Showing posts with label Jena 6. Capitalism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Jena 6. Capitalism. Show all posts

Saturday, September 22, 2007

The Final Solution, appendix a


Illustrations: Here are two more people who claim to be the solution to the absurdities of our contemporary situation. The very fact that they do, of course, is just one more absurdity.

This week: Recently Peter King (R), New York states that “there are too many Mosques in this country.” In a sense, it is possible to agree with him. However, it follows, then, that there are way too many Synagogues in this country. More importantly, there are far far too too many Churches in the country. We could try to eliminate them, but the pesky 1st Amendment to the Constitution is in the way. Still, that has never bothered George Bush or Alan Derschowitz so far. All of these are absurdities, but we live here.

O.J. Simpson is out on bail and Marsha Clark was in attendance. She did not faint. Shortly thereafter, Bell, one of the Jena 6, was denied bail despite the fact that his sentence was over-ruled and no charges have been filed against him in juvenile court. Since he was offered a scholarship in Mississippi, I imagine he was deemed a flight risk.

The Democrats in Congress say they do not have a large enough majority to set deadlines, especially in the Senate. They do, however, have enough to simply not fund the military until the troops stop occupying Iraq. If they are worried about seeming to be cowards, they could propose that we use all of our troops in Iraq to invade Kuwait. Such an action is not without precedent, after all. The UN opposed it, but that, like the Constitution has no real effect. It is “quaint.” I mean, we were able to occupy iraq in about 3 weeks it seems, so Kuwait should be even easier – after all, they do not have the fourth largest army in the world as we said Iraq did.

In addition to our 160,000 soldiers in Iraq, we also have 180,000 mercenaries, the largest group being called Blackwater. They killed about 22 civilian Iraqis recently, so Maliki (our puppet leader of an autonomous country, we say so our self) suspended their license and told them to leave the country. Absurdly, he thought he really had that authority. Jeremy Scahill has written an excellent book about the mercenaries in Iraq and how much we are paying them and what they are doing.

I had been wondering why things have been getting uglier – people are even nostalgic for Bill Clinton who dismantled the welfare system. What could explain it other than greed?

The is apparently a limit to how much bandwidth a single post can occupy, so I am adding non-illustrated amendments to this topic all this week.