Sunday, October 14, 2007

Thanks for your Patience

Thanks for your concern at the absence of the Absurd Times.

Here's what happened: my ISP for over a year now, in an attempt to get me back online properly, suggested several modifications to my operating system. Like an idiot, I believed these semi-English speakers and thus rendered my registered copy of xp unusable.

I had to reinstall it, but could not register as I had no network contact. I did loose some files, but most pernicious is the fact that Microsoft no longer thinks my copy is valid. (It was a few days before). So now, I can not update some of the versions, say, of windows media, even though I have the validation tool and the download still on my disk.

Anyway, I do have one photograph I haven't shared and I'll post that as soon as I get my updates working.

Meanwhile, thanks for the concern and appreciation.

I did hear a nice thing relayed to me from Satgurday Night Live: "Newsflash: Al gore was awarded the Nobel peace Prize. However, the Supreme Court intervened and instead awarded it to George Bush, Jr."

later all

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