Sunday, December 09, 2007

More Primary Idiocy

Illustration:  A more recent view of my backyard.  I'll have to rake the leaves some day.
Mitt Romney recently gave a speech on him Mormonism.  One would have expected something like JFKs speech on his Catholocism and separation of Church and State, but no.  Essentially, what he said is that nobody should be elected until he attends church and is a Christian.  If these damn churches want to influence government policy, why not have them pay property taxes and the preachers income taxes?  Especially the Pat Rebertsons, etc.  I mean, this place was colonized by people escaping a state with an official religion.  That's what we complain about in Iran and criticize in Saudi Arabia, Iran, and, some, Israel.  Romney warns about "creeping secularism," and boy, ya better watch out, better not pout, Jesus is coming to town.  I am hereby reinstituting my church of secular humanism, I declare myself pope, and you can join.  $50 to be a monk, $150 a Bishop, $350 an Arch-Bishop, and $1,000 to be a Cardinal.  If you want to join, just leave a comment.  I will bill you, no CODs, and when your check clears, I'll send you a certificate.  For an extra $50, it will be in color.
Sorry, had enough.

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