Friday, March 19, 2021

The Trump Virus, rev.


Illustration: On critical thinking. People never really got the point of Darwin's work and the so-called "survival of the fittest". Darwin defined the fittest as those most able to adjust to changing conditions. We seem to be in a period of nostalgia for days when white people were about 80% of the population. The strangest thing about it and the changing demographics is the anti-abortion fever. If anything could slow the population change, it would be free and voluntary abortions for women who are not white. Of course, that would mean something about Jesus being unhappy, so it won't happen. Relax.

We are getting back to normal foolishness after four years of record-shattering foolishness. We need some way to celebrate this.

One thing I've been noticing afyer a year or so of "calculus" meaning "strategy", is the use of "paradigm" to mean nothing in particular. Newsreaders in the media seem to enjoy using that word a great deal. So, let's start with that:

We hear a new word "paradigm,"

That's in the news all the time,

Who cares what it means –

It sounds smart it seems,

And I'm singing "Oh brother can you spare a dime?"

Well, that's a bit obscure as it goes back to the great depression, but I had to do something about it.

Speaking of the great Depression, it might be time to clear up a few misconceptions. Corporations have been after the dismantling of many programs started during that time by FDR and calling them "Socialist". They blather on about FDR being a Socialist, so perhaps it is time to mention a few things about that.

He was very far from being any sort of Socialist: in fact, he confided to a close circle of his very rich and elite friends that he was running "to save my friends from themselves." The banks had crippled themselves and people rushed to the banks to salvage whatever they could get of their own savings before the banks closed permanately, and they all did. He called an emergency session of Congress and passed one bill after one of his "fireside chats" on the radio. See, all of the newspapers were owned by wealthy big business or corporations, but the radio allowed him to talk to the people directly without the papers interfering. At that time, almost everyone owned some sort of radio and it had never been used in such a way.

Well, after his first broadcast to the people directly, they lined up to return their money to their bank accounts. Congress passed the needed legislation. If FDR had been a socialist, he could very easily simply said that the government needed to take over the banks entirely and there would have been no real opposition. It would have made things much better for all concerned except for his "friends".

Anway, that was the only legislation he hoped to pass, but it went so well, so easy, and so fast, he decided to try a few more things – and they all passed. He ran out of things to pass, so he let Congress go back home, just in time to get out of Washington D.C. before a long, warm, muggy, non-air conditioned started. That was after 100 days, and that's why talkers make such a big thing about the first 100 days. Eugene Debs was still alive and he could have supplied more ideas, but summer was coming anyway and Debs didn't like the "elite".

I could end here, but I just saw a summary of the Cuomo accusations. From what I see, the calculus, no, the paradigm, no, that won't work either, the whole bit is part of a feeding frenzy – you know, sex, power, abuse, and so on. I know this has been going on for a while, but something made me wonder a bit about it. One woman, girl, oh, what is PC for it, er, I mean "WOKE" for it? Female, yes, that works, says he held her too long and when she complained he said "I thought we were going steady." That's her version. Now, what the hell is that? Who "goes steady" anymore. Wasn't that a term used in high school to mean not dating anyone else? This guy is at least in his 50s, I assume (I really don't care) and she is obviously in her 20s or early 30s. "Going steady" sounds sick to me, whether he said it or not. If he didn't, then she is sick. I know I'm sick of it. I'd be a great deal more involved if it hadn't been for Kirsten Gillibrand joining the bandwagon as she is the one who made such a big fuss over Al Franken. At least my last response to her begging for support in her "run" for President stopped all such requests. Well, so much for that.

A lot of top secret information coming out about Russia's role in interfering in the recent elections, 2016 and on. You will remember all that pbulicity about it then, but 45 was over there, talking to Putin, and the reporters asked about it. 45 put an end to that, saying "I asked him if he did and he said he didn't." Of course, Putin would know, right? Right.

I have a somewhat different view of it. Imagine yourself in Putin's place and the United States was interfering with things, including stirring up the mess in Ukraine. Would it not make sense to punish the United States to give it 45 to mess it up big time? It would certainly be good for a few laughs and what greater punishment could anyone give the United States than to help install the 45th President? So, they play hardball – Putin would enjoy that. Biden relates one conversation he had with Putin. He told Putin that "you have no sould," and Putin said "you know me well." Things might have gone on quite well, but Biden threatened "punishment" for interference with the election and he called his Ambassador back. And things looked so good for a few weeks.

Right here is a good place to ask about this guy Navalny. He is a crusader against Putin and wants to replace him. Now, as the story goes, Putin had him poisoned and he almost died. All sorts of groups raised a fuss over the evil Putin for poisoning him. They demanded he be sent to Germany for last minute treatment and diagnosis. Well, his life was saved and the conclusion is, of course, that Putin poisoned him. So far, I'm following. I have trouble with subsequent events: he decides to return to Russia. WHAT?!!?? Is he nuts? I can hear the conversation: "

q. Where will you go now?"

a. Back to Russia, of course,

q: Are you nuts?

a. It's my homeland.

q. yeah, but really, do you think it's a good idea, considering Putin wants you dead?

a. Oh yeah, weather's fine this time of year.

Honestly, folks, it is beyond me. Maybe he could get a job selling used CDs or something?

I'm not sure people here realize the attitude and methodology of Russia, no mater how many times they saw Dr. Zhivago. A while back, there was a string of pirate attacks off the coast of Somalia. All the western countries worried about them, many paid ransom, and all were froghtened. Then those "pirates" captured a Russian ship. No point in going theough all the gory details, but Russia's reaction certainly stopped all pirate activity. Immediately.

I'm not sure how long this can continue before it becomes ludicrous. It is looking more and more like a Mel Brooks movie, only deadlier. Just recently, some guy who lived with his partents in Cheroke County in Georgia wanted very much to sit near Jesus like a brother. The trouble was, he had a sex addiction and Jesus would not be a brother to a sex addict. How could he? Would you? No. So, this guy went out and shot and killed as many Asian Women as he could as they are Geishas and get men horney. It is difficult to relate to this, but the county Sheriff said the kid was "having a bad day," and, well, we've all had bad days. Well, he's a Sheriff, so he must be right. So far as reported, the Sheriff has not had sex with any Asian girls. He hasn't even "gone steady" with any, so we can believe him and he will sit with brother Jesus.

This started a listing of the anti-Asian hate in this country. It is considerable and wide spread amongst followers of 45. On the other hand, we had the response from a member of Congress from the Texas GOPQ (Roy, I think his name is) that we ought not lynch people for hating Asians. A Senator, Rand Paul (GOPQ) from Kentucky (same place that inflicted Mitch McConnell (GOPQ) on us) to blather away at Tony Fauci. Somehow, Rand has not been quite with this planet since he was beaten up on a lawn-mower. However, he did not join in the attack on Geisha Girls – yet.

There is one thang that might hinder the further spread of anti-Asian violence. See, most of this has been allowed, and encouraged even, by 45 calling this virus the "China Virus," or "Kung-flu," and so on. Why don't we start calling it the "Trump Virus"? Variants could be given names like the Eric variant, the Tiffany variant, the Melania variant, and so forth.

So far as I know, there has been no asian sex involved, but we are going to keep ourselves in Afghanistan. See, even though Alexander the Great and everyone else got themselves in trouble there, we have to stay because of Bin Laden – well, it's the best explanation you have heard so for, right?

There is a great deal going on now with the Biden administration, but that can wait and we can watch it develop. Probably, the first line of business is to do away with the so-called filibuster started during the Jim Crow era. It is not in the constitution. It might have bad effects, but it doesn't make any sense now. Still, let's wait a few weeks.

Well, I think that's enough for this time. I really do have a suspicion that Mel Brooks is somehow behind all of this.

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