Monday, September 07, 2009

Fw: Probably Bad News

I certainly thought this was worth subscribing to. It is hard to believe that these things happen with professionals, but here it is. I'm not making this up!!!!


Probably Bad News

No Need To Apologize

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 01:00 PM PDT

The Experts Have This Under Control

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 10:00 AM PDT

Via: Mike H

Moronic Monday: At Least We Aren't THESE People

Posted: 07 Sep 2009 06:00 AM PDT

Via: Margaret C

Via: Brad P

Via: Sebastian C

Via: Nicole R

Friday, September 04, 2009

the absurd times

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Thursday, September 03, 2009

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Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Speaking English


Illustration: by Keith Tucker, illustrates the strange behavior of many of the right wing morons.

Before we get to that, however, I want to share a memory with you. It was brought to my mind a short while ago as I saw "Dances With Wolves" with Costner. The title of the movie is the name given to the strange white man, Costner, by the Indians. It reminded me of a narrative told to me by a former employer.

It seems this young brave approached the Chief of his tribe and asked him "Where did I get my name? Why am I called what I am?"

"You seem disturbed."

"Yes, Chief, it wouldn't be so bad if I knew."

"Well, I will share, then. When a child is born, I look out of the tent and I name the child after the first thing I see. So, when your older brother was born, I looked out and saw an angry bear, and so his name is Angry Bear. When your sister was born, I looked out and saw a white dove flying in the clouds, and so she is called White Dove. Does that help?"

"Oh yes, Chief, you have eased my mind so the spirits bother it no longer. Thank you."

"Then I am happy for you, oh Two Dogs Fucking."

It seems to me that this would be a good practice to adopt in general. Thus, the so-called "Blue Dog Democrats" could be called "Sleep with Republicans," Obama, in his misguided notion of expecting cooperation from people like Grassley, would be called "Wimp of the White House." I haven't worked out all of the details yet, but it seems that this has great possibilities. Cheney, as the illustration above implies, would be known as "Blue Faced Vader," or perhaps, as a song about him and his ilk implies, "Chicken Hawk."


The article below helps to explain the idiocy of many right-wingers. I've really wondered how they could actually believe some of the things they say. Of course, pointing out that they are morons helps, but it is not an explanation.

It seems they really believe that an entitlement has been taken away from them. For one thing, Obama is not white and that is enough to freak any of them out. However, he is also intelligent and that is even more frightening.

They also have been used, as far back as they can remember (and this is seldom more than a few years, if that), to being represented by God's appointee. There are actually people hoping that Dick Cheney will run in 2012.

Reverse Nazism and the War on Universal Healthcare

Diary of a Mad Law Professor

By Patricia J. Williams

This article appeared in the September 14, 2009 edition of The Nation.

August 26, 2009

The spinmeisters of the right have done quite a job with what used to be straightforward English etymology. Thanks to Rush Limbaugh and Fox News, "integration" was inverted to mean "takeover" and "colorblindness" is code for abandoning the advances of the civil rights movement, which itself is synonymous with an "industry" of exclusion. It's no surprise, then, that whenever a piece of progressive legislation comes to the table, the same manipulations come into play from right-wing pundits who shamelessly profess their desire to see the Obama presidency fail. Thus it is that America's Affordable Health Choices Act of 2009 is being turned upside down as the neat equivalent of Germany's Bankrupting Forced Death Act of 1939.

If you are watching the healthcare town-hall ruckuses with only common dictionary meanings in your head, you will be struck by the protesters' general incoherence and outright nonsense, bearing no rational connection to the actual draft of the healthcare bill. As Representative Barney Frank demanded of one constituent who likened the bill to Nazism, "On what planet do you spend most of your time?"

But if you listen as though deciphering pig Latin and realize that this demographic is speaking from a well-managed, near-hypnotic looking-glass world where every word from the mouth of a Democrat (or a liberal, or a Latina, or a Canadian) is a lie, a betrayal... then it all makes sense. Their world truly has been turned inside out, by the election, by the economy, by the precarious conditions that threaten us all. But for those whose sense of identity has been premised on a raced, masculinist, conservative Christian hierarchy of American power, the world must seem even more emotionally terrifying than any actual facts would indicate.

So reversal is key to understanding what's going on. It's not just "lies"; it's the expressive angst of people whose felt power relations have been turned upside down. It's not factually accurate, but this is how they feel. Obama is Hitler! Health insurance for all means euthanasia for me! "My" country is suddenly "their" country.

Of course, there are special interests who profit from the magnification of these fears. Betsy McCaughey, a former shill for a medical instruments company, is the original source of the "death panel" rumors. >From the beginning, big pharmaceutical and insurance companies, with an almost inconceivable amount of money to spend, have been muddying the waters. Think about the recent revelation that Merck secretly financed the publication of a fake medical journal that was designed to look objective but merely touted the supposed benefits of its products--and included "paid advertisements" for the company's drugs. What is truth in such a corrupt hall of mirrors?

But what does the bill actually say? A quick summary of the most contentious point: the act would provide reimbursement if you seek medical counseling about end-of-life decisions. This option allows you to plan what you would like to have done in the case of catastrophic or terminal illness--nothing forced about it. All extraordinary measures will continue to be used to resuscitate someone whose wishes are unknown: feeding tube, intubation, cracking ribs to defibrillate, whatever it takes. By contrast, it is private, profit-motivated insurance companies--which deny coverage based on pre-existing conditions and restrict one's choice of doctor, medical treatments and length of hospital stays (based on actuarial tables)--that bear the greatest resemblance to a mulching euthanasia machine. When nearly 50 million US citizens live without any health coverage, how on earth could a purely voluntary public option be considered throwing people under the bus?

Let me acknowledge the genuine ideological and moral misgivings behind some of the protests. Many libertarians hate anything the government does, no matter how monopolistic or quasi-governmental the power of pharmaceutical and insurance companies. But they are a minority and not generally the bloc using the language of reversal and code. Similarly, there are those with genuine moral or religious qualms: "prolifers" who, if they believe that life begins at the molecular moment of conception, could also think that any end-of-life consultation is against God's will. This would be the same line of reasoning followed by those who wanted Congress to keep Terri Schiavo on life support no matter what. While I can certainly respect that as a belief, it is clearly even more of a minority position than libertarianism. In addition, it requires strong-armed government intrusion over the wishes of patients or family; and it is totally unsustainable as national public policy.

All of this is complicated but surely, with a bit of listening, comprehensible to the average citizen. So how do we connect the reality of our dismal life-expectancy and health-cost statistics to the hysterical sobbing of people who come to town-hall meetings furious that "the insurance companies won't be able to make a profit"? Much of the epic woe is not about healthcare or public options. It's about roiling resentments that need to be dressed up as something else, the coded mummery of Halloween monsters hybridized into new chimeras of hate. It's about fear that precious resources are being transferred to "alien" others. Fear that the gains of others are ill-gotten, leaving the lonely patriot survivalist as victim, "thrown away," trash. In these fiery monologues, even our president is figured as conspiratorially alien-birthed, from a galaxy far, far away, who's just pretending to be one of "us."

This morning I saw a picture of President Obama dressed as Hitler, complete with little mustache, tacked high on a tree trunk. At first it seemed jaw-droppingly ridiculous, sociopathically paranoid. But if the rule of reversal is what's encoded in that image, all people of good will must worry that what's really at stake for some of our gun-toting, demagogic fellow citizens is nothing less than America's very own Weimar moment.

About Patricia J. Williams

Patricia J. Williams, a professor of law at Columbia University and a member of the State Bar of California, writes The Nation column "Diary of a Mad Law Professor." Her books include The Rooster's Egg (1995), Seeing a Color-Blind Future: The Paradox of Race (1997) and, most recently, Open House: On Family Food, Friends, Piano Lessons and The Search for a Room of My Own (Farrar Straus and Giroux, 2004.) more...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Healthcare Reform and Obama's Real Test


Illustration: At least this would be as successfull as the other compromises they have made. Israel still has article 242 of the UN to comply with and that is 50 years old!.

Here we are at a key point is Obama's Presidency. He has 60 Democrats in the Senate and a large majority in the house. Democrats have tried to get single-payer health insurance passed since Roosevelt. Perhaps the strongest fight was put up by Harry Truman against a Republican congress. This is the best opportunity there has been for sixty years and is likely to be the last for 60 years. Obama has a chance, a real fighting chance, to get it passed.

It is certainly a key point for me even though I personally have nothing to gain from it. If Obama sells out on this now, we can all feel clean about dismissing him. I have a list of things to call him if that happens, but I'll wait. Over the weekend he seemed to waffle, but then said the "Public Option" is essential. So we shall see.

It is it for me.

Here are some informed essays on the subject:

  • William Greider: In naming Phil Angelides as chair of the new Financial Crisis Inquiry Commission, Congress has picked an aggressive, visionary reformer.

The White House quickly added confusion to the outrage by insisting the president didn't really say anything new. He's just being flexible. He still wants what most Democrats want--a government plan that gives people a real escape from the profit-driven clutches of the insurance companies. But serious power players will not be fooled by the nimble spinners. Obama choked. He raised the white flag, even before the fight got underway in Congress.

He hands the insurance industry a huge victory. He rewards the right-wing frothers who have been calling him Adolph Hitler or Dr. Death. He caves to the conservative bias of the major media who insist only bipartisan consensus is acceptable for big reform (a standard they never invoked during the Bush years). Obama is deluded if he thinks this will win him any peace or respect or Republican votes. Weakness does not lead to consensus in Washington. It leads to more weakness. The Party of No intends to bring him down and will pile on. Obama has inadvertently demonstrated their strategy of vicious invective seems to be working.

Barack Obama mainly did this to himself. To avoid the accusation of socialized medicine, he intentionally shrouded his objectives in bureaucratic euphemisms like "public option." What the hell does that mean? It doesn't mean anything. The vagueness allowed anyone to fill in the blanks and anxious people did so in apocalyptic ways. The original idea, after all, was making something similar to Medicare available to anyone between childhood and old age who was either shut out by high prices or abused by insurance companies policing the system. This approach--call it Medicare Basic--would in theory give government the greater leverage needed to control the price inflation and reshape the system in positive ways. If you told people "public option" was a Medicare equivalent, the polls would demonstrate the popularity. Instead, that objective is now at risk. The right still calls Obama a covert socialist.

There is a more cynical interpretation of Obama's flexibility. He is coming out right about where he wanted to be. Forget the good talk, it is said, this president never really intended to do deep reform that truly alters the industrial power structure dominating our dysfunctional healthcare system. He just wanted minimalist reforms he could sell as "victory." Not until years later would people figure out that nothing fundamental had been changed.

In this scenario, Obama has always been more comfortable with the center-right forces within the Democratic party--Senator Max Baucus and the Blue Dogs--and the Clintonistas of DLC lineage who now fill his administration. His real political challenge was to string along the liberals with reassuring talk until they were stuck with lousy choices-- either go along with this popular president's pale version of reform or take him on and risk ruining his presidency. This sounds a lot like the choices Democrats faced during the Clinton years. Candidate Obama said it was "time to turn the page." We are still waiting to see what he meant.

I do not subscribe to the manipulative, deceptive portrait (not yet), but you can find lots of supporting evidence in Obama's behavior. His response to the financial crisis demonstrates a clear desire to restore Wall Street power, not to change it. His war strategy in Afghanistan looks like the familiar trap of open-ended counterinsurgency. The trap may soon close on him when the generals announce their need for more troops. Will this president dare to say no? Obama negotiated a truly ugly deal with the pharmaceutical industry--a promise not to use government bargaining power to bring down drug prices. His lieutenants still yearn to demonstrate "fiscal responsibility' by taxing the health-care benefits of union members or whacking Social Security.

In other words, this is really a decisive test for the Democratic party and its main constituencies. Will they go along with the president or push back and reject his misdirections? The burden will fall mainly on Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the House majority. They will be under intense pressure from the White House to stay "on message" with the president. Organized labor seems to be breaking out of the go-along passivity. Richard L. Trumka, soon to be president of the AFL-CIO, promises to blackball Blue Dogs or anyone else who double-crosses the working people who faithfully financed their election campaigns.

Taking the high road will be hard and divisive. But maybe this is at last the season when Democrats reveal which side they are on.

About William Greider

National affairs correspondent William Greider has been a political journalist for more than thirty-five years. A former Rolling Stone and Washington Post editor, he is the author of the national bestsellers One World, Ready or Not, Secrets of the Temple, Who Will Tell The People, The Soul of Capitalism (Simon & Schuster) and, most recently, Come Home, America. more...

The  Beat

If Obama Discards Public Option, What's Left of Reform?

posted by John Nichols on 08/16/2009 @ 10:29pm

Text Size

When Barack Obama assumed the presidency, there was talk that former Democratic National Committee chair Howard Dean might be his Secretary of Health and Human Services.

That would have made Dean the administration's point person in the fight for healthcare reform.

It also would have increased the likelihood that reform would be real.

But Dean was rejected.

And, now, the prospect of real reform is fading fast.

Dean said last week at the "Netroots Nation" gathering in Pittsburgh that the only thing that made healthreform legislation proposed by House committees (and apparently backed by the administration) worth doing was the public option. In that legislation, the physician and former Vermont governor argued, "the last shred of reform is the public option."

Just days later, however, the administration appeared to be shredding that last shred of reform.

The Associated Press reports that, "President Barack Obama's administration signaled Sunday it is ready to abandon the idea of giving Americans the option of government-run insurance as part of a new health care system."

The woman who got the HHS job reform advocates had hoped would go to Dean certainly seemed Sunday to be jettisoning the idea of creating a government-organized alternative to private health insurance Sunday.

Appearing on CNN's "State of the Union" program, HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius dismissed the public option as "not the essential element" of the administration's healthcare agenda.

White House spokesman Robert Gibbs said pretty much the same thing when he appeared Sunday on the CBS News program "Face the Nation."

"What the president has said is in order to inject choice and competition. . . people ought to be able to have some competition in that market," said Gibbs.

Pressed on whether the administration was abandoning the public option, Gibbs would only say that, "The president has thus far sided with the notion that that can best be done with a public option."

Startlingly, the clearest signal that the administration is preparing to jettison the public option came from Obama himself. Speaking at a town hall event in Colorado referred to the public plan as merely a "sliver" of his reform agenda and said: "The public option, whether we have it or we don't have it, is not the entirety of healthcare reform."

On this, Obama is right.

The public option has already been so dumbed-down and neutered that it is little more than a sliver.

The problem is that it may be the only sliver of real reform in his program.

Even with a robust public option, the president's initiative looks a lot like a bailout for the insurance industry --in stark contrast to the a single-payer reform that would replace industry profiteering with a not-for-profit system like Medicare.

Without a public option, there is no real reform.

Dean argued in Pittsburgh that: "The public option is (incremental reform)... But there is no incrementalism without the public option."

In fact, without the public option, the Obama approach -- and that of compromise-prone Democrats in Congress -- looks increasingly like a step in the wrong direction.

That's because the "reforms" currently under consideration threaten to undermine Medicare and Medicaid -- with radical cost-cutting schemes -- while steering hundreds of billions in federal dollars into the accounts of for-profit insurers and the pharmaceutical industry.

This is not "change we can believe in."

This is change that serious reformers will find "very difficult" to support, as Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Texas, said Sunday on CNN.

Johnson explained that progressives would have a tough time backing legislation that did not include a public option.

"The only way we can be sure that very low-income people and persons who work for companies that don't offer insurance have access to it, is through an option that would give the private insurance companies a little competition," explained Johnson, a former chair of the Congressional Black Caucus who once worked as the chief psychiatric nurse at the Veterans Administration Hospital in Dallas.

Johnson's right.

Without a robust public option, what the Obama administration and compromised Democrats in the House and Senate are talking about is not "healthcare reform."

It's "healthcare deform" that does not begin to address the crisis created by insurance industry profiteering -- and that could well make the "cure" worse than the disease.


It's Official: Healthcare Reform is Dead

The "transparent government" that President Obama guaranteed during his electoral campaign has become yet another broken promise. On August 14th, the Huffington Post revealed a memo containing details of "the deal" that Obama cut with health care mega-corporations in secret White House meetings. And although the White House denies the authenticity of the memo, the details are consistent with earlier reports from other national media outlets.

The White House deal essentially reduces some of the more egregious health care corporation swindling -- estimated to save $80 billion over ten years -- while Obama shamelessly promised that other irrational vehicles for health care mega-profits will remain untouched: any congressional health care plan will not attempt to negotiate for cheaper drugs, nor import them from other countries, Medicare will not be altered in a way that affects health care corporations' profits.

Creating new laws by backroom dealing with giant corporations is of course bad for democracy. Unfortunately, Obama had few other options, since he refused beforehand to directly confront the health care industry's power. He was thus reduced to bargaining with these entities, leaving any leverage at the door. The health care companies fully understood this and exploited the situation to the fullest.

The competing health care bills in Congress reflect this dynamic, since Congressmen have been similarly awed -- and bought -- by the health care industry. The different health care bills all agree that health care should be "mandated" -- like the car insurance you're required to buy (if you can afford it). All the bills also agree that Medicare payments to hospitals and other providers -- many directly affecting the most vulnerable -- will be cut drastically, leading to "...savings [that] would pay nearly 40 percent of the [health care] bills' cost." (New York Times, August 9, 2009). They're giving health care with the left hand and taking it with the right.

One disagreement between the competing plans was the highly controversial "public option." This was what the health care corporations hated most, since it was a way to directly take power out of their hands. Again, the White House backed off, "signal[ing] Sunday that it was willing to compromise and would consider a proposal for a nonprofit health cooperative being developed in the Senate." (New York Times, August 16, 2009). The "cooperative" idea is widely considered by health care advocates to be useless.

Such sellouts were the inevitable result of intensified health care industry bribery (so-called "lobbying"), which Business Week claims to be "... a record $133 the second quarter of 2009 alone..." (August 6, 2009). The same article -- appropriately named The Health Insurers Have Already Won -- examines the health care lobby's successes and notes that no matter what health care bill emerges from Congress, the "insurance industry will emerge more profitable."

The same article also reveals -- unsurprisingly -- that health care corporations were responsible for destroying the public health care option, while "also achieving a secondary aim of constraining the new benefits that will become available to tens of millions of people who are currently uninsured. That will make the new customers more lucrative to the industry." This simply means that the taxpayer money that will be used to subsidize any health care plan will go straight towards health care company profits, while providing the same shoddy care they've always provided.

Heads they win, tails we lose.

The health care industry is so pleased with the deal they've struck with Obama, they're willing to put up $150 million toward an advertising campaign to insure the deal's passage.

This servitude to the health care corporations has strongly emboldened the rightwing, who are using the Democrat's obvious corruption to stir up hysteria and fanaticism through media and town halls. The rightwing attacks have driven many liberals to defend the Democrats, who deserve zero pity, let alone support.

The Republicans are placing safe bets that the Democrats will achieve absolutely nothing progressive in health care -- a gamble that will payoff tremendously in the next elections. The Republicans are also using the situation to massively propagandize against "socialism," a word wrongly attributed to any health care bill in Congress. The purpose, however, is to steer people away from any substitute to capitalism, a system that millions of Americans rightfully see as broken as health care.

The rightwing is also using the health care crisis to again focus its guns on immigrants. Instead of the giant health care corporations being responsible for the health care crisis, society's most vulnerable are painted as the culprits. The Wall Street journal complained that health care costs are being driven up due to "half of the 12 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. don't have health insurance". (August 15, 2009)

Of course the 6 million undocumented immigrants who lack health insurance have plenty of company: there are at least 47 million U.S. citizens without health insurance, a number that is growing drastically as unemployment skyrockets.

The same Wall Street journal article implies that anyone seeking emergency room help should be turned away unless they show proof of citizenship. Leaving aside the obvious moral issues of denying a human being emergency room medical treatment, another issue remains: millions of working and poor people do not have any "proof of citizenship," and would also be denied lifesaving emergency health care.

The Wall Street Journal would never focus on the fact that a large number of African Americans likewise use the emergency room for their primary source of medical treatment, since such a statement would be obviously racist, while racism against immigrants is widely accepted. Whipping up racist hysteria, however, is a tactic that is being employed on a broader basis as people rightfully blame mega-corporations for the economic crisis.

Another issue blamed on immigrants is Medicare's economic woes, while the real perpetrators -- the health care corporations -- escape responsibility. Every time Medicare is used to purchase overpriced medications, the pharmaceutical companies rake in huge profits. Medicare must also pay for over priced medical procedures, pricey hospital stays, etc. In fact, Medicare Part D was specially inserted by the Bush administration to drive up profits for the health care industry. In Part D's first six months, profits for pharmaceutical companies went up $8 billion, according to the U.S. House Committee on Government Reform. Part of Obama's deal with the health care industry says that Part D will remain untouched.

This fiscal ransacking of Medicare is being used as a reason to dump the program in its entirety, something that the Democrat's "health care plan" will be the first step towards achieving. (The most profitable parts will likely remain intact.)

Medicare must not only be saved, but extended to everybody. This obvious solution to America's health care disaster is "too radical" for Democrats and Republicans alike. Indeed, under the current system far too many of society's resources are being used towards the profits of the health care industry, bank bailouts, and foreign wars for such truly universal health care to exist.

To create health care for all, the socially-precious health care industry must be completely taken out of the hands of the mega-corporations who've ruined the lives of millions of people -- indeed directly responsible for the deaths of a staggering number of lives -- while helping bankrupt federal and state governments.

In an earlier article we wrote: "If Obama's health care plan leaves in place the same greedy shareholders and CEO's of the health care mega-corporations, while funneling them billions of taxpayer money, very little is likely to change. Likewise, if every American has health insurance, but insurance companies benefit from not paying for expensive surgeries or medications, or drug companies continue to benefit from having monopolies over medications, millions of people will continue to suffer." ( March, 9, 2009, The Emerging Health Care Sellout).

Obstacles to change must be removed, not bargained with or pandered to. The health care industry -- like the big banks -- is exerting a stranglehold over society that the Democrats and Republicans are unwilling to break, and indeed profit from. This cowardice will hopefully shed light on an old truth for millions of people: the Democrats -- like the Republicans -- are a party of big business and cannot be anything different. Workers must make a decisive break with the Democrats and politically organize themselves independently, so that another hope-wielding politician doesn't waste our time with promises of change while delivering health care profits, bank bailouts and wars. Shamus Cooke is a social service worker, trade unionist, and writer for Workers Action ( He can be reached at

From: Z Net - The Spirit Of Resistance Lives

Sunday, August 16, 2009



Keith Tucker, at so often does such good work that I'd ask you if you know a newspaper publisher who would at least take a look at them? It is unfortunate that most of the media is in the hands of those who have a stake in our bad fortune.

Anyway, I've been ill and am barely recovering. It doesn't seem that the Times have been all that missed although many of you did know my condition.
Anyway, I'm still taking it easy.
Can we really comprehend that people take the assertion that Obama is proposing "Death Panels?" I would be in favor of them, personally, as I can think of a lot of people I'd like disposed of. Forget the health excuses -- just I'd like to be able to order them dead if I thought they were too silly or obnoxious.
Do they really believe that Obama is like Hitler? Anybody remember Jessie Owens? Of course not. This is the United states of Amnesia.
I have also heard the quote "Keep your government hand off my Social Security." Someone help me -- I'm really having trouble accepting this stupidity.
Did anyone notice the name of the city or town that Hillary Clinton met all those world leaders in Tailand in? Maybe some did, but just could not mention it, but they did print it. It was Phuckett -- Phuckett Tailand. I can imagine "Dateline Phuckett." Or "Tonight, reporting from Phuckett, Brian Williams!" The whole thing just seemed to pass by unnoticed. I did hear it pronounced once, Frankified -- sort of like in the British Comedy Keeping Up Appearances where the woman, named Bucket, insisted it be pronounced bouquet. Phuckett, Tailand -- just wanted to say it once more.
Notice the wildfires in California? I saw a ticker announcement that they started with a spark from a "Marijuana Camp." Now that got me to thinking. We have heard of Terrorist Camps, Boot Camp, Summer Camp -- why not marijuana camp? "This year we are sending little Jimmie off to marijuana camp. He's been looking forward to it all year."
I would volunteer to be a counselor in a marijuana camp, even though I feel volunteers should not be needed in an affluent society. For a cause like this, I'd compromise my principles.
All the football teams are in "Training Camp" right now. Wouldn't they be much more polite people if they went to marijuana camp instead? I can imagine the huddle "I'll try to throw a sideline pass while 32 runs a crossing route, if we can stop from giggling."
"Hut 1, Hut ... like, um, whenever."


Friday, July 31, 2009

Palin, Cops, Beer, and Healthcare

Illustration: Sarah Palin by Hugh Ralinovsky. Actually, the paraphrase makes more sense than anything she actually said. Below is the address of a clip of William Shattner reading her farewell speech (NBC forced Youtube to take it off because of copyright violations, cheap bastards). However, in the interest of accuracy (as if that's relevent when mentioning Palin), the "poem" is really taken from statement she made on her Twitter account and read by some masochist:

The only real disturbing thought I have about all of this is that there are millions of voters out there who adore her and would vote for her.

A lot has happened recently. Keep in mind I'm not making this up, ok?

Awhile ago, a policeman was dispatched to a home in Harvard Square in Cambridge, Mass. A prominent Professor was just returning from a trip to China and had trouble getting into his own home. He finally did get in, at which time the officer entered the home and asked for his identification. He produced a Harvard ID and a drivers license, proving that he was the lawful resident of the home. He then asked the officer for his badge number and name. The conversation was not the most polite, but the officer then arrested Professor Gates for Disorderly Conduct and handcuffed him, showing this black man who was the real boss.

At a press conference on healthcare, Barak Obama was answering questions when the last question was about the incident and he remarked that the police had "acted stupidly."

I pause for a definition here: A political Gaffe occurs when a politician tells the truth when it it not in his best interest to. So, Obama committed a Gaffe -- pretty unusual for him.

Now I have a friend from Chicago named Peter Verochensko, better known as Pete. Pete was usually found after work hours at the local tavern on a barstool watching sports on TV, or Aerobics when the instructor was female.

I was telling him this story to get the reactions of a real Chicagoan.

As things heated up, poor policeman attacked by the President, another black man who was the Henry Gates' friend, Obama suggested that he mispoke and that all three should meet at the White House for a beer.
I was about to tell about all the discussion of what brand of beer, the President being called Racist on the F* channel, and so on, but Pete stopped me.

"Wadda minute willya? Did ya say A beer? Singular? Wat is dat? Is he insultin dem or insultin beer? Ya wanna drink beer, get bout tree cases and sit by duh TV and DRINK BEER! I'm not votin' no more."

I pointed out that he had never voted anyway, and he said "Serves dem right fer shuttin down da bars. Usta be ya could get a few free ones if ya voted."

A major concern now is that none of them chose Samuel Adams beer, one that is owned by Americans. All the others are owned abroad. Milwaukee? Forgeddaboutit. Pete was not interested and I heard him turn on the TV.

I started to ask Pete what he thought about the Boston Cop who called either Gates or Omama a "jungle monkey," and he said "Guy gotta be an old fart. Hey! Da Sox game is startin' and it's in HD. Bye," and I knew from past experience that I wouldn't hear from him for weeks.
Now the Health Care Legislation has been stopped for a few weeks. The well-funded agencies, paid by the insurance companies, are distributing commercials that say, for example, elderly people will no longer be eligable for life saving operations but they will have to pay for abortions, doubtless for "teenage immigrant welfare mothers on drugs."

All sort of scare tactics will be used. It is almost certain that even the American people will be influenced by them. Meanwhile, the Republicans will be in lock-step against it.
I'm wondering if this planet is worth the effort. Perhaps global warming is a good idea as it will eradicate the Human Race and then the planet will heal itself again and some new life-form will emrege?
We can only hope.
Or, as Pete says, "Fergeddaboutit!"

One of You sent the following observations:

There was a time a few years back when doctors went on strike or some such and it turned out fewer people died during that time. Maybe we will discover a similar phenomenon with the furloughs of civil workers in government? But don't expect that to lead to permanent layoffs. For one, they'd become unemployed and at very high wages.

Another thought I have is with fewer jobs, and diminished revenue, what balances the equation is a sudden drop in people being a drain on the downsized society. Traditioinally this is carried out through plague and war. This time they may be carefully orchestrated - a so called terrorist incident or the swine flu. Notice it affected the young and fit the most. Oh well, one can go crazy imagining conspiracies. Like imagine one where they poison all the junk food, so only health nuts survive?