Friday, July 24, 2015

Iran and our Species


Illustration: Last Supper by Da Vinci, shown here to point out that humans are capable of doing better than those discussed below, or else as an example of devolution of the species or the descent of man.



Czar Donic

            I have simply not been motivated to write anything for some time, but several thoughts have occurred that I'd like to share.  Perhaps the only positive thing about all this is that several counts against Ron Blagojevich have been dropped and a reduction of sentence recommended.  A great step forward in fighting corruption.

            Iran:  It seems the Great Satan (the U.S.) has a deal with the Axis of Evil (Iran) to prevent it from having a bomb. 

            Listen my children and you shall hear,

            Something closer to reality than the B.S. you've been fed for many a year.

            But first, a few other things to mention.


            One of you recently sent a copy of a Fatwah issued by some crazed Wahabbi saying that drinking camel urine is a cure for bad breath.  Now many people replied with gusto and anger, but I simply remarked "Darn.  Not a camel in sight."  This was only because the forum only allowed 127 characters.  What I would have liked to says is "W.C.Fields voice: Godfrey Daniel!  And not a camel in sight.  All these children wandering around with mouths reeking of lollipops and milk and not an ounce of camel urine to pump down their throats!"  Well, maybe I could have achieved a few more unfollows that way. 


            This is a boon to comedians.  I haven't seen Saturday Night live in a long time, but they have long since lost their edge anyway.  Here is a good laugh: DONALD TRUMP.  See?  It's enough all by itself.  He attacked McCain for only achieving war hero status by getting captured.  Sarah Palin has not come to his rescue.  Trump is ahead of the other 15 in the Republican primaries so far, but so was Michelle Bachmann (remember her, she said she grew up with John Wayne only to learn, or be told, that it was John Wayne Gacy the gay killer pedophile of Chicago who came from her home town.  Anyway, Trump also gave out Lindsay Graham's cell phone number and because of this, John K. of Ohio who announced for President the same day was ignored.  simply ask around and see who knows the name K. and who know Trump gave out a cell phone number and you will find out how well our political system is working these days.


            Some people have found out that many white cops are racist.  Sarah Bland who died in Texas after failing to signal for a lane change is simply the last example.  There is only one point to make in addition to this situation, one that has not been mentioned anywhere else.  Sarah was driving to a new job in Texas.  She was driving there from Chicago.  In none of the photos is it clear what license plates she had on her car, but it is safe to assume they were Illinois plates.  Well, if you have Illinois or New York Plates on your car, you can drive to Florida fairly safely, but if you go south and then turn towards the west, through "Dixie," you are a target.  Been there, done that.


            It seems all the donations made in the U.S. are in some warehouse on the east coast.  Meanwhile, the Saudi planes continue to bomb and kill people.  Our media seems to think it's all the fault of Iran.


            It just keeps getting worse, but the news here ignores it completely.  They did celebrate the one year anniversary of the Malaysian Airliner crash.  Who shot it down and why is still shrouded in mystery since all the Ukrainian weapons at that time were Russian made.   The pro-anti-Putin people in Ukraine prefer, btw, the term Nazi as they do not like the neo part of it all. 


            Our latest suggestion is for everyone in Anwar Province who is not Daesh or ISIL should leave because we are going to bomb it.  Does the same logic apply to Chattanooga?  I think not but, unfortunately, we are not always dealing with logic here.

            For example, Iran is on our list of State Sponsors of Terrorism.  This is because it supports Assad and Hezbolla, it seems.  Originally, it was because they were Shia.  We started the whole Shia v. Sunni thing, but now what we really have trouble with are Wahabbi nuts, a version of the Sunni wing now gone even more wild than ever.  Most ppl think it is not even Islam at all.  Iran is the only country that has made any progress against ISIS, btw.

            This is no reason to like Iran, of course.  It is also no reason to hate it.  We need to wait and see how Donald Trump will handle it.


            The nuclear talks are mired in idiocy, or rather the conversation over what they mean is.  Republicans and some right-wing Democrats talk about "terrorism," as if Iran is responsible for it and insulting to the U.S. (or Obama is) and poor Israel is now in fear for it's existence.  Let's go back a bit and see how we got here, way back.  At first I wanted or thought to also restate recent history, but then it is clear that most of the post-Shah history is available online.  What is needed is the material that is not easily available.

            The U.S.A. has been called the "United States of Amnesia" as it forgets the past.  The truth is, however, that it is impossible for people to forget things that they never knew.  What follows is information that you will find nowhere else all together, and certainly are not allowed to be taught in school.  So, the American electorate has absolutely no concept of what reality is in this situation.  That, of course, will not hinder them or it from arguing about it.  That's what we call "democracy".  Alternately, we call it "patriotism," which has eloquently been defined as "the last refuge of a scoundrel".  

            We will start in the early 50s, about 20 years after Jimmie Rodgers died (just to include everyone).  We were defending "democracy" against the evils of Kommunism, defined as anything left of Henry Ford.  Joe McCarthy of Wisconsin was finding "communists" in the state department (just like today, it seems), and the military.  He was persecuting writers, especially, with great zeal and continued until a Republican (Eisenhower) was elected.  He accused Eisenhower's brother as being a sympathizer as well as the military, and the rest of the Republican elite just was not going to allow that to happen.

            Still, we continued to support free elections overseas, just so long as we approved of the results of the election.  [Quick question: when Bush insisted on elections for the Palestinians, while hating Arafat, who won that election?  Hamas.  End of that right then.]  Well, at that time, Iran had a free election and a guy named Mossadegh (sp?) was elected.  Since we did not like him, he was removed and the Shah was put in his place by the Dulles brothers with the full consent of our government -- Iranians were not consulted.  The Shah did what we told him to, even supplied oil to Israel, created a savage secret police called SAVAK, and so on.  You know, good ol' fashion democratic government.  The Shah was no Kommunist, not at all.

            The Shah put lots of people in prison and tortured quite a few, but he still adhered to democracy, we were told.  A great friend of ours, he was indeed.  Eventually, during the Carter Presidency (we skipped over Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, and Ford as all was well, we are told) the people had enough and began to revolt, both left and religious groups combined in this effort.  Even SAVAK was unable to kill and maim enough people to keep the Shah safe, so he got sick and left the sacrificial goat, Shapur Baktiar (sp, again) in charge.  During the turnover, the poor guy kept staring up to the heavens, out of one prison into another, doubtless hoping a lightning bolt would strike either him or the Shah, but it was not to be.  After a month, but before two months, he was killed and the Ayatollah was established as leader. 

            After awhile, some students took over the U.S. Embassy and the program AMERICA HELD HOSTAGE became a hit, hosted by Ted Koppel (who bore a striking resemblance to Howdy Doody).  Jimmie Carter tried one rescue that failed.  Then Ronnie Raygun's campaign made a deal with the Ayatollah not to release the hostages until he was sworn in.  This came to pass, and eventually we were treated to Ollie North testifying to Congress about the Iran-Contra scandal.  If Raygun was told about all this, he forgot all about it.

            Well, we got more angry at Iran [BTW: not a missle was fired at any country during Carter's Presidency -- one reason he is so disliked by other former Presidents] and sent guns and information to our ally Saddam Hussein.  Later, during Bush II, we said that Saddam had weapons of mass destruction and knew it because we had the receipts.

            Now, most of what followed is common enough knowledge that we can stop the nostalgia and focus on the nuclear issue.  Iran signed the IAEA agreement about development of peaceful means, Israel has not, and never will.  80% of the public in the Mideast would feel safer if Iran did have a nuclear weapon, but Iran never seemed to want one.  In fact, the last president, whose name has always been a puzzle, Ackmedeniajad or something like that, said that such weapons were "20th Century" and that Iran was capable of defending itself.  Additionally, for over 200 years, there is no record of Iran invading any other country (and a couple islands nearby claimed by Iraq are merely under dispute). 

            So, who came out on top with these negotiations?  It was a zero sum game.  Further discussion is stupid and those who raise issues over it are the same ones that started us in Iraq in the first place.  We are not pleased and would prefer some good artwork or literature henceforth.

Saturday, July 18, 2015


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by @honestcharlie
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The Billion$ will continue to flow in .....
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Friday, July 10, 2015

Omar Sharif and Lawrence of Arabia


    We all mourn the passing of Omar Sharif and we can not say enough about him.

    All I can do is say that this reminds me of the movie Lawrence of Arabia and the line that Anthony Quinn has to another.  Actually, I remember the line incorrectly as I realized upon seeing the film again, but I like my version better.  It is "THANK YOUR GOD THAT WHEN HE GAVE YOU THE MIND OF A FOOL, HE GAVE YOU A FACE TO MATCH!"

Thursday, July 09, 2015

Yemen and Gaza too


Illustration: Graphic demonstration of only our bombings, not those of our "clients".

Yemen and Gaza too
Czar Donic, PM

            It seems as if we are determined to continue to do whatever we can to enhance our reputation as bullies of the world.  For awhile, we had a convenient excuse as we were protecting people from the Soviet Union.  As our great philosopher Tom Lehrer once said "They've got to be protected/All their rights respected/Until somebody we like can be elected."  One of the reasons Putin makes such a desirable target is that he is rebuilding Russia to the point where it can be an effective counter-balance to us, and he has been able to co-operate a bit with Greece lately. 

            Right now, however, we still have a free hand to sell weapons to people provided they either bomb other people or lose them to other people so they have to buy new ones.  Israel and Saudi Arabia are good customers, although Russia competes and Israel is making its own.

            At any rate, here are a few segments that document this.  Actually, information is increasing so rapidly that it is difficult to keep up right now, so I am sending them along without further comment:


Has the World Abandoned Gaza? Region Remains in Ruins a Year After Deadly Israeli Assault

As Gaza marks one year since the launch of Israel’s devastating 50-day assault, it remains in a state of crisis. The assault killed 2,200 Palestinians, including 550 children. On the Israeli side, 73 people were killed, all but six of them soldiers. A year later, none of the 12,000 homes destroyed in Gaza have been rebuilt, in part due to the ongoing Israeli blockade. The World Bank is warning the Gaza economy is on the verge of collapse. Overall unemployment now stands at 43 percent — the highest in the world. We speak with Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer, author of "Shell-Shocked: On the Ground Under Israel’s Gaza Assault."
Image Credit: Reuters


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: We turn now to Gaza, which remains in a state of crisis one year after the launch of Israel’s 50-day war. It was the third in Gaza in six years. Twenty-two hundred Palestinians, including 550 children, died. On the Israeli side, 73 people were killed, all but six of them soldiers. The attack destroyed 12,000 homes in Gaza. Another 100,000 were damaged. None of the destroyed homes have been rebuilt so far, due in part to the ongoing Israeli blockade. Channel 4 News in Britain has just posted drone footage showing how much of Gaza is still in ruins. A recent United Nations report found, quote, "serious violations of international humanitarian law" which "may amount to war crimes" by both Israeli forces and Palestinian militants during the assault.
AMY GOODMAN: The World Bank is warning the Gaza economy is on the verge of collapse. Overall unemployment now stands at 43 percent—the highest in the world. Sixty-eight percent of Gazans aged between 20 and 24 are unemployed. Two-thirds of Gaza’s 1.8 million residents are now recipients of U.N. aid in one form or another. To mark the anniversary of the war, UNICEF has just released video featuring a 12-year-old girl named Malak who survived last year’s attack.
MALAK: [translated] The doors are gone. The windows are gone. The walls—it’s as if we’re living on the street. It’s been a year since the war, and there’s still not enough water, not enough electricity. We’ll stay here because we have nowhere to go. I have nightmares every night. It wasn’t like that before the war. I want to become an engineer, so I can rebuild people’s homes, our house, our neighbor’s house, so I can help people, and they can be safe.
AMY GOODMAN: We go now to Gaza City, where we’re joined by Palestinian journalist Mohammed Omer. He is author of a new book, Shell-Shocked: On the Ground Under Israel’s Gaza Assault. He is past winner of the Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism.
It’s great to have you with us, Mohammed. Talk about this first anniversary of the assaults. Where does Gaza stand today, where you’re standing?
MOHAMMED OMER: Thank you, Amy.
Well, in Gaza, today we mark the first anniversary of the war last summer, the 51-day war, which resulted in the killing of 2,250 Palestinians. The majority of them are civilians. Gaza is still living the same situation as right after the war and during the war. The only thing that we don’t have, Israeli F-16s overhead flying, and we don’t have the Israeli drones flying overhead. But we still have a lot of damages that are caused as a result of the war, and nothing have been fixed. Not one single home have been built after the war. Gaza is still struggling to survive. People are still struggling to get back to—to pick their lives from the beginning. Shejaiya, where I was just yesterday talking to people, they are still living in ruins. Some people are still living in prefabricated houses, and nothing has changed on the ground, really. The wound is still here.
The international community support to the people of Gaza is close to nonexistent, unfortunately. The people of Gaza are hoping that there will be some moves by the Palestinian Authority to take Israel into the International Criminal Court in The Hague. We don’t know if this is going to be happening anytime soon.
But the spirit of the Gazans is quite strong today, I would say, despite the fact that they are now mourning those that they have lost, and they are remembering the days of the war and the agony the days that they have lived during the month of Ramadan just last year, when Israel bombed the Gaza Strip for 51 days.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Mohammed, what about—why has there been no rebuilding taking place? What have been the obstacles to that?
MOHAMMED OMER: The United Nations have installed a U.N. reconstruction of Gaza mechanism. This mechanism has not been working really properly. The only thing we get is a few bags of cement for people who need to build their homes. But only the people who had partial homes that have been destroyed, they could fix these damages, and that’s not enough. For example, if someone had lost a living room, and then he wants to fix that, he is given only a few bags of cement and a few tanks of gravel and not so much of steel, which Israel does not allow into the Gaza Strip. That’s difficult. There are so many shortages of supplies, construction materials, that Israel is not allowing into the Gaza Strip, therefore this is slowing the process of the Gaza reconstruction.
That’s not only that, also aid distribution to the people. There are shortages of aid all the past year. And people are still living in very dire conditions, particularly in parts of the east of Gaza City and east of Rafah and east of Khan Younis and east of the northern part of the Gaza Strip, where people are still living on either ruins of demolished homes or refabricated homes. As I said, the international community has failed to deliver aid. It has failed to convince the state of Israel to allow construction materials into the Gaza Strip.
There has been, of course, some materials that got into the Gaza Strip. The only thing that people who have no means to build their homes, they end up selling their cement in the black market, because they want to survive, because they find that it’s more important that they get some food on the table and not necessarily to have a shelter over their heads.
AMY GOODMAN: Mohammed Omer, if the camera crew there could give you a hand mic? The wind is hitting your microphone sometimes, so it’s sort of—it’s making it a little hard to hear what you’re saying. But I wanted to ask about you—where you’re living right now. Your reports from Gaza last year were chilling. Are you continuing to live in Gaza?
MOHAMMED OMER: Yes, I am continuing to live in Gaza, and Gaza is my home. Gaza is where I’m living. Gaza is where I will stay. I don’t have anywhere else that I want to go, even though I am lucky enough that I have got the Dutch nationality. I could be traveling outside and living outside, but I choose to be here and to tell the story of my people, to tell the story of the people in Gaza and to document what’s happened, because the spirit of the Gazan people needs people who are able to tell the story in a very honest way. I don’t rely on international journalists to come only there in the Gaza Strip seasonal, when there is blood and when there is destruction. But there is also a lot of steadfastness and beautiful things in Gaza that we need to focus on. The spirit of the Gazans is something which I am very proud of and I want to continue as a Palestinian journalist to report on and to reflect on. This is something which I find extremely important, especially after seeing the life of people in Gaza and how much they have suffered. Still, they are living under a very good circumstances despite all the obstacles, because they simply have the good spirits to continue their life and not to give up to the depression around them.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: I wanted to ask you about the U.N.’s refugee aid agency in Gaza. The director, Robert Turner, is leaving, and sometime this month. Last week, in an interview about his tenure in Gaza, he said housing reconstruction in the area could begin soon.
ROBERT TURNER: Finally, last week, the minister of public works and housing announced that technical issues related to total reconstruction had been resolved, that there now would be what’s called the residential stream for the Gaza reconstruction mechanism, which would allow for the reconstruction of homes. We immediately, the next day, submitted the first batch of names of refugee families that had been identified, had their building permits ready and their building designs ready. Those were approved yesterday. And we’re signing undertakings, and we’re trying to put money in their pockets next week.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: That was Robert Turner, who’s leaving as director of the U.N.’s refugee aid agency in Gaza. Your response?
MOHAMMED OMER: Well, I don’t know what we really are expecting from the international community. I have a great respect for Mr. Robert Turner, who has done a great job running the UNRWA operations in the Gaza Strip. Gaza is still living under the most difficult circumstances. As I said, you know, the international community is not really able to convince Israel. I mean, one year, we have received a lot of promises that people will be receiving construction materials into the Gaza Strip, but so far people are fed up. It’s been one year and only promises that we are receiving. So, why did this promise come only now, after a year? It’s only after a year after the destruction of Gaza and the war and the damages that are caused.
People have survived a very dreadful winter in the different parts of the Gaza Strip, simply because they don’t have the proper housing. Have we seen what happened in Shejaiya refugee camp and areas where they—that sustained several rockets and missiles? Did we see how much the children suffered the cold weather and winter? Why the international community allowed the people to survive that long? And now we are saying that Israel is going to be improving this.
People on the ground, they don’t trust that Israel is going to improve the situation at all. I don’t see this is going to be changing, unless there is more international pressure on Israel to allow construction materials into the Gaza Strip. The U.N. mechanism is unfortunately failing to deliver what is needed to the Palestinians in Gaza, because the U.N. is simply not able to convince the state of Israel of the importance of rebuilding the Gaza. When Palestinians having no homes and there is no hope, what do you expect? I mean, there is no hope, really.
AMY GOODMAN: Mohammed Omer, we only have a minute to go, and I wanted to ask you about the Islamic State issuing a warning to Hamas that they’re going to take over Gaza. How real is this?
MOHAMMED OMER: This is not real. It’s not going to happen, because I believe and many people believe that Hamas is much stronger on the ground than the Islamic State, those people who have issued this. I have talked to Hamas officials, and they informed me that those people have a psycho distress, and they are people who do not know what they are talking about. They are just a bunch of people who are not necessarily able to translate what they have said on the ground. I believe Hamas is much stronger on the ground, that the Islamic State cannot turn Gaza into al-Yarmouk, as the Islamic State said. That’s one.
And I believe also that the environment in Gaza does not allow an Islamic State-like groups to spread in the Gaza Strip. People don’t want this type of mentality in the Gaza Strip. We have seen that across the Gaza Strip. People who are supporting the Islamic State, they have received resistance from people and from the Palestinian police in the Gaza Strip. So this is something which I doubt is going to be happening anytime soon.
AMY GOODMAN: Mohammed Omer, we have to leave it there.
MOHAMMED OMER: The Gazans are still continuing—
AMY GOODMAN: I want to thank you very much for being with us, award-winning Palestinian journalist, reporting in Gaza City. His book, Shell-Shocked: On the Ground Under Israel’s Gaza Assault, has just been published. He tweets at the handle@Mogaza.

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A Mounting Humanitarian Catastrophe in Yemen: War Death Toll Tops 3,000, Fear of Famine Grows

Aid groups are warning Yemen is on the brink of famine as the Saudi-led attack intensifies. More than 3,000 people, including 1,500 civilians, have died in Yemen since the U.S.-backed Saudi offensive against the Houthi rebel group began on March 26. According to the United Nations, 80 percent of Yemen’s 25 million people are now in need of some form of humanitarian aid, and more than one million Yemenis have fled their homes, as a Saudi naval blockade has cut off food and fuel supply lines for much of the country. Monday was reportedly the deadliest day since the fighting began, with over 176 people killed, including 30 people at a market in the northern province of Amran and 60 people at a livestock market in the southern town of al-Foyoush. To talk more about Yemen, we are joined by two guests. Farea Al-Muslimi is a co-founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies in Yemen. He is currently a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut. And here in New York is Matthieu Aikins, award-winning foreign correspondent. He’s a fellow at The Nation Institute. He was in Yemen last month reporting for Rolling Stone magazine.


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Aid groups are warning Yemen is on the brink of famine as the Saudi-led attack intensifies. More than 3,000 people, including 1,500 civilians, have died in Yemen since the U.S.-backed Saudi offensive against the Houthi rebel group began on March 26. A Saudi naval blockade has cut off food and fuel supply lines for much of the country. According to the United Nations, 80 percent of Yemen’s 25 million people are now in need of some form of humanitarian aid. More than one million Yemenis have fled their homes. Stéphane Dujarric, a spokesperson for U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon, addressed the crisis on Wednesday.
STÉPHANE DUJARRIC: The Office for the—for Human Rights say they are deeply concerned about the worsening humanitarian and human rights situation in Yemen, where civilians continue to bear the brunt of the conflict. The office now says that a total number of civilians reportedly killed and injured since 27th of March is 1,528 and 3,605 injured.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Monday was reportedly the deadliest day since the fighting in Yemen began, with over 176 people killed, including 30 people at a market in the northern province of Amran and 60 people at a livestock market in the southern town of al-Foyoush. On Tuesday, a Saudi airstrike reportedly killed dozens of Yemeni soldiers stationed at a military base. One military source told the BBC the base was hit by accident. Another source said the strike was called in to stop the soldiers defecting to the Houthis.
AMY GOODMAN: To talk more about Yemen, we’re joined by two guests. Farea Al-Muslimi is a co-founder of the Sana’a Center or Strategic Studies in Yemen. He’s currently a visiting scholar at the Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut, Lebanon. In 2013, Al-Muslimi testified before the U.S. Senate on the secret U.S. drone program in Yemen. Here in New York, Matt Aikins joins us, award-winning foreign correspondent, fellow at The Nation Institute. He was in Yemen last month reporting for Rolling Stone magazine.
Farea Al-Muslimi, let’s go to you first in the Middle East. Talk about what’s happening in your country.
Farea, are you able to hear me? We’re speaking to Farea in Beirut, Lebanon, right now, and we may have a bit of a problem with the audio connection. Farea, can you hear me? And can you talk about the situation in Yemen? Well, it looks like he is not hearing us.
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: I can barely hear you, actually. There’s a problem with the sound.
AMY GOODMAN: Ah, go ahead, Farea. We can hear you now. Ah, OK, we’ll go to Matt Aikins. Matt, you have just recently returned from Yemen. Talk about what you found there.
MATTHIEU AIKINS: Well, it’s, first of all, very difficult to get into the country, because there’s a full-on blockade by air, land and sea. And we actually had to smuggle ourselves in by boat from the neighboring country of Djibouti across the Gulf of Aden. Once we got out there, we found a country that had been completely paralyzed by lack of fuel, food, medicine. There’s no power in most of the cities that we visited. There’s a constant toll of airstrikes and, of course, very heavy fighting in numerous areas of the country. So, really, it’s a mounting humanitarian catastrophe, as you mentioned, and extremely dangerous situation that I think threatens to get worse as time goes on.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: And can you talk about the Saudi blockade? I mean, it’s because of this blockade that there is this humanitarian catastrophe, in part because fuel and food supplies can’t get in. So what was the justification for the blockade? And where you traveled in Yemen, what did you see as its effects in the refugee camps, etc., that you went to?
MATTHIEU AIKINS: The justification that the Saudi coalition gives for the blockade is that it’s preventing deliveries of weapons to the Houthis from Iran. There hasn’t really been any smoking gun evidence of such deliveries in the past, but that’s the reason that they’re giving. Now, Yemen was a country that was essentially already in a kind of humanitarian catastrophe even before the war. It was one of the most impoverished nations in the region, suffered from very high levels of malnutrition, food insecurity, access to water, etc. It had 90 percent of its food imported. So this kind of blockade has a devastating impact on a country that was already very fragile. And many people believe that this amounts to collective punishment of the entire Yemeni people, that’s aimed at, you know, one particular group.
AMY GOODMAN: Let’s go to a clip from one of the Rolling Stone videos filmed in Sana’a last month. Matt Aikins was in the Old City the day after the Saudi coalition carried out airstrikes in the area. This is Yahya al-Habbari, a representative of the Old City in the Senate, describing the scene.
YAHYA AL-HABBARI: My heart is broken. And, in fact, you are foreigners, and you can see the actual area. It’s, you know, the oldest living museum on Earth. What was the hate behind these beautiful old houses? It is nothing. It’s only old people and young children.
MATTHIEU AIKINS: And who was there? Who was there when it was hit?
YAHYA AL-HABBARI: There are about four families.
YAHYA AL-HABBARI: Four families completely, completely dead. All of them. There are still three persons remain under the—under this disaster.
MATTHIEU AIKINS: And I’ve heard people here say that they also find America responsible for this. Do you think people feel that Americans are also to blame?
YAHYA AL-HABBARI: Well, I can—I can absolutely confirm that the United States of America, headed by idiot Obama, that they are 100 percent involved.
AMY GOODMAN: Talk further, Matt, about what you found here.
MATTHIEU AIKINS: Well, that was an incident where a bomb—it was later actually discovered to be a 2,000-pound bomb by Amnesty International—hit a section of the Old City and collapsed four houses, killed a number of civilians. So we went there that morning. The bomb had come in early in the morning, and we came after sunrise and viewed some of the rescue attempts. People were pulling bodies out of the rubble while we were there.
And this is actually something that’s happening every day. But because it happened that day at a UNESCO World Heritage site, this ran on news broadcasts. It was one of the few instances that I think the conflict in Yemen has actually been of interest to the rest of the world. And one of my Yemeni friends sort of bitterly joked that the West was more interested in old houses than Yemeni lives.
AMY GOODMAN: We seem to have remade a connection with Farea Al-Muslimi in Beirut. Can you talk about the whole overall situation, Farea, in Yemen?
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: Yes, Amy. It’s great to be back with you.
Overall, I mean, since the beginning of this recent war on Yemen, led by the Saudi coalition and started in last March, since then, the humanitarian situation in Yemen have badly gone even worse, more than it was in the past. Obviously, Yemen was going through a lot of problems in the past. More than 14 million people were already in a need for humanitarian aid. And when this war broke out, first what it did is it escalated the already bad humanitarian situation. It obviously made the scope for a political solution go much less than they were. And most importantly, it paralyzed the movement in and out of the country, at least compared to the past. Thousands of people have been killed, clearly, since this have started, and thousands have been injured. Hundreds of thousands have been forced to leave their houses.
The country is going—especially due to the aid and food blockage by all war sides, have been going through one of the possibly worst humanitarian situations in the world. And the blockage of food and aid and movement of ships was probably or have been the worst part of this overall war, and since it literally banned those who even can afford life from the ability of finding food in the market compared to the past. And, obviously, more importantly, I mean, in overall picture, clearly, every new day, this war is becoming less and less about Yemen and more of a regional proxy, while Yemen is caught in the middle of 25 million people currently going under multiple internal and external wars.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: And, Farea Al-Muslimi, you have said in an interview that Yemen is, quote, "the Mexico of the Arabian Gulf." Could you explain what you mean by that and your sense of the international community’s response to the crisis in Yemen?
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: Obviously, the current turmoil in Yemen, or the current chaos, is an outcome of an imposed international solution that has in Yemen been in force for the last three years before everything collapsed. And obviously, it was a transition that faked everything more than actually led a real transition. Everyone was faking their parts, apparently, except the gun dealers, since the story in the international was that Yemen was a success story. Clearly, there has been a problem going over the last three years.
What happened is it was an attempt, I think, for the international community to act in Arab Spring countries, especially after its failure in Syria and Libya. And Yemen was the "successful" model, between a quotation. But it was more of myth successful model, was left behind, I think, first collapsed into a lot of internal conflicts, and then it was neglected, obviously, for many—by many regional international sides, until it recently became—how do you say it? A fuel for a regional proxy war, and also, at the same time, a place where no one internationally or regionally is being held accountable about what they are doing there. Apparently, the current war has—a lot of war crimes have been committed in it, but no one has been held accountable or even have been called in.
And obviously, this luxury of always having not to deal with Yemen, as it is not a prominent oil country, it’s not an Israeli-bordering country, and that have made it obviously less important to the world or to the West, specifically, than it could or it needed. But apparently we are now witnessing a prize of that long-term decade neglection that left Yemen first under the oppressive rule of former President Saleh and his regime, and, post that, for a model of a transition that was very far from reality, let’s say, at its best.
AMY GOODMAN: Sharif Abdel Kouddous, our correspondent, usually based in Cairo, went to Sana’a in Yemen recently and described for us there the extent to which Saudi Arabia controls conditions in Yemen, including access to the country and its airspace.
SHARIF ABDEL KOUDDOUS: Just to give you a sense of how much control the Saudis have over the airspace, Yemenis who are flying into Yemen from the outside, the planes—where before there was a direct flight from Cairo to Sana’a, it now stops in Saudi Arabia. And so, the plane stops there. All the bags are taken off; they’re checked. Saudi Arabian security officials come onto the plane. They check the passports. And when I was there, one Yemeni with me was humiliated that this was happening, that he had to go through Saudi Arabia to get to his country. So they really are controlling access to the country, both for Yemenis, for the media and for—more importantly, for all the humanitarian aid and the fuel.
AMY GOODMAN: So, can you talk about Saudi Arabia’s interests here, what they’re doing, and—you talked about alleged war crimes—who you think is responsible?
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: Obviously, all sides have committed that in many times, whether the blockage of aid, which was committed by sometimes the Yemeni government in exile, led by President Hadi, sometimes by the Saudis and sometimes by the Houthis themselves, internal, inside Yemen.
Overall, the Saudi Arabia has always enjoyed an unquestionable prominence over Yemen’s politics for decades. But in the last three years, it was busy first with rivalries with Qatar and Yemen and in other parts of the region, and then it was busy with Egypt and Syria. So it simply watched Yemen sink into the hell of what it is going through. But there has been, obviously, in Saudi, recent years, there has been the phobia of Iran, that made it, probably, let’s say, overreact to what happens to the—to what’s happening in Yemen or obviously to the Houthis’ rise to power in Yemen.
But apparently, overall, I think the absence of accountability, whether to the Saudis or to the Houthis, would have—or have participated in improving or in increasing the legacy of violence around the country, which has been going through a lot of increase since the immunity law was passed in Yemen in 2011 under the back of the international community. And under this law, obviously, all Saleh’s regime has been forgiven from what they have done or misdone over the last 33 years. And with that support of, let’s say, trading of justice for the sake of security, have obviously led many internal and external actors to be more violent in Yemen and to be less accountable, whether in war situations or even in non-war situations.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Matt Aikins, I want to ask you, as well. You talked about the difficulty you had in getting into Yemen, and Sharif described a similar situation. Do you think that’s what accounts for the relatively little press coverage that there’s been of the crisis in Yemen, here and possibly elsewhere?
MATTHIEU AIKINS: Yeah, I think there’s no doubt about that. And the fact of the matter is, is that the Saudis were blocking journalists from entering the country. So, we were told that we wouldn’t be allowed in on either official humanitarian flights or shipments. And actually, a WFP flight, World Food Program flight, carrying a number of journalists from Djibouti, was actually blocked by the Saudis shortly before we left. So, they’re deliberately restricting press coverage of the conflict.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: And what about U.N. officials? You also found, when you were there, that humanitarian aid workers were not there in as large numbers as you might expect, given the scale of the catastrophe.
MATTHIEU AIKINS: Yeah, I think the U.N. was very unprepared for this crisis, and they, as a result, evacuated almost all of their international staff. We were traveling in areas outside of the capital, Sana’a, in Amran province, for example, and we found refugees who were just living in the open without shelter, without water, without food. The only international agency that was really on the ground working with them was Doctors Without Borders, MSF. And they were incredulous, actually, that there could be this scale of displacement without any response from the international humanitarian community.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: Well, one of the people that you—the video clip that we played earlier of the representative from the Old City concluded by saying that he blames the United States 100 percent for what’s going on there. And you pointed out, in one of your pieces, that you came across munitions made—remnants of munitions made in the U.S. that were being used by Saudi Arabia in their air war in Yemen. So could you talk about what you learned from people in Yemen about how they see the responsibility for what’s going on there?
MATTHIEU AIKINS: Sure. We found cluster bombs, for example, that are banned under the global treaty, that were used by the Saudis in Yemen, that had been—that originally come from the U.S. There’s no doubt that Yemenis understand that the weapons and the jets that are being used against them were sold to the Saudis by the U.S., that the U.S. is supporting this war with in-flight refueling, with intelligence and targeting. So, absolutely, Yemenis see the U.S. as being responsible. Often when we visit the site of these civilian casualties where women and children have been killed, a lot of the ire that people have on the ground was directed toward the United States.
AMY GOODMAN: I wanted to go back to Farea and to go back to 2013, when you testified in Washington on Capitol Hill about the U.S. drone strikes in Yemen. You spoke a week after your home village in Yemen was hit by a U.S. drone strike.
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: What Wessab’s villagers knew of the U.S. was based on my stories about my wonderful experiences here. The friendships and values I experienced and described to the villagers helped them understand the America that I know and that I love. Now, however, when they think of America, they think of the terror they feel from the drones that hover over their heads, ready to fire missiles at any time. What the violent militants had previously failed to achieve, one drone strike accomplished in an instant. There is now an intense anger against America in Wessab. This is not an isolated incident. The drone strikes are the face of America to many Yemenis.
AMY GOODMAN: That’s Farea Al-Muslimi in 2013 speaking on Capitol Hill in a Senate hearing on Yemen. Farea, that was two years ago. Can you talk about how the U.S. is seen on the ground there now and how what’s happening in Yemen compares to two years ago?
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: Well, I mean, compared to two years ago, if you’re a Yemeni, you would absolutely think at least the number of countries were bombing Yemen by that time was still limited to one. And it was one you can—that has a parliament you can complain to. So at least it was—comparatively to what’s happening today in Yemen domestically and externally, it’s actually, sadly speaking, an OK days compared to now.
At the same time, I want to probably elaborate more on the idea of how Saudis are responsible or how the view that this is actually a war under the sponsorship of the United States of America. It’s not only, as mentioned in your talks earlier, that there is a general feeling in Yemen over that of all, but even in Saudi Arabia, there is a lot of feeling or relaxation of the overuse of force or overall on this war, because they feel they have the green light from the United States of America and from the United Kingdom and, obviously, from many Western countries. Last month, I was in Saudi, and I spoke to Saudi officials about the usage of cluster bombs. And guess what was their usual or their main response. That these are weapons that’s sold to us by the United States of America, and we can use them because they are sold to us legally in America. So that overall, you know, feeling, even by the Saudis, that they are backed overall, have made this war could go—go worse than it could have just been.
And more importantly, it have elaborated or increased the non-accountability overall of this war in Yemen, and especially by the Saudi Arabia. If at the moment—and that’s why at the moment if there is any power that can push the Saudis to behave in Yemen or to accept a ceasefire, it is definitely the United States of America. And that realization overall what influence the U.S. have on Saudis, which is probably the only country right now can have influence on Saudis, makes a lot of feeling, whether in Saudi or in Yemen, the United States as a larger sponsor of this war.
NERMEEN SHAIKH: And, Farea Al-Muslimi, you’ve suggested that the likelihood of Hadi returning to Yemen is virtually nil. In other words, he will not be going back to Yemen. So what do you see as Saudi Arabia’s objectives? How can this war be resolved? Many people have suggested that at the moment, given the continuation of the war, the only people who are benefiting are Islamist extremists—al-Qaeda or the self-proclaimed Islamic State.
FAREA AL-MUSLIMI: And obviously, but the issue in this is Hadi is a matter of tool in this whole larger war, obviously, whether in the eyes of Saudi or in the eyes of the bigger regional proxy war that Yemen is at least having an impact on. Obviously, to move forward, there is a deep realization, I think, in Yemen and outside Yemen, within the Houthis and even from the Houthis’ opponents, that one of the biggest obstacles facing Yemen right now is actually the current president, who have, in a big or in a way or another, paved the road, first of all, for the Houthis from the mountains to power, because a lot of his misactions, his insist on imposing removal of fuel subsidies last year and a lot of—and the imposement of an unpopular constitutional draft and unpopular division of regions, all of this misacts by him, obviously, makes his supporters, before his opponents, realize that the way forward in Yemen has to go through a removal of this man.
But yes, obviously, you know, this continuation of the war right now, as it is happening, with no state—legit state actor in Yemen or even government, benefits the group like ISIS and al-Qaeda. But this trend has been, overall, going the last year. And, two, since, I think, the Arab Spring was knocked down, the whole region, and not just Yemen, have been, you know, witnessing a wave of radicalization, a wave of picking guns on the expense of protester or protest failures. And this is, I think, mainly because of how the Arab Spring was knocked down. I’m not sure how the world can think it can sleep at night after it what did to the Arab Spring, which was, in a way or another, the biggest strike ever happened to ideological groups in the region, especially these regimes who are very unpopular. And there was a strong social movement in Yemen, but these regimes, in a way or another, did not move. Their tools, their bureaucracy did not change. And obviously they were unpopular and incapable of staying in power, but there was the new elite, or obviously the new masses of 2011 were not in power, and that, consequently, obviously, benefit the group of like ISIS and like al-Qaeda, especially with a lot of internal sectarian tension increasing by a regional fueling of guns and cash.
AMY GOODMAN: Farea Al-Muslimi, I want to thank you for being with us, co-founder of the Sana’a Center for Strategic Studies in Yemen, currently visiting scholar at Carnegie Middle East Center in Beirut. And I also want to thank you, Matt Aikins, again for coming into the studio, award-winning foreign correspondent, fellow at The Nation Institute. He was in Yemen last month reporting for Rolling Stone magazine.

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