Showing posts with label Republican Wuss Factory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Republican Wuss Factory. Show all posts

Saturday, November 10, 2018



Illustration:  The future of the Democratic Party
(She was so popular, she not only defeated a long time establishment Democrat, but was also elected in an adjacent precinct in w2hich she was not running and had to decline.)

U.S. Elections Explained
Czar Donic

Of course, there is more going on here than just the elections, but they were significant, although puzzling for those in other countries who keep hearing about "Democracy".  So, We are are going to try to unravel a few things here.

Trump fired the Attorney General, Jeff Sessions.  Someone remarked that it is the only monument to the Confederacy that Trump has touched so far.  Now, according to our Constitution, the Attorney General must be confirmed by the Senate before he can take any action or even take office.  However, his replacement has not been confirmed by the Senate (despite the fact that Trump says he has and also that he does not know who he is).  Hey, I shit you not.  He actually said both things, both of which are lies.  The biggest problem Trump had with Sessions is that he recused himself from the Russia investigation (as was legally required).  Otherwise, he has been the prefect Trump follower and a huge disaster for the United States.  There is, in fact, no downside to the departure of Sessions under these circumstances.

In the middle of all this, I was reminded of a song from the Watergate era, but cannot remember the name of the writer.  He had tried to fill the vacancy left by Tom Lehrer, but it was impossible.  Still, the lyrics stay with me and the tune is in ¾ time, Andante:

We're Haldeman, Erlichman, Mitchell, and Dean,
The way we've been treated is simply obscene.
Who would have thought a thing like a bug
Would wind up getting us kicked in the Jug?

Dean has since turned into a fairly astute political analyst.  I have heard that only two Attorneys General have been convicted, but I can only remember Mitchell and the strange dopped up and alcohol inspired late night calls from Marth Mitchell that proved to be the most incisive comments to come from that group.

At any rate, there is talk that the investigation into the Russia situation will be stopped, but we should keep in mind that Mueller has been well prepared for such an eventuality.  In addition, he is currently writing up his final report.  The real danger is the possible destruction of documents by Republican operatives.

There is some speculation of what can be done to redraw districts.  See, in the U.S., voting districts are based on the census and then drawn to bias elections in favor of one party or another.  The last time, the Republican Party drew them.  Replacing the Attorney General the way Trump wants is clearly unconstitutional, so what would be a constitutional way to end not voter fraud, but election fraud?  In fact, first Trump declared that he knew him well and he had been seen in the Oval Office repeatedly.  Then, to show how impartial he is, Trump claimed not to know the replacement.  The fact that he knows nothing about a nominee is the best reason he can give for his choice.

Well, there is no Constitutional provision for Political Parties (other than freedom of assembly in the First Amendment) and at one time the Communist Party was outlawed in America.  Well, if that was constitutional, then so would be making the Republican Party illegal.  It is worth considering.  Is the Republican Party an Enemy of the People?  It certainly supports corporate interests over people's interests.  In fact, they could join the Democrat Party and we could establish a Democratic Socialist party for the moderate and progressives.  

Of course, that would be a mistake now that Democrats hold enough State power to redraw thos districts.  Instead, these (pardon the expression) Republicans would be renamed the Whigs or perhaps the Tea Party.  This is not the first time that the party has been so facistic.  For example, when JFK was running against Nixon, this party begaan to change drastically.  After Dulles and Company had JFK killed, people were left with a choice between Barry Goldwater, supported by the John Birch Party, and who said his solution to the Vietnam War was to bomb Hanoi into the stone age.  Well, that left LBJ to take over and the party to begin to fall apart, expecially a few years later with Watergate.  Who was behind the John Birch Society?  Mr. Koch Sr.  Yes, the father to the current Koch brothers who founded the tea party.  This is the party that had people so stirred up that one of the people shouted out at Arlen Specter  of Pennsylvania that he should "keep you government hands off my Social Security!"  He became a Democrat.  This is the guy who devised the "single-bullet theory of how JFK died and even he was too liberal for the tea party.  Whigs, Tories, Birchers, whatever would be a better name for that party and it could be done just as the Communist party was outlawed.

CNN remains the "Enemy of the People," a term Stalin used to employ before he sent people to Siberia.  Someone said that Jim Acosta, a reporter for CNN was not a hero because he was only doing his job when a White House intern attempted to wrest the microphone from him because he was asking questions that Trump didn't like.  Nevertheless, under the current administration, any reporter who is doing his or her job is a hero.  (Either that, or an Enemy of the People.)

At the same Press conference, he was asked about the implications of his use of the term "Nationalist" as it is potentionally racist.  The reporter, a block woman, was then accused of asking racist questions.  Thus, another Enemy of the people.  He asked if he was racist, why he has the higest approval ranking from African Americans in history.  Well, I didn't know he did, and I have no answer if that is true.  Stupidity is the only answer that comes to mind as he constantly refers to blacks as "Low IQ".  Whose stupidity is another question.

There has been a great deal of talk from Trump on how effective his endorsements have been.  In fact, only 28% of those candidates he endorsed won.  On the other hand, the Democrats won 38 seats in the House of Representatives, the highest in four decades.  The only other time they did this well was after Nixon and Watergate.  It did not help that Ford had to debate Jimmie Carter who had a brain, either. 

Many of the newest Representatives are "progressives," more of the Bernie Sanders faction, the Social Democrats, rather than the establishment faction.  They are a part of the "Resist" movement.  Incidentally, at one time Hillary Clinton tried to claim she was a part of that faction until others in that faction told her "you are one of the things were are trying to resist."  The best that can be said for her is that she would not have been as bad for the country as Trump.  If that is her claim, she is welcome to it, although who knows what she would have done in foreign policy?  Above is a photo of the newest type of person that will represent the Democratic party (if the know what is good for them).

Friday, December 11, 2015

Erdogan, Terrorism, Trump, Chicago and Stuff



Ilustration: more about Erdogan attacking Latuff, making Latuff once again the hero of the political cartoonists.

Erdogan, Terrorism, Trump, Chicago and Stuff


Honest Charlie

There is simply so much that is going on, or sent on, that it seemed pointless to publish as it is so obvious, but it seems that it is not.  So, here it is, a great public service. 

Some deranged moron shot up a Planned Parenthood clinic and is now on trial, or at least in the judicial system.  As he appeared, he had a wild grin and bulging eyes and kept shouting "I'm guilty! Say it! And add that I saved babies.  Get it all out."  He was sent to a mental institution for evaluation. 

Speaking of mass shootings, there was one in California, near Riverside.  The neighbor, Marquez, immediately checked himself into a looney bin too.  As to the others, you can't avoid seeing them on endless coverage on BREAKING NEWS (for a week now) and the analysis starts.

The Republican Congress immediately snapped into action.  Had the fiancé, Tashfeen, been asked if she has terrorist leanings at her interview?  Now this is key as any terrorist would immediately confess and say "Yes, I'm going there to carry out a terrorist mission and have a baby, not in that order."  See, these terrorists are easy to spot.  Just ask them and they will wilt under the pressure and confess. 

Of course, Donald Trump, a confessed Republican, has announced that all Moslems should be denied entry into the country, the U.S.  Well, how would you know they were terrorists?  This was answered by his female in charge of publicity "Check the passports."  Well, it is not on the passport.  "Well, it should be," was the answer.  Donald Trump is coming to represent the American public in the eyes of the world.

Now the Speaker of the House, third in line, second if you start from the Vice President, immediately condemned this kind of talk.  However, it seems very suspicious coming from his as he wears a beard.  Moslems wear beards, we all know. 

James Comey, head of the FBI, and regarded the best Director since L. Patrick Grey, says encryption is the reason they can't keep track or terrorists.  See, they use "mathematical algorithms," to hide things.  Now mathematical algorithms are the worse kind, even worse than chemical or biological algorithms.  Maybe they could handle a historical algorithm, but a mathematical algorithm, no way.  In fact, most people don't know what an algorithm is, much less than dispute him.  In fact, an algorithm is not a program or an app, and most plots are planned face to face (or so I hear, of course I wouldn't know, nope, not me -- why I don't even like Ohms).

To the eyes to the world: Donald Trump's main appeal is to white people with a high school degree or less.  Now the schools here are nothing to boast about, and the K-12 levels are meaningless.  In sum, these people are morons and idiots. 

On the other hand, a real smart guy is running against him, Ted Cruz.  He says that Trump's popularity will fall.  Why? Gravity, that's how.  We all know gravity.  He's talking Newtonian gravity, I'm sure, not some new-fangled space war, nope, good old fashioned God-given gravity.  We have never started the rumor that he keeps a stash of pornographic Bibles in his office, to be sure.

Some may have heard about the Mayor of Chicago, Rahm Israel Emmanuel.  There are large demonstrations demanding his resignations, a multi-racial movement, and the people are wise as they are demonstrating on Michigan Avenue where all the rich people shop and own businesses.  This are, of course, provides Rahm's main support.

There is no point in trying to talk to him.  He will communicate in person unlike other professional politicians, but you have to say "fuck" a lot and lace it with other interjections or he will not take you seriously.  He will talk back in kind, and then say "Shut yer fuckin' mouth," and move on.  But at least it's a conversation.

We finally found out what Nancy Reagan meant when her solution to the drug problem was "just say NO"  NO is nitrous oxide, the stuff dentists use.  Non-addictive, I understand, and a lot of fun.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Republican Wuss Factory

One of you sent me the piece quoted at the end of this.  The author's name has been lost as well as the location, but I think you will find it interesting.  Thanks for sending it along.


I must confess that I have been watching television lately, primarially following the health care bill, such as it is.  I have also seen a poll of Republicans taken by the Harris agency.  In addition, I have noticed the behavior of people outside the congress.  I also noticed that there was absolutely no coverage of the demonstrations against our adventurism in Afghanistan and continued occupation of Iraq.

What I have seen has not been very encouraging and one hopes that our European allies have not been exposed to these uglier facets of the Republican character.  I know that the BBC simply mentions the main parts of the bill and the representatives, so there is hope. 

This health care bill is the first such bill to be successful since Roosevelt, Teddy Roosevelt, started trying to pass one, to provide health care that is anywhere near the quality found in other industrialized countries.  Franklin Roosevelt, it should be remember, saved Capitalism from its own greed after it nearly collapsed and even today he is considered "Socialist."  It should also be pointed out that even the morally challenged Richard M. Nixon tried to reform health care, and failed. 

The movement to "free" capitalism from restraint began is earnest with Ronald Regan and culminated in the repeal of the Glass-Steigle (spell it as you will) act by Clinton (I do wish he had inhaled).  Georgie then allowed greed to run rampant until the system nearly collapsed as it did in the Depression.

Well, what Obama did was save the insurance industry from itself with this bill.  A socialist approach would be to simply offer single-payer insurance for everybody and let them purchase insurance instead if they so wished.  The insurance industry would dissappear and we would all be better off.  No, Obama got health care reform passed and saved the insurance industry in the bargan.

So what was happening amongst Republicans, not one of which supported this reform?  Well, the great masses of them were very bitter as it was passed by Obama.  The real hatred of Obama is nothing more than purile anti-intellectualism.  Obama is intelligent and can use long words.  He can converse intellegently on a vast array of topics.  The mob know that it is inferior to such people and lack these qualities and thus finds ways to assert their superiority.  How do they do it?

Here is where observing their behavior applies.  As representatives walked to congress, many legislators of color were called "Nigger!"  One, an African American representative from Missouri, was spat upon.  Obviously, the inference is that those shouting and spitting were thereby superior in some way.  Another representative, perhaps the most intelligent in the house, is Barney Frank.  He was called "Faggot", and the unbrained masses thereby again felt superior.   Another more recent tactic has been to vandalize the home headquarters of representatives.  While I have had no chance of counting, several of these representatives were female.  Again, the stupid and dull-witted vidicate themselves to themselves.

What about that Survey?  Well, about 70% of Republicans think Obama is "Socialist".  Obviously an inferior status.  About 60% or so think he is a Moslem.  Does anybody remember Reverend Wright?  Obviously, memory is not a strong suit amongst Republicans.

Except when it concerns Waco when Janet Reno and her storm troopers attacked a small, weird, religious compound.  To celebrate the first anniversary of that day, the attack in Oklahoma was carried out.  Similar celebrations, I gather, are being planned for this year.

The patron saintess of these morons is Sarah Palin.  She has posted on Facebook a map with gunsight markings on the districts of Democratic lawmakers she feels should be, er, defeated.  However, we can not ascribe too much importance to that because she has been called a "wannabe Teabagger," not one of them, because she supports McCain.  McCain has tried to redeem himself with this crowd by swearing not to cooperate in any way with any democrat.

Now THAT'S the American way!  Damn the Torpedoes!  Put up or shut up!

Our next issue will be an art exhibit.

Here is the account sent by one of you:

"This morning I was awoken by my alarms clock powered by electricity generated by the public power monopoly regulated by the U.S. Department of Energy.

I then took a shower in the clean water provided by a municipal water utility.

After that, I turned on the TV to one of the FCC-regulated channels to see what the National Weather Service of the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration determined the weather was going to be like, using satellites designed, built, and launched by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

I watched this while eating my breakfast of U.S. Department of Agriculture-inspected food and taking the drugs which have been determined as safe by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

At the appropriate time, as regulated by the U.S. Congress and kept accurate by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the U.S. Naval Observatory, I get into my National Highway Traffic Safety Administration-approved automobile and set out to work on the roads build by the local, state, and federal Departments of Transportation, possibly stopping to purchase additional fuel of a quality level determined by the Environmental Protection Agency, using legal tender issued by the Federal Reserve Bank.

On the way out the door I deposit any mail I have to be sent out via the U.S. Postal Service and drop the kids off at the public school.

After spending another day not being maimed or killed at work thanks to the workplace regulations imposed by the Department of Labor and the Occupational Safety and Health administration, enjoying another two meals which again do not kill me because of the USDA, I drive my NHTSA car back home on the DOT roads, to my house which has not burned down in my absence because of the state and local building codes and Fire Marshal's inspection, and which has not been plundered of all its valuables thanks to the local police department.

And then I log on to the internet -- which was developed by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Administration -- and post on and Fox News forums about how SOCIALISM in medicine is BAD because the government can't do anything right."