Friday, December 03, 2010

Assange the Rapist

Actually, this time around it is for fun, but first a few news items as I understand them.

There still is no real arrest warrant out for Julian Assange, but one is coming for Dick Cheney from Nigeria for bribery when he was CEO of Halliburton or whatever.  If we really do go on and issue one for Assange, surely we will comply with Interpol's request to send Cheney, no?

So far as the rape charges go, Assange's former lawyer seems to have pointed out that the sex was, in fact consensual, but that the issue is whether or not he wore a condom!  Sex without a condom is punishable by, er, um, you fill in the idea.

I was sent these tidbits from one of you and they are really fun:

From: Ashleigh Brilliant <>
Date: December 2, 2010 6:18:29 PM PST
Subject: Final Q & I

Dear Friends,
Again I have been entertained, and occasionally enlightened, by your responses to my second batch of Questions and Ideas. One of the answers I found most interesting was this one, to my question as to whether there is any problem in pure mathematics whose solving could affect all our lives: "The ability to rapidly factor large prime numbers would compromise most of the encryption systems now in common use. Those systems are what secure everything from our Internet accounts to our bank accounts and credit cards." Thanks to Jerry Hollombe for that, and to all of you who took the trouble to respond.

Now here is the final part of the list:


68. One of the world’s very short books: “Conversations With my Dentist.”

69. Everybody’s name is on the mother of all lists.

70. Why is there no well-recognized walking trail between Santa Barbara and Los Angeles?

71. In these days of animal rights, shouldn’t pet-owners be required to have a pedigree?

72. How much longer will it be before cash ceases to be legal tender?

73. What happens when a chess-playing machine plays itself?

74. Good name for a new board game: FLUSTER.

75. Am I right that U.S. State laws tend to differ most from each other on matters of morality?

76. First Church of Narcissism.

77. Drugs, gambling, and prostitution: why do they go so well together?

78. Is there any relationship between addiction to alcohol and love of chocolate?

79. Question: Is there such a thing as progress in Philosophy?

80. How long does completely sealed water stay fresh and drinkable?

81. Is it progress that we now have fewer unknown dead soldiers, and more who are known?

82. Rube Goldberg in the U.S.and W. Heath Robinson in Britain had similar reputations (for drawings of crazy contrivances) at about the same time. Did they ever have any contact with each other?

83. Is there such a thing as a painless psychiatrist?

84. How rare or common is it for mothers to have lesbian relationships with their daughters?

85. Don’t breathe too often, or you may become dependent on air.

86. Does the same word mean right (for right hand) and correct, proper etc. in all or most world languages?

87. Why are plates round, when tables are usually rectangular?

88. Are “at attention” and “at ease” the only two ways you can stand in the military?

89. What is a PERSONGRAM? I have just invented the term. Now I have to think of a meaning for it.

90 How long will it be before we can comfortably make day-trips to any part of the world?

91. How would life be most different if we never had to sleep?

92. If life is the supreme value, its religion would be hypochondria.

93. How do psychologists explain the fact that we are not all scared to death all the time?

94. Has anyone ever yet asked to be buried with his or her computer?

95. Stop the slaughter in our homes – ban fly-swatters!

96. Is there such a thing as a gambling casino code of ethics? (They certainly can’t say the customer is always right.)

97. Is monotheism really such a great idea, except as a step toward atheism?

98. Why is it usually easy to tell a man’s from a woman’s handwriting?

99. What are you most proud of? What do you most like about yourself?

100. Good title for an autobiography: “I MUST SAY.’

101. Concerning Labor Day: Celebrating Labor by taking a day off is like celebrating honesty by robbing a bank.

102. Everything today is counter-intuitive. What ever happened to good old intuition?

103. If you let me, I would tell you about my nausea ad nauseam.

105. What other mechanisms are there in Economics besides the Price Mechanism?

106. Can we raise people organically?


All the best,
Ashleigh Brilliant
P.S. Only until the end of this month can you buy my unique 10,000- Pot-Shot CD for $52.50 (inc. shipping anywhere) which is half the regular price. For details please see:

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"Received my CD today and got it installed on my laptop. I do so love your Pot-Shots!! I'm assuming the licensing allows me to use them in my personal emails. [It does.] It's a good way to spread the gospel according to Ashleigh. . . If I looked at only one per day, it would take over 27 years to see them all. I'd better do more than that! Many thanks for the prompt service and the marvelous writing and artwork." -- John Tarvin:

"I'm truly enjoying my new disc of 10,000 Pot-Shots. One goes out nearly every day to my email friends -- and the feed back is delightful. My friends are as enormously entertained as am I." -- Van Moller:

ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT, 117 W. Valerio St. Santa Barbara CA 93101 USA. Phone (805) 682-0531 Orders:(800) 952-3879, Code #77. Creator of POT-SHOTS, syndicated author of I MAY NOT BE TOTALLY PERFECT, BUT PARTS OF ME ARE EXCELLENT. 10,000 copyrighted BRILLIANT THOUGHTS available as cards, books etc.World's highest-paid writer (per word). Most-quoted author (per Reader's Digest.) Free daily Pot-Shot cartoon: CATALOGS:[h&m included]. Starter $2. Complete Printed version: $25 Electronic Text-Only (emailed $25, on CD $30). Electronic Illustrated Catalog/Database (CD only) $105 (includes shipping anywhere). Details:


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