Friday, July 17, 2009

Obama loosing himself


Illustration by Hugh Ralinovsky: Barak Obama, our president, as a function of time (going from left to right, obviously). We are about 1/2 way there.
Do you realize that more of "our guys" have been killed in Afghanistan this month that any previous month? Also, more civilians killed by us ever in Pakistan? Perhaps the most eggregious behaviour by Israel in over two decades, especially in occupied land? More government money gone into financial institutions than ever before? Why wasn't all this so-called stimulous money sent directly to the people? They would know how to spend it.
Still, all the above is difficult to even probe with the right wing effecting its smokescreen of inanity. Sarah quits. Tina Fey gets Emmy awards. Republicans are going on sexual rampages all over the place while preaching abstinence. There must e a conspiracy.
Anyway, I wanted to get this illustration out as I have had it for about a week already and found no big occassion to meld it into an issue. It really is about all there is to say.

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