the last five days, but this is not a play by play deal here. Also, there is a great deal of manipulation going on. It is time to tell you why this is going on now. Zionists are going to bitch, so let them. This is true:

Well, as usual, I have my own view of what is going on in Israel. Netenyahu is much like Trump, protected just so long as he can maintain power. Four or five times there have been elections recently in Israel and Netenyahu has not been able to become official ruler. So, first he orders his army to invade the holy mosque in Jerusalem during their hold month. Then, on the Eid, sort of a celebration for Islam, he encourages settlers to take over homes that Palestinians had lived in and legally owned for over 50 years. We should note that all of this is made possible by the last administration, Trump Republicans, the GQP, in actually moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. Netenyahu's idea is that this take over would help him win the next election. It would also keep him out of prison as he is guilty of several corruption charges.

Meanwhile, you need to know that Gaza and the occupied West Bank are two separate ruling entities in the Palestinian