Friday, April 13, 2012

Occupy Wall Street in Context


          In my dotage, I can recall and retell the past with, as Mark Twain phrased it, with senile rapture.
          The occasion is an interview on Democracy Now with Amy Goodman on Tom Hayden, one leader of the Students for a Democratic Society and an author of the Port Huron statement.  I first met Tom in 1965 and I am sure, at least hopeful, that he does not remember me.  I finally reconnected with him just a year or so ago, and he gave me permission to reprint anything he wrote, on his Blog Tom  Shortly thereafter, he connected with the Nation, a fine publication, but it does have copyright protection.  I am therefore glad he did finally appear so I could present his interview.

          Actually, there is quite a long history involved.  Tom did appear with Keith Olbermann’s show on Current TV and mentioned that the people at Occupy Wall Street would demand jury trials and thus clog up the legal system.  We said that they should – it was a great idea.  Later, he retracted it, saying it was a prediction, not a recommendation.  This sort of CYA (Cover your Ass) activity was too typical of him, but still his history is correct and praiseworthy, as is the Port Huron Statement.

          Another character who was a great deal of fun was Abbie Hoffman. 
The trouble was you could never keep track of him, nor could he.

          All of this is in a cultural context of the Neo-Bohemian movements.  The first were the Beats, comprised of people such as Jack Kerowack, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, and others, even Ken Kesey.  All of these produced a body of work that remains impressive and Ferlinghetti remains active today.

          Next, Norman Mailer published a work on the Hip and the Beat, characterizing the Hip as somehow more dynamic.  Also, since the Russians launched a satellite called Sputnick, some justly forgotten journalist coined the term Beatnick which caused a wide defection.  Abbie came up with the term Yippie, for the YIP (Youth International Party), to replace the then current term of Hippie.  Abbie’s activities can only be described as a form of surrealistic bohemianism.  Not that he would find such a term attractive.  He is now dead (really, kids) but did at least leave a great book behind, titled Steal this Book.

          By this time, I had found my own interests more closely represented in the 15th and 16th Centuries, the Renaissance, but did follow things.  I particularly enjoyed the Chicago Trials starring a group of ex-compadres and also William Kunstler and Leonard Wienglass as well as right-wing hippie Judge Julius Hoffman.  Today Kunstler holds the status for enlightened youth as did Clarence Darrow for us.  The movie Inherit the Wind, (three versions, the best overall with Spencer Tracy, but the best Darrow was by Jason Robards).   We are still fighting for the right to teach evolution in Kansas, it seems.

          Complicating everything was Vietnam.  JFK has some 20,000 troops in Viet Nam as the McCarthy era had just passed.  The speculation is that he was going to stop involvement in Viet Nam.  We will never know, but it is clear that he had done a great deal of “house cleaning” of the CIA after the Bay of Pigs fiasco and the standoff with Kruschev and a possible nuclear war.  There used to be air-raid drills in the public school system to defend against an atomic bomb landing.  I had my own trouble in complying and, when asked by teachers why, I said that I would just as soon try to catch it as it came down.  Imagine the radio-active fall-out.  Well, Kennedy was bumped off and Lyndon Johnson was elected.

          Escalation started.  I did research on the topic and found that Vietnam had not been successfully occupied and had been at some sort of was for the past 1,000 years.  I was not about to become a part of that nonsense.

          Most of us still think he was assassinated by the CIA, or some related forces in order to make Vietnam possible.  By 1968, I began to get involved again with the McCarthy campaign and brother Bobby started to run.  Meanwhile, Martin Luther King as assassinated, then Bobby.  Malcom X followed soon after (on the first day of National Brotherhood Week).  Bobby was probably assassinated by FBI types.  King was not assassinated until he spoke out against the war.  Malcolm had become a real Moslem, rather than a Black Moslem, and found that in Islam race actually did not matter.  That did it for him.  There are simply too many facts involved to go into it, but the conclusions above reflect all of them.   What Eisenhower called the “Military Industrial Complex,” and then got out of town forever, is the force behind all of this.

          Now it is clear that there is no President of the United States, only a figurehead.  Most vote for the lessor of two evils, but that is still a vote for evil.  Not voting is still a conscious choice and, don’t worry, Obama will be re-elected as our Corporatocracy is doing so well under him. 

We need here to establish a few definitions (bear with me).  They will help to clarify what you hear on the news:

Democracy: Currently, a government run in the interests of giant corporations and the upper 1%.  Previously called Fascism, but now without the need for a charismatic individual to make decisions.

International or World Community: As Noam Chomsky points out, the U.S. and whatever governments support Democracy (see previous definition).
Terrorist: Some individual who is a threat to Democracy.

Strongman:  Any leader who is not Democratic and therefore a member of the International or World Community (See above definitions).  These people all too often believe that a country’s resources belong to its own people and that the wealth should be distributed accordingly.

Dictator: Any leader who preserves his own country’s integrity, despite the demands of the world community.

So now, who haven’t I offended yet?  Oh, yes.  During the transcript (which will be posted separately), Tom uses the term “Negro” in his recorded speeches.  So also did JFK, Robert Kennedy, and  Martin Luther King.  Well, at the time, it was considered the appropriate word.  Then it became “Black,” and now it is pretty much settled as “African-American,” after a brief life as “Afro-American,” (this last abandoned, apparently, because the hair style is out of date).  That should be offensive, right?  Right, because it is accurate.

Also, nuclear energy opponents: when I was about to graduate from the University of Illinois, Urbana, I contemplated working once I finished, but Viet Nam increased the draft.  Along with Dick Cheney, I held onto my student status.  However, before that, I had scheduled a job interview with a large advertising agency.  They asked me to write a sample ad, and then would contact me, and would hold my position while I went into the reserve.  Well, I wrote an ad that I was sure would be rejected, a jingle, about the effects of radio-active fallout on milk, Strontium-90:

 Strontum 90’s good for me,
 Gives me pep and energy,
 Makes my bones as soft as silk –
 Strontum 90 in my milk.

Yes kids, ask your mom to get milk that has been treated by the good folks at the Department of Energy – your government at work for you!

I was offered the position.  I went on to Grad School. 

Well, transcripts coming next time.



In meiner alten Tage, ich kann erinnern und erzählen die Vergangenheit mit, wie Mark Twain es ausdrückte, mit Altersdemenz Entrückung.
Der Anlass ist ein Interview auf Democracy Now mit Amy Goodman auf Tom Hayden, ein Anführer der Studenten für eine demokratische Gesellschaft und einer der Autoren der Port Huron Statement. Ich lernte Tom im Jahr 1965 und ich bin sicher, zumindest hoffnungsvoll, dass er nicht an mich erinnern. Ich endlich wieder mit ihm nur ein Jahr oder so vor, und er gab mir die Erlaubnis, alles, was er schrieb, nachzudrucken, auf seinem Blog Tom Kurz danach, er mit der Nation, ein feines Publikation verbunden, aber es hat urheberrechtlichen Schutz. Ich bin deshalb froh, dass er endlich erscheinen, damit ich sein Interview darstellen können.
Eigentlich gibt es eine recht lange Geschichte beteiligt. Tom tat erscheinen mit Keith Olbermann-Show auf Current TV und erwähnte, dass die Leute an der Wall Street besetzen würde Schwurgerichten Nachfrage und damit zum Verstopfen des Rechtssystems. Wir sagten, sie sollten - es war eine großartige Idee. Später eingefahren er es, es sei eine Vorhersage, keine Empfehlung. Diese Art von CYA (Cover your Ass) Tätigkeit war zu typisch für ihn, aber immer noch seine Geschichte ist richtig und lobenswert, ebenso wie die Port Huron Statement.
Ein weiterer Charakter, der sehr viel Spaß gemacht hat war Abbie Hoffman.Das Problem war, konnte man nie den Überblick über ihn, noch konnte er.
All dies ist in einem kulturellen Kontext der Neo-Bohemian Bewegungen. Das erste waren die Beats, von Leuten wie Jack Kerowack, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, Allen Ginsberg, und andere, auch Ken Kesey zusammen. All dies produziert eine Reihe von Arbeiten, die beeindruckend und bleibt Ferlinghetti bleibt aktiv, heute.
Als nächstes veröffentlichte Norman Mailer eine Arbeit an der Hüfte und dem Beat, Hip Charakterisierung der als irgendwie dynamischer. Auch, weil die Russen einen Satelliten ins Leben gerufen namens Sputnici, manche zu Recht vergessen Journalist den Begriff Beatnick, die ein breites Abfall verursacht geprägt. Abbie kam mit dem Begriff Yippie, für die Yip (Youth International Party), um die jeweils aktuellen Laufzeit von Hippie zu ersetzen. Abbie Tätigkeit kann nur als eine Form von surrealistischen Boheme beschrieben werden. Nicht, dass er fände ein solcher Begriff attraktiv. Er ist jetzt tot (wirklich, Kinder) aber zumindest lassen ein großes Buch hinter dem Titel Steal This Book.
Zu dieser Zeit hatte ich meine eigenen Interessen stärker in den 15. und 16. Jahrhundert, der Renaissance vertreten gefunden, aber die Dinge folgen. Besonders gut haben mir die Chicago Trials mit einer Gruppe von Ex-compadres und auch William Kunstler und Leonard Wienglass sowie Rechtsextremismus Hippie Judge Julius Hoffman. Heute Kunstler hat den Status für eine aufgeklärte Jugend ebenso wie Clarence Darrow für uns. Der Film Wer den Wind sät, (drei Versionen, die beste Gesamtleistung mit Spencer Tracy, aber die beste Darrow war von Jason Robards). Wir kämpfen immer noch für das Recht auf Entwicklung in Kansas zu lehren, wie es scheint.
Erschwerend war alles Vietnam. JFK sind etwa 20.000 Soldaten in Vietnam als der McCarthy-Ära gerade gegangen war. Die Spekulation ist, dass er dabei war, Engagement in Vietnam zu stoppen. Wir werden nie erfahren, aber es ist klar, dass er ein hohes Maß an "Hausputz" der CIA nach dem Fiasko in der Schweinebucht und der Konfrontation mit Chruschtschow und einem möglichen Atomkrieg getan. Früher gab es Luftschutzübungen in das öffentliche Schulsystem, um gegen eine Atombombe Landung zu verteidigen. Ich hatte meine eigenen Schwierigkeiten bei der Einhaltung und, wenn der Lehrer dem Grund fragte, sagte ich, dass ich nur so schnell versuchen, sie zu fangen, als es darauf ankam. Stellen Sie sich vor der radioaktiven Fall-Out. Na ja, wurde Kennedy ab und stieß Lyndon Johnson gewählt wurde.
Eskalation begann. Ich tat Forschung zum Thema und stellte fest, dass Vietnam waren nicht erfolgreich besetzt und hatte bei einer Art war in den vergangenen 1000 Jahren. Ich hatte nicht vor, ein Teil dieser Unsinn geworden.
Die meisten von uns immer noch denken, dass er von der CIA, oder einige verwandte Kräfte ermordet wurde, damit Vietnam möglich. Bis 1968, begann ich wieder mit der McCarthy-Kampagne und Bruder Bobby fing an zu laufen zu engagieren. In der Zwischenzeit, Martin Luther King als ermordet, dann Bobby. Malcom X folgte kurz darauf (am ersten Tag der Nationalen Woche der Brüderlichkeit). Bobby wurde wahrscheinlich von FBI-Typen ermordet. König wurde nicht ermordet, bis er sprach gegen den Krieg. Malcolm hatte sich zu einem echten Moslem, sondern ein Black Moslem, und festgestellt, dass im Islam Rennen eigentlich keine Rolle. Das hat es für ihn. Es gibt einfach zu viele Fakten beteiligt, in sie gehen, aber die oben genannten Schlussfolgerungen spiegeln sie alle. Was Eisenhower die "Military Industrial Complex" genannt und dann kam aus der Stadt für immer, ist die treibende Kraft hinter all dem.
Nun ist es klar, dass es keinen Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten, nur eine Galionsfigur. Die meisten Stimmen für den Vermieter von zwei Übeln, aber das ist immer noch eine Stimme für das Böse. Nicht an der Abstimmung ist noch immer eine bewusste Entscheidung und, keine Sorge, wird Obama als unsere Korporatokratie so gut geht unter ihm wieder gewählt werden.
Wir brauchen hier ein paar Definitionen (Geduld mit mir) zu etablieren. Sie werden Ihnen helfen zu klären, was Sie in den Nachrichten zu hören:
Demokratie: Zur Zeit, eine Regierung im Interesse der Großkonzerne und der oberen 1% laufen. Früher hiess das Faschismus, aber jetzt ohne die Notwendigkeit für eine charismatische Person, Entscheidungen zu treffen.
International oder World Community: Wie Noam Chomsky darauf hinweist, den USA und was auch immer die Regierungen die Demokratie zu unterstützen (siehe vorherige Definition).Terrorist: Einige natürliche Person, die eine Bedrohung für die Demokratie ist.
Strongman: Jeder Führer, der nicht demokratisch ist und somit ein Mitglied der International World Community oder (siehe oben Definitionen). Diese Menschen allzu oft glauben, dass die Ressourcen eines Landes, seine eigenen Leute, und dass der Reichtum gehören entsprechend verteilt werden soll.
Dictator: Jeder Führer, der seinem eigenen Land die Integrität bewahrt, trotz der Forderungen der Weltgemeinschaft.

So, jetzt habe ich beleidigt, die nicht noch? Oh, ja. Während der Niederschrift (die separat gebucht werden), Tom nutzt den Begriff "Neger" in seiner aufgezeichneten Reden. So tat auch JFK, Robert Kennedy und Martin Luther King. Nun, zu der Zeit wurde es als das richtige Wort. Dann wurde es "schwarz", und jetzt ist es so ziemlich als erledigt "African-American", nach einem kurzen Leben als "Afro-American" (dieser letzte aufgegeben, offenbar, weil die Frisur nicht mehr aktuell ist). Das sollte als beleidigend, oder? Richtig, weil es genau ist.
Auch Kernkraftgegner: wenn ich jetzt von der University of Illinois, Urbana absolvieren war, betrachtete ich die Arbeit, sobald ich fertig, aber Vietnam erhöht den Entwurf. Zusammen mit Dick Cheney, hielt ich auf meinen Status als Student. Doch zuvor hatte ich ein Vorstellungsgespräch bei einer großen Werbeagentur geplant. Sie baten mich, eine Probe ad schreiben, und dann würde mich zu kontaktieren, und würde meine Position zu halten, während ich in die Reserve ging. Na ja, ich schrieb eine Anzeige, dass ich sicher war, abgelehnt werden würde, ein Jingle, über die Auswirkungen der radioaktiven Fallout auf Milch, Strontium-90:

Strontum 90 ist gut für mich,
Gibt mir Schwung und Energie,
Macht meine Knochen weich wie Seide -
Strontum 90 in meiner Milch.
Ja Kinder, frage deine Mutter um Milch zu holen, das hat sich durch die guten Leute bei dem Department of Energy behandelt worden - Ihre Regierung bei der Arbeit für Sie!
Mir wurde die Position angeboten. Ich fuhr fort, Grad School.
Nun, beim nächsten Mal kommen Transkripte.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Not everyone in Missouri is brain dead.  It is, after all, a border state!

Hello friends,
We're getting into the thick of one of the busiest months of the year here at Peaceworks. Really looking for your engaged participation. Please read on and let us know if you'd like to plug in to any of these efforts.
1)  Won't You Join Us for Tax Day Activism, Tuesday, April 17
    a)  Don't Miss the Noon-hour Speakout.
    b)  Take a Shift and Help with Leafleting.
    c)  Help Deliver our Tax Day Message in Advance to Our Senators, Friday, April 13.
    d)  Some Excellent Background Info on Taxes.
2)  Earth Day Reminders--Come Out for the Home Planet, Sunday, April 22.
    a)  Volunteer.
    b)  Help Spread the Word.
3)  People's History Electoral Discussion, Thursday, April 12.
4)  Preview: Edible Columbia, Sunday, May 6. Save the Date.
5)  Peace Nook News.
6)  Other Events:
    a)  Trifecta Resista, April 13-15.
    b)  Centro Latino Veggie Month Dinners & Movies.
    c)  Stop Traffic Conference, Saturday, April 14.
While many on the Right just don't like taxation in general. We in the progressive camp realize that there are many good and important things that couldn't or wouldn't happen without them. We're talking education, parks, environmental protection, public safety, libraries, the social safety net, food safety, transportation and so much more. Our gripes aren't with taxes, but with the lack of fairness in the tax code--those who can most afford it are not paying their fair share--and how they're spent, particularly the massively bloated military budget and the various forms of corporate welfare. Tax Day, this year Tuesday, April 17, offers an excellent opportunity to make our concerns visible. We invite you to come out and be part of this.
This Tax Day, Tuesday, April 17, Peaceworks Invites You to Join in Our Call:
•  Say “No!” to austerity. We need to invest in people & infrastructure.
•  End the wars and cut the bloated Pentagon budget.
•  Enact progressive taxes so that those who can afford it pay their fair share.
•  Build a Peace Economy that is prosperous, just and sustainable.
Join us for a Rally and Speakout from noon to 1 p.m. on the sidewalk outside the Columbia Post Office (Walnut St., between 5th & 6th).
Join in making a public statement calling for adequate taxes, based upon ability to pay, not austerity. Say "No!" to cuts needed programs. So called "austerity" costs jobs, harms the environment, deprives those in need of basics like education, nutrition, health care, etc., and generally hurts the economy, with the brunt being felt most profoundly by the working poor, the jobless, the elderly, children, etc.
HELP NEEDED LEAFLETING THROUGHOUT THE DAY:  In addition to the midday rally, we will be leafleting from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. We are looking for folks who can help with this for a couple of hours, especially during the workday. If you can help, please get in touch with us ASAP. You can call us at 573-875-0539 and ask for Mark. Or you can e-mail us and let us know what times are workable for you, how long you can help for, and what your preferred time is. Also, if you e-mail, please include your phone number so we can get back with you.
JOIN US THIS FRIDAY IN URGING SEN. McCASKILL & SEN. BLUNT TO SUPPORT FAIR, PROGRESSIVE TAXES:   A delegation of Peaceworks members and supporters will be visiting our two U.S. senators' offices over the noon hour this Friday, April 13. We will be discussing the need for making our tax code more progressive. This includes a financial transaction tax, raising rates on those in higher income brackets, eliminating tax havens, treating unearned income as income and making sure that corporations pay their fair share. We invite you to join us in delivering a message that austerity and redistribution upward is no solution. In fact, it is a prescription for prolonged economic distress.
We invite you to join us at noon at the Wabash Station on north 10th St. We will then visit Sen. McCaskill's office and then Sen. Blunt's. All are welcome to join in this group visit. If you can't make it, but would like to send a message, please visit their contact pages, which can be accessed via:

SOME EXCELLENT TAX INFO SOURCES:  For access to informed analysis of our tax options, check out:
The House Progressive Caucus has put together an alternative budget with tons of great proposals. It's at:,81
National Priorities Project offers an excellent side-by-side comparison of the Paul Ryan budget, President Obama's budget, and the Progressive Caucus' budget at
The Institute for Policy Studies has put together an excellent report, America is Not Broke that contains excellent tax proposals. It's at:
Earth Day, the holiday dedicated to the creation of a sustainable future for our home world, is right around the corner. We are looking forward to a great Festival, with a vibrant Street Fair, engaged sustainability education on Eco Ave., fun for the young ones in the Kids' Park, a stage showcasing local music, dance and spoken word talent, and much more. You can learn details at  Today, we are asking for two types of help.
VOLUNTEER AT EARTH DAY:  Peaceworks is looking for volunteers to staff our Peaceworks, Peace Nook, Center for Sustainable Living, Missourians for Safe Energy and Blue Planet booths. Lots of booths, lots of volunteers needed. If you can spare a couple of hours, please contact us ASAP. You can call us at 573-875-0539 and ask for Mark. Or you can e-mail us and let us know what times are workable for you, how long you can help for, and what your preferred time is. Also, if you e-mail, please include your phone number so we can get back with you.
The Earth Day Coalition is also looking for volunteers, particularly to deal with clean up. Again, give us a shout if you'd like to help with this.
HELP US WITH PUBLICITY. EACH ONE, REACH ONE: This is all about community. Earth Day isn't some passive spectator event, it's something we collaboratively put together as a community.

If you are on Facebook, we encourage you to respond attending to our event at and then INVITE YOUR FRIENDS! Just go to the little box on the upper right that says "Invite Friends," click on it, and pick friends who are here in mid-Missouri, who haven't yet been invited, and click on them. Easy as pie. You can invite up to 50 people at a time. And you can keep coming back to invite more. As we said, EACH ONE, REACH ONE, or, if you like REACH OUT TO 100! Thanks for your participation. 
We also encourage you to share flyers and/or handouts for the 2012 Columbia Area Earth Day Festival. You can download either or both at can also help make others aware of Earth Day and the Columbia Area Earth Day Festival by announcing this at any gatherings you participate in over the next 11 days, be this at work, at school, at your house of worship, at social gatherings, etc. We're encouraging you to take some ownership of the Earth Day Festival.
All are invited to attend the next People's History Presentation & Discussion to be held 7-9 p.m., Thursday, April 12th, at the Peace Nook.
Topic:  Although many third party movements have emerged throughout American history, their impact has been limited.  What is it about the United States' system of election/selection that has seemingly cemented the two party system? What can be done to rectify this deficiency in democracy?  Join us on April 12th, for Part Two, in which we will talk about some proposed fixes for the structural deficiencies in the American system of election, and the successes and failures of third party movements of the 20th century, and beyond.    

Peaceworks Center for Sustainable Living is organizing Edible Columbia, a Sustainable Garden Tour and Dinner to be held starting at 2 p.m., Sunday, May 6. We urge you to save the date and plan to join us for this fun event.
Tour participants will see and learn about a working urban farm, edible landscaping, herb gardens, a rain garden, community gardens,  raised beds, and a large and extensive backyard garden with chickens.
The final stop at 5 p.m. takes us to Centro Latino’s Comedor Popular for a local/organic/vegan meal after the tour. Advance tickets required and are available at the Peace Nook. More details forthcoming.
WHAT'S NEW?  The Peace Nook is in the swing of spring. All the gloves and winter clothes have been stashed away for next year and we have spring and summer clothes on the fair trade clothes racks. Our front door is propped open and we welcome you to come on by. We are expecting a brand new batch of Peace Nook Ts (new colors, new design on the back) to arrive next week, and we will, once again, sell these at our cost.
VOLUNTEERING:  We will switch to our summer volunteer schedule in mid-May, when school lets out at MU, but don't wait until then, if you are interested in volunteering. We have a number of shifts open now, so stop by or give us a call at 573-875-0539 if you're interested in lending a hand here. All we ask is for two hours a week on a regularly scheduled basis. We provide training, support, much appreciation and a modest discount on purchases.
BEST SELLERS & STAFF PICKS:  You can access the list of 40 books we've put on 20%-off discount at:  Just scroll down to see the list.
TRIFECTA RESISTA, FRIDAY-SUNDAY, APRIL 13-15:  Our friends in the Kansas City peace community are organizing a series of events this coming weekend that will focus on resistance to war and militarism. This includes a non-violence training this Friday evening, resistance actions at Ft. Leavenworth, where Bradley Manning has been imprisoned and at the site of the new KC nuclear weapons parts plant, both on Saturday, as well as an action at Whiteman AFB, site of drone operations, on Sunday. More info on this series of actions at  There are activists from Columbia planning on attending and the Mid-Missouri Peace Coalition has endorsed this event. To coordinate transportation with local activists, please contact Jeff Stack at 573-449-4585 or write to
CENTRO LATINO VEGGIE MONTH MOVIES & DINNERS:  Our friends at Centro Latino will be hosting an excellent series of films at the new Comedor Popular on Friday and Saturday evenings, starting this Friday. Each film, all of which deal in one way or another with food and health, will be complemented by a vegan dinner prepared in the Comedor using local &/or organic ingredients. This is a fundraiser for Centro Latino and there is a suggested donation of $10. More details and an annotated list of films at: also check to keep up with Centro Latino happenings.
STOP TRAFFIC CONFERENCE, SATURDAY, APRIL 14:  MU Stop Traffic is Mizzou’s student-led anti-human trafficking organization. On Saturday, April 14 they are hosting the 2012 Stop Traffic Now Conference, which will feature speakers and panelists covering a variety of subjects related to modern-day slavery. The conference will run from 8:30 a.m. until 8 p.m., with a detailed schedule posted at
Thanks for your interest. We hope to see you at at least some of these events.
All the best,
Your friends at Peaceworks
Mid-Missouri Peaceworks
804-C E. Broadway
Columbia, MO 65201
Support our work. Donate securely at:
"We are all hurling through space on a rock and we're all going to die. You would think we would be holding hands and singing."
-John Bradshaw
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Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Massenmörder und PTSD Poster BoyJustin Raimondo auf Robert Bales

Massenmörder und PTSD Poster BoyJustin Raimondo auf Robert Bales
Die Freedom 7 und YouKelley Vlahos auf der NDAA den Tag vor Gericht
Die afghanische SyndromeGoodbye, Vietnam, sagt Tom Engelhardt

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Syrien: Partielle Halt, sondern Kämpfen ContinuesAnnan verschmäht westlichen Anrufe zu Waffenstillstand aufzugeben
Iran behauptet, Israel-Backed Plot FoiledIsrael besteht darauf, Berichte "unbegründet"

Westen gegen Russland in SyriaJohn Glaser auf dem Proxy-Krieg
Bushs Folter-Handbuch zu den ersten Schritten ReleasedJason Leopold brauchte liegt
Ron Paul für PeaceLew Rockwell auf den Mann, der alles verändert

Nach Hause
Neueste Nachrichten
CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou offiziell angeklagtKiriakou, die Informationen über geheime CIA-Folter-Programm weitergegeben, Gesichter von bis zu 45 Jahren Gefängnis
von John Glaser, 5. April 2012
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Der frühere CIA-Offizier John Kiriakou wurde offiziell für undichte Verschlusssachen zu Reportern angeklagt, in der neuesten Entwicklung von der Obama-Regierung Krieg gegen den Informanten.
Der frühere CIA-Offizier John Kiriakou, AP
Kiriakou, der als Geheimdienst-Offizier aus dem Jahr 1990 diente bis 2004 und wurde erstmals im Januar geladen und bleibt auf $ 250.000 Bindung frei, hat sich auf eine Zählung der, die die Identität einer verdeckten Offizier, drei Grafen von undichten klassifizierten Informationen der nationalen Sicherheit angeklagt worden, und in einem Punkt der falsche Aussagen zu einem CIA Review Board bei der Suche nach Freiraum, um sein Buch zu veröffentlichen.
Er war einer der ersten Beamten, öffentlich anerkennen den Einsatz von Waterboarding bei Verhören. Insbesondere wird er behauptete - und hat sich verpflichtet, auf nicht schuldig - zu offenbaren Informationen über Guantanamo Häftling Abu Zubaydah, die brutal gefoltert wurde und berüchtigten Waterboarding 83 Mal gewesen.
Kiriakou angebliche undichte Stellen beziehen sich auf eine rechtswidrige Programm der systematischen Folter und, in den Worten von Marcy Wheeler, "Lügen der CIA Publication Review Board über die Einreihung von Überwachungstechnik Details, von denen schon leicht verfügbar sind seit Jahrzehnten (und die scheint zu sein, im Zusammenhang mit dem Geheimnis PATRIOT GPS-Anwendung Targeting amerikanische Bürger in wahrscheinliche Verletzung der Vierten Änderung). "
Doch dies ist die Art von Wahrheit zu sagen die Obama-Regierung hat sich auf geknackt. "Insgesamt", schreibt Karen J. Greenberg, Executive Director des Center for Law and Security an der NYU School of Law, "die Regierung hat nach sechs mutmaßlichen undichten gegangen - mehr als alle früheren Regierungen kombiniert - mit dem drakonischen Espionage Act. "Diese, aus der Verwaltung, die beispiellose Transparenz zugesagt. 's Kelley B. Vlahos interviewt Peter Van Buren, ein Foreign Service Officer selbst in Schwierigkeiten, Dinge zu sagen die Regierung nicht wollte, dass ihm an, der folgendes über die Kiriakou Fall sagen hatte: "Die Bürokratien weiß, das hält die Menschen in Einschüchterung Linie. Andere Mitarbeiter sehen und sagen, nicht ich, nicht meine Hypothek, nicht meine Familie und schweigen. "
Kiriakou wird voraussichtlich am 13. April 2012 angeklagt werden in einem US-Bezirksgericht in Alexandria, VA. Im Falle einer Verurteilung droht ihm bis zu 45 Jahren Gefängnis verurteilt.Letzte 5 Beiträge von John Glaser

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CIA Whistleblower John Kiriakou Formally Indicted

Kiriakou, who divulged information about the CIA's secret torture program, faces up to 45 years in prison

by John Glaser, April 05, 2012
Former CIA officer John Kiriakou has been formally indicted for leaking classified information to reporters, in the latest development of the Obama administration’s war on whistleblowers.

Former CIA officer John Kiriakou, AP
Kiriakou, who served as an intelligence officer from 1990 until 2004 and was first charged in January and remains free on $250,000 bond, has been indicted on one count of revealing the identity of a covert officer, three counts of leaking classified national security information, and one count of making false statements to a CIA review board when seeking clearance to publish his book.
He was one of the first government officials to publicly acknowledge the use of waterboarding during interrogations. Specifically, he is alleged – and has pledged not guilty – to have revealed information about Guantanamo Bay detainee Abu Zubaydah, who was brutally tortured and infamously waterboarded 83 times.
Kiriakou’s alleged leaks pertain to an illegal program of systematic torture and, in the words of Marcy Wheeler, “lying to the CIA Publication Review Board about the classification of a surveillance technique details of which have been readily available for decades (and which seems to be related to the Secret PATRIOT GPS application targeting American citizens in probable violation of the Fourth Amendment).”
Yet this is the type of truth-telling the Obama administration has cracked down on. “All told,” writes Karen J. Greenberg, Executive Director of the Center for Law and Security at the NYU School of Law, ”the administration has gone after six suspected leakers — more than all previous administrations combined — using the draconian Espionage Act.” This, from the administration who pledged unprecedented transparency.’s Kelley B. Vlahos interviewed Peter Van Buren, a Foreign Service officer himself in trouble for saying things the government didn’t want him to, who had this to say about the Kiriakou case: “The bureaucracies know this intimidation keeps people in line. Other employees watch and say, not me, not my mortgage, not my family and remain silent.”
Kiriakou is scheduled to be arraigned on April 13, 2012 in a U.S. District Court in Alexandria, VA. If convicted, he faces up to 45 years in prison.

Last 5 posts by John Glaser

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