Friday, February 08, 2013

The Nein Quarterly

I think this is great fun.  If you are on twitter, follow.


Nein. A Compendium of Utopian Negation. Ed: Eric Jarosinski. All views: solely reflect NQ's cynical whimsy. All errors: yours alone.…


  1. 2hNein. @NeinQuarterly


  2. 2hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Take some time for ü this weekend.

  3. 4hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Smart bombs. (via ) 

  4. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is pre-posthumous publication.

  5. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    I sometimes wonder why the title "The Naked and the Dead" is so good, but "The Dead and the Naked" is so bad.

  6. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Act 1: Boy meets girl. Act 2: Girl meets boy. Act 3: Boy and girl meet the trials and tribulations of Valentine's Day. Act 4: Death.

  7. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    I remember when German education ministers had legitimate doctorates. A simpler time.

  8. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    It's a shame the last shred of human decency didn't live to see Twitter.

  9. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Don't think of it as deleting a tweet, but as a step toward self-realization.

  10. 5hNein. @NeinQuarterly


  11. 6hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Philly knows from barrel fires. 

  12. 7hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    If you ask me,  way too much into things.

  13. 7hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Thank Horkheimer it's Freitag. 

  14. 7hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Thank the Relentless March of Time it's Friday.

  15. 8hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Thank Goethe it's Friday.

  16. 17hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is words coming out to play.

  17. 17hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is ja. But sometimes nein.

  18. 17hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Aesthetic theories are never pretty.

  19. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 10: Fascists are bad fucks.

  20. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 9: Novalis means Novalis.

  21. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 8: chocolate.

  22. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 7: When it comes to positions, nothing beats the "wheelbarrow full of worthless Reichsmarks."

  23. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 6: ich lube dich.

  24. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 5: What dies in Venice stays in Venice.

  25. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 4: Speak German. Lots and lots of German.

  26. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 3: Negative dialectics.

  27. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 2: You're even hotter than s/he says you are.

  28. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Sex tip 1: feel things.

  29. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is explaining that your avatar is a cartoon Theodor W. Adorno with a photoshopped monocle.

  30. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    If you're not drunk, please go to bed.

  31. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Listen, Socratic method, we want answers. Now.

  32. 18hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Don't fuck with my friends LCD Soundsystem. Just don't.

  33. 19hacosmic @its_rhetorical

    I'm sort of curious about what it would be like to date I feel like the psychosexual mind games would be top notch.

  34. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Fuck love. Tweets are about death.

  35. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is not what makes the world go round. That's capital. But, hey, fuck capital.

  36. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is admitting that you both could not adequately define blank verse.

  37. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is never having to say you only pretend to be a misanthrope on Twitter.

  38. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is when she sees the smile you hide behind your scowl.

  39. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is letting her tickle your Tickle Me Werner Herzog.

  40. 19hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is when you add Umlauts to her name.

  41. 22hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    If beauty is truth, and truth beauty, then beauty is not beauty, and truth not truth.

  42. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Intention died so that the death of the author might live.

  43. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    You've seen one synecdoche's death, you've seen'm all.

  44. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Personification died as it lived.

  45. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Metanarratives fear that death itself is dying.

  46. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Subtext only dies on the inside.

  47. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Alliteration d, d, d, dies.

  48. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Libertines often lay dying.

  49. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Tragic irony doesn't know it's dying, but we do.

  50. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Foreshadowing just keeps saying it's going to die.

  51. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Leitmotifs die, die, and then die some more.

  52. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Symbols only die symbolically.

  53. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Similes never die. They just stop liking things.

  54. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    All metaphors die alone.

  55. 23hNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Just your weekly reminder that Nietzsche doesn't rhyme with peachy.

  56. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Twitter as Lord Chandos chain letter.

  57. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    If Rilke had lived to see Twitter, I imagine he would DM a young poet.

  58. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Twitter as theater of the repressed.

  59. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    A good manifesto is hard to find.

  60. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Look, if you're going to commodify me, you should also have the decency to fetishize me.

  61. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    My use value was eclipsed by my exchange value. What's your excuse?

  62. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Anyone seen my drone?

  63. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    It's never easy to tell your Doppelgänger he's just not your type.

  64. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Love is never having to say Adorno's sorry.

  65. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    Twitter is the sum of ergo minus cogito.

  66. 7 FebNein. @NeinQuarterly

    The ineffable can go ef itself.

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