Wednesday, February 03, 2021

Addle Essence Loosing Power


We have used this too many times, but it remains true, especially with the white supremacist militias and organizations. While LBJ was a liar and really kicked off the Viet-Nam war, he was colorful and shrewd. During his election, he said "Ah don't think American boys should be fighting a war that is the job of Asian boys." That is an accurate quote. His opponent, the Republican Barry Goldwater to the position that we should "bomb Hanoi into the stone age." Also an accurate quote. The choice was pretty clear. Years later, he was interviewed by Walter Cronkite (who didn't like the war by that time) and asked about that lie. LBJ just drawled, "Now you didn't listen closely: Ah said 'shouldn't,' not 'wouldn't', and smiled.

So, he was a prick, not a liar. In his earlier days, he once told a campaign manager to let the local press know that his opponent was having sex with pigs. His campaign manager said, "you can't do that, he doesn't and you know it!" LBJ just said "Oh course ah know it, but make him deny it!" LBJ won that election. Still, he knew what he was doing. Not like the Orange Man.

"Hang Mike Pence"


Czar Donic

It is becoming exceedingly difficult to comprehend the psyche of the mob that attacked the Capitol building on January 6 on the individual level. It is easy enough to imagine a group of people looking for a sense of belonging to join a group of others with similar characteristics for companionship, no matter how strange and reminisent of Twilight Zone episodes thay may be, but seeing them all joined together shouting "Trump invited us" is certainly baffling. "I am a guest of the President!" was another cry often heard when they met resistant.

One of the first impulses or reactions I had was absolute curiosity. If I were called upon by someone I didn't know to join an insurrection some two thousand miles away, I would not have considered the trip worthwhile. Too much gas, too much time, and energy, not to mention all the mileage I would pile up and how many masks I would need today – no, it simply would not have been an invitation even worthy of an RSVP.

I went to one of these things when I was younger than most of those folks. There was to be a protest held at midnight at a cannon used, we were told, during the Civil War. It was sort of a local monument. Well, several of my friends announced that vigil, I believe it was called. Well, a group of VFW types threatened violence if the vigil was held and said that they would be there anyway. The clash was anticipated days before and the local newspapers reported quotes from both sides and also the police. On the nigh of the anticipated clash, I put on my leather jacket, put a menacing (and well-sharpened) hunting knife that I had learned to use to great effect a few years before (I grew up in Chicago and that was a part of many childhoods) in my belt, and walked a couple blocks to the monument, ready for action. I seriously wondered how many I would have to stick or slash before they left me alone and, I admit, I was quite nervous.

Well, nobody showed up. There I was, at midnight, in the center of town, looking around, and it was quiet and deserted. I could hear the noise from a nearby tavern, but that was it. I went back home and never attended another such gathering. Anyway, I had a paper to finish before 2 P.M. the next day, so I went back home.

At any rate, that is one reason it is difficult for me to even conceive of all these people traveling such great distances to oblige Donald Trump. However, when they were told to get out of the capitol, they said that they were invited by the President, the Orange Man.

It seems pretty clear that these are older folks, in their late 20s, 30s, and 40s mainly, but some were in their 60s and 70s. Something was missing in their lives. Their present life is not what they expected and not what they like and they can not look back at their past and get any satisfaction out of that. [I do remember some woman in California who was running for Governor as a Republican saying "this state was run better when I moved here. This Jerry Brown has never been any good." It turned out that he had been Governor some time ago, the same time when she moved there.]

The rabble moved on, soon shouting "Hang Mike Pence," for his role in performing a meaningless task – reading the electoral totals of the election. Mike Pence had been obsequious in his devotion to Orange Man and we can give you his political position easily as he joined with the administration in order to stop "the war on coal". No, you read that correctly. He also would not have lunch with any female unless his wife joined them. He was hardly a liberal.

One of them actually got elected to the House of Representatives. She and her ilk actually give anti-Semitism a bad name. You may remember the chant awhile back "Jews will not replace us," but she somehow thinks there is a Jewish laser beam burning up California. There is enough weird stuff as it is. After seeing that crowd, their behavior and demeanor, and hearing a few utterances, I felt that I could reasonably assure them that the Jews did NOT want to replace them, whatever they were doing. After all, the Jews apparently had a laser up there in the sky and could use it, I suppose, to eliminate them.

More importantly, Trump twice tried to give a Medal of Honor to Dolly Parton, but twice she claimed a schedule conflict. Somehow, just never worked out. I have also seen several transactions attempting to include David Duke in this whole mess. Once Wolf Blitzer (on the network of fake news) announced him as the former "Grand Dragon of the Klu Klux Klan". He did not deny this, but did say it was irrelevant and that Wolf should also identify himself as a former lobbyist for AIPAC, a fairly aggressive Zionist organization. Blitzer did not answer, but continued. Somehow Mr. Duke managed to mention the fact that he had a Ph.D. from Germany. He hardly fits the stereotype. In stat language, he is an "outlier". No, you morons, I am not calling him a liar; I reserve that for Trump.


In the United States, amongst the rabble, Science is considered just another ideology, along with Buddhism, Hinduism, Existentialism, Christianity, Judaism, and Anti-Abortion. It has been a gradual transformation from private to public, but today Science is looked down upon as some sort of evil sect bent on destroying the Great America, especially since the last "President" was dethroned.

We need to pause here to take up another issue, then to return. Many have not noticed this prevailing attitude towards science in the past decade or so. It has become even more virulent lately, almost viewed as subversive and anti-Christian. There are several reasons for this, but most of them have to do with a clash between reason and fact on the one hand and myth or religion on the other. Myth or religion can be counted on to supply reasons or motives for outlawing abortions, for example.

Furthermore, Science relies on two main concepts: facts and reason. Well, one can hardly have these facts running around out there. They can provide us with "alternate facts" and we should use those. So far as reason goes … [I can't help it, I'm just laughing too much to finish that sentence]. These two things, taken in tandem, will one day be considered adequate grounds for a trial for treason or, if you prefer, "trial by combat".

Another reason for this hatred is IQ. From hearing these people talk (not the instigators or leaders, but the followers) it seems clear that the intelligence of people in this "movement" are anywhere in the range of average down to a standard deviation below the norm: Old enough to be eligible for the death penalty but dumb enough to support it. They seem to have had trouble with that subject in school. In some cases this is justified as many teachers are just about above average and much of the Physics, especially, involved long division and the like. They consider Mathematics to be the multiplication tables and Algebra as worthless: "Ya don use dat stuff out dere." [Mentioning Calculus to them sends them to the Dictionary and they say "What's stones got to do with it?" Frankly, I am afraid to even consider the Biology and so on as that is where real trouble starts.

Ok, how does it start? Let's take the example of someone from the 90s, over 30 years ago – John Aschroft. He, as Governor, declared that human life began at conception. He even got it into some sort of lar or memo or something and people started to enforce it. Then, one bright youngster is arrested for underage drinking, 3 months before his "official" birthday. He fought the ticket on the grounds that he was 6 months OVER to legal drinking age. The battle went on for a long time. When the charges were dropped, he ran again, lost to a guy who died a week before the election, so the Republicans made him Attorney General. One of his first moves was to order a sheet to cover Lady Justice's bare bosom. This weirdness is not new.

The anti-abortion crowd (let's not get hung up on words, they like to be called 'pro-life' and would like the death penalty for anyone who thinks differently) works to make abortions illegal. At the same time, the demographics shift to favor Blacks or African Americans who usually vote Democrat. Also, white women are more likely to have the money needed to travel to another state or location to obtain one.

We could continue by pointing out that the earth is older than 6k years and that the nearest starlight reaches us 4 years later, or, another way of putting it, is that the North Star is about 4 light-years away. An yes, DAMMIT, a light-year is a measure of distance, not time! Ok, I give up. We only got to 5th grade math and if I go further, this would become a book. Back to the mob. As one of them said recently, "if they take Trump away from us, it will be light years before we get America Great Again!"

Now, there are exceptions. We need only to look at the State of Ohio (no Republican has ever been elected President without Ohio). There is a rare form of sanity at work there. For example, Trump's nomination at the Republican convention was in Cleveland and John Kashich was Governor of the state. He refused to attend the convention in his own state, saying something like "I'd rather not have to sit through that." He is fairly right wing so far as most domestic policies are concerned, but he has a sense of humor and some integrity. Another one, for the same state is a Democrat, still in the senate:

Sherrod Brown.

When Trump won Ohio by something like 20 points, Sherrod Brown won his Senate seat back by 8 points. That is a net difference of almost 30 points. (Numbers are not solid here, but the general idea is.) He started to run for President, as he was popular with many Democrats, he started out, found out what the campaign trail entails, and quickly dropped out. The total time it took him to realize the insanity of the whole thing was about one week. Another Senator from Ohio, Rob Portman, observed what was happening in the Capitol building on the 6th and decided not to run again. He was/is a Republican. His reasoning seems to be "I know I'm a right-wing fascist, but some things are just too weird."

The most recent development has been the ex Pres. Loosing another legal team. Now, the first to be lost, somehow, was Rudy Guiliani. He has been afraid to appear in public ever since he spurred on the mob of neo-Cretin angry Berserkers (need to look that up in Norse Mythology, sorry) that this is time for "Trial by Combat"! He may be indicted for inciting a riot, but I haven't seen him lately. He was hired at $10,000/hour by the Orange Man, but so far has not seen a dime of it.

The second of note mentioned was Alan Derschowitz, but this publication and it's editors immediately dismissed that as impossible. Not that Derschowitz would have any ethical or moral problems with the idea, but because he would require payment in advance given Orange's payment history and financial troubles.

The last group wanted to argue the issue on Constitutional grounds. He was no longer President and thus the entire purpose of the Senate trial was moot. He wants to argue that he is still President. There is no clue so far as to what happens next, and we really don't care. It will be funny, laughable, if he decides to so it pro se.

Actually, He hired another couple of lawyers and we wish them luck. One was the lawyer for the genius Roger Stone (you know, the guy with a portrait of Nixon on his back) and the other was working for the president's friend until he supposedly committed suicide in Prison while on suicide watch. Biden will be able to push through his programs while everybody else is watching the Senate trial, sort of like the road runner cartoons. They submitted their brief and on the first page it read "Unites States." We are not about to make a point about typos, yet a law firm submitting a brief in such a visible case really hould be a bit more controversial. It just does not look good on the first page. [The one on page 9. is hardly noticed.]

Another amusing side show is the Marjory Taylor Greene who has a lot of strange ideas, but Mitch McConnell doesn't like her so perhaps she has a point? In anycase, she could always contact the Jews and ask them to turn their laser on Mitch.


The final issue is the focus. Although our "circulation" has risen greatly during this idiocy and a mock epic on the situation was more popular than any 4 other issues in the past, the readership has been increaslingly in the United States and other countries seem to find the last 4 years as unfortunate and look forward to genuine leadership from this country.

As a result, it is time to return to issues that reflect more of an international concern. Recently, the President of Ukraine lamented the stupidity here as we lost the representation of a peaceful transition of power. Well, he should know. Ukraine was the victim of a coup that was mainly cheered on, perhaps engineered, by Hillary Clinton (Biden was opposed to the idea) and carried out by Nazis. [I had wanted to call then "neo-Nazis," but they object to the 'neo' part of it.] We should remember that we had originally promised not to expand NATO east of where the Warsaw Pact borders were. Still, it was clear that he spoke for many leaders in his laments. Germany had come to similar conclusions BEFORE the attack or coup attempt. Once a group of leaders were in a circle telling jokes and laughing. Donald found out they were laughing at him. He ordered our foreign aid to Canada be shut of as the leader of Canada was in the group. "Er, Mr. President, we don't give foreign aid to Canada." He had walked away to watch Fox news so we don't know what his reply would have been.

This has become such an insane four years, that at least 5 times we announced the "Final Edition" on the grounds that the absurd was perfectly obvious. Each time, someone or some parties, lamented this and we put out another "final edition." Now, we can take a breath and then focus on less foolish and foppish events.

A couple things come to mind right now: first, the Democrats complaining about Putin "interfering" in our election to help elect Trump. Most likely, he did and, if we were in the same position, we would much rather see Donald Trump in charge of this country than Hillary Clinton. All you have to do is see the situation from Putin's point of view.

That Oriental looking skinny woman in Burma who got a Nobel prize and immediately supported the military slaughter and rape of Moslems in her country is now under attack by that same military government. [They are the ones that made their country so hard to spell. I think it's Myanmar, but Burma is easier.]

Another item in the news is Navalny returning to Russia. Now, it seems obvious that Putin had him poisoned and just about everybody agreed on this point. It is strange that he was allowed to go to Germany for treatment, but he did and was revived. So, what does he do? He goes back to Russia.

Not to put any value judgments on this, but how many people remember all the "pirates" coming out of Somalia and demanding ransom? It was the lead news story for some time until these Sonalis (not the brightest people) "captured" a Russian ship. Perhaps the immediate reaction from Russia was a bit overdone, but since then there has not been one single incident. Zero. It is simply the way Russians will act in such circumstances. Right now you will see quite a few demonstrators. Anybody wonder what their fate will be? I have my suspicions.


Anonymous said...

My daughter in law and my son blessed me with 5 grandchildren. She came to Canada with her family as a refugee. Her family was deep in politics in Djibouti. Her Mother was from Somalia and her Dad from Egypt. She and my son met at a Mosque in the early 2000s. We could never meet a more devoted and loyal human being. That includes her parents. They are all Canadian Citizens now. She went back to school with scholarships and will soon receive her Ph.D. in Pyc. She speaks 5 languages and is teaching my grandkids the same. All straight 'A' students. How can I not be a proud Grandpa? She calls me Dad and shows respect and honor, as we were all taught growing up and forgot that part, for some reason. I just wanted to clear the air and let you know, there are many good Somalians, and not 'all' are the 'same'. You know what I mean. I cannot imagine leaving our homes at gunpoint and never returning as our lives are in danger. So, I don't agree with their sick behavior and how they operate in the dark corners of Somalia. It was terrifying for them to feel and smell death around them, daily. Text has gone strange so I cannot continue. Cap.Ron

Anonymous said...

As always your articles are an excellent read. I look forward to the notification on twitter. These truly are Absurd times. Thanks again