Sunday, April 10, 2011

An Open Letter to a "Humanitarian" Jewish Publication, Gaza

We will soon be taking a different path for awhile.  The political scene has becomes so polluted and, frankly obscene, that we need a refreshing break from it.  But first, this one recent events in Gaza  Another thought: has Israel ever stated without equivocation where it thinks its Eastern border is?

Subject: I am frankly shocked

To begin with, we the US have vetoed over 80 UN resolutions against Israel for
things relating to its unlawful occupation of Palestinian land. If I am wrong about that,
please let me know.

Because of lobbying pressure, the threat of a charge of 'anti-Semitism' which means
'anti-Jewish' instead of the broader idea that Jews, Arabs and all Semites are being
opposed, virtually no Congressperson will criticize Israel's actions.

Gaza is surrounded by Israel, not even the coastline is open, for fear of arms shipments.
Israel has a very strong military, what,  the 4th or 5th most powerful in the world?  Palestinians
have little with which to defend themselves.   They are occupied, surrounded and virtually helpless.

So why is killing 1400 of them using inhumane weapons like white phosphorous not
a crime?  Israel had the excuse that a dominated indigenous minority dared attack them with
rockets, killing it was reported 14 Israelis.   So a hundred to one killing was called for, apparently.
it reminds me of the darkest days of WWII.

This whole occupation has been a travesty of human rights for decades, has it not?  Is the UN
'anti-Semitic'  in its resolutions?  If you occupy, surround, keep people in misery and
they dare to fight back, are they 'terrorists'?  Of course violence is not to be condoned, or the killing
of civilians.  But what then are Palestinians to do. suffer forever in silence and acceptance?  What
Israel has offered is not anything like a sovereign state on pre-1967 land.

The situation has been stood on its head for far too long. Any honest person can see what is going
on, why the subterfuge and defense of a defenseless situation?

Because Jews suffered horribly in The Holocaust,  can the IDF redress wrongs
by claiming more land?  What exactly does Zionism stand for?   The right based on the Torah or Old
Testament to real estate?

Israel should return to the internationally set Green LIne and Palestine should be a sovereign state.
The fact that these things will not happen brands Israel as a rogue pariah state intent on pursuing its
illegal occupation of Palestinian land.

Why is this so difficult to understand when it would not be anywhere else?

I am sorry to say these things, but I am deeply disappointed in Tikkun at this point.

Sincerely yours,

Dr. Barry M. Wright
Gilroy CA

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