Illustration: From Keith Tucker. He now has animated and humorous political cartoons on his site as well as an endorsement from John Pilger. He also has some nice gift ideas.
Republicans are becoming angry at Rahm Emmanuel's and Paul Begalia's designation of Rush Limbaugh as the new leader of the Republican Party. Since he has no official position within that party, he does not qualify as a "Leader" in that sense. Rather, he seems more of a symbol. He is fat like an elephant, a pill-popping blowhard, and anti-minority. Furthermore, much of what he espouses in the economic sphere is beneficial only the the upper one percent of the populace while his audience blesses him as a protector of their interests as it is composed of double digit IQ types. Still, he is not a leader, but one can understand why he is seen as one.
While now most Rs are trying to distance for Bush the 43rd, all along RL seems to have supported him. I must admit that I really am relying on second hand accounts and brief clips shown on other programs, but it seems unlikely that he opposed the war in Iraq and the rampage of the greedy.
In fact, I am not aware of any R that has disowned him as Obama did Reverend Wright (who was right on most controvesial points). In fact, any of them that did ctiricize him were soon on his program begging his forgiveness. Even the current Chairman of the RNC (you know, they guy who said it was time for the hip hop Republican *snicker* had to apologize.
So, the best service RL can perform is this: if you want to know what a Republican is, listen to his show for a while. If you are undecided on an issue, find out his and you can be pretty sure that the opposite opinion is correct.
Thats all folks.
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