Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Illustration:  Just one of the many birth defects in Fallujah which has a defect rate about 32 times expected.  I seem to remember something about our being "protected" from the evil lurking in that city.

One of you sent me this:

If a tree is dying, you don't pour water on the dead branches to revive them, you cut the suckers off and burn them so new sprouts take hold and grow. At the same time, you put the water on the roots so they can support the new growth. The workers are the roots - the ordinary people. You have bought in and followed the old way and supported the damn corporations like they are too big to fail, instead of giving support to the workers and the ordinary people, so what you have done is bound to fail. And you wont get another 4 years to try to fix it.

Of course, the problem is that the Obama Cabal already knows this.  The problem is that the electorate, such as it is, screams against any sort of movement towards helping them as they are carefully brainwashed by corporate agents. 

Take healthcare, for example.  People are convinced that having the government, instead of insurance companies, provide for our right to healthcare, it will make paupers of them all.  They fail to realize that Health Insurance Corporations are not in the business of insuring anything but higher quarterly profits for their stockholders.  It makes no sense to criticize them for this, as it is what they were designed to do and will continue to do so long as we allow them to exist.  In fact, if they are concerned with health care at all, it is that people be sick so the they give them more money.  It is ludicrous for usw to expect anything different from them.

Actually, if we really believed that having the government provide for our health would make us paupers, it is also quite true to say that having the government provide for defense against terrorism makes all of us cowards.  We should, by this logic, pick ourselves up by our own bootstraps, buy flame throwers, and be on the lookout for Jihad Jane and her type, not that anyone below the Mason-Dixon line has a thing to worry about.

Another sent along this article.  Since I was not aware of this site, some of you might not be as well, and so I pass it along:

COMMENTARY Last Updated: Mar 8th, 2010 - 00:48:41

Perpetual fraud
By Jim Miles
Online Journal Contributing Writer

Mar 8, 2010, 00:38

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For historians who like dates and bookends for their events, the “global war on terror” started with the destruction of the Twin Towers and the attack on the Pentagon (9/11).
The idea of perpetual war provided large benefits to a few and pain and terror to much of the world, and to the rest of the world an increasing disbelief in the intents, means, and rationales for the war. Unfortunately, for the academic writers of history, history itself does not operate within the confines of given dates -- the flow of actions and counter actions never ceases. The 9/11 attacks were by any real accounting only another incident in the fraud that the imperial powers of the world have ‘perpetuated’ on the citizens of the world.
Rather than speak of war, which is an act of violence with many differing excuses and exercises, it is rather a perpetual fraud perpetrated by these self-acclaiming empires -- fraud that goes beyond acts of war into the daily lives of citizens around the world -- that is the basis for the crimes against humanity (and the environment as a whole). ‘Fraud’ is defined as “Criminal deception, use of false representations to gain unjust advantage; dishonest artifice or trick” with the addition of ‘pious fraud’ as a “deception intended to benefit those deceived, and especially to strengthen religious belief.”
Both of these definitions need to be applied to our current global situation. Criminal deception has been used by various governments, notably the U.S., Great Britain, and Israel, with the support of various sycophant allies, to try to gain advantage militarily and economically over much of the world. This is combined with pious deception as those deceived to a great part are the citizens of those countries, with the aspect of religion being used to reinforce and support the overall criminal fraud.
The big lie
The big lie is simple, that there really is a global war on terror. The truth is more realistically that there is a global war of terror. Those self-righteous countries that proclaim against terror are themselves the greatest sources of terror around the world.
The United States has an ongoing history of occupations, invasions, covert and subversive activities against any nation that dare raise a voice that contradicted U.S. wishes and desires, most of which reflected the corporate agenda to control the natural resources and economies of the world.
Great Britain’s empire (along with most of the other European empires of Spain, France, Germany, Russia, the Netherlands) produced terror and war wherever It was established. In spite of its many proclamations of civilizing the savages of the world, the real intentions were the same, military and economic control of global wealth. Its only ‘success,’ at least from the eyes of the invaders, were the colonies of Australia, New Zealand and North America (U.S. and Canada), successful in that they eliminated any opposition from the indigenous people through the violence and terror of war and genocide.
Israel’s empire is much more modest when considered in terms of occupying and settling territory for their own advantage. All they have endeavoured to gain has been the land between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jordan river, a desert land empty of people that they wished to make bloom with the fruits of their civilization and religion. That ‘empty land’ however contained a significant indigenous population that was already successfully cultivating the land and had for millennia a distinct cultural environment. The occupation of Palestinian territory fits both definitions of fraud, as a criminal activity against international law and most certainly as a pious deception based on an arguable fundamentalist belief that they and only they should occupy Palestine.
All three of these states, apart from the historical frauds of claiming lands and resources that were not their own, have extended this fraud into the much larger global war of terror.
Nuclear terror
A recent comment by Obama highlighted this fraud: “Iran is not just a challenge for Israel. I believe it is a challenge for the whole world. I can hardly think of a stable world order with a nuclear Iran.” This fraudulent claim only extends the previous fraudulent claims that led to invasions of Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan (okay, only aerial invasions so far, plus a whole bunch of covert operatives) -- for the U.S., the list is almost endless, but I will stay with current events for now -- Lebanon, and Gaza.
“A stable world order” will never exist with countries carrying nuclear weapons. The U.S. and Soviet Union perpetrated their lies and counter-lies for decades while maintaining overwhelming arsenals of nuclear weapons. I for one did not feel any stability concerning international affairs during that period of my life -- at any given moment of carelessness or rhetorical stupidity one country could easily have triggered a civilization ending war. That situation still exists.
Nuclear weapons are a grand deception for a ‘stable world order.’ The U.S. is the main rogue state in this regard, maintaining its superiority in all areas of their nuclear arsenal. India developed nuclear weapons outside the Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the U.S. has recently worked with them in developing their nuclear industry and weapons even more. Pakistan similarly developed weapons outside the NPT, and with its mainly Muslim population, and a government in conflict with India on many issues and subordinate to -- yet resistant of -- U.S. influence, is hardly stable. Israel has an arsenal of an estimated 200 nuclear weapons (estimates can be made from the kind of reactors used and the availability of materials to fuel it) that have never been questioned by the U.S. or its allies, even though they are outside the NPT’s bounds. Somehow all this makes Iran the greatest threat to a ‘stable world order’?
But nuclear weapons, as catastrophic as they may be, are really just another part of the overall deception. The deception is there to hide the reality of U.S. corporate-military intentions to contain and control the majority of resources and peoples of the world as they can, to accumulate as much of the wealth and power as they can for the benefit of their own elites (as part of the deception involves deceiving their own population.)

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