Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Republican's Chances -- Checks and Balances

Republican Chances

Well, now, my friends. It is about 3 weeks until the elections and time to take stock.

I’ve recently tried, and I honestly can think of nothing that I have in common with Newt Gingrich – nothing I know about, anyhow, but he did make a remark somewhere recently that I agreed with, even found very good. He said that the Democrats should adopt the following as an election bumper-sticker: HAD ENOUGH?

So, what have we had? Well, lot’s of exposed hypocrisy, that’s what. Jack Ahbrahamoff (Or however you spell his name, the Jack and the last three letters are the key things to remember). He was the lobbyist who represents what Republicans really stand for. He was not alone and he and other of his kind were deeply involved with many Republican Senators and Congressmen.

Tom DeLay, once characterized as a “shiver looking for a spine to crawl down,” the Republican leader. Corruption, inc.

Oh yeah, Mark Foley, the guardian of youth from pedophiles on the internet, a Republican pedophile congressman who resigned, but not until after the three or more years the Republican leadership covered up his sins. (To his credit, he didn’t have sex, he claims, with any of the male pages until that page was 21 years old. He just “set things up,” that’s all.)

Denny Hastert, the ex-wrestling coach, who is speaker of the house says he knew nothing about this, especially during the last three years. Maybe he was busy watching wrestling matches?

Oh yeah, the book about the Xtian right. It seems the administration thought of the evangelicals as “nut cases.” They could be right, especially since these “nut cases” still keep voting for these pedophiles, hypocrites, and money servants at the rate of 99%. I guess Jesus likes that sort of thing?

Oh yeah, Iraq. Now over 3,000 U.S. soldiers dead and about 650,000 Iraqis and nearing a trillion dollars on expenses. Colin Powell now admits that he was against it from the start. By the time this President is out of Office, it will have been more than twice the time since “Mission Accomplished” than the entire JFK administration.

Hurricane Katrina? Brownie later said that if he had claimed “terrorism,” maybe Bush would have acted in time. Since it was just humans who were affected, how could a Republican official be concerned?

Oops, I forgot. Where is Scooter Libby? You know, Dick Cheney’s boy? The exposure of a CIA agent? National Security has its limits, I suppose.

Afghanistan? Now serving heroin to 90% of the world. The Taliban is back.

Bin Laden says Hi.

Oh, I forgot “Mukaka” Allen. He is reported by several sources to have used the “N” word profusely and sincerely. He says we should forget about it because on of his relatives was Jewish once.

Oh yes, to be objective, the Republicans say that all of the above was the fault of the Democrats. Right. Sorry, but that hurts my Mukaka, gotta go.

So, how will Americans vote in November? When we have the votes counted, it will tell us a great deal about their wisdom – or lack of it.



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