Friday, December 22, 2006

Before Christmas


This week made little sense to me. About midweek, I noticed a headline from AP titled something like “Bush Warns of Danger in Iraq,” or something like that. Naturally, I did not pursue the matter as life is weird enough as it is. Isn’t that what 85% of the entire world was warning him about 4 years ago? I don’t get it.

He also announced, as a part of responding to the wishes of about 80 to 90% of U.S. citizens that we get out of Iraq, that he will increase the size of our occupation by about 30,000 troops. After all, democracy is too important to be left to the people, any people. (See the remarks of Noam Chomsky, below, courtesy of Democracy Now.)

Donald Trump retiared the beautiful, blond, bulimic, buxom, well-defined, girl kissing, cocaine snorting, bimbo from Kentucky as Miss USA. She stated, “I want to be the best Miss USA ever!” Apparently Donald got my message. Well, not really, the announcement came after much, er, um, well, he changed his mind and that’s that.

The Joint Chiefs of Staff said they didn’t want the extra troops. For one thing, they don’t have any tanks left to spare. They are also short of other things (I can imagine!) and are sending a bill to congress. Bush used to say that he gave the Generals everything they wanted, but said nothing about giving them things they don’t want. Finally, this statement from the military, including Abizad, is unprecedented. Fox news types always wondered why the generals would first retire and then criticize. Well, now they don’t retire. This is the best of all possible worlds, then, what with Miss USA still in power.

Dr. Rice mentioned Iran, saying “with chapter 7, they will find out what company they are in.” I have no idea, but I have heard that the U.S. is sending ships of all sorts to the straits of hormuz, and the reasoning is that it is a way to attack Iran. I have no idea. I don’t WANT any ideas. I’m tired of fascism and imperialism.

Below is a transcript from Democracy Now what explains some of this. I first encountered Noam Chomsky as a Doctoral Student studying Linguistics and had no idea about his political writings. It was clear from his writing that he was a genius, the Einstein of modern linguistics, but I had issues with him. One problem was that he was talking about a revolutionary approach to the subject, one which pretty much kicked the rug out from under Behavioralism as a science, but he was presenting it with all the same tired formats or traditional grammarians. The other issue that made me wary was his positing language as a clear distinction in an evolutionary sense between man and the rest of the animals. This last was something I realized that I had to deal with. It was simply my own experience that such a distinction is usually used to justify cruelty to animals and was thus not a scientific approach.

So I attacked on the basis on the mode of presentation only to be informed that he had already changed that and only used it because it was language familiar to those he assumed would be interested – linguists. So, he was right.

Anyhow, here is his transcript:


From Bolivia to Baghdad: Noam Chomsky on Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation

Tuesday, December 19th, 2006

World-renowned scholar and linguist Noam Chomsky spoke this weekend at an event titled, “What’s Next? Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation.” Chomsky spoke about the Iraq Study Group report, recent elections in Latin America, the current situation with Iran and much more. [includes rush transcript]

World-renowned scholar and linguist Noam Chomsky spoke this weekend at an event sponsored by Massachusetts Global Action. The event titled, “What’s Next? Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation” was held at the Emmanuel Church in Boston. Chomsky, who is a professor of Linguistics at MIT, returned from Latin America in October. He talked about the recent elections in the region, which have brought leftist, governments to power that are challenging U.S foreign policy. Chomsky also spoke about Iraq and Iran in the context of Latin America.

In this excerpt, he begins by analyzing the recently released Iraq Study Group report that was chaired by former Secretary of State James Baker.

Chomsky begins by talking about the recent South America Summit meeting, held earlier this month in Cochabamba, Bolivia.

* Noam Chomsky, professor of linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology speaking last weekend at an event sponsored by Massachusetts Global Action.


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AMY GOODMAN: Today, we bring you world-renowned scholar and linguist Noam Chomsky, who spoke a few days ago in an event sponsored by Massachusetts Global Action. The speech was called “What’s Next? Creating Another World in a Time of War, Empire and Devastation.” It was held at the Emmanuel Church in Boston.

Chomsky is a professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He recently returned from Latin America. He talked about the recent elections in the region, which have brought leftist governments to power that are challenging US foreign policy. Chomsky also talked about Iraq and Iran in the context of Latin America.

In this excerpt, he begins by analyzing the recently released Iraq Study Group report that was chaired by the former Secretary of State James Baker.

NOAM CHOMSKY: There are efforts to try to extricate the US from the US power—doesn’t matter much to the people, but US power—from the catastrophes it’s created for itself. The most recent such effort, right on the front pages now—so I’ll keep to that one—is the Baker-Hamilton report, the Iraq Study Group report, which has some interesting features. Very interesting.

For example, one of its—it doesn’t have much in the way of proposals—but the thinking is interesting. So here’s one paragraph, refers to recent polls in Iraq. The US government and polling agencies here take regular polls in Iraq. They care a lot about Iraqi opinion. And this points out that recent polling indicates that 79% of Iraqis have a mostly negative view of the influence that the United States has in their country, and 61% of Iraqis—includes Kurds—approve of attacks on US-led forces. Well, that’s clearly a problem. And we have to deal with that problem by changing tactics, so they’ll understand that we really love them and we’re trying to help them and they’ll stop thinking they ought to attack us and hating us, and so on. OK, that was the proposal.

There’s something missing. The same polls that they cited have some other information, for example, that two-thirds of the people of Baghdad want US troops out immediately, and about over three-quarters of the whole population, including Kurds, again, wants a firm timetable for withdrawal within a year or less. Well, that isn’t mentioned, because in our mission to bring democracy to the world, we don’t care about the opinions of people. They’re kind of irrelevant, so that isn’t mentioned. And, of course, there’s no timetable for withdrawal. That’s one of the options they rejected.

Also interesting is that the American people are treated the same way. A majority of people here are in favor of a firm timetable for withdrawal. But that’s irrelevant, too. In fact, back as far as April 2003, considerable majority of people here in the United States were in favor of keeping US troops there only if they were under UN supervision. The UN ought to take responsibility for security, for economic development, reconstruction, for democratic development, and so on. But that opinion was, of course, totally ignored and, to my knowledge, not even reported.

Now, that continues, if that attitude continues, the next big problem, next to Iraq, is Iran. And the Baker-Hamilton Commission, as you know, gave a recommendation about that. It said the US must somehow engage Iran, but they said that that’s going to be problematic given the state of US-Iranian relationships. Well, the US population has an opinion about that, too. 75% of the population here, including a majority of Republicans, think that the United States ought to keep to diplomatic peaceful measures in engagement with Iran, which they approve of, and not use military threats—exact opposite of the policy.

The same attitudes are true of the people of the region. They don’t like Iran, and they don’t certainly [inaudible] nuclear-armed Iran, but a majority of the population of the regional states favors a nuclear-armed Iran to any form of military intervention, just as people here do. Well, that’s kind of irrelevant, so that’s also not mentioned in the report.

A third interesting fact about the report is that it says the United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East—of course, taken for granted they must achieve those goals. It doesn’t mean the people of the United States, it means the government and their constituency. The United States cannot achieve its goals in the Middle East unless it deals directly with the Arab-Israeli conflict. And then goes on to say that the US must encourage discussions and so on, but restricting and allowing Palestinians to participate, but only those who accept Israel’s right to exist. OK, those are the only Palestinians who can participate. What about Israelis who accept Palestine’s right to exist? Well, no point in mentioning them, because there probably aren’t any.

And, in fact, there shouldn’t be any. No state has a right to exist. It’s obvious. In fact, the whole concept, right to exist, as far as I’m aware—somebody should—it’s a good research project for someone—to my knowledge, that concept was created in the 1970s when the Arab States and the PLO accepted, formally accepted—PLO tacitly, the Arab States formally, the major ones—formally accepted Israel’s right to exist within secure and recognized borders, borrowing the wording of the major UN resolution, UN 242. So it became necessary to raise the barrier to prevent negotiations diplomacy and to allow expansion instead.

And here comes right to exist, which, of course, nobody is going to accept. It means accepting not only the fact of the expulsion of Palestinians, but also its legitimacy. No state in the world is ever going to accept that, any more than Mexico accepts the—it recognizes the United States, but it does not recognize the legitimacy of the US conquest of half of Mexico—outlandish.

But even if we reduce it from the crazy notion of right to exist to just recognizing Palestine, how many—who—recognizing Israel, suppose we limit Palestinians to those who recognize Israel, which Israelis recognize Palestine? Does the United States recognize Palestine? I mean, I won’t run through the history here, but for 30 years, the US and Israel have, with rare exceptions, been unilaterally preventing the establishment of a broad international consensus on a two-state settlement. I mean, they’re willing now, in the last couple of years, only the last couple of years, to accept a very truncated Palestine that’s dismembered, surrounded—no chance of viable existence. Maybe they’ll recognize that. A couple of Bantustans, but not any viable state.

AMY GOODMAN: We are watching and listening to Noam Chomsky, giving an address last week in Boston. When we come back, we’ll turn to the segment of his speech where he talks about Latin America, from which he just returned. Stay with us.


AMY GOODMAN: We return now to Noam Chomsky, who spoke a few days ago in Boston.

NOAM CHOMSKY: I’ll start with last weekend. Important city in South America, Cochabamba, with quite a history. There was a meeting last weekend in Cochabamba in Bolivia of all the South American leaders. It was a very important meeting. One index of its importance is that it was unreported, virtually unreported apart from the wire services. So every editor knew about it. Since I suspect you didn’t read that wire service report, I’ll read you a few things from it to indicate why it was so important.

In last Saturday, the South American leaders agreed to create a high-level commission to study the idea of forming a continent-wide community similar to the European Union. This is the presidents and envoys of all the nations, and there was the two-day summit of what’s called the South American Community of Nations, hosted by Evo Morales in Cochabamba, the president of Bolivia. The leaders—reading just now—agreed to form a study group to look at the possibility of creating a continent-wide union and even a South American parliament. The result, according to the—I’m reading from the AP report—the result left fiery Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, long an agitator for the region, taking a greater role on the world stage, pleased, but impatient—normal stance. They went on. It goes on to say that the discussion over South American unity will continue later this month, when MERCOSUR, South American trading bloc, has its regular meeting that will include leaders from Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Paraguay and Uruguay.

There is one—has been one point of hostility in South America. That’s Peru, Venezuela. But it points out that Chavez and Peruvian President Alan Garcia took advantage of the summit to bury the hatchet, after having exchanged insults earlier in the year. And that was the only real conflict in South America. So that seems to have been smoothed over.

The new Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa proposed a land and river trade route linking the Brazilian Amazon Rainforest to Ecuador’s Pacific Coast, suggesting that for South America, it could be kind of like an alternative to the Panama Canal.

Chavez and Morales celebrated a new joint project, the gas separation plant in Bolivia’s rich gas-rich region. It’s a joint venture with Petrovesa, the Venezuelan oil company, and the Bolivian state energy company. And it continues. Venezuela, as I’m sure you know, is the only—it which points out—is the only Latin American member of OPEC and has by far the largest proven oil reserves outside the Middle East, by some measures maybe even incomparable to Saudi Arabia. Well, that’s very important in the general global context. I’ll return to a couple of words about that.

There were also contributions, constructive, interesting contributions by Lula da Silva, Brazil’s president, Bachelet of Chile, and others. All of this is extremely important.

This is the first time since the Spanish conquests, 500 years, that there has been real moves towards integration in South America. The countries have been very separated from one another. And integration is going to be a prerequisite for authentic independence. I mean, there have been—I’m sure you know—attempts at independence, but they’ve been crushed, often very violently, partly because of lack of regional support, because there was very little regional cooperation, so you can pick them off one by one.

That’s what happened since the 1960s. The Kennedy administration orchestrated a coup in Brazil, the first of which happened right after the assassination was already planned. It was the first of a series of falling dominoes. Neo-Nazi-style national security states spread across the hemisphere. Chile was one of them, but only one finally ended up with reaching Central America, with Reagan’s terrorist wars in the 1980s, which devastated Central America, similar things happening in the Caribbean. But that was sort of a one-by-one operation of destroying one country after another. And it had the expected domino effect. It’s the worst plague of repression in the history of Latin America since the original conquests, which were horrendous. It’s only beginning to be understood how horrendous they were.

But integration does lay the basis for potential independence, and that’s of extreme significance. The colonial history—Spain, Europe, the United States—not only divided countries from one another, but it also left a sharp internal division within the countries, every one, between a very wealthy small elite and a huge mass of impoverished people. The correlation to race is fairly close. Typically, the rich elite was white, European, westernized; and the poor mass of the population was indigenous, Indian, black, intermingled, and so on. It’s a fairly close correlation, and it continues right ‘til the present.

The white, mostly white, elites were not—who ran the countries—were not integrated with—had very few interrelations with the other countries of the region. They were Western-oriented. You can see that in all sorts of ways. That’s where the capital was exported. That’s where the second homes were, where the children went to the universities, where their cultural connections were, and so on. And they had very little responsibility in their own societies. So there’s very sharp division.

They were also very support—you can see it, for example, in imports. Imports are mostly luxury goods, overwhelmingly. Development, such as it was, was mostly foreign. It was much more open, Latin America, much more open to foreign investment than, say, East Asia. It’s part of the reason for their different paths of development in the past—radically different paths of development in the last couple of decades.

And, of course, the elite elements were very strongly sympathetic to the neoliberal programs of the last 25 years, which enriched them—destroyed the countries, but enriched them. Latin America, more than any region in the world, outside of southern Africa, adhered rigorously to the so-called Washington Consensus, what’s called outside the United States the neoliberal programs of roughly the past 25, 30 years. And everywhere where they were rigorously applied, they led to disaster. There’s scarcely an exception. Very striking correlation. Sharp reduction in rates of growth, other macroeconomic indices, all the social effects that go along with that.

Actually, the comparison to East Asia is very striking. Latin America is a much—potentially much richer area. I mean, a century ago, it was taken for granted that Brazil would be what was called the “Colossus of the South,” comparable to the Colossus of the North. Haiti, now one of the poorest countries in the world, was the richest colony in the world, a source of much of France’s wealth, now devastated, first by France, then by the United States. And Venezuela—enormous wealth—was taken over by the United States around 1920, right at the beginning of the oil age, had been a British dependency, but Woodrow Wilson kicked the British out, recognizing that control of oil was going to be important, and supported a vicious dictator. And then, more or less, it goes on until the present. So the resources and the potential were always there. Very rich.

In contrast, East Asia had almost no resources, but they followed a different developmental path. In Latin America, imports were luxury goods for the rich. In East Asia, it’s capital goods for development. They had state-coordinated development programs. They disregarded the Washington Consensus almost totally. Capital controls, controls on export of capital, harsh punishments for it, pretty egalitarian societies, a lot of—authoritarian, sometimes, pretty harsh—but educational programs, health programs, and so on. In fact, they followed pretty much the developmental paths of the currently wealthy countries, which are radically different from the rules that are being imposed on the South.

And that goes way back in history. You go back to the 17th century, the commercial and industrial centers of the world were China and India. Life expectancy in Japan was greater than in Europe. Europe was kind of like a barbarian outpost, but it had advantages, mainly in savagery, conquered the world, imposed something like the neoliberal rules on the conquered regions, and itself, very high protectionism, a lot of state intervention and so on. So Europe developed.

The United States, as a typical case, had the highest tariffs in the world, most protectionist country in the world during the period of its great development. In fact, as late as 1950, when the United States literally had half the world’s wealth, its tariffs were higher than the Latin American countries today, which are being ordered to reduce them.

Massive state intervention in the economy. Economists don’t talk about it much, but the current economy in the United States relies very heavily on the state sector. That’s where you get your computers and the internet and your airplane traffic and transit of goods, container ships and so on, almost entirely comes out of the state sector, including pharmaceuticals, management techniques, and so on. I won’t go on into that, but it’s a strong correlation right through history. Those are the methods of development.

The neoliberal methods created a third world, and in the past 30 years, they have led to disasters in Latin America and southern Africa, the places that most rigorously adhered to them. But whereas there was growth and development in East Asia, which disregarded them, following the rules, following pretty much the model of the currently rich countries.

Well, there’s a chance that that will begin to change. There are finally efforts inside South America—unfortunately not in Central America, which has just been pretty much devastated by the terror of the last—of the ‘80s particularly. But in South America, from Venezuela to Argentina, it’s, I think, the most exciting place in the world. There’s reactions to this. After 500 years, there’s a beginning of efforts to overcome these overwhelming problems. The integration that’s taking place, that I just read about, is one example.

There’s efforts of the Indian population. The indigenous population is, for the first time in hundreds of years, taking a—really beginning in some of the countries, take a very active role in their own affairs. In Bolivia, they succeeded in taking over the country, controlling their resources. Bolivia—and it’s also leading to significant democratization, real democracy, in which the population participates. So it takes a Bolivia—it’s the poorest country in the hemisphere in South America—Haiti is poorer—it had a real democratic election last year, of a kind that you can’t imagine in the United States, or in Europe, for that matter. There was mass popular participation, and people knew what the issues were. The issues were crystal clear and very important. And people didn’t just participate on election day. These are the things they had been struggling about for years. Actually, Cochabamba is a symbol of it. I’ll come back to that. So, clear issues, popular participation, ongoing efforts, elected someone from their own ranks. I won’t bother to compare it to the United States. You can work it out for yourselves, but that’s a real democratic election of the kind we can’t imagine.

In fact, in our elections, the issues are unknown. There’s careful efforts to make sure that the issues are unknown to the public, for good reasons. There’s a tremendous gap between public opinion and public policy. So you have to keep away from issues and concentrate on imagery and delusions and so on. The elections are run by the same industries that sell toothpaste on television. You don’t expect to get information from a television ad. You don’t expect to get information about a candidate from debates, advertisements and the other paraphernalia that goes along with what are called elections here.

There’s a lot of fuss on the left about election irregularities, like, you know, the voting machines were tampered with, they didn’t count the votes right, and so on. That’s all accurate and of some importance, but of far more importance is the fact that elections just don’t take place, not in any meaningful sense of the term “election.” And so, it doesn’t matter all that much, if there was some tampering. I suspect that’s why the population doesn’t get much exercised over it. The concern over stolen elections and vote tampering, and so on, is mostly an elite affair. Most of the country didn’t seem to care very much. “OK, so the election was stolen.” I mean, if you’re flipping a coin to select a king or something, it doesn’t matter much if the coin is biased. That seems to be the way most people feel about it. And there’s some justification.

In fact, the attitude of the public here towards the political system is very dramatic. I mean, about a third of the population in the United States, according to recent polls, believes that the Bush administration was responsible for 9/11. But they don’t think it’s a problem, like they don’t think that’s anything to worry about it. Yeah, of course, they’re all crooks and gangsters and murderers, tell us something new, you know. It doesn’t have much to do with us. That’s a shocking commentary on the state of American democracy.

There’s a lot of talk here about, you know, we have a divided country. We have to unify. We need a unifier, somebody who will bring it back together. Red and blue, and so on. That’s pretty marginal. It is a divided country. It’s divided between public opinion and public policy. A very sharp divide. And on issue after issue, the whole political system is well to the right of the public and public attitudes. And we know a lot about these, because it’s a very well studied topic in the United States.

AMY GOODMAN: We’ll continue with Professor Noam Chomsky’s address after break.


AMY GOODMAN: We return to the address of Noam Chomsky, professor of Linguistics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, speaking last Thursday in Boston.

NOAM CHOMSKY: Just to give one last illustration, I was driving home from work the other day and torturing myself by listening to NPR, and—I have kind of a masochistic streak I can’t get over. Actually, some day I’m going to sue them. Sometime—once they got me so angry that I started speeding. I lost control of what I was doing, and I was stopped by a cop, and I was going like 60 miles an hour in a 30 mile zone. Maybe a basis for a civil suit, if there are any lawyers around here. But they had a section on Barack Obama, the great new hope. And it was very exuberant: what a fantastic personality he is and a great candidate, thousands of people coming out. And it went on for about 15 minutes of excited rhetoric. There’s only one thing missing. They didn’t say a word about what his policies were on anything. It’s kind of not—doesn’t matter, you know. He’s a unifier. He looks at you when he talks to you. He’s a really decent guy. Great background. OK, that’s an election.

Bolivia was radically different, and that’s a very striking different. Well, there is—one of the things that’s happened in Latin America in the past several decades is there has been a wave of authentic democratization. Despite US efforts to impede it, it’s taken place. However, an unfortunate side effect of it is that as the wave of democratization increased, while support for democracy remained strong in Latin America, support for the elected governments has been declining, steadily declining.

There’s a reasonable explanation for that that was given by an Argentine political scientist, Atilio Boron. He pointed out that the wave of democratization correlated with the neoliberal programs, which are designed to undermine democracy. I don’t have time to talk about it, but every element of them is specifically designed to undermine democracy, to restrict the public arena and participation and so on. So he concludes—I think plausibly—that it’s not surprising that while a desire to have democracies remains very high, support for the elected government declines, insofar as they follow the programs that are undermining democracy.

Now, there are a few exceptions. The leading exception—again, Latin American opinion is also pretty carefully polled and studied, so we know a lot about it—the leading exception is Venezuela. From 1998 to the present, support for the elected government has increased sharply, in pretty dramatic contrast to almost all of Latin America. There are some increases elsewhere. And, in fact, Venezuela leads the continent in support for the elected government. That’s probably why it’s called anti-democratic and authoritarian and, you know, dictator, and so on and so forth.

The rhetoric here is kind of interesting. There are authoritarian tendencies, undoubtedly, but depicture of Chavez as a tin-pot dictator—has destroyed freedom of press and so on—that’s the standard line also in the rightwing press in South America, and believed, in fact, completely inconsistent with the facts.

I mean, take, say, freedom of the press. As you know, there was a coup in Venezuela in the year 2002, supported by the United States. The government was overthrown. It was taken over by Pedro Carmona, a rich businessman, who immediately dissolved parliament, destroyed the supreme court, got rid of the attorney general’s office, the public defender. Every vestige of democracy was instantly demolished.

US strongly supported it. The Venezuelan private press, the press, strongly supported it. One of the people who supported the coup was the opposition candidate in the last election. Just another—other supporters of the coup were a group called Sumate, the group that the US provides aid to for what’s called “democracy building.” So the coup was supported by a substantial part of the elite in the society that was backed by the United States, destroyed the democratic system.

It was quickly overthrown by a popular uprising. US had to back off. But what’s striking is that the newspapers continue to publish, still continue to attack the government. Rosales, who supported the coup, ran in the election. Sumate, which supported the coup, is functioning, the main recipient of US democracy promotion funds.

Just imagine that that had happened in the United States. Suppose there was a coup that overthrew the government, supported by the leading press, you know, by political figures and so on. Would the press continue to function? I mean, would the supporter of the coup be the opposition candidate in the next election. I mean, it’s unimaginable. They’d all be lined up in front of firing squads. But this is the tin-pot dictator who’s destroying freedom of press, not the first time. But these are quite important developments.

And what they illustrate is a decline in the—first of all, a move towards integration, independence and authentic democracy with mass popular movements and participation and so on, all extremely important, but also along with it goes a decline in the methods of domination and control. I mean, the US has dominated the region for a long time with two major methods: one of them, violence, and the other, economic strangulation, economic controls. And both of those methods are declining in efficacy.

2002 was the last effort of the United States to overthrow a government. In earlier years, it was routine. And in fact, the governments that the US is now supporting—say, Lula—probably would have been overthrown 40 years ago. There’s not that much difference between Lula and Goulart, the Brazilian president who was overthrown by the Kennedy-instigated coup. There is a notable decline in the efficacy of violence for control.

And the same is true of economic controls. ve si decline. The main economic controls in recent years have been the IMF, which is virtually a branch of the US Treasury Department. But the countries are freeing themselves of its controls. Argentina basically told the—Argentina was the poster boy of the IMF. It was a great success story, except that it led to a total complete crash, a terrible crash. Argentina did recover, but by violating IMF rules, refusing to pay its debts, buying up what remained of the debt and “ridding ourselves of the IMF,” as the president put it. They were able to do that, partly with the help of Venezuela, which bought up about a third of the debt, another form of cooperation. Brazil, in its own way, moved in the same direction, freeing itself from the IMF.

Bolivia is now doing it. Bolivia had been, again, a rigorous obedient student of the IMF for about 25 years. It ended up with per capita income lower than when it started. Well, now they’re getting rid of the IMF, too, again with Venezuelan support. And as this proceeds through the—in fact, the IMF itself is in serious trouble. If you look at the business pages, you’ll notice that its viability is in question, because it’s not getting the kinds of funds it used to get from the role it played in what one—the US executive director of the IMF once called it the credit community’s enforcer. It’s like the Mafia. They’re the goons who were sent in to get the payments, the default, and so on. But they’re not getting it anymore, and their own funds are running low. They may not survive.

Well, all of this is just one aspect of the weakening of the economic controls, alongside the weakening of the controls of violence, and that’s going hand-in-hand with the steps towards integration and independence.

The US has had to have a policy change. There’s still a distinction between the good guys and the bad guys. The good guys happen to be governments the US probably would have overthrown 40 years ago, like Lula’s Brazil That’s one of the good guys. Morales and Chavez, they’re the bad guys. Well, that’s the party line. You’ve read it over and over.

In order to maintain it, it’s necessary to finesse some of the facts, like, for example, the fact that when Lula was re-elected in October—the good guy—his first act was to fly to Caracas to support Chavez’s electoral campaign—that’s the bad guy. Now, that wasn’t reported in the United States, too remote from the party line. Also, Lula dedicated a Brazilian project in Venezuela, a bridge over the Orinoco River, new development projects, and so on. That’s all the wrong story.

And as I mentioned, as the AP reported, Venezuela has been in the lead of trying to move towards regional integration. That’s what Chavez’s [Bolivarian] Alternatives for the America is all about—is supposed to be about, that involves efforts to develop institutions for an integrated South America. Petroamerica is kind of an integrated plan for an integrated energy system of the kind that China is trying to initiate in Asia, also very worrisome to the United States. Telesur is an effort to break through the closely guarded Western media monopoly. It’s a big story in itself. The University of the South, if it takes off, would be an academic center for the Americas, and so on.

Well, the US is kind of losing control. It’s not that US policy is changing. The policy has to be adjusted. The US has not given up on means of violence and economic control, but they’re taking new forms. So the training of Latin American officers has, by the US, has gone way up, very sharply in the last few years. And they’re being trained differently. The training is being shifted. It’s being shifted from the State Department to the Pentagon. That’s of some significance. When training of Latin American officers is under State Department controls, there’s at least theoretically congressional supervision of human rights violations and so on. Not very many teeth in it, but at least it’s sort of there.

AMY GOODMAN: MIT linguist and political analyst, Noam Chomsky, speaking in Boston several days ago.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Absurd Times

Link is now


(The Absurd Times)

No, we are not under new management, just on our third title or address. We started with ContemporaryAwareness and gave up on that because it had too many letters to type in. Aware21 followed, but the focus had shifted. The articles on Cognitive Therapy are still in the archives (Mainly July and August, 2006), but then attention was on the election and the need to restore some semblance of a balance of power in government.

The original idea was to comment on the irrational situation in life and how cognitive science could enable people to live with it. However, simply mentioning these events and laughing at them is the only sage guide to survival in increasingly absurd times.

The name suggested itself to me while a talking conservative head on HARDBALL had published something in the NEW YORK TIMES and said that he first looked for a publication called the Ironic Times. Well, he had used the word correctly, he thought, because he was one of those who think of the New York Times as a leftist newspaper when it is really corporate owned and fairly right-wing. Whenever one of its reporters gets caught lying and being too fascist and exposed as such, they merely say “oops” and fire the reporter. The last incident had to do with a female reporter/supporter of the war in Iraq.

What really goes on today, however, is incredibly absurd. I have a few modest examples:

The Baker Hamilton Report, or Iraq study group report, bipartisan, made some suggestions to extricate us from the mess in Iraq. Bush, Rice, et al., jumped all over the suggestion that Iran, as well as other border and area countries, be involved, saying that Iran had to do such and such before they would talk to them.

The President of Iran was asked for his reaction, which was, essentially, “Why should we help George Bush? He started the mess and it’s his problem.” Everyone assumed that Iran was simply dying to get to talk to us.

Miss USA, a pretty blonde from Kentucky, is being de-Tiaraed. Seems she was drinking, doing coke, and kissing Miss Teenage America. Isn’t Miss USA supposed to represent the media’s version of what is ideal in the USA? Oh yes, guess who owns the pageant? Donald Trump!

Mrs. Bush said Condy Rice will never be President because she is single. I don’t need a reason. The main question is why Laura Bush ever made such a comment? Could it be because Rice made it to Provost while Laura stayed a librarian?

Updates will still take place weekly.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Election Aftermath

Hello, again!

I have below another article on Iraq.

I had slowed down on my postings mainly because the election was over and the electorate resoundingly voted against the war in Iraq. Since then, there have been many developments.

The most curious to me was how our administration eliminated hunger in our country – that’s right, eliminated. From now on, people who do not have any food or enough food to eat, suffer from “long-term food insecurity.” So, no more hunger.

The latest polls I see show support for the war at about 20%, meaning four out of five Americans are fed up with it. If we allow for those neandrathals who want to make it bigger, sending more troops, it is more like 3 out of four. $70,000,000,000 has been appropriated recently, so that should be plenty to get us out of there if we start now. There will be no need, then, for the $100,000,000,000 requested of the incoming congress. All that money could be spent here. Maybe even do something about New Orleans.

A big decision has been made on a pandemic, however. It is estimated that in case of a bird flu pandemic, 47 states would run out of hospital beds in five days. The action taken was to make the head of DHHS in charge of that, rather than homeland security which is too busy arresting meatpackers to be overtaxed with something like an epidemic.

Some of the leading Democrats have said that impeachment and cutting off funds for the war is “off the table.” Very well, would someone who knows where the table is put them back on?

Let’s hope this senator from South Dakota doesn’t die. I’d rather the opposition appoint the heads of committees, and Dick Cheney as the deciding vote in the senate is not a comfortable thought.


Znet | Iraq

*The Americans Don’t See How Unwelcome They Are, or That Iraq Is Now

beyond Repair

The main purpose of Bush invading Iraq was to retain power at home*

by Patrick Cockburn; Independent; December 11, 2006

During the Opium Wars between Britain and China in the 19th century, eunuchs at the court of the Chinese emperor had the problem of informing him of the repeated and humiliating defeat of his armies. They dealt with their delicate task by simply telling the emperor that his forces had already won or were about to win victories on all fronts.

For three and a half years White House officials have dealt with bad news from Iraq in similar fashion. Journalists were repeatedly accused by the US administration of not reporting political and military progress on the ground. Information about the failure of the US venture was ignored or suppressed.

Manipulation of facts was often very crude. As an example of the systematic distortion, the Iraq Study Group revealed last week that on one day last July US officials reported 93 attacks or significant acts of violence. In reality, it added, “a careful review of the reports ... brought to light 1,100 acts of violence”.

The 10-fold reduction in the number of acts of violence officially noted was achieved by not reporting the murder of an Iraqi, or roadside bomb, rocket or mortar attacks aimed at US troops that failed to inflict casualties. I remember visiting a unit of US combat engineers camped outside Fallujah in January 2004 who told me that they had stopped reporting insurgent attacks on themselves unless they suffered losses as commanders wanted to hear only that the number of attacks was going down. As I was drove away, a sergeant begged us not to attribute what he had said: “If you do I am in real trouble.”

Few Chinese emperors can have been as impervious to bad news from the front as President George W Bush. His officials were as assiduous as those eunuchs in Beijing 170 years ago in shielding him from bad news. But even when officials familiar with the real situation in Iraq did break through the bureaucratic cordon sanitaire around the Oval Office they got short shrift from Mr Bush. In December 2004 the CIA station chief in Baghdad said that the insurgency was expanding and was “largely unchallenged” in Sunni provinces. Mr Bush’s response was: “What is he, some kind of a defeatist?” A week later the station chief was reassigned.

A few days afterwards, Colonel Derek Harvey, the Defence Intelligence Agency’s senior intelligence officer in Iraq, made much the same point to Mr Bush. He said of the insurgency: “It’s robust, it’s well led, it’s diverse.” According to the US political commentator Sidney Blumenthal, the President at this point turned to his aides and asked: “Is this guy a Democrat?”

The query is perhaps key to Mr Bush’s priorities. The overriding political purpose of the US administration in invading Iraq was to retain power at home. It would do so by portraying Mr Bush as “the security president”, manipulating and exaggerating the terrorist threat at home and purporting to combat it abroad. It would win cheap military victories in Afghanistan and Iraq. It would hold “khaki” elections in which Democrats could be portrayed as unpatriotic poltroons.

The strategy worked - until November’s mid-term elections. Mr Bush was victorious by presenting a false picture of Iraq. It is this that has been exposed as a fraud by the Iraq Study Group.

Long-maintained myths tumble. For instance, the standard stump speech by Mr Bush or Tony Blair since the start of the insurgency has been to emphasise the leading role of al-Qa’ida in Iraq and international terrorism. But the group’s report declares “al-Qa’ida is responsible for a small portion of violence”, adding that it is now largely Iraqi-run. Foreign fighters, their presence so often trumpeted by the White House and Downing Street, are estimated to number only 1,300 men in Iraq. As for building up the Iraqi army, the training of which is meant to be the centrepiece of US and British policy, the report says that half the 10 planned divisions are made up of soldiers who will serve only in areas dominated by their own community. And as for the army as a whole, it is uncertain “they will carry out missions on behalf of national goals instead of a sectarian agenda”.

Given this realism it is sad that its authors, chaired by James Baker and Lee Hamilton, share one great misconception with Mr Bush and Mr Blair. This is about the acceptability of any foreign troops in Iraq. Supposedly US combat troops will be withdrawn and redeployed as a stiffening or reinforcement to Iraqi military units. They will form quick-reaction forces able to intervene in moments of crisis.

“This simply won’t work,” one former Iraqi Interior Ministry official told me. “Iraqis who work with Americans are regarded as tainted by their families. Often our soldiers have to deny their contact with Americans to their own wives. Sometimes they balance their American connections by making contact with the insurgents at the same time.”

Mr Bush and Mr Blair have always refused to take on board the simple unpopularity of the occupation among Iraqis, though US and British military commanders have explained that it is the main fuel for the insurgency. The Baker-Hamilton report notes dryly that opinion polls show that 61 per cent of Iraqis favour armed attacks on US forces. Given the Kurds overwhelmingly support the US presence, this means three-quarters of all Arabs want military action against US soldiers.

The other great flaw in the report is to imply that Iraqis can be brought back together again. The reality is that the country has already broken apart. In Baghdad, Sunnis no longer dare to visit the main mortuary to look for murdered relatives because it is under Shia control and they might be killed themselves. The future of Iraq may well be a confederation rather than a federation, with Shia, Sunni and Kurd each enjoying autonomy close to independence.

There are certain points on which the White House and the authors of the report are dangerously at one. This is that the Iraqi government of Nouri al-Maliki can be bullied into trying to crush the militias (this usually means just one anti-American militia, the Mehdi Army), or will bolt from the Shia alliance. In the eyes of many Iraqis this would simply confirm its status as a US pawn. As for talking with Iran and Syria or acting on the Israel-Palestinian crisis it is surely impossible for Mr Bush to retreat so openly from his policies of the past three years, however disastrous their outcome.

© 2006 Independent News and Media Limited

Monday, December 11, 2006

Starting Again

I'm back!

From now on, this blog will be a weekly.

Update coming soon.


Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Understanding -- Howard Zinn


A few words: Howard Zinn is a very important historian and his book, A Peoples’ History of the United States, took him 10 years to write and has sold over a million copies. It has the truths in it that are systematically excised from High School history books, the sorts of things that perhaps teachers are aware of, but dare not say for fear of the PTA. I knew enough of these facts to get into great trouble in high school as the teachers were obliged to ignore these facts.

His website makes much of it available on-line.

Znet, at is the best source for facts not available in the corporate media and this article was first published there. An mgp version of it is also available.

Another great site is .

I mention these as I am currently getting a bit burned out on this blog and the apparent lack of interest in it so you have at least these sources (which will lead you to others) in my absence.


*ZNet | U.S.*

*The Uses of History and the War on Terrorism*

*by Howard Zinn; Democracy Now


November 26, 2006*

Madison is a very special place. I always have a special feeling

when I come here. I have a feeling I am in a different country.

And I’m glad, you know. Some people get disgusted of the

American policy, and they go to live in some other country. No.

Go to Madison.

So, now I’m supposed to say something. I am glad you’re there,

whoever you are, and this light is shining in my eyes to wake me


Well, do you get the feeling sometime that you’re living in an

occupied country? Very often that’s a feeling I get when I wake

up in the morning. I think, “I’m living in an occupied country.

A small group of aliens have taken over the country and are

trying to do with it what they will, you know, and really are.”

I mean, they are alien to me. I mean, those people who are

coming across the border from Mexico, they are not alien to me,

you see. You know, Muslims who come to this country to live,

they are not alien to me, you see. These demonstrations, these

wonderful demonstrations that we have seen very recently on

behalf of immigrant rights, say, and you’ve seen those signs

saying, you know, “No human being is alien.” And I think that’s

true. Except for the people in Washington, you see.

They’ve taken over the country. They’ve taken over the policy.

They’ve driven us into two disastrous wars, disastrous for our

country and even more disastrous for people in the Middle East.

And they have sucked up the wealth of this country and given it

to the rich, and given it to the multinationals, given it to

Halliburton, given it to the makers of weapons. They’re ruining

the environment. And they’re holding on to 10,000 nuclear

weapons, while they want us to worry about the fact that Iran

may, in ten years, get one nuclear weapon. You see, really, how

mad can you be?

And the question is, how has this been allowed to happen? How

have they gotten away with it? They’re not following the will of

the people. I mean, they manufactured a will of the people for a

very short time right after the war started, as governments are

able to do right after the beginning of an armed conflict, in

order to able to create an atmosphere of war hysteria. And so

for a short time, they captivated the minds of the American

people. That’s not true anymore. The American people have begun

to understand what is going on and have turned against the

policies in Washington, but of course they are still there. They

are still in power. The question is, you know, how did they get

away with that?

So, in trying to answer the question, I looked a little at the

history of Nazi Germany. No, it’s not that we are Nazi Germany,

but you can learn lessons from everybody and from anybody’s

history. In this case, I was interested in the ideas of Hermann

Göring, who, you may know, was second in command to Hitler, head

of the Luftwaffe. And at the end of World War II, when the Nazi

leaders were put on trial in Nuremberg, Hermann Göring was in

prison along with other of the leaders of the Nazi regime. And

he was visited in prison by a psychologist who was given the job

of interviewing the defendants at Nuremberg.

And this psychologist took notes and, in fact, a couple of years

after the war, wrote a book called /Nuremberg Diary/, in which

he recorded -- put his notes in that book, and he recorded his

conversation with Hermann Göring. And he asked Göring, how come

that Hitler, the Nazis were able to get the German people to go

along with such absurd and ruinous policies of war and

aggression?” And I happen to have those notes with me. We always

say, “We happen to have these things just, you know, by chance.”

And Göring said, “Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why

would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war?

But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine

the policy. The people can always be brought to the bidding of

the leaders. All you have to do is tell them they’re being

attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism. It

works the same way in any country.”

I was interested in that last line: “It works the same way in

any country.” I mean, here, these are the Nazis. That’s the

fascist regime. We are a democracy. But it works the same way in

any country, whatever you call yourself. Whether you call

yourself a totalitarian state or you call yourself a democracy,

it works the same way, and that is, the leaders of the country

are able to cajole or coerce and entice the people into war by

scaring them, telling them they’re in danger, and threatening

them and coercing them, that if they don’t go along, they will

be considered unpatriotic. And this is what really happened in

this country right after 9/11. And this is happened right after

Bush raised the specter of weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

and got for a while the American people to go along with this.

But the question is, how did they get away with it? What about

the press? What about the media? Isn’t it the job of the press,

isn’t it the job of the media, isn’t it the job of journalism to

expose what governments do? Don’t journalists learn from I.F.

Stone, who said, “Just remember two words,” he said to young

people who were studying journalism, he said, “Just remember two

words: governments lie”? Well, but the media have not picked up

on that. The media have gone along, and they embraced the idea

of weapons of mass destruction. You remember when Colin Powell

appeared before the United Nations just before the onset of the

Iraq war and laid out to the UN this litany of weaponry that

Iraq possessed, according to him, and gave great details in how

many canisters of this and how many tons of this, and so on and

so forth. And the next day, the press was just aglow with

praise. They didn’t do their job of questioning. They didn’t do

their job of asking, “Where? What is your evidence? Where did

you get this intelligence? Who did you talk to? What are your


Isn’t this what you learn as a freshman in college? “Hey, what

are your sources? Where are your footnotes?” No, no. They were

just -- the /Washington Post/ said, “It is hard to imagine how

anyone could doubt that Iraq possesses weapons of mass

destruction.” And the /New York Times/, you know, it was just

beside themselves with admiration for Colin Powell. Of course,

it all turned out to be untrue, all turned out to be lies. But

the press did not do its job, and as a result, the American

people, watching television, reading the newspapers, had no

alternative source of information, no alternative opinion, no

alternative critical analysis of what was going on.

And the question is, why still did the people believe what they

read in the press, and why did they believe what they saw on

television? And I would argue that it has something to do with a

loss of history, has something to do with, well, what Studs

Terkel called “national amnesia,” either the forgetting of

history or the learning of bad history, the learning of the kind

of history that you do get, of Columbus was a hero, and Teddy

Roosevelt is a hero, and Andrew Jackson is a hero, and all these

guys who were presidents and generals and industrialists, and so

on. They are the great -- they are the people who made America

great, and America has always done good things in the world. And

we have had our little problems, of course -- like slavery, for

instance, you know -- but we overcome them, you know, and, you

know. No, not that kind of history.

If the American people really knew history, if they learned

history, if the educational institutions did their job, if the

press did its job in giving people historical perspective, then

a people would understand. When the President gets up before the

microphone, says we must go to war for this or for that, for

liberty or for democracy, or because we’re in danger, and so on,

if people had some history behind them, they would know how many

times presidents have announced to the nation, we must go to war

for this reason or that reason. They would know that President

Polk said, “Oh, we must go to war against Mexico, because, well,

there was an incident that took place on the border there, and

our honor demands that we go to war.”

They would know, if they knew some history, how President

McKinley took the nation into war against Spain and Cuba,

saying, “Oh, we’re going in to liberate the Cubans from Spanish

control.” And in fact, there was a little bit of truth to that:

we did go in, we fought against Spain, we got Spain out of Cuba,

we liberated them from Spain, but not from ourselves. And so,

Spain was out, and United Fruit was in, and then the American

banks and the American corporations were in.

And if people knew their history, they would know, you know,

that President McKinley said, when -- as the American army was

already in the Philippines and the American navy was already in

the Philippines, and Theodore Roosevelt, one of our great

presidential heroes, was lusting for war, then people would know

that McKinley, who did not know where the Philippines were, but

very often now presidents need to be briefed and told where

something is. You know, George Bush, “This is Iraq is,” you

know. Lyndon Johnson, “This is where the Gulf of Tonkin is.” You

know, they need it.

And president -- they would know, if they knew history, that

President McKinley said, “We’re going into the Philippines to

civilize and Christianize the Filipinos.” And if they knew their

history, if the history books spent some time on the war in the

Philippines in the early part of the 20th century, instead of,

as history books do -- they spend a lot of time on the

Spanish-American War, which just lasted three months -- they

spend virtually no time on the war on the Philippines, a bloody

war which lasted, oh, seven years, and which involved massacres

and the extermination of populations. That history doesn’t

appear. You know, we had civilized and Christianized the

Filipinos and established our control.

They would know, if they heard the President say, “We are going

to bring democracy to the Middle East,” they would know how many

times we brought democracy to other countries that we invaded.

They would know if we brought democracy to Chile, when we

overthrew a democratically elected government in Chile in 1973.

They would know how we brought democracy to Guatemala when we

overthrew, again, a democratically elected -- oh, we love

democratic elections, we love free elections, except when they

go the wrong way. And then we send either our army in or the CIA

in or secret agents in to overthrow the government.

If people knew that history, they would never for a moment

believe President Bush, when he says, oh, we’re going into Iraq,

you know, because of this reason and that reason and liberty and

democracy, and they’re a threat, you know. I mean, it takes --

yeah, it takes some historical understanding to be skeptical of

the things that authorities tell you.

When you know history, you know that governments lie, as I.F.

Stone said. Governments lie all the time. Well, not just the

American government. It’s just in the nature of governments.

Well, they have to lie. I mean, governments in general do not

represent the people of the societies that they govern. And

since they don’t represent the people and since they act against

the interest of the people, the only way they can hold power is

if they lie to the people. If they told people the truth, they

wouldn’t last very long. So history can help in understanding

deception and being skeptical and not rushing to embrace

whatever the government tells you.

And if you know some history, you would understand something

which is even more basic, perhaps, than the question of lying

about this war or lying about this invasion, lying about this

intervention, something more basic, if you knew some history:

you would understand a sort of fundamental fact about society,

and including our society, that the interests of the government

and the interests of the people are not the same.

It’s very important to know this, because the culture tries very

hard to persuade us that we all have a common interest. If they

use the language “national interest” -- there’s no national

interest. There’s their interest and our interest. National

security -- now, whose security? National defense, whose

defense? All these words and phrases are used to try to encircle

us all into a nice big bond, so that we will assume that the

people who are the leaders of our country have our interests at

heart. Very important to understand: no, they do not have our

interests at heart.

You will hear a young fellow who is going off to Iraq. I

remember hearing the same thing when a young fellow went off to

Vietnam. And a reporter goes up to the young fellow and says,

“You know, young man, you’re going off, and what are your

thoughts and why are you doing this?” And the young man says,

“I’m doing this for my country.” No, he’s not doing it for his

country. And now, she’s not doing it for her country. The people

who go off to war are not doing fighting for their country. No,

they’re not doing their country any good. They’re not doing

their families any good. They’re certainly not doing the people

over there any good. But they’re not doing it for their country.

They’re doing it for their government. They’re doing it for

Bush. That would be a more accurate thing to say: “I’m going off

to fight for George Bush. I’m going off to fight for Cheney. I’m

going off to fight for Rumsfeld. I’m going off to fight for

Halliburton.” Yeah, that would be telling the truth.

And, in fact, you know, to know the history of this country is

to know that we have had conflict of interest in this country

from the very beginning between the people in authority and the

ordinary people. We were not one big happy family that fought

the American Revolution against England. I remember, you know,

in school, that’s how it seemed, you know: they’re the patriots,

and there’s all of us, working, fighting together at Valley

Forge and Bunker Hill, and so on, against the Redcoats and the

British, and so on. It wasn’t that way at all. It wasn’t a

united country.

Washington had to send generals down south to use violence

against young people to force them into military service.

Soldiers in the revolutionary army mutinied against Washington,

against officers, because there was class conflict in the army,

just as there had been class conflict all through the colonies

before the Revolutionary War. Well, anybody who knows the

military, anybody who’s been in the military, knows that the

military is a class society. There are the privates, and there

are the officers. And in the Revolutionary War, the privates

were not getting shoes, and they were not getting clothes and

not getting food, and they were not getting paid. And the

officers were living high in resplendence. And so, they

mutinied, thousands of them.

I don’t remember ever learning about that when I studied history

in school, because the myth comes down: oh, we’re all one big

happy family. You mean, including the black slaves? You mean,

including the Native Americans, whose land we were taking from

them, mile by mile by mile by mile? We’re all one big happy

family? The women, who were left out of all of this, were -- no,

very important to understand that fundamental fact: those people

who run the country and we, our interests are not the same.

So, yes, history is useful for that, for understanding --

understanding that we are a nation like other nations, for

understanding that we are not, as again we are taught from early

on, we are the greatest, we are number one, we are the best. And

what -- it’s called American exceptionalism in the social

sciences. The United States is an exception to the rule of

nations. That is, the general rule of nations is they’re pretty

bad. But the United States, our country, we are good. We do good

in the world.

Not long ago, I was on a radio program, interviewed by -- this

was sort of a regular commercial station. I like to be

interviewed on regular commercial stations, where the guy really

doesn’t know who he’s invited, you see. And he says, “Professor

Zinn, don’t you think America has, in general, been a force for

good in the world?” “No, no, no.” Why not ask me, “Do you think

the British Empire was a force for good in Africa, or the

Belgians were a force for good in the Congo, or the French were

a force for good in Indochina? You think the United States was a

force for good when they sent the Marines into Central America

again and again and” -- no.

But there’s this notion of, you know, we are different. We are

the great -- I mean, sure, there are very great things about

America, but that’s not what we did to other countries, not what

we did to black people, not what we did to Native Americans, not

what we did to working people in this country who suffered

twelve-hour days until they organized and rebelled and rose up.

No, we have to be honest with ourselves.

This is a very hard thing to do: be honest about ourselves. I

mean, but, you know, you’re brought up and you say, “I pledge

allegiance,” you know, etc., etc., “liberty and justice for

all,” “God bless America.” Why us? Why does God blessing us? I

mean, why is He singling us out for blessing? You know. Why not,

“God bless everybody”? If indeed, you know -- but, you know,

we’re brought up -- if we were brought up to understand our

history, we would know, no, we’re like other nations, only more

so, because we are bigger and have more guns and more bombs, and

therefore are capable of more violence. We can do what other

empires were not able to do to such an extent. You know, we are

rich. Well, not all of us. Some of us are, you see? But, no, we

have to be honest.

Don’t people join Alcoholics Anonymous so that they can stand up

and be honest about themselves? Maybe we ought to have an

organization called Imperialists Anonymous, you know, and have

the leaders of the country get up there on national television

and say, “Well, it’s time, you know -- time to tell the truth.”

It would be -- I don’t expect it to happen, but it would be


And then, if we knew this history, we would understand how often

fear has been used as a way of getting people to act against

their own interests to work up hysteria and to get people to do

terrible things to other people, because they’ve been made

afraid. Wasn’t it fear and hysteria that motivated lynch mobs in

the South? Wasn’t there created fear of black people, hysteria

about black people, that led white people to do some of the most

atrocious things that have been done in our history? And isn’t

it today -- isn’t it fear, fear of Muslims, not just terrorists,

in general? Of course, fear of terrorists, especially fear of

Muslims, you see? A very ugly kind of sentiment to inculcate on

the American people, and creating a kind of hysteria, which then

enables them to control the population and enable them to send

us into war after war and to threaten, you know, still another war.

And if we knew some history, we would know about the hysteria

that accompanied the Cold War, the hysteria about communism.

It’s not that communism didn’t exist, just as terrorism does

exist, yes. It’s not that communism -- communism existed, and

there was a Soviet Union, and it was repressive to its own

people, and it did control Eastern Europe, but there was an

enormous exaggeration of the Soviet threat to the point where --

oh, it’s not just that they’re in Eastern Europe. It’s, they’re

going to invade Western Europe.

By the way, no evidence of that. CIA analysts who were

specialists in the Soviet Union in recent years came forth and

said there was never any evidence that the Soviet Union were

going to invade Western Europe. But against that, NATO was

created. Against that, the United States built up an enormous

nuclear arsenal.

The Soviets were always behind the United States. They built up

the Soviets as a threat, but after all, who had the atom bomb

first? And who had more atom bombs than anybody? And who was the

only country that actually dropped atomic bombs on ordinary

people in two cities in Japan? And so, we who use the atomic

bomb, we who accumulate the atomic bomb, we create a hysteria

about countries that are desperately trying to catch up. Of

course, Iran will never catch up, and North Korea will never

catch up. The Soviet Union tried to catch up. But in creating

this monster threat, we took trillions of dollars of the wealth

of this country and expended it on military budgets.

And the hysteria about communism reached the point where -- and

I’m not just talking about school kids hiding under their desks,

you know, because the Soviets were going to drop an atomic bomb.

There was no evidence the Soviets were going to drop an atomic

bomb. By the way, there is evidence that the joint chiefs of

staff, the people high up in the American government, at

various, various times proposed preventive war, dropping nuclear

weapons on the Soviet Union. But we created a threat so ominous,

so omnipresent, that kids were, yeah, hiding under their desks,

and also so that anything that happened anywhere in the world

that was not to the liking of the United States became part of

the world communist threat.

And so, to deal with that, we could go into any country in Latin

America that we wanted. And because it was a communist threat,

we would send an army over to Vietnam, and several million

people would die, because Vietnam became the symbol of the

communist threat in the world. When you think about how absurd

it was to worry that Vietnam, already divided into a communist

north and anti-communist south, to worry that, oh, now half of

this tiny country is going to become communist, and just to the

north a billion people had turned to communism. And there’s

something a little bizarre.

But, you know, bizarre thinking is possible when you create fear

and hysteria. And we’re facing, of course, that situation today

with this whole business of terrorism. And if you added up all

the times in speeches of George Bush and his Cabinet and all the

times they used the word “terrorism” and “terror,” it’s a mantra

they have created to frighten the American people.

I think it’s wearing off. You know, when you -- I think there’s

beginning to be some recognition, and that accounts for the fact

that public opinion has turned against the war. People no longer

believe that we’re fighting in Iraq in order to get rid of

terrorism, you know, because the evidence has become so

overwhelming that even the mainstream media has reported it --

you know, the National Intelligence Estimate. And this is the

government’s own intelligence agencies saying that the war in

Iraq has caused a growth of terrorist groups, has increased

militancy and radicalism among Islamic groups in the Middle East.

But terrorism has supplanted communism as an attempt to get

people to do things against their own interests, to do things

that will send their own young people to war, to do things that

will cause the depletion of the country’s wealth for the

purposes of war and for the enrichment of the super-rich. It

doesn’t take much thought about terrorism to realize that when

somebody talks about a war on terrorism, they’re dealing with a

contradiction in terms. How can you make war on terrorism, if

war itself is terrorism? Because -- so you respond to terrorism

with terrorism, and you multiply the terrorism in the world.

And, of course, the terrorism that governments are capable of by

going to war is on a far, far greater scale than the terrorism

of al-Qaeda or this group or that group or another group.

Governments are terrorists on an enormously large scale. The

United States has been engaging in terrorism against

Afghanistan, against Iraq, and now they’re threatening to extend

their terrorism to other places in the Middle East.

And some history of the use of fear and hysteria and some

history of the Cold War and of the anti-communist hysteria would

be very useful in alerting people to what we are going through

today. I mean, with Iran, for instance, it’s shameful, and the

media have played such a part in this, of the Iran nuclear

weapon. They want a nuclear weapon. They don’t say they have a

nuclear weapon. They want a nuclear weapon. So do I. Yeah, it’s

easy to want a nuclear weapon. And small countries that face

enormous military powers and who cannot possibly match the

military power of these enormous countries, they are following

what was the strategy of the United States: the United States

said, “We must have a deterrent.” How many times have you heard,

when you ask, “Why do we have 10,000 nuclear weapons?” “We must

have a deterrent.” Well, they want a deterrent: one nuclear

weapon. You know.

Not that situation with Iraq. I mean, you know, Condoleezza

Rice: “a mushroom cloud.” We were the only ones who created

mushroom clouds, over Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Iraq was in no

position to create a mushroom cloud. All the experts on the

Middle East and atomic weapons said, you know, Iraq was five-ten

years away from developing a nuclear weapon, but we were

creating, you know, hysteria about nuclear weapons.

Now we’re doing the same thing with Iran. And the International

Atomic Energy group of the UN flatly contradicts a congressional

report which talks about the danger of Iran’s nuclear weapons,

and the international group, which has conducted many, many

inspections in Iran, says, well, you know, you need to -- and

they give the American people a kind of half-education. That is,

they say, they use the phrase, “They’re enriching uranium.”

Well, that scares me. You know, they’re enriching uranium. I

don’t really know what it means, you see, but it’s scary. And

then you read the report of the International Atomic Energy

group, and you see, well, yes, they are. They’ve enriched

uranium to the point of 3.5%. In order to have one nuclear

weapon, they have to enrich it to 90%. They’re very, very far

from even developing one nuclear weapon, but the phrase

“enriched uranium” is, you know, repeated again and again, you


And so, yes, we need some historical understanding, yeah, just

remembering back to Iraq, just remembering back to the hysteria

around Vietnam. My god, a communist might take over South

Vietnam! And then what? Just a short hop to San Francisco. No,

some of you may remember that when Reagan was supporting the

Contras in Nicaragua, he was saying, “You know, you see where

Nicaragua is? It wouldn’t take much for them to get to Texas.” I

wondered about that, you see? And then I wondered, why would the

Nicaraguans want to get to Texas? And this is no slur on Texas,

but -- and once they got to Texas, what would they do? Take a

United Airlines flight to Washington. What would they -- but

really, it’s very important to know some of that history to see

how hysteria absolutely cripples consciousness about what is

going on.

I would suggest something else. I’m getting worried about how

much time I have taken. Well, actually, I’m not getting worried

about how much time I’ve taken. I don’t care. I’m looking at my

watch to pretend that I care. And since I don’t know when I

started, I can’t figure out how long I’ve been talking.

But at some point the war in Iraq will come to an end. At some

point, the United States will do in Iraq what it did in Vietnam,

after saying, “We will never leave. We will never leave. We will

win. We will stay the course. We will not cut and run.” At some

point, the United States is going to have to cut and run from

Iraq, you see. And they’re going to do it because the sentiment

is going to grow and grow and grow in this country and because

more and more GIs are going to come back from Iraq and say,

“We’re not going back again,” and because they’re going to have

more and more trouble supplying the armed forces in Iraq, and

because the parents of young people are going to say more and

more, “We are not going to allow our young people to go to war

for Bechtel, you know, and Halliburton. We’re not going to do

that.” So at some point, yes, at some point we are going to do

what they say we mustn’t do: cut and run.

We don’t have to cut and run. Cut and walk. Cut and swim. Cut,

but get out, as fast as you can, because we’re not doing any

good there. We’re not helping the situation. We’re not bringing

peace. We’re not bringing a democracy. We’re not bringing

stability. We’re bringing violence and chaos. We’re provoking

all of that, and people are dying every day. When a Democratic

leader says, “Well, I think we ought to withdraw by May 14th,

2000-and-whatever.” You know, yeah, every day from now until

then more people will die, and more people will lose arms or

legs or become blinded. And so, that is intolerable. And so, we

have to do everything we can.

And in the case of Vietnam, at a certain point the government

realized it could not carry on the war. The GIs were coming back

from Vietnam and turning against the war. They couldn’t bring

people to join the ROTC. Too many people were running to Canada.

Too many people were not signing up for the draft. Finally, it

had to do away with the draft. They were losing the support of

the population. They were losing support of the military. And at

a certain point, no.

And something like that is going to happen. And the sooner we

help it happen, of course, the better. The more we go into the

high schools -- you know, there’s a very practical thing, very

practical thing that everybody can do, and that is, go to their

local high schools and make sure that all the parents and all

the kids in high schools understand that they don’t have to give

their information to the military recruiters, you see, as, you

know. And more and more have teams of people who will counter

the propaganda of the military recruiters.

You know, they are having trouble. They’re getting desperate

about recruiting for the military, going to all sorts of lengths

and, or course, they’re concentrating -- they send their

military recruiters into the poorest schools, because they know

that the working class kids are the most vulnerable, the most

needy, the ones who, you know -- they need an education, they

need a skill, and so. And so, they’re trying to prey on the

working class. Eugene Debs said -- if you don’t mind my quoting

Eugene Debs -- but Eugene Debs said in a speech during World War

I, which landed him in jail, “The master class has always

started the wars. The working class has always fought the wars.”

And, of course, that has been true all the way. So we will at

some point get out of Iraq.

But I want to suggest one thing: we have to think beyond Iraq

and even beyond Iran. We don’t want to have to struggle against

this war and then against that war and then against the next

war. We don’t want to have an endless succession of antiwar

movements. It gets tiring. And we need to think and talk and

educate about the abolition of war itself, you see.

I was talking to my barber the other day, because we always

discuss world politics. And he’s totally politically

unpredictable, as most barbers are, you see. He said, “Howard,”

he said, “you know, you and I disagree on many things, but on

one thing we agree: war solves nothing.” And I thought, “Yeah.”

It’s not hard for people to grasp that.

And there again, history is useful. We’ve had a history of war

after war after war after war. What have they solved? What have

they done? Even World War II, the “good war,” the war in which I

volunteered, the war in which I dropped bombs, the war after

which, you know, I received a letter from General Marshall,

general of generals, a letter addressed personally to me, and to

16 million others, in which he said, “We’ve won the war. It will

be a new world.” Well, of course, it wasn’t a new world. It

hasn’t been a new world. War after war after war.

There are certain -- I came out of that war, the war in which I

had volunteered, the war in which I was an enthusiastic

bombardier, I came out of that war with certain ideas, which

just developed gradually at the end of the war, ideas about war.

One, that war corrupts everybody who engages in it. War poisons

everybody who engages in it. You start off as the good guys, as

we did in World War II. They’re the bad guys. They’re the

fascists. What could be worse? So, they’re the bad guys, we’re

the good guys. And as the war goes on, the good guys begin

behaving like the bad guys. You can trace this back to the

Peloponnesian War. You can trace it back to the good guy, the

Athenians, and the bad guys, the Spartans. And after a while,

the Athenians become ruthless and cruel, like the Spartans.

And we did that in World War II. We, after Hitler committed his

atrocities, we committed our atrocities. You know, our killing

of 600,000 civilians in Japan, our killing of probably an equal

number of civilians in Germany. These, they weren’t Hitler, they

weren’t Tojo. They weren’t -- no, they were just ordinary

people, like we are ordinary people living in a country that is

a marauding country, and they were living in countries that were

marauding countries, and they were caught up in whatever it was

and afraid to speak up. And I don’t know, I came to the

conclusion, yes, war poisons everybody.

And war -- this is an important thing to keep in mind -- that

when you go to war against a tyrant -- and this was one of the

claims: “Oh, we’re going to get rid of Saddam Hussein,” which

was, of course, nonsense. They didn’t -- did our government care

that Saddam Hussein tyrannized his own people? We helped him

tyrannize his people. We helped him gas the Kurds. We helped him

accumulate weapons of mass destruction, really.

And the people you kill in a war are the victims of the tyrant.

The people we killed in Germany were the victims of Hitler. The

people we killed in Japan were the victims of the Japan Imperial

Army, you know. And the people who die in wars are more and more

and more people who are not in the military. You may know this

about the different ratio of civilian-to-military deaths in war,

how in World War I, ten military dead for one civilian dead; in

World War II, it was 50-50, half military, half civilian; in

Vietnam, it was 70% civilian and 30% military; and in the wars

since then, it’s 80% and 85% civilian.

I became friends a few years ago with an Italian war surgeon

named Gino Strada. He spent ten years, fifteen years doing

surgery on war victims all over the world. And he wrote a book

about it, /Green Parrots: Diary of a War Surgeon/. He said in

all the patients that he operated on in Iraq and Afghanistan and

everywhere, 85% of them were civilians, one-third of them,

children. If you understand, and if people understand, and if

you spread the word of this understanding, that whatever is told

to you about war and how we must go to war, and whatever the

threat is or whatever the goal is -- a democracy or liberty --

it will always be a war against children. They’re the ones who

will die in large numbers.

So, war -- well, Einstein said this after World War I. He said,

“War cannot be humanized. It can only be abolished.” War has to

be abolished, you know. And it’s -- I know it’s a long shot. I

understand that, but you have to -- when something’s a long

shot, but it has to be done, you have to start doing it. Just as

the ending of slavery in this country in the 1830s was a really

long shot, but people stuck at it, and it took 30 years, but

slavery was done away with. And we can see this again and again.

So, we have a job to do. We have lots of things to do.

One of the things we can learn from history is that history is

not only a history of things inflicted on us by the powers that

be. History is also a history of resistance. It’s a history of

people who endure tyranny for decades, but who ultimately rise

up and overthrow the dictator. We’ve seen this in country after

country, surprise after surprise. Rulers who seem to have total

control, they suddenly wake up one day, and there are a million

people in the streets, and they pack up and leave. This has

happened in the Philippines, in Yemen, all over, in Nepal.

Million people in the streets, and then the ruler has to get out

of the way. So, this is what we’re aiming for in this country.

Everything we do is important. Every little thing we do, every

picket line we walk on, every letter we write, every act of

civil disobedience we engage in, any recruiter that we talk to,

any parent that we talk to, any GI that we talk to, any young

person that we talk to, anything we do in class, outside of

class, everything we do in the direction of a different world is

important, even though at the moment they seem futile, because

that’s how change comes about. Change comes about when millions

of people do little things, which at certain points in history

come together, and then something good and something important


Thank you.