Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Constitution Revisited


Above: A photo we managed to take through a hidden camera, transmitted to a moving vehicle, encripted, and then retransmitted. We also managed to capture part of the audio, summarized above.

I have no idea why I could not make the font size larger on the first sentence below. Tough.

We the Corporation of the United States, in Order to Form an more Perfect Union-free Workplace, Establish a Just Profit, Insure Workforce tranquillity, Provide for the common Stock sale, Smote the general Welfare State, and secure the Blessings of Liberty and Prosperity unto Ourselves and our Shareholders, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the U S of A Inc.

We hold these Truths to be self-Evident, that all Corporations are to be considered as an Individual with all the rights heretofor ascribed to such, but lacking the legal hinderances the citizenry is subject to. To wit, no suits may be brought forth in any Courts of the Land against any Corporation for any cause of harm, from polution, disease, poisoning, accidents, sickness and death, being carryied out in the name of larger profits. That all Corporations shall have the right to declare bankruptsy and be cleared of all debt owed, while a citizen shall not have that right and must repay all debts. That the only Good Welfare is Corporate Welfare. Bring it on!

This is now our Constitution.

Actually, it always has been. In other words, about the only thing that the recent "Supreme Court" Decision accomplished was to make reality more transparent. How can we expect our corporate owned media to criticize our corporate owned government?

What are some of the differences between Obama and Bush? After all, we have given a year for things to develop. Well, Bush is white and Obama doesn't look white. Obama has a larger vocabulary, higher IQ, and uses better syntax. He also doesn't have the "negro dialect" that Bush does.

He also acted faster in reaction to Haiti. The way things are progressing, we will soon have Haiti were we want it -- a pre-Castro Cuba. Lots of fun.

Is anything going to make a difference? No. As Thoreau pointed out, once you know the pattern, you have no need for further examples.

For over two years, we have covered just about every aspect of contemporary political activity. There is little else to say on the subject. In fact, things are so predictable that recently we have only to re-post the writings of others as so many are aware of things.

NeoBohemia is coming. Today, on the eve of Mozart's 250th birthday, other pursuits are becoming more attractive.

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