Friday, September 28, 2012

Bibis Bomb Bringt Bombast

Friday, 28. September 2012
Bibis Bomb Bringt Bombast

Die absurde TIME

         Wir haben endlich die Antwort auf die Frage, wie man sicherstellen, dass der Holocaust nie wieder passiert.

      Es ist so klar, so einfach, dass niemand jemals daran gedacht, es vor: ziehen Sie eine Red Line! Wir hier bei den Absurd Zeiten wollen einen Teil, so ist hier eine andere rote Linie:

     (Oben, eine rote Linie)

     Nie zu verwechseln uns mit der Zwiebel. Alles, was wir veröffentlichen, ist Tatsache, weshalb wir nie auf Fox News zitiert sind.

     Es ist auch, warum wir lustiger sind.

      Auf dem Foto zeigen Bibi uns, wie man eine rote Linie zu ziehen. Es erinnerte uns an "Show and Tell" in der Grundschule oder die Bomben in den alten "Spy v. Spy" Karikaturen in Mad Magazine oder der Bomben in den "Pink Panther"-Filmen. Noch ein anderes erwähnt, dass es erinnerte ihn an den alten "Road Runner" Cartoons.

     Es ist wirklich schwer zu, dass hinzuzufügen, außer zu bemerken, dass er mit der linken Hand zeichnen, wie Leonardo D. Vinci.

     Es gibt so viel anderes passiert, aber das hat, allein zu stehen.
Verfasst von Zar Donic um 12:16 Uhr
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Bibi's Bomb Brings Bombast


        We finally have the answer to the question of how to make sure the Holocaust never happens again.

     It is so clear, so simple, that nobody ever thought of it before: draw a Red Line!  We here at the Absurd Times want to do out part, so here is another red line:


    (Above, a red line)

    Never confuse us with the Onion.  Everything we publish is fact which is why we are never quoted on Fox News.

    It is also why we are funnier.

     In the photograph, Bibi show us how to draw a Red Line.  It reminded us of "Show and Tell" in Elementary School, or the bombs in the old "Spy v. Spy" cartoons in Mad Magazine, or of the bombs in the "Pink Panther" movies.  Still another mentioned that it reminded him of the old "Road Runner" cartoons.

    It is really hard to add to that, except to notice that he is drawing with his left hand, just like Leonardo D. Vinci. 

    There is so much else going on, but this has to stand alone.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Occupy the Debates

I'm a day behind on this one:

Because a sustainable future depends on the people willing to see the truth for what it is, and for those to stand up in unison in order to make a difference.

— Jake Edward Keli'i Eakin

The first presidential debate is just around the corner and people are ready to Occupy the Debates to bring the issues and solutions that we care about to the forefront of the discussion. We invite you to add your voice by participating in the events below or creating your own!

TONIGHT: September 25 at 9 pm eastern (6 pm pacific): Occupy the Debates National Conference Call: Register for the callhere. Join us to learn more about events that are planned and to discuss planning your own event.

FRIDAY: September 28 - People's Forum at the Civic Center Amphitheater in downtown Denver, CO. People are invited to share their stories of concern. Entertainment provided by comedian Lee Camp, local band Dubl Dragon and Junkyard Empire and other local musicians. First assembly at 5 pm, entertainment from 6:30 to 8:30 and second assembly at 8:30 pm.

SATURDAY: September 29 - People's Dialogue at the Central Presbyterian Church at 1660 Sherman St., Denver. We will discuss the 4 top issues identified in the People's Survey: Corporate influence over politics, Healthcare, Education/student debt and the Environment/climate crisis. The dialogue begins at 9 am and the day ends with a march to the Capital for a vigil.

MONDAY: October 1 - Attend the opening of Dennis Trainor, Jr.'s American Autumn: An OccuDoc and half of your ticket will support Occupy the Debates. Showtimes are at 7:45 pm and 9:30 pm at the Quad Cinema 34 W. 13th St in New York City.

WEDNESDAY: October 3 - local actions in Denver. Visit Occupy Denver for more details. Or you can join the Occupy the Debates People's Dialogue on UStream TV in partnership with moderated by Lisa Simeone and including guests Glen Ford, Dr. Marsha Coleman-Adebayo, Sergio Espana, Del. Jill Carter, Dr. Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese. Participate in the conversation through the online chat. The program begins at 8:30 pm eastern and continues through a post-debate breakdown. You won't hear these views on corporate media!

Visit Occupy the Debates for more information. Please forward this to people who may be interested.

In solidarity, Washington,DC

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The Republicans


    Well, over the last few years, we have spent enough time talking about the Democrats, especially Obama.  It is now time to give some attention to the Republicans (pardon the expression).  On the whole, they have been simply too absurd to discuss, even in a publication called the Absurd Times.

    For this reason, we are directing your attention to a great cartoonist who actually thinks they are worth commenting on.  We direct you to  Mr. Tucker is one of the finest comentators around who can still hold his nose and comment on them.  Below are two of his contributions.

This last one is from FACEBOOK and I do not remember it's source.

Die 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution oder Bürgerkrieg?

Tuesday, 25. September 2012
Syrien für den Frieden
Ich habe versucht, diesen Autor ohne Glück zu kontaktieren. Es ist zu wichtig, nicht mehr veröffentlicht werden, so ist es hier I9S:

Die 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution oder Bürgerkrieg?
Geschrieben am 20. September 2012 durch syrianforpeace

Einer der schwierigsten Aspekte des 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution ist, die verschiedenen Theorien, die es zugeschrieben worden sind / darüber. Es gibt Leute, dass diese Revolution ein, die aus dem Wunsch nach Freiheit geweckt ist zu glauben. Es gibt andere, dass es die Muslimbrüder islamistische Bewegung Wiederbelebung von seinem Tod in den 1980er Jahren ist zu glauben. Und doch gibt es auch andere, die es ist ein NATO Versuch, einen Schritt gegen seinen größten Feind Iran, von denen die syrische Regierung einer der engsten Verbündeten ist zu glauben.

Jede dieser Theorien wahr sein kann und vielleicht ist es sogar wahrscheinlich, dass alle von ihnen sind. Ja, es gibt Syrer, die Freiheit wollen, ja, es gibt Islamisten, die erneut islamisieren die syrische Regierung will, und ja, hat der Westen viel zu verdrängen eine Iran-verbündeten Regimes zu gewinnen.

Aber die Frage, die am meisten bedürfen nicht beantwortet ist: Wie viele Syrer wollen diese Revolution? Und wie viele Syrer nicht?

Wenn wir über diese "Revolution" sprechen, werden wir viele verschiedene Dinge sprechen zur gleichen Zeit. Diese Revolution ist nicht ganz auf das Erreichen Freiheit. Wenn es nur für, dass dann alle Syrer würden vereinbart werden. Das Erreichen der "Freiheit" kommt nur im Paket mit anderen Geschäften; die sind:

Ein. Violence. Dies war im vergangenen Jahr deutlich. Es ist nicht nur der Gewalt der Regierung gegenüber der Opposition, aber es ist auch Gewalt aus der Opposition gegen die Regierung. Die Auseinandersetzungen zwischen Regierung und Opposition haben in Tausenden von syrischen Tote und Flüchtlinge geführt, zusätzlich zu der gewaltigen Zerstörung und Instabilität des Landes.

2. Einmischung von außen. Die syrische Regierung und die syrische Opposition wird weiterhin gegenseitig angreifen, bis eine höhere Macht hilft eine der Seiten die Niederlage der anderen. Wenn dies geschieht, wird die neue syrische Regierung auf, dem Land, das den Sieg gewann verpflichtet. Viele Syrer befürchten, dass das Land, das sie am Ende gezwungen zu sein, wird ein Land, das ein Feind ist. Zum Beispiel, wenn die Vereinigten Staaten hilft, die Opposition zu gewinnen, die Revolution, dann werden die Vereinigten Staaten zweifellos eine Aktie der neuen syrischen Regierung. In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass die Vereinigten Staaten seit jeher ein Feind in den Nahen Osten und ist ein Unterstützer Israels, ein solches Bündnis nicht Appell an alle syrischen Volkes.

3. Gefahr von Islamisten Machtübernahme. Auch wenn die Demokratie im Allgemeinen als fair und gerecht der Wahl eine Regierung erkannt, könnten viele Syrer mit dieser Verallgemeinerung nicht einverstanden, wenn eine islamistische Regierung sollten aufgestellt werden. Wie in einem früheren articleAre Islamisten Sectarian erwähnt, haben die Minderheiten in Syrien lange unter dem islamistische Herrschaft gelitten. Die Baath-Partei, obwohl sie eine "Diktatur", übertroffen ihre Bedingungen deutlich. Abgesehen von den Minderheiten, gibt es auch viele liberale sunnitische Muslime, die jede Form der Regierung zu widersetzen, dass die Mitgliedsorganisationen mit der Religion. Sie glauben, dass es wäre viel mehr repressive und nehmen von ihrer Freiheit statt ihnen mehr davon.

So werden die syrischen Volkes geteilt, wenn es um diese Revolution kommt. Nicht alle von ihnen wollen. In der Tat, die meisten der Opposition, wie in der Baath-Partei erwähnt und die Muslim-Bruderschaft, un-zufällig passiert zu sein außerhalb Syriens. Einige Leute werden zu verallgemeinern, dass die Pro-und Anti-Assad Verhältnis von Syrern außerhalb Syriens proportional zur pro-und anti-Assad Verhältnis Syrer in Syrien ist. Dies ist einer der großen Irrtümer der 2011 - 2012 Syrian Revolution.

99,9% der Mitglieder der Muslimbruderschaft verließ Syrien in den 1980er Jahren. Als Bashar erteilt ein Gesetz, das ihnen die Rückkehr erlaubt, die meisten von ihnen hatten bereits eine ganze Generation, die außerhalb Syriens wuchs angehoben, nicht zu wissen, etwas über das Land, außer für das, was ihre Muslim-Bruderschaft verbundenen Familien hatte sie erzählt it.Naturally, jemand eine Regierung für verbannte ihren Eltern / Großeltern aus dem eigenen Land zu dämonisieren, auch wenn ihre Eltern / Großeltern waren diejenigen Verschulden trifft.

Andere Syrer außerhalb Syriens, die keine familiären Bindungen mit der Muslimbruderschaft haben, sind auch geneigt zu glauben, dass die Regierung ihres Landes tyrannischen für das Fehlen einer Demokratie ist. Diese Syrer, obwohl sie keine islamistischen Einfluss in ihren Ideologien, nur die Hälfte des Bildes. Aufgewachsen außerhalb Syriens, sie nie studiert die Geschichte des Landes. Sie sind nicht mit den Minderheiten im Land und die Jahrhunderte der Unterdrückung, die sie unter islamistischen Autoritarismus gelitten hatte vertraut. Für diese Syrer, begann Geschichte mit Hafez Al Assad ist ein Diktator im Amt 30 Jahre und sein Sohn Bashar seinen Platz für die nächsten zehn. Für diese Syrer, erlebt sie weder eine Verbesserung noch das Gegenteil statt in Syrien im Laufe der Jahre. Alles, was sie wissen, über Syrien ist, dass es einen Diktator hat. Und der Begriff "Diktator" ist eine recht stereotype Wort. Man ist automatisch programmiert, um einen Diktator, ein grausamer, egozentrisch, tyrannischen Mann mit Macht vorstellen. Menschen neigen dazu, alle, die unter diesem Label, bevor einmal richtig zu wissen, wer die Person ist und / oder warum sie dort sind hassen.

Ohne sich mehr ins Detail über den Begriff oder über Bashar Al Assad, ist der Punkt, die hervorgehoben wird, dass die syrische Opposition hauptsächlich außerhalb von Syrien ist. Es ist wahnhaft. Es ist sehr üblich, Syrer außerhalb Syriens, die die Regierung zu widersetzen, während sie Familienmitglieder innerhalb von Syrien, die stark unterstützen sie haben zu finden. Die Wahrheit ist, unterstützt die große Mehrheit der Menschen in Syrien die Regierung und nicht wollen, dass diese Revolution.

Wie funktioniert ein Land, dessen Mehrheit nicht will eine Revolution eins haben?

Dies ist, wo die Tragödie beginnt. Nach der Türkei eine Position gegen die syrische Regierung übernommen hatte, mit der syrischen Revolution, öffnete es seine Grenzen mit Syrien und fing an, außerhalb der Opposition gelangen lassen. Ja, die meisten von denen, die eingegebenen Syrer. Aber wieder, sie waren Syrer, die gelebt hatten außerhalb Syriens für die meisten, wenn nicht sogar ihr ganzes Leben lang. Es gab auch andere Araber, alle Dschihadisten, die für die Absicht der Islamisierung Syrien oder bezahlte Soldaten, die Syrien als Opposition trat als auch kam. Dies ist nicht zu sagen, dass es absolut keine syrische in Syrien, die nicht beigetreten sind die Opposition, gab es natürlich. Es gab einige, sehr wenige, die der Opposition angeschlossen freiwillig. Und dann waren da noch einige mehr, die bestochen wurden. Nicht unbedingt alle, aber viele Mitglieder der syrischen Armee bezahlt wurden überlaufen und kommen die Opposition.

Ihre Austritte aus der syrischen Armee, die Opposition anschlossen, waren nicht nur körperliche Kraft, um es hinzuzufügen. Ein Überläufer der Armee hat viel mehr zu bieten, um eine Oppositionsbewegung als sein Kampf. Eine defekte Soldat ist in der Lage zu handeln, als ob er die ausgestellten Geheimnisse, Agenden und Befehlen der Regierung gegeben, die Armee weiß, er ist glaubwürdig an die Öffentlichkeit. Somit sind diese Überläufer wurden nicht nur die Opposition in der physischen Kraft unterstützen bezahlt, aber auch der Opposition begünstigt präsentieren Lügen über die syrische Armee die Tagesordnung für die Öffentlichkeit. Zum Beispiel, behaupteten viele Überläufer, dass die syrische Armee wurde speziell zum Ziel Zivilisten angewiesen.

Syrische Armee Soldaten machen öffentliche Lossagung Ankündigung
Die Zahl der Opposition Kämpfer Syrien eingeführt und die Zahl der Austritte aus der Regierung allein spielte wohl die größte Rolle bei der Entwicklung der Revolution. Was getan wurde es scheinen, dass die Revolution die Seite, dass die Mehrheit unterstütze war; dies psychologisch zu manipulieren alle anderen zu akzeptieren und erfüllen sie. Alles, was sie tun musste, war zu diesen Wahn, und das war leicht mit den Medien porträtiert die große Zahl der importierten Opposition Kämpfer in Syrien als Syrer und den Überläufer der syrischen Armee Soldaten als freiwillige getan. Denken Sie daran, dass sie nur benötigt, um ein paar syrische Armee Soldaten in defecting zu bestechen, einmal die Täuschung des Abfalls die Norm gegründet wurde, die anderen würden dann wie Dominosteine ​​in die Konformität Wirkung fallen.

Die Opposition schlug die Wahrheit erzählt die Geschichte der syrischen Revolution in der Welt. Mit Fotos von Leichen, zerstörte Gebäude, syrische Armee Abfall Aussagen und voreingenommen unwahre Aktivist / Zeugen, war es sehr einfach für sie ein Bild von einem Power-lüstern Diktator töten unschuldige Menschen für seine Freizeit zu zeichnen. Die ersten Fotos von Leichen und zerstörten Gebäuden waren Propaganda, sie wurden aus anderen Weltregionen Katastrophen gebracht und Foto-eingekauft zu schauen "Syrian". Denken Sie daran, dass nur wenige dieser Fotos benötigt wurden. Nach Betankung Wut und geben eine Entschuldigung für die Opposition zum Gegenangriff kam diese Geschichten und Fotos zum Leben.

Es gibt einige Leute, dass die syrische Regierung ist bewusst Targeting unschuldige Zivilisten zu glauben. Dies ist die irrationale Rationalisierung der realen Situation, aus vielen Gründen:

Ein. Die syrische Armee aus Syrien Männer. Sie sind Menschen mit Müttern und Kindern. Sie würden nicht gezielt töten unschuldige Zivilisten zum Wohle zu tun.

2. Die syrische Armee ist kaum in der Lage zu halten die bewaffnete Opposition unter Kontrolle, es gibt keinen Grund, es seine Zeit, Waffen und Anstrengungen Menschen richten, die in den Konflikt unbeteiligten werden vergeuden würden.

3. Durch Angriffe auf Zivilisten, wäre es eine perfekte Ausrede für eine Leistung von außen zu intervenieren geben.

4. Aber am wichtigsten ist, die syrische Regierung, zu diesem Zeitpunkt ist in seiner kritischen Bedarf für Anhänger. Angriffe auf Zivilisten ist definitiv nicht ein Weg, um sie zu erreichen.

In jeder Hinsicht ist die Idee des "Targeting" Zivilisten, die nicht im Interesse der syrischen Regierung. Vielmehr, in jeder Hinsicht, ist die Idee des "Targeting" Zivilisten im Interesse der Opposition.

Dies ist nicht zu sagen, dass die syrische Regierung hat bisher keine unschuldigen Zivilisten getötet; es hat. Und es hat eine Menge getötet. Allerdings gibt es einen sehr großen Unterschied zwischen "Targeting" und "töten". Obwohl die Ergebnisse der beide gleich sind, ist die Ansicht des öffentlichen jeweils sehr unterschiedlich.

"Ziel" unschuldigen Zivilisten ist ein sadistischer, blutrünstiger Tyrann sein. Um eine bewaffnete Opposition Bande gezielt und unerwünscht zu nehmen unschuldige Leben in dem Prozess ist ein Mensch in einer ethisch umstrittenen Situation. Es ist in der Opposition Interesse, die syrische Regierung als sadistische, blutrünstige, Diktatur, nicht der syrischen Regierung darzustellen.

Wir sehen schrecklichen Massaker, vorsätzliche Gewalt gegen Kinder und Frauen, die in keiner Weise "durch Zufall" waren. Wer ist verantwortlich?

Ganz einfach war es weder die syrische Armee noch die Freie Syrische Armee, die Verantwortlichen für diese Angriffe waren. Während der Fokus konzentriert sich auf die Kämpfe zwischen diesen beiden Armeen, gibt es eine weitere versteckte Schlacht stattfindet aus der Öffentlichkeit. Dies ist die sektiererischen Krieg zwischen den Islamisten und der Alawiten.

Alqaeda Dschihadisten Halten der "Free Syria" flag
Islamisten sind nicht die einzigen, verantwortlich. Obwohl die meisten Dschihadisten nicht Syrer, die aus anderen Ländern gekommen sind speziell für Zwecke der Tötung der "Ungläubigen" sind, gibt es auch gegen Angriffe von den lokalen "Ungläubigen" gegen die Islamisten. Leider sind diese "Gegenangriffe" gegen sunnitische Zivilisten auf die gleiche Weise die Dschihadisten "Straftaten gegen die Alawiten Zivilisten gemacht sind.

Manchmal als "Shabiha" genannt, gibt es eine Gruppe von ungebildeten robust Alawite Extremisten, die sehr starke Unterstützer von Bashar Al Assad und des Baath-Regimes sind. Sie haben nicht die Unterdrückung der Islamisten ihnen unterworfen haben in der Vergangenheit vergessen. Sie halten an ihrer Geschichte leidenschaftlich und entschlossen sind, lassen Sie es nie wiederholen.

Viele der Shabiha Aktionen, wie dem "Assad oder verbrennen wir das Land" Slogan zu Unrecht auf die Regierung verantwortlich gemacht. Dies ist einer der größten Frustrationen im Umdrehung. Die Shabiha sind ebenso mit der syrischen Regierung verknüpft, wie die Alqaeda Dschihadisten mit der Opposition sind. Jeder der Extremisten will ihre Seite zu gewinnen, und vielleicht hilft ihnen dabei, ABER, werden sie nicht mit den Seiten, die sie unterstützen und damit ihre Handlungen nicht stellen ihnen verbunden sind. Dies ist ein Punkt, dass nur sehr wenige Menschen verstehen oder verstehen wollen, aber es ist einer der wichtigsten Punkte zu wissen. Die Ignoranz dieser Tatsache ist das, was im Wege steht einer Lösung der syrischen Konflikt.

Wenn Leute solche brutalen Bilder von Folter, Amputation, und Enthauptung zu sehen, ist es schwer für sie nicht eine starke Welle des Hasses gegen die Seite sie glauben, ist verantwortlich fühlen. Solche Gewalt, vor allem gegen die Unschuldigen und Schwachen, weckt die Menschen für die Gerechtigkeit der Opfer kämpfen. Und diese Gerechtigkeit kann nur realistisch, das Äquivalent der Straftat sein.

Generell, Hass und Wut gegen die Ungerechtigkeit ist überhaupt nicht eine schlechte Sache. In der Tat ist es eines der Dinge, die Menschheit ist am gesegnet haben. Ohne diese Wut und Hass würden wir nie gefahren Gerechtigkeit in die Welt bringen werden. Die Erregung, in Syrien die Lage ist gut. Allerdings ist es bei den falschen Leuten geleitet und geht damit Syrien die falsche Richtung.

Einfach ausgedrückt: weder die syrische Armee / Regierung noch die Freie Syrische Armee / Opposition sind kaltherzig Mörder. Sie sind beide die gleichen Leute, die genau die gleiche Sache, aber einfach für den gegenüberliegenden Seiten. Es ist die Extremisten auf beiden Seiten, die für die schlimmsten Gräueltaten, die im Land gesehen worden sind.

Gleichzeitig bedeutet dies nicht entbindet die Armeen aus dem verantwortlich gemacht für die zivilen Opfer, die von ihren Schlachten geführt haben. Die Armeen sind beide nur Targeting einander und jeder der Armeen von Zivilisten umgeben. Ob absichtlich oder nicht, ist die Tatsache, dass diese beiden Armeen mit Zivilisten als menschliche Schutzschilde. Wenn eine der beiden Armeen hatten wirklich die Integrität über das Leben von Zivilisten, einer von ihnen kümmern müsste legte ihre Waffen auf der anderen eingereicht, weil die Tatsache ist, gibt es keine Möglichkeit, sein Ziel angreift, ohne Angriffe auf Zivilisten als gut.


Der Konflikt der 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution ist die Tatsache, dass niemand sieht oder sehen will, über den Tellerrand davon. Diejenigen in der Opposition unbewusst eigentlich wollen glauben, dass es ein böser tyrannischen Diktator, der massakrierten Menschen ist bekannt für seine Freizeit. Sie wollen die Helden, die zur Rettung kommen. Sie wollen die Anerkennung von der Welt. Und als menschliche Wesen haben wir nur glauben, was wir glauben wollen. Es ist nichts falsch mit Fantasien, ein Held, wir alle haben sie, es ist etwas Natürliches, die mit Menschsein kommt. Allerdings ist die Situation in Syrien einfach nicht ein Disney-Film. Es ist nicht das, was wir sein wollen. Im Gegensatz zu den Filmen gibt es keine "good guy" und "bad guy" Es gibt nur Menschen, die Fehler machen, weil sie sich gegenseitig bekämpfen werden. Die Medien Aufgabe ist es, jede Geschichte noch spannender und interessanter, als es wirklich ist. Und sie tut dies, indem er die Ereignisse in einer verzerrt und parteiisch. Der Konflikt in Syrien ist ein Konflikt der Engstirnigkeit und Missverständnis. Und die Methode, die gewählt wird, um diesen Konflikt zu lösen, ist Zwang und Gewalt. So, das ist definitiv keine Revolution. Dies ist ein Bürgerkrieg.

| Tagged Al Qaeda, Alawiten, arabischen Frühling, arabischen Aufstand, Bashar Al Assad, extermists, Free syrischen Armee, Islamisten, Dschihadisten, Muslim Brotherhood, Revolution, Shabiha, Syrien, syrische Armee, syrischen Bürgerkrieg, syrische Regierung, syrischen Opposition, Syrian Revolution | Hinterlasse einen Kommentar
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Syrian for Peace

I tried to contact this author with no luck.  It is too important not to be published more, so here it is:

The 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution or civil war?

One of the most confusing aspects of the 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution is the various theories that have been attributed to it/about it. There are people who believe that this revolution is one that sparked out of the desire for freedom. There are others who believe that it is the Muslim Brotherhood Islamist movement resurrecting from its death in the 1980’s. And yet there are also others who believe it is a NATO attempt of making a move against its greatest enemy Iran, of whom the Syrian government is one of the closest allies to.
Any one of these theories can be true and perhaps it is even likely that all of them are. Yes, there are Syrians that want freedom; yes there are Islamists that want to re-Islamize the Syrian government, and yes, the west has much to gain from ousting an Iran-allied regime.
But the question that is in most need of being answered is: How many Syrians want this revolution? And how many Syrians don’t?
When we speak about this “revolution”, we are speaking of many different things at the same time. This revolution is not entirely based on achieving freedom. If it was only for that, then all Syrians would be agreed. The achievement of “freedom” only comes in a package with other deals; which are:
1. Violence. This has been obvious in the past year. It is not just violence from the government towards the opposition, but it is also violence from the opposition towards the government. The quarrels between the government and opposition have resulted in thousands of Syrian deaths and refugees, in addition to the daunting destruction and instability of the country.
2. Outside interference. The Syrian government and the Syrian opposition will continue to attack each other until a higher power helps one of the sides defeat the other. When this happens, the new Syrian government will be obliged to the country that won their victory. Many Syrians worry that the country they end up being obliged to will be a country that is an enemy. For example, if the United States helps the opposition win the revolution, then the United States will undoubtedly have a share of the new Syrian government. Considering the fact that the United States has always been an enemy to the Middle East and is a supporter of Israel, such an alliance is not appealing to all of the Syrian people.
3. Risk of Islamists coming into power. Even though democracy is generally recognized as the fair and just way of electing a government, many Syrians could disagree with this generalization if an Islamist government were to be situated. As mentioned in a previous articleAre Islamists Sectarian, the minorities of Syria have long suffered under the Islamist rule. The Baath party, despite being a “dictatorship”, bettered their conditions significantly. Apart from the minorities, there are also many liberal Sunni Muslims who oppose any form of government that affiliates with religion. They believe that it would be much more repressive and take from their freedom rather than offer them more of it.
Thus, the Syrian people are divided when it comes to this revolution. Not all of them want it. As a matter of fact, most of the opposition, as mentioned in The Baath Party and the Muslim Brotherhood, un-coincidentally, happens to be outside of Syria. Some people will generalize that the pro- and anti- Assad ratio of Syrians outside of Syria is proportional to the pro- and anti- Assad ratio of Syrians inside Syria. This is one of the most major misconceptions of the 2011- 2012 Syrian Revolution.
99.9% of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood left Syria in the 1980’s. When Bashar issued a law that allowed them to return, most of them had already raised an entire generation that grew up outside of Syria, not knowing anything about the country except for what their Muslim Brotherhood-affiliated families had told them about it.Naturally, anyone would demonize a government for exiling their parents/grandparents from their own country, even if their parent/grandparents were the ones at fault.
Other Syrians outside of Syria, who have no family ties with the Muslim Brotherhood, are also inclined to believe that the government of their country is tyrannical for lacking a democracy. These Syrians, despite having no Islamist influence in their ideologies, only see half of the picture. Growing up outside of Syria, they never studied the country’s history. They are not familiarized with the minorities in the country and the centuries of oppression they had suffered under Islamist authoritarianism. For these Syrians, history started with Hafez Al Assad being a dictator in office for thirty years and his son Bashar taking his place for the next ten. For these Syrians, they witnessed neither improvement nor the opposite take place in Syria over the years. All they know about Syria is that it has a dictator. And the term “dictator” is quite a stereotypical word. One is automatically programmed to imagine a dictator being a cruel, self-centered, tyrannical man with power. People are inclined to hate anyone falling under this label before even properly knowing who the person is and/or why they are there.
Without getting into more detail about the term or about Bashar Al Assad, the point that is being emphasized is that the Syrian opposition is mainly outside of Syria. It is delusional. It is very common to find Syrians outside of Syria who oppose the government while they have family members inside of Syria who strongly aid it. The truth is, the great majority of people inside Syria support the government and do not want this revolution.
How does a country whose majority doesn’t want a revolution have one?
This is where the tragedy begins. After Turkey had taken a position against the Syrian government, with the Syrian revolution, it opened its borders with Syria and began to allow outside opposition to enter. Yes, most of those whom entered were Syrians. But again, they were Syrians who had been living outside of Syria for most of, if not for their entire lives. There were also other Arabs, all jihadists who came for the intention of Islamizing Syria or paid soldiers, who entered Syria as opposition as well. This is not to say that there was absolutely no Syrian within Syria who did not join the opposition, of course there was. There were some, very few, who joined the opposition voluntarily. And then there were some more who were bribed to. Not necessarily all, but many members of the Syrian Army were paid to defect and join the opposition.
Their defections from the Syrian Army to join the opposition were not only to add physical strength to it. A defector of an army has much more to offer to an opposition movement than his combat. A defected soldier is in a position to act as if he knows the issued secrets, agendas, and commands of government given to the army; he is more credible to the public. Thus, these defectors were paid not only to aid the opposition in physical strength, but also to present opposition-favoring lies about the Syrian Army’s agenda to the public. For example, many defectors claimed that the Syrian Army was specifically instructed to target civilians.

Syrian Army soldiers making public defection announcement
The number of opposition fighters imported to Syria and the number of defections from its government alone played probably the biggest role in developing the revolution. What needed to be done was make it seem that the revolution was the side that the majority was supporting; this would psychologically manipulate everyone else to accept and conform to it. All that they needed to do was make this delusion, and this was easily done with the media portraying the large numbers of imported opposition fighters in Syria as Syrians and the defections of Syrian Army soldiers as voluntary. Keep in mind that they only needed to bribe a few Syrian Army soldiers into defecting; once the delusion of defection being the norm was established, the others would then fall like dominoes into the conformity effect.
The opposition beat the truth at telling the tale of the Syrian Revolution to the world. With photos of dead bodies, destructed buildings, Syrian army defection statements, and biased untruthful activist/witnesses, it was very easy for them to draw a picture of a power-lusting dictator killing innocent people for his leisure. The first photos of dead bodies and destructed buildings were propaganda; they were brought from other world disasters and photo-shopped to look “Syrian”. Keep in mind that only a few of these photos were needed. After fueling anger and giving an excuse for the opposition to counter-attack, these stories and photos came to life.
There are some people who believe that the Syrian government is deliberately targeting innocent civilians. This is the most irrational rationalization of the real situation, for many reasons:
1. The Syrian Army is made up of Syrian men. They are human beings with mothers and children. They would not target and kill innocent civilians for the sake of doing so.
2. The Syrian Army is barely capable of keeping the armed opposition under control; there is no reason it would waste its time, weapons, and efforts targeting people who are uninvolved in the conflict.
3. By targeting civilians, it would give a perfect excuse for a power from the outside to intervene.
4. But most importantly, the Syrian government, at this time, is in its most critical need for supporters. Targeting civilians is definitely not a way to attain them.
In every way, the idea of “targeting” civilians is not in the interest of the Syrian government. Rather, in every way, the idea of “targeting” civilians is in the interest of the opposition.
This is not to say that the Syrian government has not killed any innocent civilians; it has. And it has killed a lot. However, there is a very big difference between “targeting” and “killing”. Though the results of both are the same, the view of the public to each is very different.
To “target” innocent civilians is to be a sadistic, blood-thirsty tyrant. To target an armed opposition gang and undesirably take innocent lives in the process is to be a human in an ethically controversial situation. It is in the opposition’s interest to portray the Syrian government as a sadistic, bloodthirsty, dictatorship, not the Syrian government’s.
We are seeing horrific massacres, deliberate violence against children and women that were in no means “by accident”. Who is responsible?
Quite simply it was neither the Syrian Army nor the Free Syrian Army who were responsible for these attacks. While the spotlight focuses on the battles between these two armies, there is another hidden battle that takes place out of the public eye. This is the sectarian war between the Islamists and the Alawites.

Alqaeda jihadists holding the “Free Syria” flag
Islamists are not the only ones responsible. Though most jihadists are non-Syrians who have come from other countries specifically for the sake of slaying the “infidels”, there are also counter attacks from the local “infidels” against the Islamists. Unfortunately, these “counter attacks” are made against Sunni civilians the same way the jihadists’ offenses are made against the Alawite civilians.
Sometimes referred to as the “Shabiha”, there is a group of uneducated robust Alawite extremists who are very strong supporters of Bashar Al Assad and of the Baath regime. They have not forgotten the oppression the Islamists have subjected them to in the past. They hold on to their history passionately and are determined to never let it repeat itself.
Many of the Shabiha’s actions, such as the “Assad or we burn the country” slogan have wrongly been blamed on the government. This is one of the biggest frustrations in the revolution. The Shabiha are just as associated with the Syrian government as the Alqaeda jihadists are with the opposition. Each of the extremists wants their side to win, and is perhaps helping them in doing so, BUT, they are not associated with the sides they are supporting and thus their actions do not represent them. This is a point that only very few people understand or want to understand, however it is one of the most important points to know. The ignorance to this fact is what stands in the way of a solution to the Syrian conflict.
When people see such brutal images of torture, amputation, and beheading, it is hard for them not to feel a strong wave of hatred against the side they believe is responsible. Such violence, especially against the innocent and weak, arouses people to fight for the justice of these victims. And such justice can only, realistically, be the equivalent of the offense.
Generally speaking, hatred and anger against injustice is not at all a bad thing. As a matter of fact, it is one of the things humanity is most blessed to have. Without this anger and hatred we would never be driven to bring justice to the world. The arousal, in Syria’s situation, is good. However, it is directed at the wrong people, and is thus moving Syria the wrong direction.
Simply put: neither the Syrian Army/government nor the Free Syrian Army/opposition are cold hearted killers. They are both the same people doing the exact same thing but simply for opposite sides. It is the extremists on each end that are responsible for the worst of the atrocities that have been seen in the country.
At the same time, this does not exonerate the armies from the being held responsible for the civilian casualties that have resulted from their battles. The armies are both only targeting each other and each of the armies is surrounded by civilians. Whether intentional or not, the fact is that both of these armies are using civilians as human shields. If either of the armies truly had the integrity to care about civilian lives, one of them would have put their weapons down submitted to the other because the fact is there is no way of attacking their target without attacking civilians as well.
The conflict of the 2011-2012 Syrian Revolution is the fact that nobody sees, or wants to see, the bigger picture of it. Those in the opposition unconsciously actually WANT to believe that there is an evil tyrannical dictator who is massacring people for his leisure. They WANT to be the heroes that come to the rescue. They WANT the recognition from the world. And as human beings, we only believe what we want to believe. There is nothing wrong with having fantasies of being a hero, we all have them; it’s something natural that comes with being human. However, the situation in Syria is simply not a Disney movie. It is not what we want it to be. Unlike the movies, there is no “good guy” and “bad guy” there is only human beings that are making mistakes because they are fighting each other. The media’s job is to make any story more exciting and interesting than it really is. And it does so by presenting the events in a distorted and biased manner. The conflict of Syria is a conflict of closed-mindedness and misunderstanding. And the method that is being chosen to resolve this conflict is force and violence.  Thus, this is definitely not a revolution. This is a civil war.
NB: If you are the author and wish this removed, please say so here and it will be done.

Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Syrian Commando

Some more from this writer and some exposure:

Every time we think the west, the zionists and their Arab puppets have sunk to the deepest pit of morality, they prove us wrong by pulling out a new vice. Through killing us in a new way — and then lying about it to kill us once again. Were I to list off all of the lies created, all the works of deception, about Syria, the result would be encyclopedia spanning 30 volumes.  This is not the purpose of this post. The purpose is to END these lies, by showing you how they are created.

Let us begin from the very beginning… with the so-called “peaceful spontaneous protests”. These were preceded by attempts in Iraq to smuggle a huge amount of arms by months and various failed attempts to spark protests since at least late February and early March 2011. A favoured tactic by the west is to put women and children, as young as plausible, at the very forefront of their propaganda. This leaves most reader in a heightened emotional state, the only purpose of their “news” then, is to inject the lie: The Syrian people and their security forces cannot be trusted to keep themselves safe. “Violence” is splashed everywhere and a slow narrative creep approaches, justifying certain violence and attempting to annihilate the only legitimate source of violence: The monopoly of sovereignty.

It isn’t enough to lie however… the key to their strategy is to create events on the ground loosely corresponding to their lies. That way they can slowly change reality with their narrative forcefully being repeated until all of the weak observers have no choice but to (or willingly) succumb.

And so began the so-called “revolution”: Ten children graffiti some anti-government vandalism over some wall in Daraa and supposedly get arrested. Then their parents supposedly gather the entire city behind them and protest, only to be fired on by police who, for whatever reason, went crazy that day and started firing own their own townsmen whose families they no doubt know personally. Then of course, the governor orders the children be taken away to some super-secret dungeon to have all of their nails pulled out. Here’s the problem: To this day no one knows who these children are, the story is likely to be a fabrication and its announcement nothing more than a signal for the Otpor-style colour revolution fuel. Also, never mind several policemen were stabbed in Homs on the very same day, definitely spontaneous am I right? In reality, there were death squads on the field simulating this very scenario by shooting at both the police and the protesters.

The government had to swallow this one whole, they were taken by surprise (and this in itself is criminal negligence in my opinion, but I let it pass because we have to save our country at all costs) admitted mistakes and announced that people’s demands for reform (the palatable cover for such protests of course) was heard and will be met with certainty. Furthermore, it announced  the emergency law that kept the country secure at the cost of enriching very corrupt people with absolute power over the country, would end. In any case this emergency law proved to be useless as the majority of customs people were paid off and arms were flowing freely from all bordering countries with the exception of the zionist entity and 10,060 US military-payroll personnel were being housed in Syria as admitted by the pentagon! A testament to the efficiency of the DoD’s irregular warfare program.

In order to stop the possibly cascading violence between police and “protesters” (the gunmen who embed themselves amongst  them) the government ordered all security to refrain from shooting at protests even if they are fired on by them! This spelled the end of George Soro’s colour revolution stratagem that worked perfectly in Egypt and Tunisia. The professional agitating snipers, gunmen were largely caught … but it was far from the end of it. This same lie persisted to keep as many fools going as possible and to give the fabricated “opposition” a battle cry to stand on. But alas, as with all things, this lie had diminishing returns with each repetition.

The zionist “revolution” needed a symbol: A small twelve year boy as it happened, killed by maniacal security forces in the most gruesome torturous way in the depth of secret dungeons. In reality, it was an armed seventeen year old whose father admitted that his goal was to rape and steal, shot while raiding a police station, the president personally met with him and handed the coroner’s report. But the lying media, found a photograph of him from school and splashed it across all the social media. You can still find this photograph on many revolution-suckers profile photo. None of them know the truth, the lie was too easy to swallow.

The stage was set to bring on the west’s “activist” no-lifers: Enter the gay girl in Damascus.

The gay girl in Damascus… and the real person behind this character, Tom McMaster

The gay girl was a blog that was slowly being updated, well before the violent riots began. It was done in coordination of Tom McMaster and his girlfriend who specialised in middle eastern affairs, specifically around Syria. After a few fanciful stories, which got the image of black jacketed Mukhabarat cigarette smoking thugs into people’s minds, amongst threats of rape and sectarian undertones all written in English … the “gay girl” had to be martyred. She was arrested and disappeared by police you see… the “gay community” in the west was outraged. They quickly called upon their hoards of busy-body activists to “champion” the cause of the zionist revolution in Syria. But alas, it was short lived mainly due to the incredible attention given to the story. The US embassy, declining at the time to drain itself of credibility (that it would save for later, draining it on an equally pointless fantasy I might mention), denied knowing anything about the supposed gay girl. Indeed, people began browsing through the carefully constructed history McMaster and his girlfriend created for her, eventually leading them directly to the culprit.

For reasons far too complicated and arcane, Syria had to go down for the west, they were and still are willing to throw everything they had at us. What they had done so far wasn’t enough. Too many smart people resided in Syria and they largely ignored their enemy’s press. The suckers had to grow in their bloodlust in order to be more useful zionist puppets. They had to assume their fellow Syrians were monsters in order for them to act like monsters and justify monstrous acts.

In the second part, we will go through the vicious, barbaric acts committed to simulate the horrors necessary to achieve this bloodlust and more — international condemnation. Furthermore, I will reveal the final few as-of-yet unlaunched attempts that are being drawn up by zionist-linked journalists in the west, leaving you with the following screenshot from social media that should hint at directions they wish to explore next.

A demented western media liar looks for photographs of prostitutes in order to taint military men that he admits are honourable people.

Some people were shocked/surprised when I said this on twitter. This isn’t written as a reaction to them, but to get something off my plate in this dark hour. It has to be said and many Syrians are too polite and afraid to speak the truth. You should know by now that politeness and fear isn’t enough to stop this small voice from speaking out. It isn’t that hard to understand when you work through things logically making a few concessions of ideology. Many of my friends will disagree with me, but after reading this they will realise our disagreement is purely semantic.

To start off the root ideology behind my opinion may not be popular amongst people, but it’s definitely taking off in Syria: our identification as Syrians rather than Arabs. You can read about the martyr Antoun Saadeh’s work and his part the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party for people with similar opinion and great justification. I’m not a member myself, but some of my family were founding members. Not long ago, you could have called me a communist! I’m a bit beyond politics now however, my focus began to shift towards geopolitics and strategy long ago and now I’m completely dedicated to that, so just take this as me pointing towards those with a similar elements to my ideology. Mine is not based on race so much, but on culture, history, trustworthiness and geographic location. You will note that the government of Syria is ruled by a party that is opposed to this ideology as they are pan-Arabists rather than “pan-Syrianists” (and I include some of our Jordanian, Lebanese, Iraqi and Palestinian brothers as Syrians). Throughout this document, I include almost all Arabs of course, based on their votes in the Arab league, not just the main conspirators. I apologise if you find this offensive, but perhaps you should have done something to stop your representatives from voting against us.

Instead of jumping straight to the simple reason why I made this logically valid statement, I will guide you through the history of the current crisis in Syria to demonstrate it as the only logical conclusion.

Turkey, the Gulf, Jordan, israel, America and much of Europe has been running a conspiracy against Syria for almost 10 months. These slimy states are funding terrorists, sending arms and in the case of countries like Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Lebanon (March 14 faction), Qatar and UAE, flying terrorists into Syria. The terrorists operating in Syria are of various origins from within the Arab world as well as local gunmen. The Arabs themselves have largely picked up the tab, not aware or concerned about the consequences, they are following their orders and their pure hate for Syria.

Today one of these Arab in the Midan, in the heart of Damascus, blew himself up and took 25 innocent souls with him. Their remains were scattered on the streets:

Remains of innocent bystanders from Arab terrorism

In all likelihood this was a non-Syrian Arab terrorist, trained to hate, trained to kill, trained to die. Not to say there is something wrong with martyrdom operations during warfare — sacrifice when you’re part of a larger body is an act of an Ubermensch. But doing the same thing, without aim and without any manner of inflicting victory for yourself … it is purely animalistic. In fact, they are even lower than even an animal, who would always hang on to their lives for survival, but to spare you from reading monster too much, I will stick to animals.

I disapproved of, for a long time, the suicide bombings inside Palestine occuipied by the zionist entity referred to herein as “israel”. I still do, in my opinion, it did not actually grant Palestinians any victory. Remotely detonated weapons are far superior and it would be best if they targeted the military state terror apparatus. But this is the mainstay of certain Palestinian factions — I don’t like them, but this is the truth. They do have a GOAL that benefits them however, so I will not call them animalistic. They are simply not strategic thinkers.

But now… the Arabs, blowing themselves up inside Syria, in its capital. The only country that is holding back the west from forever conquering the entire middle east under the “New Middle East” plan? They are willing to blow themselves up in order to HURT themselves in the future. The Qatari are willing to sit idly while their Emir spends their future away to destroy a country that calls itself their sister? Jordanians and Saudis have killed themselves to destroy Syria, for money? No, it cannot be for money if they’re willing to blow themselves up. It’s just pure hatred for Syria, the land, the country, the people. They always treated us like dirt when we were in their countries. That’s fine, we can ignore them, despite opening the door for them to study for free in our country. But that’s not enough for them, they must be rid of us forever.

The Arab sees a fruitful tree and must pick up a stone to destroy it, as their nature calls for it. The Arab animalistic terrorist however, has to blow themselves up with the tree. This isn’t just the case for these bombings in Syria. You must understand that we’re on the edge of total war, World War III so to speak. I will write about this soon, but please take my word for it until then. The Arabs are putting not only their filthy terrorist’s lives on the line but their entire nations. Their countries will be in the firing line if they leave no other solution for our axis. They don’t seem to be sensing this at all, they see every diplomatic move by Syria as an opportunity to raise the ceiling on the available provocations.

But are the Arabs playing Syria on their own? Or are they the ones being played? The answer to this question can be found in:

Oded Yinon’s “A Strategy for Israel in the Nineteen Eighties”

Israel's dream resurrected as the "new middle east" in 2006

After their attempt to take down Syria in 1982 using their Arab slaves and the “Muslim Brotherhood” (controlled by British intelligence) failed the israelis had to look for a broader strategy to be pulled off over a longer period of time. Before the year even ended, the israelis drew up plans to divide the Arabs in a manner that allows them to exert covert control over them and eventually dominate the entire area. You can read more about it in this excellent article — but I will summarise the important points for this article. The attacks begun in 1990 with the attack against Iraq during and after Desert Storm. In that time, Saddam had fell into the trap into thinking he was not indispensable by his controllers. Iraq’s army was one of israel’s main fears. It was large and well armed and Saddam himself, while under control of the Americans who put him in power, was very much against israel.

The Arabs then pretended that Saddam was coming for them all, all over a dispute with Kuwait who was stealing Iraq’s oil. The Arabs joined a war launched by America and Kuwait based on a lie. Syria, who had a bone to pick with Saddam over his support of the “Muslim Brotherhood” bombings, also sent a force to help remove Iraqi soldiers from Kuwait, but never went any further and reportedly never fired even at other Iraqis (in fact it facilitated many of their survival but we’ll leave that story for another day) to the degree that the British requested that Syrian troops get cordoned off. The Arabs though, they started bombing the Iraqi army, they went further than desert storm. The Arabs took part of almost all but the last of the US missions to destroy Iraq. They boasted about the size of each bomb they dropped over Iraq, they were very proud of the destruction they were instilling on their fellow Arabs.

They also took part in the sanctions that turned a rich country (Iraq) to one of the poorest in the world. All while talking about religion and dancing with night-walkers in foreign lands. For more than a decade Iraq was being bombed and sanctioned, in the mean time Syria allowed Iraqis to smuggle food in and out, selling their produce and oil, getting some currency into the country.

After Bill Clinton launched another campaign to starve Iraq out a little bit more and take out their air defense systems, the israelis kicked the next phase of their plan: Operation Shekinah. You may know it by another name, “Shock and Awe”. All they needed was a justification. How convenient that 9/11 kicked the westerners (of whom the majority are equally animalistic as the Arabs) into an endless self-righteous phase of bloodlust.

After the USAF deployed a neutron bomb over Baghdad airport, they may have taken down their former puppet but the Iraqi resistance lived on. They ignored them, saying “bring it on” and they did, but threatened Syria anyway even though we would not kneel. Instead, we opted to support the resistance! Despite the Arab/Saudi/Qatari constant interference using takfiri elements who were creating sectarian conflicts, and despite Negroponte’s death squads, the resistance came out ahead in the end and forced the Americans into their bases to cut their massive (under-reported) losses.

After other battles (such as the Lebanese-israeli war in 2006) supported by Arabs failed to generate the necessary conditions for the new middle east plans, as the war destroyed the sectarianism they were building up in Iraq. That’s when the israelis and their Arab dogs realised that the war can only be won by taking the battle to Syria.

But you cannot fight Syria directly. The Turks know this, despite their ridiculously over the top brinkmanship (which almost became an apocalyptic battle). The Americans know this, which is why they hatched the plan. The israelis certainly know this, because they’re in Syria’s direct line of fire. But the Arab animals, didn’t know this. They kept carrying out their israeli master’s orders via Jeffery Feltman. They kept sending out their money, kept sending Arab terrorist dogs, kept sending arms and now started sending their signature suicide bombers. They saw every diplomatic exit Syria opened for them as some kind of weakness and kept listening to their masters.

As I’ve implied, our archnemesis israel and their western allies are the architects of this crisis, why would peace be possible with them but not the Arabs? I’ve already answered the question in the previous paragraph: because they know when to stop, as a direct conflict with Syria means mutual destruction. The Arabs don’t know this — they don’t know our capabilities, they don’t know our possible reaction and they do not know our limits. The reason is, in contrast to the scheming devilish israelis, the Arabs are STUPID. They haven’t realised yet that even months ago, they had already sealed their fate when they ignored President Assad’s widely publicised earthquake warning. Since then, Syria, not just yours truly, has realised that there can be no peaceful co-existence with these animalistic scum.

As long as the conflict is contained inside Syria, the Arabs will not stop. They won’t stop their bombings, they won’t stop the media war, they won’t stop their terrorism or fake activists. They’ve only left us a single solution: war, thus by definition, peace is impossible with the Arabs. A regional war it shall be, reducing the Arabs to a state that is as harmless as an animal in a zoo to the guests. That means: no more cities, no more money, no more oil&gas production capacity. This is the existence that was intended for them, a camel, an oasis, fish and some sheep. You put money (power) into their hands and they will only create trouble for those they are pointed at.

Once the Arabs are removed from israel’s hands, we will begin to suffocate it. Life is going to be VERY hard for israel when it cannot use Arab energy to fuel its machines of war. When there are no Arab states to trade with in a clandestine fashion. When there are no Arabs states propping up the petrodollar that keeps it alive. Syria already knows that a direct war with israel is not in its interest, it will quickly become the battle of Armageddon due to weapons of mass destruction. But we can use their same strategies of attacking them indirectly. Funding and arming the resistance against them. Isolating them economically and so on, until they give up their zionism and become a regular state where the right of return is granted to Palestinians and migration is not based on one’s religion. Where the Golan heights is returned to Syria, the Shebba farms are returned to Lebanon, Sinai is under Egypt’s control without condition and the region will remain stable under the spectre of mutually assured destruction. Something the Arabs have no understanding of.

We will win, not through direct war, nor through worthless negotiations, but through a game of geopolitical chess that will suffocate our nemesis as they tried to suffocate us.

In conclusion and to rub salt in the wound, I will translate an Arabic proverb into English: Better a scheming enemy than a stupid friend. If you think I’m wrong, then go pray that God forgives me, but if you read some truth into this, consider how far the Arabs have to go before they show some semblance of a human being. Before being stupid and calling me an israeli apologist, note that in all my tweets and in all my posts, I’ve never capitalised the word ‘israel’. Can the fake activists passing my tweets around without context (this article) say the same? I didn’t think so.

The Washington Post is sometimes known as the pentagon’s gazette and with good reason. They’ve managed to turn … basically, the worst human beings on Earth, into some kind of heroes. Organ traffickers and harvesters. Honestly, these people make jack the ripper seem like an angel. Unfortunately, we caught some in Syria, along with many bodies of their victims[And I warn you this is extremely graphic]:

(Unfortunately only in Arabic, but displays the story of the organ traffickers in Homs, Syria)

Here is a video of where they stored some of the “spent” bodies[Again, graphic]:

You never get to hear this on the western sewer stream media of course. They’re too busy talking about non-existent fantasies like the “Free Syrian Army” and what not. Pentagon’s gazette takes the pick though, for being the most vile of them all. They’ve taken this story of organ traffickers and turned them into angels. In an article titled “Activists accuse Syria regime of intensifying crackdown on doctors treating wounded protesters”, a grand tale of beautiful doctors healing poor innocent protesters is presented to us. Naturally, there’s only so much a Syrian can take. Here are my comments to them:

Most people only read the title of an article and skim the content. They trust the editor to pick a title that best reflects that content. Naturally, I’m not one of those people, especially being a Syrian concerned about his country. But this article has so many problems that my comment will focus on the title alone.

“Activists accuse Syria regime of intensifying crackdown on doctors treating wounded protesters”.

Not a single word of this title conveys the truth.

Activist: These people are not activists, but terrorists living abroad, warmongering against a nation that the west wishes to destroy. They are essentially EXILES.

Accuse: They have no standing to accuse a sovereign nation of anything. They are simply spreading RUMOURS.

Syria regime: Of course, the west loves to use the word “regime” when targeting a state that is against it. The correct neutral word of course, is GOVERNMENT.

Intensifying crackdown on doctors: There was no crackdown on doctors to begin with, a complete fabrication. What has happened is quite disgusting: several non-Arabic speaking mercenaries surgeons were captured alongside terrorists operating in Homs. These mercenary doctors specialised in organ harvesting, as proven by video taken of them operating in a body (of a person presumed to be under sedation but still alive — until of course the organs are removed).

Treating wounded protesters: Here is the other problem, while these mercenaries did indeed set up field hospitals for terrorists who are wounded while they killed Syrian civilians and the army/security attempted to stop them, they also served another purpose. You see, these same terrorists kidnapped many people in Homs. We found a warehouse with 30 bodies inside, many with missing organs. Yes, the terrorists and the mercenaries worked hand-in-hand, kidnapping the innocent people of Homs and transferring their organs to the world market, leaving their parents with a body to bury.

I have not a single unconfirmed fact above, everything can be backed up — and will be brought up when the time suits it, by our government.

What I’m left to do for the associated press and Washington post, is suggest a better title. You can fix the content up yourselves (you cannot afford my services you see):

Exiles spread rumours about the Syrian government who has captured mercenary surgeons harvesting organs and treating wounded terrorists.

It is my request that you change your title to reflect reality by using mine. Though I have no illusions about your compliance with this request, it’s worth a shot. Isn’t it?

Original article and comment

Do note that they make the usual mention of “army defectors” to cover for the tens of thousands of terrorists (many non-Syrian) we have caught and the remainder we are cleaning up. This is the standard of media in the west, a sorry joke in front of the world.


Addounia has covered this story, now with English captions for wider reach:

The failed traitors have formed what they’re calling a “Syrian National Transition Council”, named after the so-called NTC in Libya. If it wasn’t so in your face, I would take them somewhat seriously. These cavemen, you see, cannot even control their anger at each other while the cameras are rolling:

Democracy ('Muslim' brotherhood) representatives, hand-picked by the west for Syria

Really now, can anyone take these cavemen seriously? Anyway, these traitors want to call for a war on Syria, but they’re unaware of the full details that stop the west from doing just that. I will not get into that right now, it is somewhat of a matter of national security. In order to pretend they have some information about Syria’s air defenses they published a map, as relayed by the Foreign policy journal:

The also published 4 other “zoomed in detailed maps”, and then stood to the side and said: “rejects any outside interference that undermines the sovereignty of the Syrian people” … BUT they need a “no fly zone” just like in Libya. As if the world will fall for that one a third time (in Iraq and then Libya) pretending it’s not a foreign intervention.

I tell these cavemen, first off, you don’t know anything about Syria’s air defenses. Your information is almost 30 years old, the last time the system was activated against israel + the west. I will also tell you, as you sit comfortably in Turkey, that your air defense situation isn’t so crash hot:

Turkey's pathetic air defense system.

Ooooh we could wipe Turkey off the map within 15 minutes with a defense system this bad. It seems to be EWS-heavy, but the air defense components are all directed at Greece … they’ve completely neglected a possible strike by Syria or/and Iran. For example, we can create a no-fly zone over the terrorist Control-and-Command center that calls itself the SNTC. Oh dear, those fist fights you’re having amongst each other don’t seem very important anymore do they? That next shake you feel could be the prelude to your death, rather than the lobotomised traitor next to you shaking in fear from what will happen to them when the US abandons them soon.

And that fancy radar NATO is installing for you? It’s the first thing that will be turned into shredded and scorched sheet metal.

Now, enough fun for a moment, how did I produce this map? And why is it in such a similar style to these bastard’s map? Well, I used the same source! This map was collected by what I would call an “amateur”, you can visit their website here. They describe themselves as “Open source military analysis”. Basically this information, outside of the west where it is reliable (i.e. Turkey’s map) is publicly available and thus can be considered worthless.

I should also mention that I had to invert the colours to get the same stupid effect these cavemen managed to create in paintbrush. They thought this would hide the source of the information from us. These people are truly pathetic and ugly.

If you’re wondering why I would choose such an obvious title, well, things have become really difficult to understand for some people. A lot of people thought that Turkey became a friend of Syria and an enemy of Israel. In fact, it seems their alignment has never changed. Also, Syrians assumed that Qatar was a friend of Syria … but soon got the wake up call when Al Khanzeera started broadcasting 24 hours of lies. Just today, Al Khanzeera showed its utter carelessness with the weather in the fabricated and old videos being sunny, whereas it was cloudy — and even raining — in some areas of Syria.

With Al Khanzeera (aka Al Jazeera) though, some people might still think its their friend. Many people, actually. There’s one nation though that immediately jumps out at people as an enemy of Syria and that country is israel. There’s no way you can say this nation is a friend of Syrian people when it occupies our territory and threatens us with war, hurts our interests consistently and butchers our Palestinian and Lebanese brothers. Some people try to paint it as a friend of the people, but they are never really taken seriously.

Now that the extreme basics have been discussed, I present to you a disgusting “Syrian opposition” website in German:

Freies Syrien (Free Syria/Syrians) (

Let us examine the presentation of this website briefly, it’s an “opposition” website so it is surely filled with psychological triggers, for example an image of a shouting and angry person, to ensure the viewers feel some kind of urgency. This allows them to lose their senses a bit and more readily accept lies that would be the cause of this rage. Bingo, right in the top left hand corner:

I mean really? Why is she so angry right? There has to be a reason. Of course, it turns out there is! Let us look at the other corner of the page:

Ah, I understand, she is angered that her child was shot by the “shabi7ah”. Those darn non-existent “shabi7ah”, always ruining a mother’s day.

Actually, this image was used by many anti-Syrian “activists”, newspapers and so on. The image itself is from Iraq, September 2007:

This essay was posted in December 2007, caption for relevant image reads:

Iraqi mother weeps for her son who was killed by a sniper, September 2007.

There are plenty of other sources as well. We exposed this long ago, but these people NEVER correct their lies. You know who else behaves like this? Zionists. Indeed arguing with many of these supposed “activists” felt like arguing with israeli zionists. In fact, I confirmed quite a few of them were israelis, all you have to do is mention things that show how pathetic the zionist entity is and they can’t help but become defensive. They’re simplistic snakes, but disguise themselves well enough for most of the masses to be fooled, especially those not familiar with Syrian history or Syrians in general. When the first contact they make is with a fake Syrian, they are confused as to the real identity and behaviour of a Syrian.

Now, it’s a common knee-jerk reaction in the middle east to blame israel for every problem, with good reason (because it usually IS israel). But I’m one of those people who believe evidence must be presented to prove such an assertion. For example … a simple WHOIS from the German registry:
Name: Digital Gateway Networks A.S.
Adresse: 32 Jerusalem Blvd.
PLZ: 68112
Ort: Tel Aviv-Jaffa
Land: IL
Telefon: +972 37630640
Telefax: +972 37618330
BZZZZZT, do not pass go, do NOT collect $200.  This website is administered, registered to israelis on the behalf of this German registry. They are that stupid, or sloppy, that they forgot to use an anonymous registration. My enemy israel, is not my friend. These are fake Syrians and this is a psychological operation against our people. It is just the very tip of the ice berg of the conspiracy against Syria. I hope you all start paying more attention.
P.S. Special thanks to Mazen the 17th for making this fast discovery.