Saturday, November 04, 2006

The Final Week


I thought I’d summarize a few things all taking place in the last week or so leading up to the election. Frankly, this is the strangest election strategy I have every seen.

It does, however, proclaim what this administration stands for.

One of the more interesting happenings was the “detention” of six donkeys on the Iraqi border with Iran. In one of those news items that you hear once and then they disappear, it was pointed out that six donkeys were detained on the border. They were carrying bags of IEDs. A couple of humans were alledgedly seen far away from the scene. I assume the goods were confiscated and, after intensive interrogation, the donkey’s were released on their own recognizance. No water boarding was mentioned.

Some Evangelical leader opposing gay marriage and consulted weekly by the White House (by his own account) was outed by his gay partner. He also bought crystal meth from the “escort,” paid for it, and then threw it away because he “knew it was wrong.” This was after a “massage.” Unfortuantely, he lacks the style or stage presence of a Jimmie Swaggart so his apology comes across as an attempt at humor, Gomer Pyle style.

The newspaper of the Armed Forces is calling for the resignation of Donald Rumsfield. George Bush (Arbusto) says he wants him to remain until his (Bush’s) term is over. This is unprecedented.

Katherine Harris, who lent her integrity to the first Bush election if Florida, is running for Senate in Florida identifying herself as a “wannabe Jew.” So far as I can tell, this is the sum total of her campaign.

Some Korean Xtian who left the administration, published a book complaining that the Bushniks think of Evangelists as crazies. He is one of the “crazies,” I take it.

The Bush backing of Israel lately gave even former Prime Minister Sharon a heart attack – and he was and is in a coma!

I believe I already mentioned that over 100 U.S. Soldiers were killed in Iraq, at the cost of billions of your money, in October. I am not sure why this is not considered “tax and spend.”

Oh yes, who is responsible for all of this according to Bushniks? Democrats, of course. I’m not sure why since all of the above are Republicans, and I have not even mentioned “mukaka” Allen, but that is the official line. On Tuesday we will see if the American electorate is as stupid and dense as Karl Rove thinks it is. (You know, the guy who said he knew “THE MATH.”)

That’s about all I can take for now.

Best wishes to all of you.

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