Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Twitter and Haiti

There is alot of talk about Twitter and Haiti right now. Few of these poeple know a thing about what we have done to the country or its people over the years, but this is how they are reaction. I'm just reprinting a tiny snapshot, unedited, for the curiosity of those who have heard about both Twitter and Haiti, but haven't looked at either.

  1. aredcraft RT @miamoretti: RT You can text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to @RedCross relief efforts in #Haiti
  2. Img_3442_normal KathrynTully RT @Mediabistro: RT @RedCross: You can text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts in #Haiti.
  3. Cuteness_normal lynnlovee help haiti. ppl just dnt knw. damn. poverished & now this. Just hold on. yall got this far. u never knw how it feels until it hit hme.
  4. Twit_normal UniformProject Part Deux | Helping #Haiti through social media via @elephantjournal
  5. Face_normal hughadam RT @globalvoices Our page aggregating coverage of the #Haiti earthquake is now up at
  6. La_normal LosAngelesToday Picture from #Haiti RT @LisandroSuero: -
  7. Stunna_shades_normal pittswiley Sometimes, you buy a $5 coffee and it's great. Sometimes, you buy it and spill it before getting a sip. You don't stop buying coffee. #haiti
  8. 18838_621086191513_38200857_36341038_133014_n_bright_crop_blur_normal sebhar RT @yokoono: HELP HAITI Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to the Red Cross or Text "Yele" to 501501 to donate $5 to Yele Haiti
  9. Just_the_girls_11 conderogers RT @yokoono: HELP HAITI – Here’s how
  10. Groovy_green_angel_two_normal screwthemullahs CNN Gupta: Cargo planes with aid arriving in #Haiti
  11. Paulsmall_normal kulayphoto RT @Alyssa_Milano: Help Haiti Earthquake Relief Donate $5 by texting YELE to 501 501 right now. (via @wyclef)
  12. 3203583_normal tattood1 RT @joshuawhite: RT @RedCross: You can text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts in #haiti.
  13. Pic_normal sweet_epiphany RT @araw: RT @aflcio: Nurses Issue Urgent Call for Help in #Haiti
  14. Me200_normal Dan_Martin RT @PRNewswire: Twitter's human touch amid the horror of #Haiti
  15. Twitterlogo_copy2_normal CDispatch RT @pimes: From Red Cross: Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to @redcross relief efforts in #haiti.
  16. Athlete_only_small_normal Ath4Hope You can text “HAITI” to 90999 to donate $10 to American Red Cross relief for #Haiti.
  17. Twit_normal humboldtparkpak RT @sacca: Six ways you can help Haiti:
  18. Mebe_normal DiggsWayne As the first to shake off the shackles of New World slavery #Haiti holds a very important place in the history of struggle for Black people.
  19. Mmfa_twitter_03_normal mmfa Pat Robertson blames Haiti's "pact to the devil" for catastrophe: #p2 #media #noisemachine #Haiti
  20. 5851_1155786058041_1329390003_30562104_3984646_n_normal alexandergold Text "HAITI" to 90999 to donate $10 to Red Cross relief efforts in #haiti.

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