Wednesday, June 29, 2022

magats v. rinos



 Illustration: years ago, the church attempted to take control over which movies would be allowed or not in Chicago. My father was alive then and both of us were familiar with the legal situation. Mayor Daley, during the 50s, made this point to the church, and they decided to end interference in government. The Church had sizable property in the city with huge property value.


During the entire farce of the attempted coup by the MAGATS, there was a period of time when the chant of HANG MIKE PENCE rang out repeatedly. Of course, the failure to execute this entire hair-brained scheme was perhaps the only meaningful action he hs taken during the last 5 years and it was based on the legal advice of someone we once did not think of as brilliant. Everyone else in the Magat administration thought throwing out the elector ballots of key states was completely legal. Here are some quotes from the emminent legal scholar who, as said, first gave the only correct legal opinion to Mr. Pence which was to refuse:


What a terrible thing to have lost one's mind. Or not to have a mind at all. How true that is. Dan Quayle


The future will be better tomorrow. Dan Quayle


It's time for the human race to enter the solar system. Dan Quayle It's a question of whether we're going to go forward into the future, or past to the back. Dan Quayle


I love California, I practically grew up in Phoenix. Dan Quayle


People that are really very weird can get into sensitive positions and have a tremendous impact on history. Dan Quayle


The Holocaust was an obscene period in our nation's history. I mean in this century's history. But we all lived in this century. I didn't live in this century. Dan Quayle


We have a firm commitment to NATO, we are a part of NATO. We have a firm commitment to Europe. We are a part of Europe. Dan Quayle




It's wonderful to be here in the great state of Chicago. Dan Quayle


I stand by all the misstatements that I've made. Dan Quayle


My friends, no matter how rough the road may be, we can and we will, never, never surrender to what is right. Dan Quayle


I believe we are on an irreversible trend toward more freedom and democracy - but that could change. Dan Quayle


For NASA, space is still a high priority Dan Quayle


I pledge allegiance to the Christian flag, and to the Savior, for whose Kingdom it stands, one Savior, crucified, risen, and coming again, with life and liberty for all who believe. Dan Quayle


It's a very good historical book about history. Dan Quayle

Space is almost infinite. As a matter of fact, we think it is infinite. Dan Quayle


Bobby Knight told me this: 'There is nothing that a good defense cannot beat a better offense.' In other words a good offense wins. Dan Quayle


At the time, we all thought of Dan Quayle as a fool. In other words, once again, that Darwin was wrong. He had been Vice President at the time and was, also, from Indiana. Pence actually once showed a minor sign of wit when as a law student, in Indiana, he mentioned perhaps starting a magazine called TORTS ILLUSTRATED. 


Mr. Pence, you will recall, is the one who announced that he would not have a working lunch with a female without having his wife present. He is also more anti-abortion than Trump.


It was possible to think of anyone called a RINO (Republican in Name Only) by the MAGATS, but one could easily be disappointed. Nobody affiliated with that party is likely to be of any help to people in general as opposed to corporations. One reason many large corporations moved their headquarters to what are called "Red States" because of what they said were better tax conditions, but this simply meant where hostility towards workers was taken as normal and Christian.


Psychological Diagnostic tests used to indicate that the more drug dependent a person was, the more hetrosexual the diagnosis (abnormally so). It seems that being a Magat is somewhat of a substitute for machismo amongst the more insecure in that area.




We move on to the last Surpreme court decision on Roe v. Wade. Justice Cavanaugh (the guy who likes beer) said that separate but equal had been over-turned and therefore Roe could be overturned. Susan Collins and Joe Manchin said they had been lied to about Roe by these 3 judges.  A great deal is slipped in through the poor use of Latin. There once was a time where one could not use Latin unless a similar phrase had been used by Cicero and the Poet Virgil leading Dante through Hell is most likely based on applying a generalized phrase to indicate he may have predicted the birth of Christ. I can assure you, no such considerations are used is the bastardized Latin used in our legal system.


Even more ridiculous is Clarence Thomas' opinion that many other cases, such as Gay marriage and contraception should be overturned. He did not mention the decision allowing marriage between "races". He often used to talk about pubic hair in his coke, so perhaps miscegenation was ok. At least he was the only one who gave a hint of the Christian Nationalism that is now surfacing in this country.


There is far too much to cover of late. One does wonder why Hillary's role in Ukrainegate is not mentioned, but then let it go.  Suffice to say she liked "Yaz" as much as Cavanaugh likes beer.  It all started with Maidan (sp?) and is costing plenty.


Recent sudden testimony (it seemed safer to do it than face murder or rape) did fairly well establish that the previous President did know of the schemes to stage a coup, but they failed. To make a reference often to lines mistakenly attributed to Shakespear but actually are Webster's, "Hell hath no fury like a moron scorned" (Duchess of Malfi)  It brings to mind the Twain version of Shakespeare, "Who wilt fardels bear till birnum wood do come to Dunsinane?" (Exit pursued by a bear.)


Full copies of the last hearing are available online, and that's it for now.








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