Monday, December 15, 2008

Shoe President, Shoe


Illustration: Thanks to Hugh Ralinowsky.

I was aware that it was a great insult in the culture to even sit down with the soles of your feet facing the other person. I never really understood why, but then the Bronx Cheer doesn't really have any rationale behind it either. Throwing shoes at someone is the ultimate insult, however, and also somewhat to Maliki. The thrower had a nice over-hand motion, a quick snap with lots of wrist, holding at the toes so the heel would lead and thus be more accurate.
The secret Service then detained him, showing an absolute lack of humor.
The anchor for the new station called for his release since democracy (that's what it is all about, right?) allows for freedom of expression.
Right now, thousands in Iraqis, especially in Baghdad are demonstration, carring signs, demanding his releases.
Although Bush ducked the tosses, the reporter was able to at least hit the flag.
In a later interview, Bush called the incident "weird".
He should know.


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