Friday, October 29, 2010


I made the mistake of turning on the cable news channels for ten minutes today and found out this:

Al Qaeda is on the hunt again!
Synagogues in Chicago on high alert!
Rahm Israel Emmanuel running for mayor of Chicago!
Rabbis run to Eiffel tower in France!
Packages come from Yemen to Dubai to U.K. and U.S.
Military plane accompanies commercial plane with UPI packages sent from Yemen.
U.S. and U.K. reported to have been bombing in Yemen!
Checking all citizens for Al-Qaeda ties.
Yemen close to Somalia -- no hostages taken yet!
9/11 and 7/7 rumored to be repeated!
Americans warned not to panic!
STAY CALM!!!!!!!!!!

That's three channels and their banners.  Also some singer is pregnant.

I turned off the TV.

I'll keep you posted -- oh yes, packages reported to be "not viable" but ink toner packages with wires.

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