Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Brexit, And Boris, and Trump, OH MY!


Brexit, and Boris, and Trump, OH MY


Czar Donic

            The UK has voted to exit the European Union.  This is bad for Briton, the EU, and capitalism in general and, hence, a good thing, although few see it that way.

            I asked a journalist in England, who had for a short time been an MP, and then decided he could accomplish more through journalism whether he though Boris Johnson looked like Donald Trump after being locked in a pizza parlor for three months.  At the time, he was hospitalized, so I said I could wait until he recovered.  His response what that he didn't have to wait, he agreed.  [You can get his podcast called "The Three Muckrakers" off the net.]  I should point out that someone sent me that poster (above) right after the response from Dennis.

            I understand that Boris started out as a comedian, but he obviously do not ven come up to Rodney Dangerfield status and so went into politics and became Mayor of London.  Many consider this the best joke of his career, until now.

            Upon hearing of England's decision to quit, Germany seems to have said, and I translate freely, using some of the words literally and adding a few, "Ve must make zis bloody! Ze must feel pain! Ve vill build U-Boats!" 

            After the voted, Google announced that the two most Googled terms from England were "What happens with leaving the EU?" and "What is the EU?"  Perhaps the greatest blow to England's prestige is that the people have lost the right to look at American voters as more stupid than they.

            For some reason, the Labour Party is splitting and some are calling for the resignation of Jeremy Corbyn, perhaps the only sane politician in the entire fiasco.  Cameron, of course, will resign.

            I am told that both Johnson and Cameron attended Oxford.  If this is true, Oxford University now has a great deal to apologize for. 

            It has been awhile before someone thoughtful has commented on this situation.  Trump said it was good for golf.  One of its supporters said "Well, I was lying when I said it would mean 350 million pounds a week to the health service".

            However, below, we have a thoughtful analysis:

Britain remains in a widening crisis days after voters chose to leave the European Union. British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced his resignation. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is facing a coup within his own party as more than a dozen members of his shadow cabinet have resigned or been sacked. Scotland has announced it will take any steps needed to stay inside the European Union, including possibly holding a second independence referendum. Meanwhile, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry is headed to Brussels and London to discuss the political and economic upheaval caused by the Brexit vote. To make sense of what's happening, we speak to longtime British journalist Paul Mason, who has worked at the BBC and Channel 4. His new book is titled "Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future"


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

AMY GOODMAN: Britain remains in a widening crisis days after voters chose to leave the European Union in their Brexit vote. British Prime Minister David Cameron has announced his resignation. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn is facing a coup within his own party as more than a dozen members of his shadow cabinet have resigned or have been sacked. On Sunday, Hilary Benn was removed as the Labour Party shadow foreign secretary.

HILARY BENN: He's a good and decent man.

ANDREW MARR: So was it hard for you?

HILARY BENN: He's a good and decent man, but he is not a leader. And that is the problem.

AMY GOODMAN: Opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn has rejected calls to step down as opposition leader, saying now is the time for the party to stand up for its values.

JEREMY CORBYN: Our policies on trade, economy and migration will have to change in light of the referendum vote. But that cannot be left to the likes of Johnson, Farage and Gove. Labour will fight to ensure that our agenda is at the heart of the negotiations over withdrawal from the European Union that lie ahead, including the freedom to shape our economy to work for all, maintain social and employment protections that benefit all, and that whoever leads the government is intensely held to account, to democratic account, throughout the whole process.

AMY GOODMAN: Scotland has announced it will take any steps needed to stay inside the European Union, including possibly holding a second independence referendum. On Sunday, Scotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon said the country will do whatever it takes to remain in the EU. Meanwhile, Northern Ireland's deputy leader, Martin McGuinness, called Friday for a vote to unite the two sides of the Irish border.

Global stock markets have plummeted. More than $2 trillion was wiped off global equity markets on Friday in the biggest daily loss ever. Earlier today, the British pound hit a 31-year low. Meanwhile, Secretary of State John Kerry is headed to Brussels and London to discuss the political and economic upheaval caused by the Brexit vote.

To make sense of what's happening, we go now to London, where we're joined by longtime British economics journalist Paul Mason, who has worked at the BBC and Channel 4. His new book is titled Postcapitalism: A Guide to Our Future.

So, talk about the fallout from the Brexit vote, Paul, and also why this vote to leave the European Union ever even took place.

PAUL MASON: Well, the vote to leave the European Union took place because, repeatedly, 25 percent of British voters were, in fair elections—that is, the proportional representation system—were backing a party that wants to leave the European Union. And this impacted onto the Conservative Party, and it made it necessary for David Cameron to take a gamble of having a referendum to bury the issue for a generation, though he gambled and lost, because Cameron wanted to stay in the European Union. Fifty-two percent of British voters voted to leave. And as a result, Mr. Cameron, who's signaled his resignation but is not yet gone, will go down in history as the Conservative leader who, first of all, destroyed the European Union—I mean, we have left the major bloc in the world economy—and he's going to destroy the United Kingdom, as well, because, as you suggested in the introduction, Scotland will leave.

Now, the overwhelming issue behind this vote was migration. And what we had was, basically, not just the kind of people who might support Glenn Beck and kind of Donald Trump arguing that migration had gone too far, but, as it turns out, many people who are organic and core supporters of the Labour Party. The free migration from East Europe and South Europe into the United Kingdom has brought about 3 million people over the last 10 years. And in many small communities, they feel—the people who are already here, including many black and Asian people, just said, "It's too many." And there's no way of stopping it without leaving Europe. That was made very clear to them. This is what tipped the vote.

AMY GOODMAN: Paul, talk about who voted for leaving and who voted for staying. And also, the age—wasn't it true that—


AMY GOODMAN: —most young people voted for staying in the European Union?

PAUL MASON: Sure. Seventy-four percent of young people who voted voted to stay in the European Union. The only problem is, we think somewhere between 35 and 45 percent of that age group actually voted—much, much lower than any other age group. The dislocation from politics meant that the people for whom this is going to mean the most had the least say. Now, many of them on social media are really angry. They want a—there is great support among them—politically, unfortunately, quite naïve people—for the idea that Parliament can cancel it all or that we can have a petition that cancels it all. It's not going to be canceled. It's happened.

Now, demographically, it's—let me try and explain this to United States readers. If you—London and Scotland voted to remain. Northern Ireland, by a majority, voted to remain. What did all those places have in common? They had a narrative that explains why remaining in Europe, even despite one's criticisms of it, was a good idea. The Scots had a left cultural nationalism. London is a buzzing multicultural city. But Northern Ireland, it was, by and large, the Catholic population which voted to stay in, because they see staying in Europe as a link to Southern Ireland, which they—you know, some of them would ultimately like to join. Who voted to leave was small towns. Small towns were the bedrock, small towns where the private sector provides mainly low-skill, low-wage jobs and where there's not so much unemployment, but a high degree of sort of drabness and lack—you know, there's no cinemas, there's no stores other than the basic kind of low-rent stores. And small-town Britain just attributed this—basically, the victimhood of neoliberalism to, I think, the wrong—the wrong course. They saw migration as the key thing that had changed in their lives in the last 10 years, and they said, because some evidence points to it at the low end of the economic scale, "Migration is hitting our wages. It's causing stress to our public services. We can't rent. There's a big shortage of rent and accommodation." And when people like me said the real issue here is capitalism, the real issue here is neoliberalism, they would say, "Well, OK, but stopping migration still makes it better." And ultimately, we—the shock on the night was that some university towns, you know, some towns that are high public service employment, therefore quite high unionization, maybe 30 percent black or Asian in ethnic mix, and with a couple of universities, voted to leave—so, Nottingham, Newport in Wales, Sheffield, where I went to university. These are kind of places like Ann Arbor, Michigan, and they still voted to leave.

AMY GOODMAN: What's happening to Jeremy Corbyn right now?

PAUL MASON: Right now, behind me in the Parliament, there is a revolt of his own MPs. I think he won't be able to face that down. And what it will lead to is another leadership election. I think this is the last thing we need. I think it's driven by—there's quite a big middle-class hysteria since the vote. The people really are feeling, "My whole life was shaped around the European Union." European Union is kind of the soul of the democratic and social justice story here in Britain. And many of those MPs have just lost their nerve. They say they don't think Jeremy Corbyn can win the election. I think, for the right wing of the Labour Party, the neoliberal wing, their fear is he can win the election, because the Conservative government barely exists. There is actually no policy at the moment, behind me, from the Conservative government about what they're going to do about negotiations with Europe, about what they're going to do about the public finances. There is effectively no budget. There is effectively a chancellor who's on borrowed time. He's our finance minister.

So Corbyn should be in a strong position, but his own party really want to cause civil war, so we're going to have that. I think we'll have an election in the autumn. If Corbyn survives this leadership challenge, we have a chance of having the first radical-left government in the developed world, you know, from a big country. And I'm sure, absolutely sure, that these challenges to Corbyn are being coordinated by the political representatives of big business and, you know, TTIP and free trade. You know, that's who's behind it. Who they put up to challenge him, we'll find out by, say, in the next 24 hours.

AMY GOODMAN: And can you talk about who could be the next prime minister?

PAUL MASON: Well, this Conservative MP, former mayor of London, Boris Johnson became the figurehead of the leave campaign. He's come out this morning with a very emollient position. So, the leave campaign was saying, "Let's walk way from Europe and just sign a free trade deal and go global." Today Johnson is saying, "Let's not walk away from Europe." He's implied they have to sign a single-market deal with Europe that would keep them within most of the European Union's regulations. So I think he's looking like the favorite. And then, from the remaining—remain side, there is a female minister called Theresa May, who is our justice minister right now, and I think she's going to be the one who puts up. But ultimately this is a shattered party. They just destroyed the thing that they exist—they're called the Conservative and Unionist party, meaning they favor the United Kingdom remaining together. And as result of what they did, we will leave Europe, and Scotland will leave the U.K.

AMY GOODMAN: And talk about the effect on Northern Ireland and Ireland, what's happening there, with Northern Ireland, like Scotland, saying no to Brexit.

PAUL MASON: Well, Northern Ireland didn't unanimously say no. The unionist community, the Protestant community, many of them said they wanted Brexit. And the main unionist party, the Democratic Unionist Party, which is the more hardline, sectarian Protestant party, really did campaign for leaving Europe. Now, why? Because the border—you know, you'll know, your listeners and readers will know, that the—and viewers will know, that the border between Northern and Southern Ireland has been the subject of two civil wars, a 20-year-long civil unrest and guerrilla warfare. Now, the point is that, with the European Union, that border was being eroded. Economically, you could cross it. And, you know, people could travel without really having to go through checkpoints. And those kind of developed a kind of understanding that, you know, Northern Ireland and Southern Ireland, despite years of warfare, probably have a common, shared destiny. Now, for the Catholic population, or the anti-unionist population, many of them now want a referendum to reunite with Ireland. At the moment, there's no party in Britain that's going to—ruling party that's going to deliver that. But it just has left, I mean, what we've been seeing over the weekend. And this is the interesting thing. Within the Protestant community, the kind of more—the kind of middle classes, they—every Protestant in Northern Ireland has the opportunity to apply for a Southern Irish passport. And amazingly, we've been seeing people who have spent their entire lives committed to maintaining Northern Ireland as a separate entity within that island applying for—applying for Southern Irish passports. In other words, we're seeing an amazing kind of almost cultural shift among the Northern Irish population towards thinking about what their future is, once Britain, as it will, leaves the European Union.

AMY GOODMAN: On Saturday, Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras said he did not blame the British people for voting to leave the European Union, but rather he blamed EU leaders.

PRIME MINISTER ALEXIS TSIPRAS: [translated] The chronic deficiencies of European leadership, the insistence on extremely unjust austerity policies and knee-jerk xenophobic reflexes and anti-immigration rhetoric have been feeding populism, chauvinism and nationalism for a long time. As much as the British people's decision troubles and saddens us, we must consider it a completely respectable decision, one that confirms there is a crisis of identity in Europe, a strategic crisis.

AMY GOODMAN: That's Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras. Paul Mason, your response?

PAUL MASON: Well, I think he's essentially right. What we should say, first of all, is that 52 percent people who voted to leave the EU, not all of them are racist and xenophobes. They had legitimate economic concerns, and many of them, like me, had severe criticisms of the European Union's action over Greece. This drove both a kind of left- and a right-wing response to Europe, which I tried to stop. I thought it would be a bad idea to leave now, but most people, 52 percent of people, said they want to leave. Now, Tsipras is right that this is essentially a crisis of European neoliberalism. We have governments in the center of Europe—Germany, France, Italy—committed to austerity, even as their own economy goes down the tubes. The Lisbon Treaty, which is the founding treaty of the European Union, mandates that they have to do the opposite of what, say, Janet Yellen has done or what Democratic treasury secretaries under Obama did, which is expand the economy. In a crisis, they're mandated to shrink the economy. This is killing the Europe—I mean, in other words, the European Union is killing the ideal of Europe. And Tsipras is right to worry about the right-wing backlash.

But even more urgent now for us is that what this is going to do—I mean, look, the market's response today, wiping $2 trillion off shares worldwide, is not about Britain. It's about what happens to the European Union. If we now see wave after wave of demands for other referendums and other countries beginning to leave—Greece should be the last one to leave, actually, but others might. And at that point, this 500 million-strong economic bloc, which is supposed to function and be one of the keystones, the capstone even, of the global world economic system, is disintegrating. And only that European Union stands behind the banking system. If the European Union breaks up into separate nations, then each of them will have to stand behind their own banking system, and their own banking system is already half-collapsed. That's what is frightening the markets.

Friday, June 24, 2016

Exorcising Trump


Obviously, reason will not work, so let us try some magic!

We are going to have to use the latest insights of Noetic Science to Exorcise Donald Trump, and perhaps Hillary, from the campaign.   We will need all to concentrate on the magic square below and precisely 24:00 GMT and consider the flowing truths about it.  The date will be 6/29/2019.

















Here are the ideas to focus on.  Add all the numbers in any row, or top to bottom and you will get 34.  This is any row.

Well, try it on a column, from left to right.  34.

Try adding any diagonal.  34.

Take any quadrant; say the four squares in the upper right hand corner.  34.

Upper left hand corner?  34.

Lower left hand four?  34.

Lower right hand four? 34.

How about the quadrant in the center? 34.

The middle four squares? 34.

How about the four squares in each corner?  34.

If we all focus on that, and say "34, Trump's a Whore," he will collapse.

Start over and say, each time, "34, Hillary Whore," and maybe it will work.

If not, we will need an 8 x 8 square for here.

This one, courtesy of Albrecht Durier, 1514 a. d. , the two numbers in the center bottom.

Sunday, June 19, 2016


desertpeace posted: "Here is an email received by Carlos Latuff ....   Here's a report of this Internet hate activity (Click on link) "Jewish Brigade" email threatens BDS activists And here's what this hate can result in .... Related report here  (Clic"
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by desertpeace
Here is an email received by Carlos Latuff ....

Here's a report of this Internet hate activity (Click on link)

"Jewish Brigade" email threatens BDS activists

And here's what this hate can result in ....
 Friend of Palestinians, Syrian refugees murdered by a nazi  Image by Latuff
Friend of Palestinians, Syrian refugees murdered by a nazi
Image by Latuff
Related report here  (Click on link)

Labour Friend of Palestine Jo Cox slain

Jo Cox, fifth from left, with other MPs who joined Labour Friends of Palestine's in 2015. (Labour Friends of Palestine)
Jo Cox, fifth from left, with other MPs who joined Labour Friends of Palestine's in 2015. (Labour Friends of Palestine)
desertpeace | June 19, 2016 at 08:17 | Categories: Assassinations, Cartoons, Internet Security, Israel, Palestine | URL: http://wp.me/pahWK-ctF
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Friday, June 17, 2016

Stray Thoughts

Sometimes, there is something to say and share that simply will not fit
into twitter and is too short for a blog. Facebook, yes, but that
eliminates some people who may otherwise be interested. So, this is

Wednesday, June 15, 2016



Lately, we have seen a great deal of attention given to domestic issues and nobody benefits from this more than Hillary Clinton.  Rather than rehas all of Hillary's war-mongering, we decided to focus on the domestic aspects of recent events.

The first seems to be Donald Trump (who is regularly called "Tramp" in many publications).  His big solution to all of our problems is that use the phrase "Radical Islam."  The reasoning seems to be that once we do that, all the terrorist attacks will stop.  It would seem most logical to also use the terms "Radical Christianity" for other people who commit massacres, and probably "Radical Judaism" for supporters of Israel, at least those who are busy passing laws to prohibit anti-bds activity.  Of course, Radical Xtianity is also behind such legislation. 

Of course, Trump has shifted a bit, instead talking about banning anyone who came from a country that has had terrorism problems, point of origin, so to speak.  Of course, he thought that the Orlando creep was born in Afghanistan, but it turns out that he was born in Queens NY.  Well, let's ban all people born in Queens, including Trump.  Better yet, lets build a wall around queens.  I never cared about Queens anyway.  Brooklyn was OK, maybe Manhattan, but not Queens.  So Trump has to be rounded up and deported and re-enter this country legally or go to Queens once the wall is constructed.

Radical Christianity has its own tradition, and the Spanish Inquisition and the Salem Witchcraft trials are a couple.  The reckless bombing of Gaza is an example of Radical Judaism. 

See, all of this is based on a literal, although illiterate, reading to the so-called Holy Books.  If you want to see some of the tenants of Radical Christianity and Judaism, you can read Deuteronomy and Leviticus.  They are especially harsh on women who "grabbeth a man by his secrets." 

Now we have this mess in Orlando.  Some guy whose father says he was offended by seeing two men kissing got an automatic rifle (perfectly legal under today's gun laws) and started shooting.  Same type of gun that was used in Sandy Hook by radical Christians I suppose and at the movie theaters by a radical Batman aficionado.  These guns require hardly any skill.  Not even average hand-eye co-ordination is required.  Just a lot of bullets.

Well, should men kiss each other in public?  Well, they got the right.  I'm not thrilled by it, nor by two women, nor by a man and a woman, nor by a woman breast feeding, nor by Cocoa Puffs, but what the hell?  If it turns them on, let them.

Then what about LBGTQ rights?  I'm not sure yet what the Q stands for, but it is not Quixotic, I'm pretty sure.  Why get into a fuss about it?

One could honestly suspect that Donald Trump is a plant by the Democratic party to make sure that the Republican Party is crushed this year, and it may well work, sort of like Barry Goldwater did back in the 60s.  Instead of Daddy Koch's John Birch Society, we have the sons' Tea party rooting out radical Islam and homosexuality. 

Oh yes, and abortion.  DNA and the fetus is nothing more than a blueprint.  Any man and woman waste hundreds of thousands of potential Beethovins every time they have any sort of release.  So when does the blueprint become a human?  Don't human's have opposable thumbs, the ability to walk on two legs, of speech unless something was wrong with the blueprint?  Maybe Leviticus knows.

I do know one thing: ISIL, and Isilanity, would be very happy to be called Radical Islamists.


From our favorite cartoonist and social commentator.  A bunch of them, all relevant.

desertpeace posted: "All images by Carlos Latuff * * * * * * * "
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by desertpeace
All images by Carlos Latuff
This cartoonist does not condone homophobia AND Islamophobia, since both are rotten fruits of ignorance.
This cartoonist does not condone homophobia AND Islamophobia, since both are rotten fruits of ignorance.
Feeding a Monster Called ISLAMOPHOBIA
Feeding a Monster Called ISLAMOPHOBIA
I was born surrounded by
I was born surrounded by "armed citizens".
I play games where I can kill many creatures, including humans.
I play games where I can kill many creatures, including humans.
Donald Trump's response to the Orlando massacre
Donald Trump's response to the Orlando massacre
Why do we not call US crimes Christian crimes???
Why do we not call US crimes Christian crimes???
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Wednesday, June 08, 2016

Ali v. Lies



Mohammed Ali v. Lies


Jack Hammer

So many times during the last few days I've seen people talking about Ali after he died and shouted "Bullshit …", that the times asked me to comment.  I wanted to just say it outright, but this is a written forum.  So here it is.

Most of the coverage of Ali has been by sportswriters who are almost all very stupid about everything except sports.  When Ali began, sports commentators at best had high-school educations.  There were a few notable exceptions back then and a few now, but it is not an area where social consciousness is ripe.

Before Ali's first fight with Liston, someone told me "Liston'll kill him."  I made a bet and it was one of the most lucrative bets I ever made. 

The guy who said that was a baseball player on the same team as me.  However, I was a pitcher and hence smarter.

People had not seen Cassius Clay in Rome at the Olympics.  He won first place and was overwhelmingly a better boxer than the rest of the team and competition combined.  The Polish opponent had nothing but praise for him.  People didn't get the rules either.  At least at that time, fighters scored points for hitting the opponent, no mater whether lightly or hard.  Clay was fast and a light heavy weight.  His speed was unmatched.  JFK was President.

When Clay went back to Louisville to eat in a white only restaurant (after all, he had represented the United States) he was refused.  Soon after, he threw his gold medal away (not much later and you hear on the media, even today).

When the guy made the bet, he had no idea of what he was talking about.  I told him "He won't even see him."  The amount increased.

That time I brushed him back first.

At that time, the fight game was run by organized crime, large and small.  The fighters got almost nothing.  J. Edgar Hoover liked it that way.  After all, the Mob knew about his cross-dressing.

Also at that time, Malcolm X was doing the radio broadcasts for the Black Mulsims, or the "Nation of Islam" and he was an amazing speaker over, I think, WEEW radio in Evanston, Illinois.  Later, when the "Nation" started to mess with him, Elijah Mohammed took over those broadcasts and it was clear how strange he was.  Malcolm had gone to the Pilgrimage in Mecca and changed greatly.  Ali did not, but Malcolm had recruited him.

After Clay won the fight against Liston, the Nation or Black Muslims moved in and took control and that was what started the real trouble.  The FBI had already been tapping Malcolm's phone and now they tapped Ali's as well.   Organized crime lost control of the business and this upset a lot of people and the propaganda started.

All but a very few sports announcers still called him Clay.  Other than a few black reporters, only one of not called him "Mohammed Ali," and that was Howard Cosell.  People still like to hate Cosell.  However, he graduated from law school and hence knew a bit more than the others, perhaps an unfair advantage.

After that, he had several Championship fights, not avoiding anyone as most champions did.  He continued until they drafted him.  The first time, he could not pass the "IQ" test for the Army.  I knew an utter fool who bought beer by the case (quarts) who was nearly mindless and who reported that he had "one of the top three tests" for the marines, meaning he was third.  This was when Ali tested even lower, much lower.

As his reputation grew, JFK was assassinated and the war grew as well.  People started to avoid the draft, especially people like Dick Cheney.  Ali was reclassified.  Only Howard Cosell put him on the air as Ali refused induction.  Freedom of religion.  He also said "Aint no Viet Cong never called me nigger."

Just about everyone was attacking him or, as one reporter put it a day or so ago, "except for black youth and a few people in the counter-culture".  Well, I guess I was a part of the counter-culture because I thought he had the right.  So did Cosell.

The case went to the Supreme Court, after three and a half years, and he won unanimously, 8-0, and was informed of this by, you guessed it, Howard Cosell, who had also predicted it. 

The rest of the story becomes more accurate.  Ali later became a Sunni Muslim like Malcolm did, although after Malcolm was assassinated, just as were Martin Luther King and Bobby Kennedy. 

There is no time now to refute all the garbage about his "cruelty," other than to remark that trash talk is rampant in sports and always has been.  Some say he carried Floyd Patterson and kept yelling what's my name and would not knock him out because he would not call him Ali.  However, in a later fight, lang after Ali should have retired, he fought Larry Holmes.  Holmes kept telling the referee to stop the fight as Ali was being seriously hurt.  The referee did not, but he could have, easily.  The same applied to the Patterson incident.  The referee could have stopped it if he thought it best.

Right now, there are only two sportscasters whom you can trust to talk about this: Kieth Olbermann and Bob Costas. 

Ali was and is known around the world and widely seen as a hero.  He had Parkinson's and that is constantly referred to as caused by boxing.  Maybe.  However, Michael J. Fox was never a prizefighter.  At any rate, boxing has not been a major sport for some time now. 

So, on Thursday, and the Friday, there will be a funeral and a burial for Ali.  Just remember the truth as the "reporters" talk.