Sunday, December 19, 2021






Carlin on why they use the median v. the mean.

 Well, microsoft did not cooperate, so you get the above instead.


The Stench


Some time aqo, we announced that the title of the next edition was to be the stench. About three days later, Michael Moore announced that HIS new entry woyld be titled the stench. I wrote to him to warn him of this unintentional plagerism, and expressed the hope that it was simply a mistake. He would not comment or reply. I have decided to forgive him as too much stupidity has taken place since.


There seems to be a myth that this same fascist nostalga is nothing new in America, and that much is true. What is new is the combination of a willingness to display it openly, proclaim it, and establish it as the official orthodoxy. This is naturally opposed to the more elevated and intellectually acute hetrodoxy advocating sanity as at least a median in this respect. Unfortunatly, the hetrodxy is unwilling to openly confront the orthodoxe with the exception of California which is developing an anti-second ammendment attack modeled to the Supreme court's approval of the orthodox pro-vigillante anti abortion laws in the superfluous state of Texas. It is allowed to exist so long as Willie Nelson chooses to remain.


This is the time to reveal a secret conspiracy that is nearly impossible to disprove. It's strength is that nobody on the right wing will believe it, so it is safe from action on that front. In addition, those on the left will not believe it because it is so outrageous that they believe it is either generated by the right or, even worse, a parody of those conspiracies on the right, along with the Jewish space laser aimed at sourthern California. I have it on good authority, Mr. Baggins, who prefers to be called by his nickname Blibo, that all the birds in this country have been removed and replaced with drones capable of spying on all human activiities. This was discovered by the brilliant, but reclusive, Gandolf who monitors all government activities. These drones will be able to destroy all humans with an IQ under 95 and thus eliminate to voters in favor of Donald.


News anchors at Fox look forward to this happening, but will not mention it on their programs at all. All trolls. Are also muted. There are only two exceptions. One is the Great Speckled Bird that Roy Acuff and Kitty Wells mention and praise, and the other is the Snow White Dove referred to by Ferlin Huskey. Both of these are very strange creatures, indeed, but have no relevance to contemporary events whatsoever.


I got the booster yesterday at a place that advertised "No Appointment needed, get it now". So, I walked up and asked for it:

"Do you have your card?"

"Yep," and showed it to her.

"OK, sit down and it will be 20 minutes."

"Hey, no way, you said walk in and I don't see anyone else here."

"He has a lot of work to do."

"Look, all he's gotta do is put the stuff into the hypo, stick it in my arm, and push the plunger. 2 minutes tops. What all this crap?"

"He has other patients to get ready."

"They aren't here. Hey, just have him do it, or give me the hypo and vaccine and I''ll shoot it up myself."

"You don't know how."

"Maybe I used to be a hippie?"

"Not good enough."

"A beatnick?"


"I'm very flexible and bright – I'll figure out how to shoot up. It's inter-muscular anyway."

She stared, not knowing what to do. I wrote my first name on the back of his business card, said "Look, I got stuff to do, page my when he's ready. I can get back here in about 5 minutes."

So I did. It went fine. I started to walk away "Wait, we have to monitor you for 15 minutes."

"OK. You know it takes about 10 in your check-out lines. 4 minutes to get there. I'll wave when I'm done. Hold up one finger for each minute more you need."

She didn't even wave back. Now, that is rude behavior. No place for it when Omicron is rampaging out there. Be nice to people. The next one may be the last one you ever see. Do you want to die with the last person you saw glad to see you die? Wise up and be polite. It might be the last chance you get.


Something about that brough me back to the Fox Anchors, and I realize that I did not mention Tucker Carlson. I see him from time to time on clips from Fox, courtesy of Fox, "courtesy?", and he was saying that either the disease of the vaccination drains your life essense. It reminded me of Dr. Strangelove as Communists were always after the military man's vital bodily fluids, in other words, his life essense. Women I'm told entice you to have sex in order to drain more of your vital bodily fluids. Even notice how relaxed that act makes you? It would be a perfect time for the Commies to march up to your front door. Beware!


Finally, notice how little the truth about dark matter v. dark energy has been mentioned? The repulsive force is increasing by the day. Joe Manchin will not lift a finger about it so long as he still has his coal revenue, but the time is coming, only about 9 billion years ahead and faster. St. Peter has already has the NO VACANCY" sign ordered, and so it is time to leave.





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