Saturday, September 08, 2012

Death of the Democratic Party


    For some time, we here at the times have pointed out that the election this time, at the very least, is meaningless as actually boycotting it is a vote in itself.  Does it make any difference if no-one knows?  Well, they don't care what you voted for, just so long as you seemed to be duped into thinking that this system makes any sense. 

    Now certainly there are some subtle differences between the two parties.  For example, a Democratic President is almost certain to make better judicial appointments than a Republican one.  No Democrat would have nominated Scalia or Thomas, or even Bork (remember that fiasco?), but then there will never be another Douglas appointed either.

     So far as they are concerned, you are not important at all.  Nor do I see a third party possible.  Ross Perot scared the two parties out of their minds and they conspired to make sure that such a thing never happened again.  Furthermore, we have no idea as to what actually happened to him, but they certainly took steps to ensure that Mr. Perot never opened his mouth again.  And he was actually a certified capitalist beyond any doubts.

    Do we see any solution?  Yes, and the first step is to boycott these stupid elections as a sham.  The next step will emerge.  Occupy Wall Street was an encouraging start, but it was only an indication, a very small one, of the sort of thing that needs to be done.  The first thing, however, is to boycott.

    Mort Sahl is actually alive, in case there was any doubt, and he supplies a number of points about the Democratic Party.  Naturally, there is little point in even thinking about the Republican Party.  In Shakespeare's words, "That way madness lies...."

Mort Unexpurgated:


3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

You too can be a Democrat if you have enough room in your closet for your conscience.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

I may have aroused your anger. But I can't seem to raise your conscience.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died because the Liberals don't want to do anything just-- they just want to feel good. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Biden said any place is a battlefield when our enemy is there-a dir quote frm Michael Hayden, the fmr Dir of the CIA.

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died a little every day when the Press never told you the truth. MSNBC, FOX; Vanilla or French Vanilla? 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when it embraced homosexuals but left Bradley Manning in solitary confinement.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Jack Kennedy's daughter addressed the convention. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when it went from the loving arms of Jack Kennedy to an arranged marriage with Barack Obama. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Obama became an agent of the Middle Class and never mentioned the Working Class.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when the First Lady kept talking about the Troops. This President is in five wars.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Obama condemned Romney for being wealthy. So was Roosevelt and so was Adlai Stevenson. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Obama refinanced the auto companies and forced the workers to accept a lower wage and no health insurance. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when neither Bernie Sanders nor Howard Dean ran against Obama.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Barack Obama became a hostage to the CIA and the Pentagon.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when the first Liberal voted for the Vietnamese War. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Barack Obama ignored Congress and sent cruise missiles into Libya.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Kerry didn't ask for a recount in Ohio. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Nancy Pelosi told Dennis Kucinich that impeachment of Cheney and Bush was off the table. 

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when Biden said the Special Forces are the finest warriors of all time.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

It died when no one in Charlotte asked Obama if he made up a kill list every Tuesday.  

3hMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

The Democratic Party is dead. You witnessed the execution. 

31 AugMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

We'd all be Capitalists if the Chinese would lend us the money.

29 AugMort Sahl @mortsahlsays

We re-air an episode from years ago with an interview with Robert Towne at 5pm ET on 

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