Showing posts with label Beck. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beck. Show all posts

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Race, Fox, and the Morons

Illustration: Glenn Beck leads an all white crowd to protest Healthcare.

Some time ago, we said that there seemed to be something racist involved in the fat, white, middle-aged mobs that protested Obama, said he was born in Ghana, a socialist, a Hitler, and so one, but also that maybe it had something to do with Obama's being intelligent and knowledgable. After all, people hate things they fear and they fear things they do not understand.

Then Maureen Dowd mentioned it in a great column Sunday. She followed up today.

President Jimmie Carter, a Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, said racism was definitely a part of this insanity, just yesterday.

Glenn Beck said they were fringe elements.

Well, Michael Steele said no racism was involved. Does "Uncle Tom" ring a bell? Does he sleep with Clarance Thomas?

Frankly, I've had enough of it.
