Saturday, July 10, 2010

Culture Today

Illustration:  Beats me.

CNN now equals Fox-Lite.  They fired Octavia Nasr for saying something positive about a Moslem cleric.  The cleric had been relatively liberal on the subject of women.  Yes, he is now dead, but that was only the occasion for her remarks -- in a tweet!

CNN used to have a reporter named Peter Arnett.  He was sacked years ago.

What ever happened to that Australian journalist that gave such good reports from the Mideast?  He was on CNN.

Not on CNN was Helen Thomas.  Well, she had a long career.

What ever happened to David Schuster?  He was fired for doing an audition for CNN.

I heard a report about one survey that found that 56% of Americans think Obama is a Socialist!  Obama!  Good grief.

Some 80% reportedly thought he was a Moslem.

These are your neighbors, folks, be careful.

Someone named Glen Beck of Glenbeckistan has started what he calls a "University".  I imagine people graduate by Cesarean section by section.

I shudder to think how many Americans thing the planet is only 6,000 years old.  I know several Arizona legislators think so and have said so.  "We should mine uranium because it has been here 6,000 years and nothing has happened."

I'm going to listen to some Bach.  Bye.

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