Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Decline of Language

The Decline of the Language

Our facility with and love of language has declined over the decades until it is nothing but a means of manipulation or, at best, communication. 

Let us take, for example, swearing.  That's right, good, old fashioned swearing.  Today, you may hear someone say "Son of a bitch," or some other expletive and consider that swearing.  It is hardly worth considering, much less reacting to.  Look, on the other hand, at this example from the Sixteenth Century:

"You are nothing more than a hundred pound, filthy, high-healed cheat; a whoreson, mirror-mocking, super-serviceable, finical rogue; one trunk inheriting slave; thou art nothing but the composition of a knave, beggar, coward, pandar, and the son and heir of a mongrel bitch."  I've replaced some of the slang with modern terms to make it easier to say.

It comes from Shakespeare's King Lear, which many today consider dull and boring.  But that is swearing!

Another dying art, and the one we are concerned with here, is the aphorism.  An aphorism is a short statement that sums up and is the final word on any topic.  It can range from the usual sentence to an entire paragraph at the most, but it is packed with thought-provoking information and opinion.  I think one reason it has just about died out is that we are bombarded with sound and visual stimulation 24/7 and do not have the time needed to condense everything into a single sentence.  Another reason is that it doesn't pay much.  You need to spend a very long time to come up with enough of them to publish in one place.

One of the greatest examples of this art is to be found below.  You should print out the entire thing and read it at your leisure, a sentence or two at a time.  Digest and ruminate.  I am sending it in the next post so that this little introduction doesn't take up your printer ink.  After that, I will send another by another master if there is an interest.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Guest Writer -- Thoughts and Style That Lasts.

Bernard Shaw

There are a lot of anecdotes and quotations from Bernard Shaw, almost any of which provide a sufficient introduction to him.

Too much of what we see these days is not well-written, is fleeting, and transitory.  However, below, by way of introduction are a few anecdotes I have constructed from memory and then a bunch of collected quotes.  All of these quote are still germane today, while much of what is written today will be worthless and uninteresting in a week.

Once a young Shaw is reported to ask of a rather pretentius lady:  "Lady, would you sleep with me for a million pounds?"

"I would have to think about it, Mr. Shaw," she said, smiling.

"How about for one pound?"

"Indeed not!  What do you take me for?"

"Madam, we have already established that.  We are now merely haggling over the price."

Later on, after his fame and fortune had increased, an actress (Campbell or Terry, I think) asked "Mr. Shaw.  Wouldn't it be wonderful if we had a child and it had my looks and your brains?"

"Yes, but what a tragedy if it had my looks and your brains."

There are thousands of these, but one of my favorites came in a debate with his opponent (and respected one at that), G. K. Chesterton.  Shaw was very tall and very thin.  Chesterton was short and very portly. 

Chesterton attacked him on the subject for food for the poor:

"If people in other countries heard you, they would think there is a famine in England."

Shaw's instant retort was "And if they saw you, they'd know the reason for it."

And the one that sums up his attitude towards life is along these lines: Some people brought him some flowers when the heard he was ill.  He was in his early 90s at the time and refused them.

They were shocked and said "Why Mr. Shaw, we thought you LIKED flowers."

"I do.  I like children too, but I don't chop their heads off and stick them in pots around my house."

Finally, getting to society, an English Gentlewoman sent him a card with "Lady Throckmorton Holliday, Thursday, At home." (I'm not sure about the name.).

He wrote on the back, "George Bernard Shaw, Likewise."

Here are some stray quotes from his writings.  Next time, I will post an entire work worth printing out:

  • Patriotism is, fundamentally, a conviction that a particular country is the best in the world because you were born in it…
    • The World (15 November 1893)
  • Pasteboard pies and paper flowers are being banished from the stage by the growth of that power of accurate observation which is commonly called cynicism by those who have not got it…
    • The World (18 July 1894), Music in London 1890-1894 being criticisms contributed week by week to The World (New York: Vienna House, 1973)
  • My method is to take the utmost trouble to find the right thing to say, and then to say it with the utmost levity.
    • Answers to Nine Questions (September 1896), answers to nine questions submitted by Clarence Rook, who had interviewed him in 1895.
  • We have no more right to consume happiness without producing it than to consume wealth without producing it.
  • I'm only a beer teetotaler, not a champagne teetotaler. I don't like beer.
    • Candida, Act III
  • We don't bother much about dress and manners in England, because as a nation we don't dress well and we've no manners.
  • The great advantage of a hotel is that it's a refuge from home life.
    • You Never Can Tell, Act II
  • My specialty is being right when other people are wrong.
    • You Never Can Tell, Act IV
  • There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it.
    • Plays Pleasant and Unpleasant, Vol. II, preface (1898)
  • Why should you call me to account for eating decently?
    • The Vegetarian (15 January 1898)
  • The novelties of one generation are only the resuscitated fashions of the generation before last.
    • Three Plays for Puritans, Preface (1900)
  • The worst sin towards our fellow creatures is not to hate them, but to be indifferent to them: that's the essence of inhumanity.
  • Martyrdom, sir, is what these people like: it is the only way in which a man can become famous without ability.
    • The Devil's Disciple, Act II
  • You must not suppose, because I am a man of letters, that I never tried to earn an honest living.
    • The Irrational Knot, Preface (1905)
  • [Chess] is a foolish expedient for making idle people believe they are doing something very clever, when they are only wasting their time.
    • The Irrational Knot (1905)
  • To understand a saint, you must hear the devil's advocate; and the same is true of the artist.
    • The Sanity of Art: An Exposure of the Current Nonsense about Artists being Degenerate (1908)
  • Assassination is the extreme form of censorship; and it seems hard to justify an incitement to it on anti-censorial principles.
    • The Shewing Up of Blanco Posnet (1909): The Rejected Statement, Pt. I : The Limits to Toleration
  • Why was I born with such contemporaries?
    • The Dark Lady of the Sonnets, Preface (1910)
  • The word morality, if we met it in the Bible, would surprise us as much as the word telephone or motor car.
  • That proves it's not by Shaw, because all Shaw's characters are himself: mere puppets stuck up to spout Shaw.
    • Fanny's First Play, Epilogue
  • As long as I have a want, I have a reason for living. Satisfaction is death.
    • Overruled (1912)
  • Custom will reconcile people to any atrocity; and fashion will drive them to acquire any custom.
    • Killing For Sport, Preface (1914)
  • All great truths begin as blasphemies.
    • Annajanska (1919)
  • You'll never have a quiet world till you knock the patriotism out of the human race.
    • O'Flaherty V.C. (1919)
  • Scratch an Englishman and find a Protestant.
    • Saint Joan : A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue (1923)
  • God is on the side of the big battalions.
    • Saint Joan : A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue (1923)
  • Must then a Christ perish in torment in every age to save those that have no imagination?
    • Saint Joan : A Chronicle Play In Six Scenes And An Epilogue (1923)
  • Our natural dispositions may be good; but we have been badly brought up, and are full of anti-social personal ambitions and prejudices and snobberies. Had we not better teach our children to be better citizens than ourselves? We are not doing that at present. The Russians are. That is my last word. Think over it.
  • One man that has a mind and knows it can always beat ten men who haven't and don't.
    • The Apple Cart (1928), Act I
  • God help England if she had no Scots to think for her!
    • The Apple Cart (1928), Act II
  • It is far more likely that by the time nationalization has become the rule, and private enterprise the exception, Socialism (which is really rather a bad name for the business) will be spoken of, if at all, as a crazy religion held by a fanatical sect in that darkest of dark ages, the nineteenth century. Already, indeed, I am told that Socialism has had its day, and that the sooner we stop talking nonsense about it and set to work, like the practical people we are, to nationalize the coal mines and complete a national electrification scheme, the better. And I, who said forty years ago that we should have had Socialism already but for the Socialists, am quite willing to drop the name if dropping it will help me to get the thing. What I meant by my jibe at the Socialists of the eighteen-eighties was that nothing is ever done, and much is prevented, by people who do not realize that they cannot do everything at once.
    • The Intelligent Woman's Guide To Socialism, Capitalism, Sovietism, and Fascism (1928)
  • No public man in these islands ever believes that the Bible means what it says: he is always convinced that it says what he means.
    • Our Theatres In The Nineties (1930)
  • I have defined the 100 per cent American as 99 per cent an idiot.
  • An American has no sense of privacy. He does not know what it means. There is no such thing in the country.
    • Speech at New York (11 April 1933)
  • You in America should trust to that volcanic political instinct which I have divined in you.
    • Speech at New York (11 April 1933)
  • The sex relation is not a personal relation. It can be irresistibly desired and rapturously consummated between persons who could not endure one another for a day in any other relation.
    • letter, 24 June 1930, to Frank Harris "To Frank Harris on Sex in Biography" Sixteen Self Sketches (1949)
  • The quality of a play is the quality of its ideas.
    • "The Play of Ideas", New Statesman (6 May 1950)
  • The apparent multiplicity of Gods is bewildering at the first glance; but you presently discover that they are all the same one God in different aspects and functions and even sexes. There is always one uttermost God who defies personification. This makes Hinduism the most tolerant religion in the world, because its one transcendent God includes all possible Gods… Hinduism is so elastic and so subtle that the profoundest Methodist and the crudest idolater are equally at home in it.
    Islam is very different, being ferociously intolerant. What I may call Manifold Monotheism becomes in the minds of very simple folk an absurdly polytheistic idolatry, just as European peasants not only worship Saints and the Virgin as Gods, but will fight fanatically for their faith in the ugly little black doll who is the Virgin of their own Church against the black doll of the next village. When the Arabs had run this sort of idolatry to such extremes ... they did this without black dolls and worshipped any stone that looked funny, Mahomet rose up at the risk of his life and insulted the stones shockingly, declaring that there is only one God, Allah, the glorious, the great… And there was to be no nonsense about toleration. You accepted Allah or you had your throat cut by someone who did accept him, and who went to Paradise for having sent you to Hell. Mahomet was a great Protestant religious force, like George Fox or Wesley….
    There is actually a great Hindu sect, the Jains, with Temples of amazing magnificence, which abolish God, not on materialist atheist considerations, but as unspeakable and unknowable, transcending all human comprehension.
    • Letter to the Reverend Ensor Walters (1933), as quoted in Bernard Shaw : Collected Letters, 1926-1950 (1988) by Dan H. Laurence, p. 305; Shaw actually errs here in characterizing Jainism as simply a sect of Hinduism, as it is usually regarded as a separate and independent tradition, though Hindu and Jain philosophers have long had influence on each other, as well as other traditions.
  • I have always held the religion of Muhammad in high estimation because of its wonderful vitality. It is the only religion which appears to me to possess that assimilating capability to the changing phase of existence which can make itself appeal to every age. The world must doubtless attach high value to the predictions of great men like me. I have prophesied about the faith of Muhammad that it would be acceptable to the Europe of tomorrow as it is beginning to be acceptable to the Europe of today. The medieval ecclesiastics, either through ignorance or bigotry, painted Muhammadanism in the darkest colours. They were in fact trained both to hate the man Muhammad and his religion. To them Muhammad was Anti-Christ. I have studied him — the wonderful man, and in my opinion far from being an Anti-Christ he must be called the Saviour of Humanity. I believe that if a man like him were to assume the dictatorship of the modern world he would succeed in solving its problems in a way that would bring it the much-needed peace and happiness. But to proceed, it was in the 19th century that honest thinkers like Carlyle, Goethe and Gibbon perceived intrinsic worth in the religion of Muhammad, and thus there was some change for the better in the European attitude towards Islam. But the Europe of the present century is far advanced. It is beginning to be enamoured of the creed of Muhammad.
  • I hold the Prophet of Arabia in great esteem and I can quite understand that it would have been impossible to restrain and wean that illiterate and perverse race, sunk in the miasma of utter moral depravity, from committing the most heinous of crimes, and imbue its people with enthusiasm to strive after righteousness and assimilate high morals and virtues, without projecting such a terrible and intensely awe inspiring spectacle of Hell and an equally captivating and enticing image of a land flowing with milk and honey to represent Heaven before their vision.
  • A government which robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.
    • Everybody's Political What's What (1944) Ch. 30
  • The road to ignorance is paved with good editions. Only the illiterate can afford to buy good books now.
  • The secret of success is to offend the greatest number of people.
  • Consistency is the enemy of enterprise, just as symmetry is the enemy of art.
    • As quoted in Bernard Shaw : The Lure of Fantasy (1991) by Michael Holroyd
  • The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.
    • As quoted in Leadership Skills for Managers (2000) by Marlene Caroselli, p. 71

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Time for a Change

We think we have said about all there is to say for now, so we have decided to take a new approach.

After all, Japan just announced that it has a level 7 disaster.  We called it a 6.5 and rising over 3 weeks ago.  Since then, we learned that Greenpeace called it a 7 at about the same time.  Here, however, there are at least 4, maybe 6, in trouble.  Does that make it a 28?  Japan tells us they will have it under control “by the end of the year.”  You may be interested to know that there are “only” less than 100 other reactors on or by earthquake fault-lines.

If we really want to protect human rights and civilians in the middle east, the countries, in order, that we need to deal with are Israel, Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt (again), Tunisia (again), Algeria, Morrocco, Libya, and then Syria.  It will not happen.  Why not a “no-fly” zone over Gaza?

When the mess started in Libya, I said Gaddafi would not go.  Everyone else said he would.  He is still there.  Now, a multinational force is being assembled to attack.  He will not go.

There are other things, but they all remind me of Thoreau’s point that once you know the pattern, what need is there of more examples?  Besides, the examples are fleeting.

So, in the next few issues, at least, I expect to be posting things of most lasting value and, in fact, quality.

Watch this spot.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

An Open Letter to a "Humanitarian" Jewish Publication, Gaza

We will soon be taking a different path for awhile.  The political scene has becomes so polluted and, frankly obscene, that we need a refreshing break from it.  But first, this one recent events in Gaza  Another thought: has Israel ever stated without equivocation where it thinks its Eastern border is?

Subject: I am frankly shocked

To begin with, we the US have vetoed over 80 UN resolutions against Israel for
things relating to its unlawful occupation of Palestinian land. If I am wrong about that,
please let me know.

Because of lobbying pressure, the threat of a charge of 'anti-Semitism' which means
'anti-Jewish' instead of the broader idea that Jews, Arabs and all Semites are being
opposed, virtually no Congressperson will criticize Israel's actions.

Gaza is surrounded by Israel, not even the coastline is open, for fear of arms shipments.
Israel has a very strong military, what,  the 4th or 5th most powerful in the world?  Palestinians
have little with which to defend themselves.   They are occupied, surrounded and virtually helpless.

So why is killing 1400 of them using inhumane weapons like white phosphorous not
a crime?  Israel had the excuse that a dominated indigenous minority dared attack them with
rockets, killing it was reported 14 Israelis.   So a hundred to one killing was called for, apparently.
it reminds me of the darkest days of WWII.

This whole occupation has been a travesty of human rights for decades, has it not?  Is the UN
'anti-Semitic'  in its resolutions?  If you occupy, surround, keep people in misery and
they dare to fight back, are they 'terrorists'?  Of course violence is not to be condoned, or the killing
of civilians.  But what then are Palestinians to do. suffer forever in silence and acceptance?  What
Israel has offered is not anything like a sovereign state on pre-1967 land.

The situation has been stood on its head for far too long. Any honest person can see what is going
on, why the subterfuge and defense of a defenseless situation?

Because Jews suffered horribly in The Holocaust,  can the IDF redress wrongs
by claiming more land?  What exactly does Zionism stand for?   The right based on the Torah or Old
Testament to real estate?

Israel should return to the internationally set Green LIne and Palestine should be a sovereign state.
The fact that these things will not happen brands Israel as a rogue pariah state intent on pursuing its
illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

Why is this so difficult to understand when it would not be anywhere else?

I am sorry to say these things, but I am deeply disappointed in Tikkun at this point.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Barry M. Wright
Gilroy CA

Tuesday, April 05, 2011

The Constitution 2.0 and Insanity


Somehow, the Constitution seems to have changed, perhaps with some form of invisible ink.

It now appears that the United States President has the authority to decide who should be the leader of any country worldwide.  I believe we saw the first example of this at work during the Bushes when it was decided that "regime change" (sounds so much better than "overthrow or assassinate" doesn't it?) became important for Iraq.  A figure known as Ahmed Chalabi was chosen to be the next leader of Iraq, despite his enormously widespread reputation of being an international criminal (it was o.k., it was white collar and then Jordan pardoned him).  The Iraqis proved a bit testy about that, but we, or they, had an election after we, or they hanged the previous leader and everything has been fine ever since.

Previous "regime changes" included Daniel Ortega and Noriega, the second of whom we trained at our "School of the Americas."  He apparently skipped a class or two having to do with subservience.  One of Henry Kissinger's favorites was Allende on 9/11.  Somehow, the one involving Chavez seemed not to work, but then he did recently give Barrack Obama a free book, so perhaps he is safe.
The most recent candidate is Gaddafi of Libya who just doesn't seem to understand our Constitution.  He has been told that he must go and even some of the most perceptive left-wing people I know have predicted his departure months ago and still he will not leave.  Perhaps Tony Blair with all of his recent success in the Middle East should contact him and tell him that his people do not like him?  No, bad example.  We do have to understand that the health care system is quite remarkable in Libya as a man given less than 6 months (or was it weeks) to live was sent to Libya and is still alive and well today.  (Yes, I found out about that on the BBC - gotta keep up with things, don't you know?)
Assad of Syria seems to irritate Israel, as he knows that Israel is determined never to make peace and return to the 1967 borders.  Knowing that is not so much a problem as actually saying it.  Additionally, some religious fanatics and others have been demonstrating lately and so, obviously, he is supposed to leave.  He has shown no sign of so doing.

Angela Merkel of Germany did not support the attack on Gaddafi, so there may be a need for regime change there.  So far, Obama has not commented on her so she may be safe.

We are told that there are now CIA agents in Libya.  I am not sure why we have been told that.  We have also been told that a "secret" plan has been signed by Obama, but please don't spread the word around.  After all, the Russians (hi there!) might find out and then where would we be?
I believe, also, that the constitution says that only Congress shall declare war, but hell, with electronic communication, why bother declaring it?  Just go ahead and do it.  Hell, if I had to declare everything before I did it I'd be handicapped no end.  Why restrict the President?
We have a Supreme Court (sounds as if there is none better, does it not?) that has decided that major corporations are people and hence allowed to give bribes to members of Congress.  I am not aware of that provision, but then we must remember the invisible ink.

There are a number of Amendments called the "Bill of Rights" that seem to make the treatment that Bradley Manning is receiving, which has been described as torture, even before formal charges have been filed, somewhat illegal but then our President has asked the military about it and they said "it's ok, we do it all the time," so we needn't worry.  Manning can worry, but leave us out of it.
In the surprise of the month, Obama announced that he will run again for President.  Gotta rub it in, eh?  I think he will be surprised by the results.  Only the Republicans can ensure his re-election. However, his Attorney General celebrated the announcement by declaring that the 9/11 trials will be military tribunals outside the U.S., near Cuba. 

The firm that owned the platform of the BP disaster just gave its CEO a bonus for the "safest year in history."  I'm speechless.

We seem to support Yemen.  I have to give Jeremy Scahill credit (if that's the right word) for this one: Funniest headline on Yemen today: "Indecent protest slogans brew catastrophe in Yemen" http://bit.ly/hj682N.

Moussa Koussa (Moses Gourd) is now 32 billion dollars richer than he was when he went to England.

There may be movement in Yemen as someone speaking for our government said that people shouldn’t kill their own citizens.

And finally, Obama has received an award for Transparency in government.  Nobody knows from whom, or where the meeting was, or when it happened.

I do not make this up because this is non-fiction.  If it were fiction, as is well known, it would have to be believable.

Oh yes, radioactive waste seven million times what is considered safe is being dumped into the Pacific.

Sunday, April 03, 2011

Our Audience and Friends

Last time, several of you asked that this be published weekly.  Actually, I was going to send users by browsers this time, but I was really surprised to see such an interest in Russia, almost surpassing the US.  I have no idea why, but I'm glad to see them:

Pageviews by Countries
United States
United Kingdom

Thursday, March 31, 2011

#Libya, #Chomsky, and #Imperialism

I was just starting to write an edition of the Absurd Times to cover the idiocy in Libya and the confusion in Japan when the items below cam in my mailbox.  I could hardly fail to pass them along.

First, however, I've been asked if the Thorium Reactors would be better than what we have now.  The answer is that they would but the difference is so small as to be infinitesimal.  Consider that inhaling one one-millionth of one gram of Plutonium is a guarantee of lung cancer if a violent death does not happen first, we might say that the reactor might be less stupid than the ones we have now.  You have to realize, however, that this nuclear fission is still used to boil water as if it were in a tea kettle and the steam makes a turbine rotate and this produces electricity.  (The same thing is done with windmills, except the wind is free.)

But more about that later.

Here is an interview with Noam Chomsky on Libya and our motives.   The outcome is only likely if the U.S. so decides.  Left to itself, Libya would revert to full control of the Libyan people.

Also, Mousa Koussa has reportedly defected.  Ibrihim, a spokesperson said that it was ok as he was old, under stress, tired, and ill.  As best I can tell, the name could be translated to English as Moses Squash.  

Now, our article:

Noam Chomsky: On Libya and the Unfolding Crises

Interviewed by Stephen Shalom and Michael Albert
March 31, 2011

1. What are U.S. motives in international relations most broadly? That is, what are the over arching motives and themes one can pretty much always find informing U.S. policy choices, no matter where in the world we are discussing? What are the somewhat more specific but still over arching motives and themes for U.S. policy in Middle East and the Arab world? Finally, what do you think are the more proximate aims of U.S. policy in the current situation in Libya?

A useful way to approach the question is to ask what U.S. motives are NOT.  There are some good ways to find out.  One is to read the professional literature on international relations: quite commonly, its account of policy is what policy is not, an interesting topic that I won’t pursue.  
Another method, quite relevant now, is to listen to political leaders and commentators.  Suppose they say that the motive for a military action is humanitarian.  In itself, that carries no information: virtually every resort to force is justified in those terms, even by the worst monsters – who may, irrelevantly, even convince themselves of the truth of what they are saying.  Hitler, for example, may have believed that he was taking over parts of Czechoslovakia to end ethnic conflict and bring its people the benefits of an advanced civilization, and that he invaded Poland to end the “wild terror” of the Poles.  Japanese fascists rampaging in China probably did believe that they were selflessly laboring to create an “earthly paradise” and to protect the suffering population from “Chinese bandits.” Even Obama may have believed what he said in his presidential address on March 28 about the humanitarian motives for the Libyan intervention.  Same holds of commentators.

There is, however, a very simple test to determine whether the professions of noble intent can be taken seriously: do the authors call for humanitarian intervention and “responsibility to protect” to defend the victims of their own crimes, or those of their clients?  Did Obama, for example, call for a no-fly zone during the murderous and destructive US-backed Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 2006, with no credible pretext?  Or did he, rather, boast proudly during his presidential campaign that he had co-sponsored a Senate resolution supporting the invasion and calling for punishment of Iran and Syria for impeding it?  End of discussion.  In fact, virtually the entire literature of humanitarian intervention and right to protect, written and spoken, disappears under this simple and appropriate test.

In contrast, what motives actually ARE is rarely discussed, and one has to look at the documentary and historical record to unearth them, in the case of any state.

What then are U.S. motives?  At a very general level, the evidence seems to me to show that they have not changed much since the high-level planning studies undertaken during World War II.  Wartime planners took for granted that the US would emerge from the war in a position of overwhelming dominance, and called for the establishment of a Grand Area in which the US would maintain “unquestioned power,” with “military and economic supremacy,” while ensuring the “limitation of any exercise of sovereignty” by states that might interfere with its global designs.  The Grand Area was to include the Western hemisphere, the Far East, the British empire (which included the Middle East energy reserves), and as much of Eurasia as possible, at least its industrial and commercial center in Western Europe.  It is quite clear from the documentary record that “President Roosevelt was aiming at United States hegemony in the postwar world,” to quote the accurate assessment of the (justly) respected British diplomatic historian Geoffrey Warner.  And more significant, the careful wartime plans were soon implemented, as we read in declassified documents of the following years, and observe in practice.  Circumstances of course have changed, and tactics adjusted accordingly, but basic principles are quite stable, to the present.

With regard to the Middle East – the “most strategically important region of the world,” in Eisenhower’s phrase -- the primary concern has been, and remains, its incomparable energy reserves.  Control of these would yield “substantial control of the world,” as observed early on by the influential liberal adviser A.A. Berle.  These concerns are rarely far in the background in affairs concerning this region.  

In Iraq, for example, as the dimensions of the US defeat could no longer be concealed, pretty rhetoric was displaced by honest announcement of policy goals.  In November 2007 the White House issued a Declaration of Principles insisting that Iraq must grant US military forces indefinite access and must privilege American investors.  Two months later the president informed Congress that he would ignore legislation that might limit the permanent stationing of US Armed Forces in Iraq or “United States control of the oil resources of Iraq” – demands that the US had to abandon shortly after in the face of Iraqi resistance, just as it had to abandon earlier goals.

While control over oil is not the sole factor in Middle East policy, it provides fairly good guidelines, right now as well.  In an oil-rich country, a reliable dictator is granted virtual free rein.  In recent weeks, for example, there was no reaction when the Saudi dictatorship used massive force to prevent any sign of protest.  Same in Kuwait, when small demonstrations were instantly crushed.  And in Bahrain, when Saudi-led forces intervened to protect the minority Sunni monarch from calls for reform on the part of the repressed Shiite population.  Government forces not only smashed the tent city in Pearl Square – Bahrain’s Tahrir Square -- but even demolished the Pearl statue that was Bahrain’s symbol, and had been appropriated by the protestors.  Bahrain is a particularly sensitive case because it hosts the US Fifth fleet, by far the most powerful military force in the region, and because eastern Saudi Arabia, right across the causeway, is also largely Shiite, and has most of the Kingdom’s oil reserves.  By a curious accident of geography and history, the world’s largest hydrocarbon concentrations surround the northern Gulf, in mostly Shiite regions.  The possibility of a tacit Shiite alliance has been a nightmare for planners for a long time.

In states lacking major hydrocarbon reserves, tactics vary, typically keeping to a standard game plan when a favored dictator is in trouble: support him as long as possible, and when that cannot be done, issue ringing declarations of love of democracy and human rights -- and then try to salvage as much of the regime as possible.  

The scenario is boringly familiar: Marcos, Duvalier, Chun, Ceasescu, Mobutu, Suharto, and many others.  And today, Tunisia and Egypt.  Syria is a tough nut to crack and there is no clear alternative to the dictatorship that would support U.S. goals.  Yemen is a morass where direct intervention would probably create even greater problems for Washington.  So there state violence elicits only pious declarations.

Libya is a different case.  Libya is rich in oil, and though the US and UK have often given quite remarkable support to its cruel dictator, right to the present, he is not reliable.  They would much prefer a more obedient client.  Furthermore, the vast territory of Libya is mostly unexplored, and oil specialists believe it may have rich untapped resources, which a more dependable government might open to Western exploitation.  

When a non-violent uprising began, Qaddafi crushed it violently, and a rebellion broke out that liberated Benghazi, Libya’s second largest city, and seemed about to move on to Qaddafi’s stronghold in the West.  His forces, however, reversed the course of the conflict and were at the gates of Benghazi.  A slaughter in Benghazi was likely, and as Obama’s Middle East adviser Dennis Ross pointed out, “everyone would blame us for it.” That would be unacceptable, as would a Qaddafi military victory enhancing his power and independence.  The US then joined in UN Security Council resolution 1973 calling for a no-fly zone, to be implemented by France, the UK, and the US, with the US supposed to move to a supporting role.

There was no effort to limit action to instituting a no-fly zone, or even to keep within the broader mandate of resolution 1973.

The triumvirate at once interpreted the resolution as authorizing direct participation on the side of the rebels.  A ceasefire was imposed by force on Qaddafi’s forces, but not on the rebels.  On the contrary, they were given military support as they advanced to the West, soon securing the major sources of Libya’s oil production, and poised to move on.  

The blatant disregard of UN 1973, from the start began to cause some difficulties for the press as it became too glaring to ignore.  In the NYT, for example, Karim Fahim and David Kirkpatrick (March 29) wondered “how the allies could justify airstrikes on Colonel Qaddafi’s forces around [his tribal center] Surt if, as seems to be the case, they enjoy widespread support in the city and pose no threat to civilians.” Another technical difficulty is that UNSC 1973 “called for an arms embargo that applies to the entire territory of Libya, which means that any outside supply of arms to the opposition would have to be covert” (but otherwise unproblematic).

Some argue that oil cannot be a motive because Western companies were granted access to the prize under Qaddafi.  That misconstrues US concerns.  The same could have been said about Iraq under Saddam, or Iran and Cuba for many years, still today.  What Washington seeks is what Bush announced: control, or at least dependable clients.  US and British internal documents stress that “the virus of nationalism” is their greatest fear, not just in the Middle East but everywhere.  Nationalist regimes might conduct illegitimate exercises of sovereignty, violating Grand Area principles.   And they might seek to direct resources to popular needs, as Nasser sometimes threatened.

It is worth noting that the three traditional imperial powers – France, UK, US – are almost isolated in carrying out these operations.  The two major states in the region, Turkey and Egypt, could probably have imposed a no-fly zone but are at most offering tepid support to the triumvirate military campaign. The Gulf dictatorships would be happy to see the erratic Libyan dictator disappear, but although loaded with advanced military hardware (poured in by the US and UK to recycle petrodollars and ensure obedience), they are willing to offer no more than token participation (by Qatar).  

While supporting UNSC 1973, Africa -- apart from US ally Rwanda -- is generally opposed to the way it was instantly interpreted by the triumvirate, in some cases strongly so.  For review of policies of individual states, see Charles Onyango-Obbo in the Kenyan journal East African (http://allafrica.com/stories/201103280142.html). 

Beyond the region there is little support.  Like Russia and China, Brazil abstained from UNSC 1973, calling instead for a full cease-fire and dialogue.  India too abstained from the UN resolution on grounds that the proposed measures were likely to "exacerbate an already difficult situation for the people of Libya,” and also called for political measures rather than use of force.  Even Germany abstained from the resolution.

Italy too was reluctant, in part presumably because it is highly dependent on its oil contracts with Qaddafi – and we may recall that the first post-World War I genocide was conducted by Italy, in Eastern Libya, now liberated, and perhaps retaining some memories.

2. Can an anti-interventionist who believes in self determination of nations and people ever legitimately support an intervention, either by the U.N. or particular countries?

There are two cases to consider: (1) UN intervention and (2) intervention without UN authorization.  Unless we believe that states are sacrosanct in the form that has been established in the modern world (typically by extreme violence), with rights that override all other imaginable considerations, then the answer is the same in both cases: Yes, in principle at least.  I see no point in discussing that belief, so will dismiss it.

With regard to the first case, the Charter and subsequent resolutions grant the Security Council considerable latitude for intervention, and it has been undertaken, with regard to South Africa, for example.  That of course does not entail that every Security Council decision should be approved by “an anti-interventionist who believes in self-determination”; other considerations enter in individual cases, but again, unless contemporary states are assigned the status of virtually holy entities, the principle is the same.

As for the second case – the one that arises with regard to the triumvirate interpretation of UN 1973, and many other examples – then the answer is again Yes, in principle at least, unless we take the global state system to be sacrosanct in the form established in the UN Charter and other treaties.

There is, of course, always a very heavy burden of proof that must be met to justify forceful intervention, or any use of force.  The burden is particularly high in case (2), in violation of the Charter, at least for states that profess to be law-abiding.  We should bear in mind, however, that the global hegemon rejects that stance, and is self-exempted from the UN and OAS Charters, and other international treaties.  In accepting ICJ jurisdiction when the Court was established (under US initiative) in 1946, Washington excluded itself from charges of violation of international treaties, and later ratified the Genocide Convention with similar reservations – all positions that have been upheld by international tribunals, since their procedures require acceptance of jurisdiction. More generally, US practice is to add crucial reservations to the international treaties it ratifies, effectively exempting itself.

Can the burden of proof be met?  There is little point in abstract discussion, but there are some real cases that might qualify.  In the post-World War II period, there are two cases of resort to force which – though not qualifying as humanitarian intervention – might legitimately be supported: India’s invasion of East Pakistan in 1971, and Vietnam’s invasion of Cambodia in December 1978, in both cases, ending massive atrocities.  These examples, however, do not enter the Western canon of “humanitarian intervention” because they suffer from the fallacy of wrong agency: they were not carried out by the West.  What is more, the US bitterly opposed them and severely punished the miscreants who ended the slaughters in today’s Bangladesh and who drove Pol Pot out of Cambodia just as his atrocities were peaking.  Vietnam was not only bitterly condemned but also punished by a US-supported Chinese invasion, and by US-UK military and diplomatic support for the Khmer Rouge attacking Cambodia from Thai bases.

While the burden of proof might be met in these cases, it is not easy to think of others.  In the case of intervention by the triumvirate of imperial powers that are currently violating UN 1973 in Libya, the burden is particularly heavy, given their horrifying records.  Nonetheless, it would be too strong to hold that it can never be satisfied in principle – unless, of course, we regard nation-states in their current form as essentially holy.   Preventing a likely massacre in Benghazi is no small matter, whatever one thinks of the motives.

3. Can a person concerned that a country's dissidents not be massacred so they remain able to seek self determination ever legitimately oppose an intervention that is intended, whatever else it intends, to avert such a massacre? 

Even accepting, for the sake of argument, that the intent is genuine, meeting the simple criterion I mentioned at the outset, I don’t see how to answer at this level of abstraction: it depends on circumstances.  Intervention might be opposed, for example, if it is likely to lead to a much worse massacre.  Suppose, for example, that US leaders genuinely and honestly intended to avert a slaughter in Hungary in 1956 by bombing Moscow.  Or that the Kremlin genuinely and honestly intended to avert a slaughter in El Salvador in the 1980s by bombing the US.  Given the predictable consequences, we would all agree that those (inconceivable) actions could be legitimately opposed.

4. Many people see an analogy between the Kosovo intervention of 1999 and the current intervention in Libya. Can you explain both the significant similarities, first, and then the major differences, second?
Many people do indeed see such an analogy, a tribute to the incredible power of the Western propaganda systems.  The background for the Kosovo intervention happens to be unusually well documented.  That includes two detailed State Department compilations, extensive reports from the ground by Kosovo Verification Mission (western) monitors, rich sources from NATO and the UN, a British Parliamentary Inquiry, and much else.  The reports and studies coincide very closely on the facts.  

In brief, there had been no substantial change on the ground in the months prior to the bombing.  Atrocities were committed both by Serbian forces and by the KLA guerrillas mostly attacking from neighboring Albania – primarily the latter during the relevant period, at least according to high British authorities (Britain was the most hawkish member of the alliance).  The major atrocities in Kosovo were not the cause of the NATO bombing of Serbia, but rather its consequence, and a fully anticipated consequence.  NATO commander General Wesley Clark had informed the White House weeks before the bombing that it would elicit a brutal response by Serbian forces on the ground, and as the bombing began, told the press that such a response was “predictable.”  

The first UN-registered refugees outside Kosovo were well after the bombing began.  The indictment of Milosevic during the bombing, based largely on US-UK intelligence, confined itself to crimes after the bombing, with one exception, which we know could not be taken seriously by US-UK leaders, who at the same moment were actively supporting even worse crimes.  Furthermore, there was good reason to believe that a diplomatic solution might have been in reach: in fact, the UN resolution imposed after 78 days of bombing was pretty much a compromise between the Serbian and NATO position as it began.

All of this, including these impeccable western sources, is reviewed in some detail in my book A New Generation Draws the Line.  Corroborating information has appeared since.  Thus Diana Johnstone reports a letter to German Chancellor Angela Merkel on October 26, 2007 by Dietmar Hartwig, who had been head of the European mission in Kosovo before it was withdrawn on March 20 as the bombing was announced, and was in a very good position to know what was happening.  He wrote: 

“Not a single report submitted in the period from late November 1998 up to the evacuation on the eve of the war mentioned that Serbs had committed any major or systematic crimes against Albanians, nor there was a single case referring to genocide or genocide-like incidents or crimes. Quite the opposite, in my reports I have repeatedly informed that, considering the increasingly more frequent KLA attacks against the Serbian executive, their law enforcement demonstrated remarkable restraint and discipline. The clear and often cited goal of the Serbian administration was to observe the Milosevic-Holbrooke Agreement [of October 1998] to the letter so not to provide any excuse to the international community to intervene. … There were huge ‘discrepancies in perception’ between what the missions in Kosovo have been reporting to their respective governments and capitals, and what the latter thereafter released to the media and the public. This discrepancy can only be viewed as input to long-term preparation for war against Yugoslavia. Until the time I left Kosovo, there never happened what the media and, with no less intensity the politicians, were relentlessly claiming. Accordingly, until 20 March 1999 there was no reason for military intervention, which renders illegitimate measures undertaken thereafter by the international community. The collective behavior of EU Member States prior to, and after the war broke out, gives rise to serious concerns, because the truth was killed, and the EU lost reliability.”

History is not quantum physics, and there is always ample room for doubt.  But it is rare for conclusions to be so firmly backed as they are in this case.  Very revealingly, it is all totally irrelevant.  The prevailing doctrine is that NATO intervened to stop ethnic cleansing – though supporters of the bombing who tolerate at least a nod to the rich factual evidence qualify their support by saying the bombing was necessary to stop potential atrocities: we must therefore act to elicit large-scale atrocities to stop ones that might occur if we do not bomb.  And there are even more shocking justifications.

The reasons for this virtual unanimity and passion are fairly clear.  The bombing came after a virtual orgy of self-glorification and awe of power that might have impressed Kim il-Sung.  I’ve reviewed it elsewhere, and this remarkable moment of intellectual history should not be allowed to remain in the oblivion to which it has been consigned.  After this performance, there simply had to be a glorious denouement.  The noble Kosovo intervention provided it, and the fiction must be zealously guarded.

Returning to the question, there is an analogy between the self-serving depictions of Kosovo and Libya, both interventions animated by noble intent in the fictionalized version.  The unacceptable real world suggests rather different analogies.

5. Similarly, many people see an analogy between the on-going Iraq intervention and the current intervention in Libya. In this case too, can you explain both the similarities, and differences?

I don’t see meaningful analogies here either, except that two of the same states are involved.  In the case of Iraq, the goals were those that were finally conceded.  In the case of Libya, it is likely that the goal is similar in at least one respect: the hope that a reliable client regime will reliably supported Western goals and provide Western investors with privileged access to Libya’s rich oil wealth – which, as noted, may go well beyond what is currently known.

6. What do you expect, in coming weeks, to see happening in Libya and, in that context, what do you think ought to be the aims of an anti interventionist and anti war movement in the U.S. regarding U.S. policies?

It is of course uncertain, but the likely prospects now (March 29) are either a break-up of Libya into an oil-rich Eastern region heavily dependent on the Western imperial powers and an impoverished West under the control of a brutal tyrant with fading capacity, or a victory by the Western-backed forces.  In either case, so the triumvirate presumably hopes, a less troublesome and more dependent regime will be in place.  The likely outcome is described fairly accurately, I think by the London-based Arab journal al-Quds al-Arabi (March 28). While recognizing the uncertainty of prediction, it anticipates that the intervention may leave Libya with “two states, a rebel-held oil-rich East and a poverty-stricken, Qadhafi-led West… Given that the oil wells have been secured, we may find ourselves facing a new Libyan oil emirate, sparsely inhabited, protected by the West and very similar to the Gulf's emirate states.” Or the Western-backed rebellion might proceed all the way to eliminate the irritating dictator.

Those concerned for peace, justice, freedom and democracy should try to find ways to lend support and assistance to Libyans who seek to shape their own future, free from constraints imposed by external powers.  We can have hopes about the directions they should pursue, but their future should be in their hands.

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