Saturday, July 22, 2006

Right after I noted how the corporate media was hiding the news about the ghastly menace of bird-flu, the Associated Press, June 21, released important information. I am sure it was buried in many newspapers, but the one I saw is so small that nothing in it can be buried. I was looking all this time for a follow-up or for another news organization to provide data, but nothing was disclosed. The information was ignored like a relative who ate too many baked beans for dinner.

The AP pointed out that our government “is preparing for … nearly 2 million deaths in the United States in a pandemic.”

Furthermore, the VA “foresees closing the military graveyards .. because of staffing problems.”

The dead would be stored in “refrigerated warehouses or trucks outfitted as temporary morgues.”

The 1918 Spanish flu epidemic was cited as a precedent as people were buried in ditches.

The VA did not return calls on this horrible news.

You may wonder why you did not hear anything about this. Well, this is what happened next:

News about government unconstitutional eavesdropping on financial transactions came out, so the FBI buried that story with news of seven Haitians in Florida. Reporters followed up on that, and revealed that these particular terrorists had nothing, so the military boots that made the news were actually given to them by the FBI. It then turned out that they still could not do anything as they had nothing, so the FBI gave them cameras so they could take photos. However, they could not get to any federal buildings because they could not afford public transportation, so the FBI rented cars for them. These evil terrorists apparently were going to kick the buildings down. One building mentioned was the Sears tower, which represents nothing whatsoever other than the late, great, Dick Daley. As important and significant a figure as the late mayor of Chicago was, he is not that well-known in Islamic countries or even elsewhere overseas. In fact, when Picasso was commissioned to do the sculpture that is now in Daley Plaza, he asked “Is Daley still Mayor there?” (The City Council had a short debate over whether Ernie Banks was a more appropriate subject for a statue than Picasso’s dog. Daley ended the debate and said “Roberts’ Rules of Order is the greatest book ever written.”)

Anyway, next the “liberal press” started back on the Constitutional issues. The Constitution is a document that politicians have been bothered by increasingly since the end of the 19th Century, and our administration would just as soon ignore it, preferring instead to take its chances with the Supreme Court, which appointed it and which it has replenished. In fact, the administration decided to prosecute the newspapers for running that story, but the press did not like that. The press is still uncooperative when the constitution happens to work in its favor.

So, conveniently for our administration, and massively, Israel attacked the Gaza strip. Blood, destruction, and Israel are more important to these newspapers than eavesdropping, so the facts about the real evil, bird flu, remained buried. It is all part of a cover-up.

Meanwhile, no comment on the fact that this is now between 1,100 and 1,200 days since “MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.” At least, no one has pointed out that this is longer than the entire John F. Kennedy Administration lasted before he was assassinated.

So don’t be distracted by these minor issues. The point is that you should remain on the lookout for sneezing birds and rampaging ostriches. Already 128 people have died of this dread disease.

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