Monday, December 31, 2012

Occupy Cyberspace


New post on Occupy Cyberspace - American Autumn

“I Always Feel like Sombody’s Watching Me” – Secret FBI Documents prove Occupy Infiltration and Surveilance

by TooDamnEZ
It really isn't a surprise to any of us who participate in the Occupy Movement, that the many Occupy groups across the nation and the world, would be infiltrated by the powers that be at some point.  It was expected, and in many cases prepared for.  What is a surprise is the collective of agencies both public and private in the United States and abroad, that feared the Occupy Movement, and worked together in an effort to conduct surveillance it's operations and in some cases, attempted to thwart and/or subvert their plans.
Once secret documents reveal the FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street from its earliest days and treated the nonviolent movement as a potential terrorist threat. Internal government records show Occupy was treated as a potential threat when organizing first began in August of 2011.
Counterterrorism agents were used to track Occupy activities, despite the internal acknowledgment that the movement opposed violent tactics. The monitoring expanded across the country as Occupy grew into a national movement, with FBI agents sharing information with businesses, local police agencies and universities. We're joined by Mara Verheyden-Hilliard of The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which obtained the FBI documents through the Freedom of Information Act. "We can see decade after decade with each social justice movement that the FBI conducts itself in the same role over and over again, which is to act really as the secret police of the establishment against the people," Verheyden-Hilliard says.
A full transcript of the discussion after the jump.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: We begin with a look at newly revealed documents that show the FBI monitored theOccupy Wall Street movement from its earliest days last year. Internal government records show Occupy was treated as a potential terrorism threat when organizing first began in August of 2011. Counterterrorism agents were used to track Occupy activities despite the internal acknowledgment that the movement opposed violent tactics. The monitoring expanded across the country as Occupy grew into a national movement, with FBI agents sharing information with businesses, local police agencies and universities. One FBI memo warned that Occupy could prove to be an "outlet" through which activists could exploit "general government dissatisfaction." Although the documents provide no clear evidence of government infiltration, they do suggest the FBI used information from local law enforcement agencies gathered by someone observing Occupy activists on the ground.
AMY GOODMAN: The heavily redacted FBI records were obtained by the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund through a Freedom of Information Act request. We invited the FBI to join us on the program to discuss the latest revelations, but they declined. Instead, spokesperson Paul Bresson issued a written statement saying, quote, "The FBI cautions against drawing conclusions from redacted FOIA documents." He also said, quote, "It is law enforcement’s duty to use all lawful tools to protect their communities."
Well, for more, we’re joined by Mara Verheyden-Hilliard. She’s executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which obtained the documents showing how the FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street, joining us now from Washington, D.C.
Welcome to Democracy Now!, Mara. Tell us what you found. We’ve got time. Tell us what you found in these documents.
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: Well, the documents, as you stated, show that the FBI and American intelligence agencies were monitoring and reporting on Occupy Wall Street before the first tent even went up in Zuccotti Park. The documents that we have been able to obtain show the FBI communicating with the New York Stock Exchange in August of 2011 about the upcoming Occupy demonstrations, about plans for the protests. It shows them meeting with or communicating with private businesses. And throughout the materials, there is repeated evidence of the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, American intelligence agencies really working as a private intelligence arm for corporations, for Wall Street, for the banks, for the very entities that people were rising up to protest against.
AMY GOODMAN: Interesting that they came out on Friday before Christmas?
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: Well, we certainly thought so. We have been trying to get these documents for more than a year. The Partnership for Civil Justice Fund filed original FOIA demands with federal agencies as well as municipalities and police departments all around the United States, and we did so in the fall of 2011, when there was evidence of a coordinated crackdown on Occupy all around the country. And we wanted to get the documents out to be able to show what the government was doing. And the FBI has stonewalled for a year, and we were finally able to get these documents. They came to us, you know, as you said, the Friday before the holiday weekend. And we wanted to get them out to people right away. We assumed the FBI was expecting that, you know, it would just get buried. And instead, I have to say, it was, you know, great to be able to get these up and have people around the United States be able to see what the FBI is doing.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And Mara, what about the issue of actual infiltrators, either paid or sent in by law enforcement or the FBI into the Occupy groups?
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: Well, the documents are heavily redacted. There is a lot of material that, on the pages themselves, we cannot see. And the documents also, in terms of the breadth and scope of the production, we believe that there is a lot more that’s being withheld. Even when you go through the text of the documents, you can see that there’s a lot more in terms of meetings and memos that must exist. And we are filing an appeal to demand and fight for more material to be released.
But even in these heavily redacted documents, you can see the FBI using at least private entities as a proxy force for what appears to be infiltration. There is—there are documents that show the Federal Reserve in Richmond was reporting to the FBI, working with the Capitol Police in Virginia, and reporting and giving updates on planning meetings and discussions within the Occupy movement. That would appear, minimally, that they were sending undercovers, if not infiltrators, into those meetings.
There is another document that shows the FBI meeting with private port security officers in Anchorage, Alaska, in advance of the West Coast port actions. And that document has that private port security person saying that they are going to go attend a planning meeting of the demonstrators, and they’re reporting back to the FBI. They coordinate with the FBI. The FBI says that they will put them in touch with someone from the Anchorage Police Department, that that person should take the police department officer with him, as well.
And so these documents also show the intense coordination both with private businesses, with Wall Street, with the banks, and with state police departments and local police departments around the country.
AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to go to break and then go specifically to several of the documents you got under the Freedom of Information Act. We’re talking to Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, who is the executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which got the documents under the Freedom of Information Act, has been trying to get them over the past few years. This is Democracy Now! Back in a minute.
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AMY GOODMAN: We go back right now to Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which released documents showing how the FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street. I want to turn right now to one of the documents. I’m Amy Goodman, with Juan González. I want to turn to part of a memo dated October 19, 2011, from the FBI’s field office in Jacksonville, Florida. The document is titled, quote, "Domain Program Management Domestic Terrorism." It shows the FBI was concerned the Occupy movement, quote, "may provide an outlet for a lone offender exploiting the movement for reasons associated with general government dissatisfaction." In particular, the document cites certain areas of concern in Central Florida where, quote, "some of the highest unemployment rates in Florida continue to exist." Mara, can you talk about this idea of a lone offender threat?
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: I think that that is very much a measure of box checking by the FBI. I don’t believe—and their documents show that they did not believe—that this was a movement that posed a threat of violence. Now, throughout the documents, they’re using their counterterrorism resources and counterterrorism authorities, they are defining the movement as domestic terrorism and potentially criminal in nature. But the fact is, they also throughout the documents say that they know that this is a peaceful movement, that it is organized on a basis of nonviolence. And by that logic, of course, you can investigate everyone in every activity in the United States on the grounds that someone might do something sometime. And, in fact, think about the tea party rallies. The tea party was having rallies all around the United States where their members come carrying weapons—they’re open carrying—including at events where the president of the United States was speaking. But the FBI is turning its attention to this movement.
And when they reference the locations in Florida, I think that’s actually a political analysis, a recognition that this is a movement whose time has come. And whether it’s in hibernation right now, it is based on an organic reality of the economic situation in the United States. And the FBI is referencing the high level of unemployment, the needs that people have, and it’s a recognition, too, of the dynamism and the dynamic nature of the people of the United States, the people all over the world, when they organize and come together. That’s the threat that we believe the FBI and Department of Homeland Security are truly focused on, not a threat of violence.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, Mara, I’d like to turn to another document from the FBI’s New York field office that shows FBI personnel met with representatives of the New York Stock Exchange on August 19th, 2011, to discuss the Occupy Wall Street protests that were set for the following month. The memo describes the meeting, saying, quote, "Discussed was the planned anarchist protest titled 'Occupy Wall Street,' scheduled for September 17, 2011. The protest appears on anarchist websites and social network pages on the internet." The memo goes on to say, quote, "Numerous incidents have occurred in the past which show attempts by anarchist groups to disrupt, influence, and or shut down normal business operations of financial districts." Talk about these meetings between law enforcement and the parties targeted by Occupy Wall Street, Mara.
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: Well, again, the documents throughout show that they know that the movement is nonviolent. And the FBI routinely uses reference to anarchists and demonizing anarchists or a political ideology as if it’s an—identical with criminal behavior. And so, they often reference anarchists in these materials and other materials that we’ve gotten over the years in our litigation, even where they know there are not acts of violence. And we also know how frequently the police themselves, you know, mask up and infiltrate demonstrate demonstrations, posing themselves as the anarchists that they’re always saying that they’re worried about.
But those documents again show the FBI working with private industry, with the banks. They’re not bringing evidence of real threats of violence. They’re talking about political uprising. And I think we can be sure that if they had evidence of criminal activity, they wouldn’t have redacted it. They would have been happy to produce that. But they don’t have it. And over and over again, you have the FBI, the Department of Homeland Security basically conducting themselves in a form of police statism in the United States against the people of the United States.
JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And what about the historical precedent here, the history of the FBI’s involvement in monitoring, surveiling and sometimes disrupting peaceful, dissident activity in the United States?
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: Well, exactly. This is just part and parcel of the long history of the FBI. And this is not the first incident, it is not going to be the last, and it’s not the worst, to be honest. We all know that. It’s not—you know, the FBI has a long history — ’50s, ’60s, ’70s — of mass surveillance, of targeting of people based on political ideology, of efforts to disrupt the movements for social justice, for efforts to shut down black liberation movement, the antiwar movement. And in the ’70s, of course, there were these great revelations about the abuses of the FBI, of the CIA, of other security agencies. And there were the Church Committee hearings. There were supposedly protections put in place. But we can see, you know, decade after decade, with each social justice movement, that the FBI conducts itself in the same role over and over again, which is to act really as the secret police of the establishment against the people.
AMY GOODMAN: Mara, a document from October 2011 indicates law enforcement from the Federal Reserve in Richmond, Virginia, was giving the FBI information about Occupy Wall Street. It says the Federal Reserve source contacted the FBI to, quote, "pass on information regarding the movement known as occupy Wall Street." Interestingly, the memo also notes that Occupy Wall Street, quote, "has been known to be peaceful but demonstrations across the United States show that other groups have joined in such as Day Of Rage and the October 2011 Movement," it says. The memo describes repeated communications to, quote, "pass on updates of the events and decisions made during the small rallies." Can you talk about the significance of this document, Mara?
MARA VERHEYDEN-HILLIARD: That document is one of the ones that would indicate the FBI was minimally using private entities or local police departments as proxy forces for infiltration, for undercover operations, to monitor, surveil, collect information. And that document, too, and the series of documents also showed the breadth of the reporting. So you have individuals on the ground with the Federal Reserve Bank, with the state police agencies, apparently monitoring and collecting information on the planning discussions of protests in Richmond, reporting them into the FBI and also reporting them into state fusion centers and to other intelligence and domestic terrorism data centers.
Now, the data warehousing in the United States, the mass collection of data on the people of the United States, is of great concern. And you can see, through these documents, the FBI is collecting a lot of information on completely lawful activities, on the activities of people who are not alleged to have committed criminal acts, are not planning criminal acts, who actually are engaged in cherished, First Amendment-protected activities. And yet, it’s being collected under the imprimatur of domestic terrorism or criminal activity and being entered into these mass databases, which have a huge level of dissemination and access and which are virtually unregulated.
AMY GOODMAN: We want to thank you very much, Mara Verheyden-Hilliard, for joining us, executive director of the Partnership for Civil Justice Fund, which released the documents showing how the FBI monitored Occupy Wall Street. This is Democracy Now!,, The War and Peace Report.
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Saturday, December 29, 2012

Defeated: Christmas



We are now taking credit for winning the war on Christmas.

We have liberated millions from this one cancer on our spirit through “asymmetrical warfare.”

Actually, we didn't even know that term until the Bush Administrations and misguidedly used guerrilla warfare instead.

The methods are actually quite ingenious. You use the strengths of the enemy as your own counter-strengths. Hence, if they are large, they are exposed and do not move easily. That gives you mobility. If they have tremendous media power, you are able to move in silence. These are only two examples, but they serve the purpose.

So, this year, we completely ignored Christmas. We were are to used affordable technology to record completely secular forms of entertainment and information to be played back while the mass media outlets vomited forth their yearly muck of platitudes. We didn't notice any of it at all, so perhaps it didn't even happen. And if an object or event is not perceived, was there an object or event to be perceived at all? I would have noticed something that big.

Furthermore, we did not publish our yearly ode to Beethoven as an alternative because our position is that was was nothing for it to be an alternative to.

There was one glimmer that managed to be noticed. A camera captured an image supposedly of the town of Bethlehem, a hotbed of Christmas, but all that really stood out was an homage to the Norse God of fertility, Balder, whose symbol was the evergreen. I believe that Loki had messed with him, but that the tree remains. Wagner wrote some operas about the Twilight of All This, however.

So, now we can take credit for it. People are celebrating the money cliff instead. Our Government is busy killing children in other countries. Bibles are being removed from Veteran's Hospitals as a part of a counter-insurgency plan, but it is too late. The war is over.

Now you may live Decembers in peace from now on, just remembering our victory and your liberation.

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Sieg im Krieg gegen CHRISTMAS

Die absurde TIMES

Sieg im Krieg gegen CHRISTMAS

Wir sind jetzt die Lorbeeren für den Sieg im Krieg gegen Weihnachten.

Wir haben befreiten Millionen aus diesem ein Krebs auf unseren Geist durch "asymmetrische Kriegsführung".

Eigentlich haben wir nicht einmal wissen, dass Laufzeit bis Bush Verwaltungen und irrtümlich verwendet Guerillakrieg statt.

Die Methoden sind eigentlich ganz genial. Sie nutzen die Stärken des Gegners als eigene Gegen-Stärken. Daher, wenn sie groß sind, werden sie freigelegt und nicht leicht zu bewegen. Das gibt Ihnen Mobilität. Wenn sie enorme Macht der Medien haben, sind Sie in der Lage, in der Stille zu bewegen. Dies sind nur zwei Beispiele, aber sie dienen.

Also, in diesem Jahr sind wir völlig ignoriert Weihnachten. Wir wurden verwendet kostengünstige Technologien sind vollständig säkularen Formen der Unterhaltung und Informationen wiedergegeben werden aufgezeichnet, während die Massenmedien erbrochen hervor ihre jährliche Dreck Plattitüden. Wir haben nicht bemerkt nichts davon überhaupt, so ist es vielleicht gar nicht passieren. Und wenn ein Objekt oder Ereignis nicht wahrgenommen wird, gab es ein Objekt oder Ereignis überhaupt wahrgenommen werden? Ich würde etwas so Großes bemerkt haben.

Darüber hinaus haben wir nicht veröffentlichen unsere jährliche Ode an Beethoven als Alternative, weil unsere Position ist, dass war nichts für sie eine Alternative zu sein.

Es war ein Schimmer, die bemerkt werden konnte. Eine Kamera erfasst ein Bild angeblich von der Stadt Bethlehem, eine Brutstätte von Weihnachten, aber alles, was wirklich herausragte, war eine Hommage an den nordischen Gott der Fruchtbarkeit, Balder, dessen Symbol die immergrün. I glauben, dass mit ihm Loki messed, sondern dass der Baum erhalten bleibt. Wagner schrieb einige Opern über den Twilight of All dies jedoch.

So, jetzt können wir Gutschrift für sie zu nehmen. Menschen feiern das Geld Klippe statt. Unsere Regierung ist damit beschäftigt das Töten von Kindern in anderen Ländern. Bibeln werden von Veteranen Krankenhäuser als Teil eines Aufstandsbekämpfung Plan entfernt, aber es ist zu spät. Der Krieg ist vorbei.

Jetzt können Sie Decembers in Frieden von nun an leben, nur erinnern unseren Sieg und deine Befreiung.

Friday, December 28, 2012

Zero Dark Thirty -- Enjoy your last day on earth, you all.

I just had to share this from Twitter:

just got my "For Your Consideration" copy of "Zero Dark Thirty." I'm told if I put a cloth on it & pour water on it, it leads to big things.

The Scam over Syria


I think most of you already know what a snow job is being conducted over the intentional destruction of a pristine state.  Here is documentation and, I expect, our last word on the topic.  It is simply too warped, capitalistic, false, and disgusting to be tolerated and yet it is inevitable.  I thank Dr. Lehmann for providing it.

The Dynamics of the Crisis in Syria. Conflict Versus Conflict Resolution. (Part 5)

christof-lehmann-20112(Part 1)(Part 2) (Part 3) (Part 4) – Dr. Christof Lehmann. – With 2013 approaching, the crisis in Syria is about to enter its second year. Feasible solutions to the crisis seem more far removed than ever after a recent Russia – E.U. Summit in Bruxelles failed to enter into a constructive dialog about the primary causes. The influx of fundamentalist Salafist or Wahabist fighters which have been streaming to Syria since the failure of two major Free Syrian Army assaults on Aleppo in June and July 2012 made it increasingly difficult to build a coherent and credible Syrian political and military opposition among the proponents of regime-change. The international anti Syrian alliance has difficulties in identifying a political or military opposition that could be used as an argument for regime change. The conflict risks to spiral out of control with potentially catastrophic consequences for Syria, Turkey, Lebanon, the Middle East and Europe, including Russia. The international community is as divided as the Syrian opposition. The pressure is on all sides to resolve the crisis. Opinions about how to solve the crisis differ widely. The article offers the necessary analysis, suggests possible solutions and the potential consequences of a protracted and widening conflict.

National Interests and Belligerent Cartels.

This section of the article is an attempt to create an overview over the primary stakeholders national stakes within the context of belligerent cartels. In many cases there is a dichotomy between a nations approach and siding in the conflict and national security, national coherence and unity, national and regional economic interests, energy and energy security and other issues which seldom are addressed within the public discourse.

These factors however, have to be taken into consideration before it is necessary to suggest feasible initiatives to resolve the crisis, or before it is possible to assess the consequences of failure to resolve the crisis peacefully. Naturally an article of this nature cannot address all nations nor all details. It can however point toward problems which have to be taken into account.


Even though the USA uses a variety of diversion strategies it is the USA which is the primary stakeholder in the Syrian crisis and the aggression against Syria. In many respects it is also one of the most vulnerable stakeholders, which explains much of its push toward a swift regime change. The USA has been outflanked in the recent decades shift away from oil and toward natural gas as the primary energy source for the next 100 – 150 years and related geo-political developments.

A Syria – like scenario has since 2007 been prepared in Myanmar´s Rakhine State. In Myanmar the attempted subversion is being marketed as inter-communal violence between the externally displaced, Bangladeshi, Muslim Rohingya and Buddhists.

In fact, the root causes of the violence in Rakhine State are similar to the root causes for the conflict in Syria. Rakhine State is the richest area in the entire Greater Mekong Region in terms of natural resources. In particular natural gas. In Myanmar two pipeline projects, a dual oil and gas pipeline from Myanmar to China and a gas pipeline from Myanmar through Bangladesh to India. US, UK and Bangladeshi energy and security requirements are not being met to the extend that had been envisioned. (1)

In the Middle East the USA has lost out on the Nabucco Pipeline project which is less profitable than the Russian South Stream pipeline. More details about these projects will be dealt with in part 6 of this article.

The discovery of the worlds greatest known natural gas field, the Pars field in the geo-politically volatile Persian Gulf between Qatar and Iran aggravated the situation of the USA with regard to dominance over the worlds primary energy resources. Notice that the value of the Petro Dollar primarily depends on the US´s ability to back the Dollar with dominance over resources.

After the discovery of the Pars gas-field in 2007, Iran, Russia, Iraq, Syria formed a cartel to build the 10 billion USD Pars pipeline which traverses all of the above mentioned countries and which is planned to end at the Syrian Mediterranean Coast. The Pars pipeline is currently completed to the outskirts of Damascus, Syria.

Notice also that 2007 was the year when the global economic crisis set in. 2007 was the year when Saudi Arabia declared that the investment of the future is an investment in gas, not oil.

2007 was the year when Qatar sent 10 billion USD to the Freedom and Justice Party of Turkey´s Prime Minister R. Tayyip Erdogan. The money was earmarked for boosting the Turkish Muslim Brotherhood in preparation of a war on Syria.

Never before has the value of the Petro Dollar been as critically challenged as it is today and the USA, together with the UK, literally fighting for the survival of the Dollar and their Dollar based economies.

The hegemonic role of the USA in Europe is also seriously challenged. Currently the EU receives between 22 % and 26 % of its natural gas from Russia. If the Pars pipeline goes on-line and Russia takes part in developing Syrian gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean LevantineBasin, the EU may depend on Russia for up to 45 % or 50 % of its natural gas for the coming 100 to 120 years.

This would prompt many continental European nations to further integrate the European and Russian energy sectors and national economies; was it not for the fact that Europeans are aware of the risk the USA poses with regard to pushing Europe and Russia into a conflict with each other.

The USA has principally two choices. It can attempt to play high stakes together with Qatar and Saudi Arabia against Syria, Iran, Russia and Continental Europe.

Alternatively the USA would have to reconfigure its national economy and begin a constructive dialog and cooperation with regard to the creation of a new, preferably gold based economy and the peaceful cooperation with Russia, China, Europe, and not least Iran with regard to the energy sector.

Regardless what course the USA choses, the crisis in Syria is spelling an end to the global dominance of the Petro Dollar. The question for the USA is whether it will play everything on one card, risking to draw the entire Middle East, Europe and Russia with it, or if the USA will be willing and able to withdraw from the attempted subversion of Syria peacefully and count on Russia, China and Europe to assist the USA with a peaceful transition to a new economy.

The primary obstacle with regard to a change in the USA´s approach to its Middle East policy is a powerful Israeli lobby. The possible appointment of Hagel as US Secretary of Defense could indicate a certain willingness of the Obama administration to change course, but it would be an uphill battle. So far, nothing indicates that the USA is willing to reconsider the subversion of Syria or to to surrender the dominance of the Petro Dollar peacefully and constructively.


Since the discovery of the Pars gas field in 2007 Qatar is developing into a regional superpower which is challenging Iran. Qatar is the home of the international Muslim Brotherhood. In 2007 it invested 10 billion USD in Turkey´s AKP and Muslim brotherhood to prepare the Arab Spring and the war on Syria.

Qatar is the financial muscle behind the victory of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. Between 2007 and 2009 Qatar succeeded in convincing both Hamas and Al-Jamaa al-Islamiya to turn away from their alliance with Iran and Syria and to realign themselves with Qatar and the Muslim Brotherhood.

Qatar is also currently boosting the Muslim Brotherhood in Jordan, and most analysts agree that it is merely a question of time and convenient timing before King Abdullah of Jordan will be challenged by a Jordanian Arab Spring.

Qatar has been one of the principle financiers of the war on Libya and it is one of the principle financiers of the war on Syria. Since the onset of the Arab Spring in 2011 it has also significantly contributed with special forces, logistics, arms and not least mercenaries.

Qatar has tied its national security and fate to that of the USA. One of the primary reasons for Qatar´s participation in the aggressions is that Qatar is is perceiving Iran as a threat rather than a partner in the development of a shared resource.

With Qatar´s national security tied to regional US and UK hegemony, Qatar is investing heavily into the attempt to save the Petro Dollar by transforming the Middle East with the prevention of the Pars gas pipeline going on-line as primary target.

Saudi Arabia

In 2007 the Royal Family of Saudi Arabia and Saudi Oil cartels began investing heavily in the development of natural gas, stating that gas was the resource of the future. In fact, in early 2007 the investment in natural gas as well as into related biochemical industries was “the insider tip” at the worlds stock markets.

The situation of Saudi Arabia is similar to that of Qatar. The survival of the Saudi Royal family as despotic rulers is dependent on US and British hegemony. An imploding Petro Dollar would be equivalent to a collapse of the Saudi national economy and it would most likely lead to a popular uprising in Saudi Arabia within months.

Saudi Arabia is one of the principle sponsors of Salafist or Wahabist organizations who recruit mercenaries for Jihad in Syria. The desperation of the Saudi regime becomes evident when one considers that Saudi Arabia is committing the war crime of forced use of prisoners. A recently disclosed, official Saudi document proves that Saudi Arabia has given hundreds of prisoners from numerous countries who were sentenced to death the choice between execution or so-called Jihad in Syria. (2)


Many analysts wrongfully conclude that Turkey has the ambition to create a Neo-Ottoman Empire. It may be so that this ambition exists in the minds of certain delusional Turkish politicians but the facts are indicating the contrary to an empire; the planned balkanization of Turkey.

According to the Workers´ Party – Turkey and retired, high-ranking Turkish military officers Turkey is being used as a front-line state against Syria by the USA, the UK and Qatar. Even though it is unknown whether plans to destabilize Turkey and to divide it into smaller states will be initiated after an envisioned division of Syria or whether Turkey will have to wait until a post-Iran war period is so far unknown. What is known however, is that plans to divide Turkey into three or four smaller nations have been developed by the RAND Corporation for the US Department of Defense in 1996, and that the USA, together with elements within the AKP of Prime Minister Erdogan are actively working toward the “balkanization” of Turkey.

An eventual decision by a Turkish government to cease cooperating with the USA on the dismantling of Turkey is complicated by continental European nations own insecurities with regard to energy security and US attempts to use Europe for a conflict with Russia in an attempt to save the Dollar. (3)


Jordan has since early summer 2012 been used as a military staging area for the so-called Free Syrian Army. Prior to the two major military campaigns of the Free Syrian Army the Jordanian border town of Al-Mafriq housed approximately 23.000 Libyan fighters from the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group under the command of convicted Al-Qaeda terrorist Abedlhakim Belhadj. (4)

The Al-Mafriq region is also housing a significant number of Syrian refugees who have been fleeing the violence in Syria. Refugee camps however, are systematically misused for the recruitment, training and housing of militants. Some of this activity is organized under the command of Turkish military and intelligence officers as well as US Special Forces.

The developments are slowly beginning to spill over into Jordanian politics and the Jordanian population. The Jordanian Royal family and the Jordanian government are in fact being targeted for subversion by Qatar, the USA and not least Israel. Jordan is playing a crucial role in Israels´, the United States´, Qatar’s´, Egypt’s´, and the Muslim Brotherhoods´ long-term plans for Palestine. (5)

The Jordanian Royal Family and government are attempting to whether the storm and to secure their survival by walking a tightrope between neutrality and letting Jordanian territory be used as staging and transit area for the war on Syria. It is likely that Jordan currently is negotiating with Israel about post-Syria war cooperation with regard to Palestine.


Even though Lebanon is politically divided with regard to Syria´s regional role and Syria´s role in Lebanon, even though Lebanon is politically divided with regard to its foreign policy and Iran, France, the UK, the USA and Israel, even though attempts were made to destabilize Lebanon and to provoke sectarian violence, and even though major political power brokers in Lebanon such as Saad Hariri and his Future Movement and the leader of the Lebanese Progressive Socialist Party and the Druze community Walid Jumblatt actively support insurgents in Syria with finance, arms, intelligence and operations rooms, command structures and other aid, the situation in Lebanon remains relatively stable and calm. (6)(7)

The political and strategic influence of Hezbollah has been somewhat weakened during the initial phases of the war on Syria but it has recovered and is currently in fact strengthened. Some of this is due to the wisdom of Hassan Nasrallah and his closest advisors, some of it is caused by the fact that it is not popular among Lebanese to co-operate with Israel, and some of it, in fact much of it is caused by the sheer political incompetence of Hariri, Jumblatt and colleagues as power peddlers, lax internal security,intelligence leaks and so forth.
In case of a Turkish, NATO, or GCC military intervention in Syria it is to be expected that Hezbollah will become involved in a war against Israel and eventually also inside Syria. Limited internal violence will have to be expected but it will be limited.

The position of Lebanon as part of what is best described as the Middle Eastern alliance against imperialism and Zionism is solid. In fact Lebanon is, in spite of all reports to the contrary in western mainstream media one of the most politically stable counties in the Middle East.

With regard to the Pars pipeline project as well as gas fields in the Eastern Mediterranean, Lebanon would most likely neither suffer significant advantages or disadvantages if the regional dynamics changed. It would however, suffer disadvantages from a strengthened regional role of Israel which is a uniting factor.


Although there exists extensive literature about the first war on Iraq, some issues continue to be under emphasized; the facts that Kuwait illegally tapped into Iraq´s oil resources and that the US-Administration of President George Bush Senior set up Iraq and Saddam Hussein by giving Iraq a “green light” for a limited military operation in Kuwait to secure that Kuwait ceased drawing oil from Iraqi oil wells.

Iraq was in both so-called “Gulf Wars” set up by the USA and railroaded into a war. Although Iraq is still weakened by internal divisions, it has over the last decade become increasingly self-confident as a coherent nation state and developed increasingly friendly relations with its most important neighbor, Iran.

Iraq´s al-Malaki Administration is expressing grave concerns about the attempted subversion in Syria, which is a traditional Arab ally of Iraq. Iraq is especially expressing concerns about Saudi Arabia´s involvement. Saudi Arms smuggling routes which have been used to fuel the terrorist insurgency which has created the context of pretext for a continued US occupation for years, are now being used for Saudi arms smuggling to Salafist terrorist organizations in Syria. Iraq fears that Saudi Arabia also will attempt to destabilize Iraq, in an attempt to weaken Syria and Iran.

One example for Iraq´s position with regard to Syria is the statement of Iraq´s Prime Minister Nouri al-Malaki to the Lebanese al-Mayadeen satellite network in December 2012. Al-Malaki stated: “Qatar and Saudi Arabia which are meddling to topple the Syrian government are now doing the same meddling to topple the Iraqi regime. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi government. Their goal is overthrowing the Iraqi ruling system and not overthrowing me”. (8) 

Iraq is a partner to the Pars pipeline. The attempted subversion in Syria is directly involving Iraq, along with Iran as targeted nation. 


Iran is in many respects the primary target of the attempted subversion in Syria. Iran shares the worlds largest known natural gas field with Qatar. The completion of the Pars gas pipeline would bring Iran into a position where it, together with Russia, would control 40 % to 50 % of the natural gas that will be consumed in the European Union for the next 100 to 120 years. The completion of the Pars pipeline would also significantly weaken the US Dollar.

These two factors combined would endorse Iran with a significant political, economical and security leverage with regard to volatile issues such as Israel´s occupation of Palestine and the Syrian Golan Highs, the lack of inspections of Israel´s nuclear program at Damona and Israel´s nuclear weapons, Iran´s development of nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, regulation of the value of the EURO and the US Dollar, the NATO presence in Afghanistan beyond 2024 and a wide range of other issues with regional or global consequence. (9)

The key for attaining this influence for Iran is Syria and the completion of the Pars gas pipeline from Iran, via Iraq and Syria to the Eastern Mediterranean.

Iran is acutely aware of the fact that it is the primary target of the attempted subversion in Syria. Its own national security and integrity depending on a stable, Iran friendly Syria, it cannot afford not to respond militarily to an overt military aggression against Syria.


Together with the USA and the UK, Israel is among the primary beneficiaries of a destabilization of Syria and of the Arab Spring. The “increased risk” which Israel states, that it would experience from Muslim Brotherhood governments in Egypt, Jordan or Syria, as well as the proposed increased threat from Salafist terrorist organizations is grossly exaggerated.

In fact it is exaggerated to the extend that it would be more correct to state that it is invented as a public relations exercise. Traditionally neither the Muslim Brotherhood, other than the partially questionable Hamas, nor Salafist terror organizations like Al Qaeda are significant threats to Israel´s security.

To the contrary, Israel stands to profit from the Muslim Brotherhood government in Egypt and the planned establishment of a free trade zone in the Sinai. Israel stands to gain from the joint Hamas, Egyptian move toward the establishment of a separate Palestinian state in Gaza. Israel stands to gain from a planned establishment of a future Muslim Brotherhood controlled Jordan and the establishment of Jordanian controlled Palestinian micro enclaves. Israel stands to gain from the permanent annexation of Eastern Jerusalem and the greatest parts of the West Bank in response. (10)

Israel stands to gain from a permanent annexation of the Syrian Golan. Israel stands to gain from a weakened Hezbollah and a weakened Lebanon. Israel also stands to gain from a war on Syria, because the fall of Syria would allow it to share the exploration of Palestinian gas resources in the Mediterranean with Egypt and is likely to also become part of co-opted or stolen Syrian gas resources if the attempted subversion in Syria succeeds.

Most significantly however, Israel would stand to gain from a weakened Iran which does not have increased leverage over US and EU foreign policy decisions, the value of the US Dollar and the EURO, and so forth. ( ibid.) In fact Israel is the primary beneficiary of the destabilization of Syria.

Russia and Continental Europe

Russia has drawn and had to draw a red line in Syria. The economic survival of both Russia and the European Union depend to a high degree on the continued integration of the Russian and European national economies and markets. Many continental European governments are, together with Russia, investing heavily into this development. This development would naturally include the further integration of the Russian and European energy sectors.

The negative outcome of a Russian – E.U. summit in Belgium in December 2012 strongly indicates that Europe is too intimidated by the US/UK drive toward a Middle Eastern, and if necessary European war to dare continue along the route of further integration of the Russian and European economies.

Many continental European nations perceive the destabilization as a US/UK attempt to drive a wedge in between Russia and continental Europe. A recent bomb threat in Berlin, Germany is by many analysts understood as a US/UK threat against the German government; a threat that is meant to be understood as “close ranks or else”. (ibid.)

Whether the USA and UK, together with Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and Israel are successful with this policy depends to a large degree on whether the US/UK/GCC/Zionist alliance succeeds at dragging Europe and Russia into a regional war in the Middle East. It is certain that neither the USA nor the UK would hesitate to manufacture a European war in case continental Europe does not close ranks behind the US/UK Hegemony and the US Dollar would be seriously threatened by European policies.

Preparations for War.

The developments over the last weeks of December 2012 are clearly indicating that a war on Syria is being prepared. The deployment of Patriot missile systems along the Turkish Syrian border and Russian counter moves. The deployment of US Carriers to the Eastern Mediterranean and the repositioning of parts of Russia´s Baltic fleet to the Eastern Mediterranean. The increased political grandstanding of Britain’s David Cameron, that the Assad Regime had to be ousted “by all means necessary”.

The repeated propaganda and misinformation about the Syrian military´s use of chemical weapons and ballistic missiles against Syrians, the deployment of US troops in Jordan, indicate a continuation of the escalation. Whether it is planned or not, if the trend continues, it will at some point reach a dynamic where a widening of the war becomes inevitable.
Christof Lehmann

To be continued in Part 6:

Gas, the Petro Dollar, Peace, and other volatile substances.
Toward a possible peaceful resolution of the Middle East Crisis.
  1. Myanmar, Gas and the Soros Funded Destruction of a Nation State. Lehmann Christof 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  2. Saudi Arabia commits War Crime by Forced Use of Prisoners in Syria Insurgency. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  3. Turkey; Millions Protested Against Balkanization of Turkey and Syria War.Christof Lehmann 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  4. NATO`s 25th Summit in Chicago in Preparation of Global Full Spectrum Dominance, Interventionism, Possible Preparations for A Regional War Directed against Russia and China, and Developments in Global Security. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  5. Merry Christmas Palestine: A Jordanian Vatican in the West Bank and an Egyptian Bazaar in Gaza. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  6. Hariri and Sakr Caught Red-Handed Al-Akhbar, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  7. Hariri Implicated in Arming NATO Insurgency in Syria. Christof Lehmann, 2011, published on nsnbc at:
  8. Saudi Smuggling Route to Syria Disclosed. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  9. Russia – E.U. Meeting in Bruxelles: Risk of Middle East and European War increased. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  10. Merry Christmas Palestine: A Jordanian Vatican in the West Bank and an Egyptian Bazaar in Gaza. Christof Lehmann, 2012, published on nsnbc at:
  11. Ibid. Russia – E.U. Meeting in Bruxelles: Risk of…. see Note No. 9)
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