Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Rape of Palestine and a "World Gone Mad"

Illustration: I do not know who constructed this map, but it is correct.  If you want credit, mail me here.

    The late King Hussein of Jordan, as the U.S. was preparing to launch an attack on Iraq for the first time, in 1991, used the phrase "a world gone mad" to describe the political insanity of a multi-national assault.  Naturally, the assault went ahead and Jordan was punished with surreptitious sanctions. 

    In the maps above, you can see the Jewish areas and the Arab areas in White and Black, respectively.  Up until 1946, before the United Nations' interference, the Jews living there either had lived there for a long time or had been welcomed as "brothers" by the Palestinians as they escaped Nazi pursuit.  In 1947, a huge swath was cut out under Zionist pressure.  It is worth pointing out that the first President of the U.N., count Bernadote, was assassinated while at the King David Hotel in Israel.  Pressure continued and Menocham Begin was considered a terrorist.  In 1967, Israel started a war (anyone thinking that the Arabs started it should read "Strike First" by the son of Moshe Dyan, the Defense Minister who orchestrated the war.  Currently, the United Nations, and all but two of the world's nations,  and officially the United States is on record as agreeing thus reducing the number to one, consider the third map the official and legal boundaries.  Even the Arab League and the Palestinian Authority accept those boundaries.

     The last map, dated 2000, gives an idea of what has happened in violation of International Law since.  Today, eleven or twelve years later, the Palestinian-controlled area is even less.

    So, what is happening now with the assassination of the Congresswoman from Arizona, Gabrielle Gifford?  All I knew about her was that she was a right-wing Democrat from a district in Sarah Palin's cross-hairs. 

     Then, more came out.  Her husband in an astronaut named Kelley with an identical twin currently in orbit.  He close friend, an excellent Congresswoman from Florida named Wasserman-Schultz who was a close friend and who talked about "Gabby" loving to ride a motorcycle.  She also mentioned that she was Jewish, but that was about it.

    Now, the IBC (Israeli Broadcasting Company) gets its teeth into the story.  Somehow, her grandfather named Hornstein, who change his name because of anti-Semitic (yes, everyone is anti-Semitic and you had better know it if you know what's good for you and support Israel).  She often said "if you want to get something done, ask a Jewish woman."  Honestly, that's what the IBC said.  Some of you may think they are exploiting this incident, but then some of you are anti-Semitic. 

    The only person to make any sense of this is Dupnik, the Sheriff of the county who also points out that his jail is now the best mental health facility left in the area.  This is, after all, the state with Jan Brewer as Governor and with a pretty solidly Republican legislature.  It has given us two well-know politicians, John McCain and Barry Goldwater.  Both such progressive people-persons.

    Well, I think that's enough for now, except to note that there is now a suggestion that Wikileaks founder, Julian Assange, might be destined for Guantanamo and that the press is now distancing itself from him.  Of course, they are journalists, what else do you expect?  Integrity? 

    After all, this is "a world gone mad."

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