Monday, March 14, 2011

Daylight Savings Time -- KC

Just an idea of how much sense Daylight Savings Times means.  See, it was started, we are told, so farmers would have an extra hour of sunlight to work in.  Now, the recent activity in Japan actually sped up the earth, so you can draw your own conclusions from that.  The point is, unlike Moses, we can not make the earth stand still for an hour, so the sun is still visible for the same number of hours each day.  What it actually means is some authority say "Ok, everybody, wake up one hour earlier until I say so, and we do."

Well, here is a photo I took from inside my window at the landscape on the first day of daylight savings time.  It is Kansas City, Missouri, looking towards the state of Kansas.  If you look very closely, you may see the micro-organisms coming in to evolve as such activity is illegal in Kansas.

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