Showing posts with label wait till tomorrow. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wait till tomorrow. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 02, 2022

Prelude to Ukraine




Illustration: It is possible to be religious without being a hypocrite, sut the difference is too difficult for many to discern.








Well, the fools started off the month by bomb threats at historically black Colleges and Universities. Yeah, this was to celebrate Black History Month. You know why this is the month, right? Yeah, it is the shortest month of the year.


Back when LBJ was busy killing out soldiers and who knows how many Vietnamese, we tried National Brotherhood Week. It didn't last long and if I can manage it, I'll put a link to it here.


It was also the first day of the Chinese New Yew and the moon has some part in it.


Then Jews started to protest being called a white race. See, they are a minority as well, you know. That's why they have to conduct an apartheir State over in Palestine. Yes, it is now officially apartheid, and everybody has let slip the "Trump Heights" designation given to it by Nitwityahoo in an effert to be re-elected. He lost, but is the case moving against him now? No idea. Of course, #46 is complaining about racist attacks on him, so who is a racist?


The main reason I'm putting this out now is that I will follow it up shortly with an extended, well-qualified, collection of people who know what they are talking about and it is pretty long.


I hate it when I find myself on the same side as Sucker Carlson, but perhaps he is told to beat drums to affect energy prices in Europe and consequently here.


I used to be able to find a good position to take by consulting a reactionary or a right-winger, but that no longer holds. My favorite to consult was George Will who was prefectly wrong on every single issue, so if I did not have time to research an issue, I simply read him on the topic and took the opposite view. (The one exception was Baseball, where he was amazingly correct in every single instance.) Now, things have become so idiotic that he is often right on other topics as well.




So what is the point of all this angst about Ukraine that neither our administration, Ukraine, and even Putin think is such a real                      catastrophe? So many theories, really not even hypotheses, have been tossed out that I can comfortably say that my own conjecture is that whatever sanctions would enable United States fossil fuel companies to increase prices and profits (and that is about the only motivation we ever seem to have these days).