Monday, September 04, 2006


Politics in the 21st Century


God is Dead

Actually, the earth is an extremely silly planet. It is made so because it is bespeckled with creatures who refer to themselves as Homo Sapiens. This is a term from a language that none of them speak and only a few read. It means, more or less, wise men, or thinking men, or indicates that being wise is something that they all have in common. Sort of like when you visit the grocery store – you will see clearly labeled “Homo Milk”. The planet is the third from the sun in a solar system with eight planets. It used to be nine, but a group of the more sapient Homo Sapiens banished it. Sic Transit Glorius Mundi.

Every four years, these Sapiens choose one of their least sapient members to be their military and spiritual leader. The current one is the hope of many others to be raptured, an issue not fit for this forum. But hey, get raptured, you all!

As you may remember, these notices started when we were promised a pandemic of bird flu. The last I heard, 49 died in Indonesia. Mad cow disease isn’t mentioned much except on Boston Legal, a television show. Monkey pox has completely disappeared from the media. It leaves one feeling terribly abandoned.

Our corporate owned media, however, will not take on our government, for it is also corporate owned.

So what has been covered since the promised pandemic has been abandoned? Well, the latest is that a polygamist was captured. (We all feel safer now.) Before that, a great deal of paper, ink, and electricity and bandwidth was spent on a fiasco that had the net effect of informing us that Jon Benet Ramsey was still dead. (R.I.P.) All of this interrupted the fact that we had Israel attack the civilians of Lebanon so they would force Hezbollah to be nicer. This massive attack, killing, displacing, and starving over a million took attention from Iraq where about 200 people per day die under our occupation (occupation forces are responsible for the lives of those under occupation, btw).

So, I’m leaving you all with the pre-eminent political question. This is the one question you should ask of any politician who wants your vote, if you vote: “What have you done for me lately?” I mean, freeing the slaves was a long time ago (Republicans) and so was The New Deal (Democrats), which saved capitalsim. I mean, lately.

Meanwhile, I’ll post something on instinct on before I put this up.

Take care, and maybe you will see or hear a sneezing bird. Now is the time to look before most of them head south.

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