Tuesday, September 01, 2020





This would be better.









It is finally September. Sirus is out of the sky, so the dog days are over. Get it? No? Don't worry. Nobody cares anyhow.


So, again Bernie scared enough corporations to motivate them to rid us of Donald. The man who gets the most material support from big Pharma, Jim Clyburn, was chosen to anoint a successor. Frankly, we are ready to accept anyone just to be rid of this pure absurdity currently.


Donald warns that he must be elected to stop all this rioting. He has apparently forgotten who is President right now.


He needs to institute law and order. Hunh? His administration has produced between 100 and 200 indictments. He beat out Richard Nixon! 


This is too obvious to be pointing out, really. COVID? Rather than drink bleach, perhaps everybody should get it and thus become immune. It worked in Sweden. No, I can't go on.  A critique of Trump is too easy and obvious.  Forget it – Even Fox is getting weary.




So now we hear of left-wing forces. What forces? I mean, it once was work to be left wing. There was so much competition.  I mean, you had to really work at it, otherwise you were just one of the crowd. You had at least to have a photo of Che on the wall just so people would talk to you.  Today, people would look at it and ask "Who'se that funny guy with the beard or beret?" If they knew what a beret was, that is.


Socialist? What's that? Oh, yeah, Pol Pot – some guy from the past in Cambodia I'm told.


I thought, somehow, after so many lost their health insurance with their jobs, there would be a rush to support Medicare for all. Nope. The people are too stupid for that. Pol Pot, don't you know. 


So why do you think I stopped doing this? I just told you. Read the above again if you don't get it.





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