Sunday, October 06, 2013

Nur die CEOs wissen - Obama Schiebt Secretive TPP Handel Pakt

Nur die CEOs wissen - Obama Schiebt Secretive TPP Handel Pakt
Die absurde Zeiten
Nur die CEOs wissen - Obama Schiebt Secretive TPP Handel Pakt

Was auch immer Sie denken , sie wenigstens nicht Teil des Locked-in eine Partei mit zwei Flügeln System .

Hier ist ein weiterer Artikel nicht in Corporate Media für die Vernunft , die sich sehr deutlich wird unten bedeckt. Die TTP Handel " Pakt " ist in der Tat NAFTA auf Steroiden , obwohl das nicht beginnt , um die Oberfläche zu berühren. Alan Greyson ( ja, er ist wieder im Kongress nach diesem Mutter - Job , der ihn verwandelte sich in ein Wahnsinniger so offensichtlich, dass immer die Wähler von Florida ihn rausgeschmissen ersetzt) ​​wies darauf hin, dass die amerikanische Öffentlichkeit wäre ein stinksauer , wenn sie das wusste, Details der Transaktion , aber er durfte nicht über sie nach " nationalen Sicherheit" Gründe sprechen. Die meisten Vertreter und Senatoren haben tatsächlich keine Ahnung, was in der "Pakt ", aber wird erwartet, dass es dennoch passieren .

Einige erinnern sich vielleicht, Ross Perot und seine Dritten Kandidatur für die Präsidentschaft während der Bush - Clinton -Kampagne. Er begann mit einer starken 20% Unterstützung und verurteilt Nafta und sagte, dass " es eine riesige suckin ' Klang der Arbeitsplätze in Richtung Süden zu hören " . Die Corporate Media versucht, diesen Sound verrückt machen , aber die Menschen immer noch auf ihn gehört . Während der Debatten , machte er sowohl Clinton und Bush Jr. aussehen minderwertig, aber die meisten einig , dass Bush Jr. pathetisch und Clinton nur quasi- populistischen aussah. Schließlich er einen Weg geebnet für eine etablierte Dritten , und so eine Reihe von Dingen, die wir wirklich nicht über fing ' passiert ' ihm lernte schien , begann er zu Protesten , die paranoid klang zu machen, und er schließlich ausgestiegen , aber blieb auf dem Stimmzettel .

Nun, schließlich sahen wir, dass seine Vorhersagen völlig korrekt waren , zumindest in Bezug auf NAFTA . Die einzige andere Mitglied seiner Partei , und nicht direkt mit ihm ausgerichtet , war Jessie Ventura , die erstmals ein Bürgermeister und dann Gouverneur von Minnesota. Nach allen Berichten war er eine beliebte und effektive , ehrlich und fair, Gouverneur. Er gab den politischen Prozess . Seitdem hat er ein Buch, das 63 wichtigsten Gründe , warum Sie listet wissen sollten , dass JFK ermordet wurde geschrieben , und einige Details wurden jahrelang unterdrückt - nicht offiziell , sondern durch Zustimmung . Nicholas Katzenbach , zum Beispiel , gehandelt , die in Bobby Kennedys Stelle unmittelbar nach dem Attentat gab eine Memo an Johnson vorschreibt, dass die Warren-Kommission zu dem Schluss, dass Oswald allein gehandelt und war der Attentäter kommen . Jeder weiß, dass dies falsch ist heute, aber dass eine solche Herstellung verschrieben wurde, ist abwegig , aber was ist nun für den Kurs par .

Er wird nun für Präsidenten ausgeführt werden, wenn er Howard Stern bekommen können, um als Vizepräsident als Fundraising- Trick ausführen . Da Stern unterliegt nicht Bundesgesetz betreffend die Ausstrahlung von Standards , als er auf Satellit ist , konnte er Gelder , genug, um eine erfolgreiche Kampagne zu unterstützen, und lassen Ventura unterliegt nicht dem Druck der besondere Interesse Pacs , wie das Bankensystem Lobby AIPAC oder . Ob er wäre ein besserer Präsident sein oder nicht, ist hier nicht das Thema . Zunächst einmal wäre er relativ frei von Ermordung Plänen des militärisch-geheimdienstlichen -corporate komplex, da sie lieber in Aufmachungen mit nichts als Howard Stern als Präsident haben . Ein solcher Gedanke ist extrem erschreckend, nur etwa jeder .

Wie auch immer, auf dem neuen vorgeschlagenen Vertrag : Während das Repräsentantenhaus und der Senat nicht über -oder Kenntnis davon , tut ein Komitee von 100 Konzernchefs . Das ist so etwa wie ein Beispiel in der Nähe des Faschismus wie ich mir vorstellen kann . Eine unbewaffnete Frau fahren ein respektables Auto mit einem ein Jahr alten Tochter wurde in Washington DC angeschossen und vermutlich wollte sie Zugang zu Obama über seine Überwachung ihrer 24/7 beschweren. Das einzige, was wir gefunden seltsam über ihre Beschwerde ist, dass sie besondere Gefühl, als wir alle unterliegen den gleichen Überwachung, ein weiteres Beispiel des Faschismus sind .

Nun, hier ist ein Interview über diesen Vertrag in einer Weise , um zu diesem Thema eine kleben , während wir zu viele Fragen siehe durchgeführt :

Friday , 4. Oktober 2013
" Ein Unternehmen Trojan Horse ": Obama Schiebt Secretive TPP -Abkommen unterzeichnet, Würde Rewrite Schneise der US- Gesetze
Da der Bund Abschaltung weiterhin leitet Staatssekretär John Kerry nach Asien für geheime Gespräche über eine umfassende neue Handelsabkommen , das Trans - Pacific Partnership . Das TPP wird häufig von Kritikern bezeichnet als " NAFTA auf Steroiden ", und würde eine Freihandelszone , die von Vietnam bis Chile strecken würde , umfasst 800 Millionen Menschen schaffen - etwa ein Drittel des Welthandels und fast 40 Prozent der Weltwirtschaft . Während der Text des Vertrages wurde weitgehend hinter verschlossenen Türen ausgehandelt und bis Juni , geheim gehalten aus dem Kongress , mehr als 600 Unternehmens- Berater angeblich Zugang zu der Maßnahme , einschließlich der Mitarbeiter von Halliburton und Monsanto . "Das ist nicht in erster Linie über den Handel ", sagt Lori Wallach , Direktorin Public Citizen Global Trade Watch . "Es ist eine Unternehmenskultur, Trojanisches Pferd . Die Vereinbarung hat 29 Kapitel , und nur fünf von ihnen haben mit Handel zu tun . Die anderen 24 Kapiteln entweder fesseln unsere heimischen Regierungen , die Begrenzung der Lebensmittelsicherheit , Umwelt- Standards , Regulierung der Finanzmärkte, Energie-und Klimapolitik , oder die Schaffung neuer Befugnisse für die Unternehmen. "
Dies ist ein Ansturmabschrift . Kopieren kann nicht in seiner endgültigen Form vorliegen.
Von Juan Gonzalez : Präsident Obama in dieser Woche angekündigt , dass die US-Regierung würde seine bevorstehende Abschaltung Vier-Länder- Reise nach Asien zu verzögern , aber dass die Verhandlungen über ein umstrittenes neues Handelsabkommen er hofft, bis Ende des Jahres unterzeichnen wird weiter voranschreiten . Obama nannte die Philippinen Präsident Dienstag Abend zu sagen, er würde seinem Besuch verpassen , und ein Sprecher teilte die Nachrichten mit Reportern am Donnerstag.
RICKY Carandang : Secretary Kerry ... er wird an Stelle von Präsident Obama zu gehen. Präsident Obama persönlich rief Präsident Aquino ihm zu sagen, ihm zu erklären, warum er es nicht machen den Besuch .
Juan Gonzalez: John Kerry wird an Asia- Pacific Economic Cooperation Treffen nächste Woche in Indonesien, wo er werde für den Abschluss eines umfassenden neuen Handelsabkommen namens Trans - Pacific Partnership , dem größten internationalen Handelsabkommen seit der Erschaffung der Welt schieben Trade Organization im Jahr 1995. Die Verwaltung hofft, dass die Maßnahme durch den Kongress passieren bis zum Ende des Jahres mit seiner Fast Track Behörde Gesetzgeber zu einer hoch-oder -down vote begrenzen.
Amy Goodman: Das TPP wird häufig von Kritikern bezeichnet als " NAFTA auf Steroiden " und würde zur Gründung einer Freihandelszone , die von Vietnam bis Chile strecken würde , umfassen 800 Millionen Menschen etwa ein Drittel des Welthandels und fast 40 Prozent der weltweiten Wirtschaft. Während der Text des Vertrages wurde weitgehend hinter verschlossenen Türen ausgehandelt , mehr als 600 Unternehmens- Berater angeblich Zugang zu der Maßnahme , einschließlich der Mitarbeiter von Halliburton und Monsanto .
Nun, für mehr , wir sind von Lori Wallach , Direktorin Public Citizen Global Trade Watch beigetreten .
Lori , willkommen zurück bei Democracy Now ! Genau erklären, was das TPP ist .
LORI WALLACH : Nun, eines der wichtigsten Dinge zu verstehen, ist es nicht wirklich in erster Linie um den Handel . Ich denke, der Weg, um es als Corporate Trojanisches Pferd denken. Der Vertrag hat 29 Kapitel , und nur fünf von ihnen haben mit Handel zu tun . Die anderen 24 Kapiteln entweder fesseln unsere heimischen Regierungen , die Begrenzung der Lebensmittelsicherheit , Umwelt- Standards , Regulierung der Finanzmärkte, Energie-und Klimapolitik , oder die Schaffung neuer Befugnisse für Unternehmen .
Zum Beispiel gibt es die gleichen Privilegien, die Anleger Job Offshoring zu Ländern mit niedrigerem Lohnniveau zu fördern. Es gibt ein Verbot Buy Local Beschaffung, so dass Unternehmen das Recht, Beschaffung, im Grunde nehmen unsere Steuergelder und investieren statt sie in unsere lokale Wirtschaft und schickt sie offshore zu tun haben. Es gibt neue Rechte , zum Beispiel, haben die Freiheit zu anderen Ländern geben und nehmen natürlichen Ressourcen , das Recht für den Bergbau, ein Recht für Öl, Gas, ohne Genehmigung .
Und dann gibt es eine ganze Reihe von sehr besorgniserregend Fragen im Zusammenhang mit Internet-Freiheit . Durch Art der Hintertür des Urheberrechts Kapitel TPP ist eine ganze Batzen SOPA , dem Stop Online Privacy Act , dass Aktivismus im ganzen Land erfolgreich entgleist vor einem Jahr. Denken Sie an all die Dinge, die wirklich hart sein würde , um in Kraft als Unternehmen in der Öffentlichkeit zu bekommen, abgelehnt viele von ihnen hier und in den anderen 11 Ländern , und das ist , was in der TPP gebündelt . Und jedes Land benötigt, um ihre Gesetze im Inland zu ändern , diese Regeln zu erfüllen. Die Bindung Bestimmung ist , jedes Land muss die Übereinstimmung der innerstaatlichen Gesetze , Vorschriften und Verfahren zu gewährleisten.
Nun, das ist der einzige Grund, warum ich weiß, dass Level of Detail , weil ein paar Texte durchgesickert , und ich verfolge die Verhandlungen und Grillen Unterhändler aus anderen Ländern zu versuchen, zwischen den Zeilen , was die Hölle los ist zu finden , andernfalls völlig geheim .
Von Juan Gonzalez : Nun, Lori , über diese Geheimhaltung , auch Mitglieder des Kongresses wurden stark in dem, was sie lernen können, beschränkt , und das ist erst nach den Enthüllungen über die totale Geheimhaltung , dass dieser ganze Prozess begann mit . Können Sie über das, was die Mitglieder des Kongresses sind erlaubt zu wissen, und wie reden?
LORI WALLACH : Nun, was ist wirklich wichtig für die Menschen zu wissen , und dies wird zu dem, was Sie begann mit über Fast Track . Der Kongress hat exklusiv verfassungsmäßigen Autorität über den Handel . Es ist eine Art, wie der Boston Tea Party Kater. Nach einem König nur schreiben Tarife , in diesem Fall auf Tee, sagte der Gründer : "Wir müssen alle Dinge über Handel, internationalen Handel , in den Händen des Kongresses, die diffuse Teil der Darstellung gewählt , nicht die Exekutive stellen , der König . " So Congress hat diese ganze Gewalt . Sie sollen ausschließlich in der Steuerung. Aber bis Juni dieses Jahres wurden sie nicht einmal erlaubt, den Entwurf zu sehen.
Und es war erst nach einer großen , viel Aufhebens up wurde von vielen Mitgliedern -150 von ihnen trat schrieb im vergangenen Jahr , dass endlich - Mitglieder des Kongresses , auf Anfrage für das jeweilige Kapitel , kann eine Regierung Regierungsbeamter bringen sie ein Kapitel . Ihr Personal wird aus dem Raum geworfen . Sie können nicht detaillierte Notizen . Sie sind eigentlich nicht über das, was sie sahen, zu sprechen. Und sie können, ohne Mitarbeiter zu helfen, herauszufinden, was die technische Sprache ist , in einem Kapitel zu suchen. Dies steht im Gegensatz zu, sagen wir , auch , was die Bush-Regierung tat. Das letzte Mal hatten wir eine dieser Mega- NAFTA Expansion Versuche war die Free Trade Area of the Americas. Und in diesem Fall , im Jahr 2001 wurde die gesamte Entwurf der Öffentlichkeit durch die US-Regierung auf den offiziellen Websites der Regierung veröffentlicht. Also, das ist außergewöhnlich Geheimhaltung , und die Mitglieder des Kongresses sollen nicht jemand sagen, was sie gelesen haben . So , zum Beispiel, Sie wissen, Alan Grayson, der als einer der Jungs, die den Text frei zu bekommen half war, sagte Alan Grayson, "Ich kann Ihnen sagen, es ist sehr schlecht für die Zukunft Amerikas . Ich kann Ihnen nicht sagen, warum. " Das ist obszön.
Dies würde umschreiben weite Teile unserer Gesetze . Und wieder ist es in erster Linie nicht um den Handel . Also, wenn wir diese Vereinbarung in Kraft zu haben, zum Beispiel , würde es einen großen Schub für Glencore sein . Jetzt würden Sie sagen: "Warum Fracking ? " Weil es uns nicht erlauben, auf Verbote für flüssiges Erdgas -Exporte haben . Oder, wenn dies in der Tat konnten wir nicht gewährleisten, die Sicherheit der Lebensmittel, die wir unsere Familien zu ernähren . Wir importieren müssen , zum Beispiel, Fisch und Garnelen , die wir kennen , aus der begrenzten Kontrolle das erledigt ist, ist extrem gefährlich aus bestimmten Arten von Teichen wachsen , die kontaminiert sind , etc., einige der TPP Ländern. Oder , zum Beispiel, würde einige der finanziellen Reformen , wo die Bankster endlich geregelt wurden rückgängig gemacht werden. All dies , und es wäre privat durchsetzbar bestimmter ausländischer Konzerne.
Amy Goodman: Lassen Sie mich Ihnen über eine Gesetzesvorlage, die es nicht geschafft haben durch den Kongress , aber die Frage ist , wird es in TPP eingebaut ? Und das ist SOPA , dem Stop Online Piracy Act . Zunächst erklären, was es ist , und darüber reden, wo es passt hier rein.
LORI WALLACH : So, das war der Stop Online Piracy Act ein Fahrzeug grundsätzlich zum Mitnehmen einige unserer Rechte im Internet. Es wäre strafbar , was sie unbeabsichtigte , kleine , nicht- kommerzielle Kopieren rufen haben . Und das Beispiel wäre zum Beispiel Juan , ich hatte über zum Abendessen . Sie mochte das Rezept, das ich hatte . Ich war zufällig gemacht es für $ 2 I für es hat sich gelohnt ein kostenpflichtiger Website haben . Und Sie haben gesagt , " Lori , können Sie mich senden, dass Rezept? " Und, natürlich , sagte ich, "Ja", und ich schickte es Ihnen. Das ist offiziell eine Urheberrechtsverletzung . Ich würde sagen , " Du musst gehen zahlen $ 2 und steigen Sie es selbst, Juan. " Aber in der Tat , es ist kleine . Ich wollte ihn nicht verkaufen . Es ist nicht kommerziell. Ich wusste nicht senden Sie es an eine Menge Leute .
Diese Art von Aktivität , unter SOPA , sowie eine beliebige Anzahl von Dingen, die wir tun, die ganze Zeit - eine Kopie zu machen , oder wie ein Puffer Kopie , dass unsere Computer machen würde , um ein Video zu suchen, oder bricht einen digitalen Lock- zum Beispiel, wenn wir Software gekauft, aber wir wollten es auf Linux laufen - all diese Dinge würde als kriminelle Aktivitäten werden. Wir würden Gesicht enorme Bußgelder und unsere Träger - Google, etc. - müssten uns ausziehen des Dienstes, um uns schwarz vor Augen . Also , eine riesige Grenze für die Freiheit des Internets .
Das ganze Durcheinander wurde im Kongress in einem wunderbaren Bürger Aufstand besiegt. Ein Stück , dass nun in der Copyright- Kapitel des SOPA - TPP stecken . So nennen sie TPP " Sohn von SOPA . " In vielen Ländern rund um den TPP Region haben die Bürger gekämpft, um gute Gesetze , die tatsächlich darauf zugreifen und erlauben nicht , dass die Art der Kontrolle haben . So, das ist ein Stück . Um Ihnen eine Vorstellung davon, wie vielfältig die Probleme sind , das ist ein Stück von dem, was da drin ist .
Nun , die Sache mit dem Fast Track Sie erwähnt haben, ist Fast Track nicht in Kraft ist. Fast Track ist ein außergewöhnliches Delegation des Kongresses der Autorität . Also, wenn wir nicht wollen, unsichere Lebensmittel , Offshore-Arbeitsplätze , SOPA , SOPA , SOPA , Grenzen für die Freiheit des Internets , die Bankster gettings Rollback in Deregulierung , müssen wir sicherstellen , dass der Kongress tatsächlich behält seine verfassungsmäßige Autorität , um sicherzustellen, dass vor diesem Vereinbarung unterzeichnet werden kann , ist es eigentlich für uns arbeitet . Fast Track ist eine Delegation von Befugnissen . Präsident Obama hat darum gebeten , aber es geschieht nur , wenn der Kongress gibt es ihm .
Juan Gonzalez: Und , Lori , was ist schon der Obama-Regierung die Position auf diesen Verhandlungen in Bezug auf Tabak ? Können Sie darüber sprechen konkret?
LORI WALLACH : Nun, der ganze Ansatz der Obama-Administration hat wirklich , ich weiß es nicht, eine Kombination aus herzzerreißend und ärgerlich , denn wenn er ein Kandidat war , versprach Präsident Obama , er würde die NAFTA Modell zu ersetzen , und statt sie ' ve verdoppelt sich .
Also der Tabak Frage ist eine von denen, die die grausamsten ist . So umfasst das TPP die sehr umstrittene Investor-Staat- System, das individuelle Unternehmen direkt verklagen Regierungen , nicht in unseren Gerichten ermöglicht , aber in außergerichtlichen Tribunalen wo drei Corporate Anwälte fungieren als " Richter ", und diese Jungs zwischen Sein der Richter und drehen wobei die Jungs verklagt die Regierung für das Unternehmen . Sie sind befugt, Schäden unbegrenzt Geld von uns, die Steuerzahler geben , um diese Unternehmen für jede Regierung eine regulatorische Wirkung - Problem , Umwelt, Gesundheit , Sicherheit - , dass der Anleger die erwarteten künftigen Gewinne untergräbt . Nach diesem System haben große Tabakfirmen angegriffen Gesundheitsvorschriften . Und berühmt - berüchtigt - diese Art von Investor-Staat- Fällen haben Milliarden von Dollar gewonnen und wichtige Gesetze untergraben . So hat Philip Morris diese verwendet werden, um Australien , einer der TPP Landes plain- Verpackung -of- Zigarette Gesetze anzugreifen. So sind viele der TPP Ländern sehr besorgt, dass sie im Grunde würde von der Möglichkeit, für die Gesundheit um Tabak zu regulieren gefesselt werden. Also, die USA ursprünglich wollte eine Ausnahme bieten . Big Tabak kam und im Grunde den Tag gewonnen . Die US weggezogen , was ein Medium Ausnahme , in etwas, das wirklich schlimmer als nichts ist gestellt , und dann Malaysia kam und tatsächlich bot eine echte Ausnahme , welche die USA , wie die US - gerade gegenüber liegt gegnerischen eine Ausnahme von finanziellen Regelungen zur Aufrechterhaltung aufsichtsrechtlichen Gründen , genau wie die USA gegenüber einer echten Ausnahme jener Investor Gerichte in Bezug auf Gesundheit und Umwelt . Es ist unglaublich deprimierend.
Die einzige gute Nachricht ist ein Bündel von den anderen Ländern haben im Grunde sagte: " Basta ! Wir werden nicht zurück zu rollen diese Dinge . " Also der Grund, es ist nicht ein Deal ist, weil viele der anderen Länder stehen werden bis zum schlimmsten dieser US-amerikanischen Corporate -inspirierten Anforderungen . Sie können die ganze Laien dies bei ExposeTheTPP , www.exposethetpp . Es gibt Merkblätter über jede der Möglichkeiten , jeder Aspekt Ihres Lebens die TPP beeinträchtigen könnten . Und wenn Sie einen Abstecher in die Unkräuter und haben lange Papiere zu erklären und / oder Informationen aus anderen Ländern möchten, können Sie gehen . Das ist . Zwischen diesen beiden Arten von Informationen , werden Sie sehen, es gibt fast kein Teil Ihres Lebens oder die Dinge, die Ihnen wichtig sind , dass diese Vereinbarung nicht zu untergraben. Und wieder ist der Handel am wenigsten davon.
Amy Goodman: Lori Wallach, möchten wir Sie sehr herzlich dafür, dass Sie mit uns . Lori Wallach ist Direktor von Public Citizen Global Trade Watch . Wenn wir zurückkommen , ist Präsident Obama über einen neuen Meilenstein getroffen : zwei Millionen Menschen deportiert unter seiner Verwaltung . Wir werden darüber reden. Bleiben Sie mit uns .

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Only the CEOs Know -- Obama Pushes Secretive TPP Trade Pact

The Absurd Times

Only the CEOs Know -- Obama Pushes Secretive TPP Trade Pact

Whatever you think, they at least were not part of the locked-in one party with two wings system.

          Here is another item not covered in corporate media for reason that will become very clear below.  The TTP Trade ‘Pact” is in fact NAFTA on steroids, although that does not begin to touch the surface.  Alan Greyson (yes, he is back in congress after that nut-job who replaced him turned into a lunatic so obvious that ever the voters of Florida kicked him out) pointed out that the American public would be a mad as hell if they knew the details of the deal, but he was not allowed to talk about them for “national Security” reasons.  Most Representatives and Senators actually have no idea as to what is in the ‘pact,’ but are expected to pass it nonetheless.

          Some may remember Ross Perot and his third party candidacy for the Presidency during the Bush-Clinton campaign.  He began with a strong 20% support and condemned Nafta, saying that “you’ll hear a giant suckin’ sound of jobs going South”.  The corporate media tried to make this sound insane, but the people still listened to him.  During the debates, he made both Clinton and Bush Jr. look inferior, but most agree that Bush Jr. looked pathetic and Clinton merely quasi-populist.  Eventually, he seemed to paved a way for an established third party, and so a number of things we really didn’t learn about started ‘happening’ to him, he started to make protests that sounded paranoid, and he eventually dropped out, but still remained on the ballot.

          Well, eventually we saw that his predictions were entirely correct, at least with respect to NAFTA.  The only other member of his party, and not directly aligned with it, was Jessie Ventura who first became a mayor and then Governor on Minnesota.  By all accounts, he was a popular and effective, honest and fair, governor.  He then abandoned the political process.   He has since written a book that lists 63 key reasons why you should know that JFK was assassinated, and some of the details were suppressed for years – not officially, but by consent.  Nicholas Katzenbach, for example, who acted in Bobby Kennedy’s stead immediately after the assassination issued a memo to Johnson prescribing that the Warren Commission come to the conclusion that Oswald acted alone and was the assassin.  Everybody know this is false today, but that such a fabrication was prescribed is outlandish, but what is now par for the course.

          He will now be running for President if he can get Howard Stern to run as Vice-President as a fund-raising ploy.  Since Stern is not subject to federal law concerning broadcasting standards as he is on satellite, he could raise funds, enough to support a successful campaign, and leave Ventura not subject to the pressures of any special interest Pacs, such as the banking lobby or AIPAC.  Whether he would be a better President or not is not the issue here.  First of all, he would be relatively free of assassination plans by the military-intelligence-corporate complex as they would rather put up with anything than have Howard Stern as President.  Such a thought is extremely frightening to just about anybody.

          Anyway, on the new proposed treaty: while the House and Senate do not have input or knowledge of it, a committee of 100 corporate CEOs does.  This is as about as close an example of fascism as I can imagine.  An unarmed woman driving a respectable car with a one year old daughter was shot in Washington D.C. and presumably she wanted access to Obama to complain about his surveillance of her 24/7.  The only thing we found strange about her complaint is that she felt special as all of us are subject to the same surveillance, another example of fascism. 

          Well, here is an interview about this treaty conducted in such a way as to stick to that one topic while we see too many related issues:

Friday, October 4, 2013

"A Corporate Trojan Horse": Obama Pushes Secretive TPP Trade Pact, Would Rewrite Swath of U.S. Laws

As the federal government shutdown continues, Secretary of State John Kerry heads to Asia for secret talks on a sweeping new trade deal, the Trans-Pacific Partnership. The TPP is often referred to by critics as "NAFTA on steroids," and would establish a free trade zone that would stretch from Vietnam to Chile, encompassing 800 million people — about a third of world trade and nearly 40 percent of the global economy. While the text of the treaty has been largely negotiated behind closed doors and, until June, kept secret from Congress, more than 600 corporate advisers reportedly have access to the measure, including employees of Halliburton and Monsanto. "This is not mainly about trade," says Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. "It is a corporate Trojan horse. The agreement has 29 chapters, and only five of them have to do with trade. The other 24 chapters either handcuff our domestic governments, limiting food safety, environmental standards, financial regulation, energy and climate policy, or establishing new powers for corporations."


This is a rush transcript. Copy may not be in its final form.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: President Obama announced this week that the U.S. government shutdown would delay his upcoming four-country trip to Asia, but that negotiations on a controversial new trade agreement he hopes to sign by the end of the year will continue to move forward. Obama called the Philippines president Tuesday night to say he would miss his visit, and a spokesperson shared the news with reporters Thursday.

RICKY CARANDANG: Secretary Kerry ... he will go in place of President Obama. President Obama personally called President Aquino to tell him—to explain to him why he could not make the visit.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: John Kerry will attend Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings next week in Indonesia, where he’ll push for the completion of a sweeping new trade deal called the Trans-Pacific Partnership, the largest international trade deal since the creation of the World Trade Organization in 1995. The administration hopes to pass the measure through Congress by the end of the year using its Fast Track authority to limit lawmakers to an up-or-down vote.

AMY GOODMAN: The TPP is often referred to by critics as "NAFTA on steroids" and would establishing a free trade zone that would stretch from Vietnam to Chile, encompass 800 million people—about a third of world trade and nearly 40 percent of the global economy. While the text of the treaty has been largely negotiated behind closed doors, more than 600 corporate advisers reportedly have access to the measure, including employees of Halliburton and Monsanto.

Well, for more, we’re joined by Lori Wallach, director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch.

Lori, welcome back to Democracy Now! Just explain what the TPP is.

LORI WALLACH: Well, one of the most important things to understand is it’s not really mainly about trade. I guess the way to think about it is as a corporate Trojan horse. The agreement has 29 chapters, and only five of them have to do with trade. The other 24 chapters either handcuff our domestic governments, limiting food safety, environmental standards, financial regulation, energy and climate policy, or establishing new powers for corporations.

For instance, there are the same investor privileges that promote job offshoring to lower-wage countries. There is a ban on Buy Local procurement, so that corporations have a right to do sourcing, basically taking our tax dollars, and instead of investing them in our local economy, sending them offshore. There are new rights to, for instance, have freedom to enter other countries and take natural resources, a right for mining, a right for oil, gas, without approval.

And then there’s a whole set of very worrisome issues relating to Internet freedom. Through sort of the backdoor of the copyright chapter of TPP is a whole chunk of SOPA, the Stop Online Privacy Act, that activism around the country successfully derailed a year ago. Think about all the things that would be really hard to get into effect as a corporation in public, a lot of them rejected here and in the other 11 countries, and that is what’s bundled in to the TPP. And every country would be required to change its laws domestically to meet these rules. The binding provision is, each country shall ensure the conformity of domestic laws, regulations and procedures.

Now, the only reason I know that level of detail is because a few texts have leaked, and I have been following the negotiations and grilling negotiators from other countries to try and find between the lines what the hell is going on; otherwise, totally secret.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: Well, Lori, about that secrecy, even members of Congress have been severely limited in what they can learn, and that’s only after the revelations about the total secrecy that this whole process began with. Could you talk about what members of Congress are allowed to know and how?

LORI WALLACH: Well, what’s really important for people to know—and this gets to what you started out with about Fast Track. Congress has exclusive constitutional authority over trade. It’s kind of like the Boston Tea Party hangover. After having a king just impose tariffs, in that case on tea, the founders said, "We need to put all things about trade, international commerce, in the hands of Congress, the most diffuse part of the elected representation, not the executive, the king." So Congress has all this authority. They’re supposed to be exclusively in control. But until this June, they were not even allowed to see the draft text.

And it was only after a big, great fuss was kicked up by a lot of members—150 of them wrote last year—that finally members of Congress, upon request for the particular chapter, can have a government administration official bring them a chapter. Their staff is thrown out of the room. They can’t take detailed notes. They’re not supposed to talk about what they saw. And they can, without staff to help them figure out what the technical language is, look at a chapter. This is in contrast to, say, even what the Bush administration did. The last time we had one of these mega-NAFTA expansion attempts was the Free Trade Area of the Americas. And in that instance, in 2001, that whole draft text was released to the public by the U.S. government on the official government websites. So, this is extraordinary secrecy, and members of Congress aren’t supposed to tell anyone what they’ve read. So, for instance, you know, Alan Grayson, who was one of the guys who helped to get the text released, Alan Grayson said, "I can tell you it’s very bad for the future of America. I just can’t tell you why." That’s obscene.

This would rewrite wide swaths of our laws. And again, it’s mainly not about trade. So, if we have this agreement in effect, for instance, it would be a big push for fracking. Now you would say, "Why fracking?" Because it doesn’t allow us to have bans on liquid natural gas exports. Or, if this were in effect, we couldn’t ensure the safety of the food we feed our families. We have to import, for instance, fish and shrimp that we know, from the limited inspection that’s done, is extremely dangerous from certain kinds of growing ponds that are contaminated, etc., in some of the TPP countries. Or, for instance, some of the financial reforms where the banksters were finally regulated would be rolled back. All of this, and it would be privately enforceable by certain foreign corporations.

AMY GOODMAN: Let me ask you about a bill that didn’t make it through Congress, but the question is, is it incorporated into TPP? And that’s SOPA, the Stop Online Piracy Act. First explain what it is, and talk about where it fits in here.

LORI WALLACH: So, the Stop Online Piracy Act was a vehicle basically to take away some of our rights on the Internet. It would have criminalized what they call inadvertent, small-scale, non-commercial copying. And the example would be, for instance, Juan, I had you over to dinner. You liked the recipe I had. I happened to have taken it for $2 I paid for it off of a paid website. And you said, "Lori, can you send me that recipe?" And, of course, I said, "Yeah," and I sent it to you. That is officially a copyright violation. I should say, "You have to go pay $2 and get it yourself, Juan." But, in fact, it’s small-scale. I didn’t sell it. It’s not commercial. I didn’t send it to a lot of people.

That kind of activity, under SOPA, as well as any number of things we do all the time—making a copy, or like a buffer copy that our computer would make to look at a video, or breaking a digital lock—for instance, if we bought software, but we wanted to run it on Linux—all of those things would be considered criminal activities. We’d face huge fines, and our carriers—Google, etc.—would have to take us off of service, to black us out. So, a huge limit on Internet freedom.

That whole mess was defeated in Congress in a wonderful citizen uprising. A chunk of that is now stuck in the copyright chapter of SOPA—of TPP. So, they call TPP "son of SOPA." In a lot of countries around the TPP region, citizens have fought to have good laws that actually provide them access and don’t allow that kind of control. So, that is a chunk. To give you an idea of how varied the problems are, that’s a chunk of what is in there.

Now, the thing about that Fast Track you mentioned, Fast Track is not in effect. Fast Track is an extraordinary delegation of Congress’s authority. So if we don’t want unsafe food, offshore jobs, SOPA, SOPA, SOPA, limits on Internet freedom, the banksters gettings rolled back into deregulation, we have to make sure that Congress actually maintains its constitutional authority to make sure that before this agreement can be signed, it actually works for us. Fast Track is a delegation of authority. President Obama has asked for it, but it only happens if Congress gives it to him.

JUAN GONZÁLEZ: And, Lori, what’s been the Obama administration’s position on these negotiations in terms of tobacco? Could you talk about that specifically?

LORI WALLACH: Well, the whole approach of the Obama administration has really been, I don’t know, some combination of heartbreaking and infuriating, because when he was a candidate, President Obama promised he would replace the NAFTA model, and instead they’ve doubled down.

So the tobacco issue is one of those that’s the most gruesome. So, the TPP includes the very controversial investor-state system, which empowers individual corporations to directly sue governments—not in our courts, but in extrajudicial tribunals where three corporate attorneys act as "judges," and these guys rotate between being the judge and being the guys suing the government for the corporation. They’re empowered to give unlimited cash damages from us, the taxpayers, to these corporations for any government action—a regulatory issue, environment, health, safety—that undermines the investor’s expected future profits. Under that system, big tobacco companies have been attacking health regulations. And famously—infamously—these kinds of investor-state cases have extracted billions of dollars and undermined important laws. So, Philip Morris has used this to attack Australia, one of the TPP country’s plain-packaging-of-cigarette laws. So, a lot of the TPP countries are very worried that they would be basically handcuffed from being able to regulate for health around tobacco. So, the U.S. originally was going to offer an exception. Big tobacco came in and basically won the day. The U.S. pulled away what was a medium exception, put in something that’s really worse than nothing, and then Malaysia came in and actually offered a real exception, which the U.S. is opposing—just like the U.S. is opposing an exception to maintain financial regulations for prudential reasons, just like the U.S. is opposing a real exception to those investor tribunals with respect to health and the environment. It’s incredibly depressing.

The only good news is a bunch of the other countries have basically said, "Basta! We are not going to roll back these things." So the reason there isn’t a deal is because a lot of the other countries are standing up to the worst of these U.S. corporate-inspired demands. You can see the whole lay of this at ExposeTheTPP, www.exposethetpp. There are fact sheets on each of the ways, each aspect of your life the TPP could affect. And if you want to get down into the weeds and have long papers explaining and/or information from other countries, you can go to That’s Between those two sets of information, you’ll see there’s almost no part of your life or the things you care about that this agreement couldn’t undermine. And again, trade is the least of it.

AMY GOODMAN: Lori Wallach, we want to thank you very much for being with us. Lori Wallach is director of Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch. When we come back, President Obama is about to hit a new milestone: two million people deported under his administration. We’ll talk about it. Stay with us.

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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

The General's Son -- Author's Introduction

Tear Down the Wall…

Category Archives: THE GENERAL’S SON by Miko Peled

Interview on BFM radio during my visit to Malaysia

My Speech for Palestine Awareness Week at SDSU.

I want to begin by thanking the members of AIPAC the Jewish Zionist community who are here tonight. I am glad that they decided to set aside time to express solidarity with the people of Palestine. I know that you will listen to the tapes and view the recordings of my remarks tonight and you will study them well and hopefully you will realize that you are supporting evil. You see, I too came from a deeply Zionist background, far more Zionist and Jewish than most of you here tonight. My grandfather was a signer on the Israeli declaration of independence, and my father, a general, one of the giants who planned and executed Israel’s most definitive military victories, namely 1948 and 1967. So I know what you were taught and I know what you think. But its time to sweep away the Zionist myths and uncover the truth so that we may all finally live in peace. The myths I will address tonight are the three most common myths:
1. The myth of 1948.
2. The myth of the existential threat of 1967.
3. The myth of the Jewish democracy.
I want to read to you a passage from my upcoming book The General’s Son, and I quote: (Growing up we were taught to believe that the Arabs had left Eretz Israel partly on their own and partially at the directive of their so called leaders, and that therefore taking their land and homes was morally OK. It never occurred to us that even if they did leave willingly, we had no right to prohibit their return. But then Israeli historians had found that what Palestinians have been saying for decades was true.) end quote. In other words when Palestinians claim something is true we doubt it but when Israelis claim it themselves, well now that is a different story. So Israeli historians found that Israel and Palestine the exact same place. But when Israel was created it was created on the ruins of Palestine.

Now, although Palestine was not a state yet, it would have become one had it not been so thoroughly destroyed. Palestine had bustling cities where commerce and trade were taking place, they had a middle class, they had judges and scholars and a rich political life and indeed they had culture and a unique identity that set them apart from the rest of the Arab world. What the Palestinians did not have, the one thing in which they did not invest was a military. And while they constituted the vast majority of the population, when the Jewish militias attacked, they were helpless.

The Jewish community in Palestine at the time was small, numbering less than half a million people but it had developed its own state like institutions separate from those of the Palestinians. Based on the principle of Hafrada, or segregation, they had developed their own schools, a nationalized health care system, a quasi government and a strong, well trained militia with young men like my father who were dedicated to creating a Jewish state in Palestine disregarding the existence of the vast majority of the population who were, Palestinians.

In 1948 the Jewish militia became the Israeli army but between the end of 1947 and the beginning of 1949 they destroyed close to 500 towns and villages and exiled close to 800,000 Palestinians who to this day are not permitted to return. So, it turns out that the creation of Israel had not, after all, been a haphazard fight in which the Arabs fled their homes due to the directives of their own leaders. It had been a systematic campaign of ethnic cleansing by the Jewish militia involving massacres, terrorism, and the wholesale looting of an entire nation.

My mother remembers the homes of the Palestinians who were forced to leave West Jerusalem. She herself was offered one of those beautiful spacious homes but refused. She could not bear the thought of living in the home of a family that was forced out and now lives in a refugee camp. She said the coffee was still warm on the tables as the soldiers came in and began the looting. She remembers the truckloads of loot, taken by the Israeli soldiers from these homes.

Once the state was established, Israel had worked tirelessly to efface the remnants of prior Palestinian existence by demolishing towns and villages and historic sites including an estimated two thousand mosques. I recall the Israeli TV series Tkuma or “Rebirth,” (an outstanding series that describes the rebirth of the Jewish people and the establishment of the Jewish state. In one interview a veteran brigade commander of 1948 was asked if it was true that the Jewish forces burned down Arab villages. He looked up slowly into the camera and said: “Like bonfires,” he replied, they burnt like bonfires.)

After the war was over, the Palestinians who remained within the newly created Jewish state were forced to become citizens of a state that forced itself upon them and they were designated as “The Arabs of Israel” a designation that denies them a national identity and rights. They are Arabs in a Jewish state and they are citizens of a state that is despised by all its neighbors.

Another widely accepted Zionist myth is that in 1967 Israel had to defend itself against an existential threat as invading Arab armies were about to wipe it off the face of the earth. And it just so happened that miraculously the Israelis won and conquered lands to the north, east and south defeating three massive armies. Well, setting aside the countless books that have been written in Hebrew, English and Arabic and documentaries that were filmed and disprove this myth, and clearly show that Israel attacked in order to conquer, as part of the research for my book, I sat for days at the Israeli army archives reading through the minutes of the meetings of the Israel army general staff. Here is another quote from my book: (In a stormy meeting of the IDF top brass and the Israeli cabinet that took place on the 2nd of June, 1967, my father General Matti Peled told the cabinet in no uncertain terms that the Egyptians needed at least a year and a half in order to be ready for a full scale war. His point was that the time to strike a devastating blow against the Egyptian army was now, not because of an existential threat but because the Egyptian army is NOT prepared for war. The other generals agreed. But the cabinet was hesitant. The cabinet members and Prime Minister and a tug-of-war of unimaginable proportions ensued. During that same stormy meeting my father said to the Prime Minister: “Nasser (Egyptian President Gamal Abdul Nasser) is advancing an ill prepared army because he is counting on the cabinet being hesitant. He is convinced that we will not strike. Your hesitation is working in his advantage.”) No mention of an existential threat but of an opportunity to assert Israeli strength. Years later this was confirmed by other Generals, including the butcher Ariel Sharon.

In the end the cabinet succumbed to the enormous pressure placed on them by the generals and approved a pre-emptive attack against Egypt, that began on June 5, 1967. Again I quote:(The surprise attack led to the total destruction of Egypt’s air force, the decimation of the Egyptian army, and the re-conquest of the Gaza Strip and the Sinai Peninsula in a matter of days. The Israeli army also knew the Syrian army was in shambles, and the Jordanians were no match to the IDF strength. After the campaign against Egypt went so smoothly, the generals, turned their attention to the West Bank and the Golan Heights, two regions Israel had coveted for many years. Both had strategic water resources and hills overlooking Israeli territory, and the West Bank contained the heartland of Biblical Israel, and the crown jewel, the Old city of Jerusalem. In six days it was all over. Arab casualties were estimated at 15,000, (15,000 dead in 6 days!) Israeli casualties 700, and the territory controlled by Israel had nearly tripled in size. Israel had in its possession not only land and resources it had wanted for a long time, but also the largest stockpiles of Russian-made arms outside of Russia. Israel had once again asserted itself as a major regional power.)

Now here is where something of immense proportion takes place: remember this was 46 years ago (At a meeting of the General Staff after the Six Day War, Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin was beaming with the glory of victory. But when the meeting was nearing its end, my father raised his hand. He was called on, and he spoke of the unique chance the victory offered—to solve the Palestinian problem once and for all. For the first time in Israel’s history, we were face to face with the Palestinians, without other Arabs between us. Now we had a chance to offer them a state of their own in the West Bank and Gaza. He claimed with certainty that holding on to the West Bank and the people who lived in it was contrary to Israel’s long-term strategy. Popular resistance to the occupation was sure to arise, and Israel’s army would be used to quell that resistance, with disastrous and demoralizing results. It would turn the Jewish state into an increasingly brutal occupying power and eventually into a bi-national state. This was nothing short of prophetic as today we live this exact reality. As he was saying this, the future leaders of the Intifada (the Palestinian uprising) were still lying in their cradles.)

His words were ignored, his claims brushed aside and instead, blinded by their newly gained access to places with mythical/biblical names like Hebron and Bethlehem, Shilo and Shcem Israeli leaders began a massive settlement project to settle Jews in the newly conquered land. A few years later my father called on Israel to negotiate with the PLO: The Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO). He claimed that Israel needed to talk with whoever represented the Palestinian people, the people with whom we shared this land. He believed only peace with the Palestinians could ensure our continued existence as a state that was both Jewish and democratic.)  Now, all these years later people talk of creating a Palestinian state in the WB but that option no longer exists.

The myth of Israel being a democracy is still being perpetuated even in light of overwhelming evidence to the contrary. While Jewish Israelis over there and AIPAC over here like to think they are the only rightful citizens of their land and will argue that they live in a democracy, this is far from being true. Israel has been in control of the West Bank for over four decades and had built and invested heavily in the West Bank. But Palestinians who make up the vast majority of the population in the West Bank are excluded from any of it. In other words, 100% of the construction in the West Bank was done to bring Jews into the WB and exclude the close to 3 million Palestinians whose land this belongs to in the first place. 3 million Palestinians are left out, disenfranchised even as they see their lands taken, their homes destroyed and roads, malls, schools and gated communities being built for Jews only with no access to them or their families. Some democracy.

And that is not the worst of it. Water, the scarcest resource of all is controlled and distributed by the Israeli water authority, including the large amounts of water that exists within the WB. According to Betselem, the Israeli human rights organization the ground water from the Mountain Aquifer is a shared water source for Israeli and Palestinians. It is the largest and highest quality water source in the area, producing 600 million cubic meters (mcm) of water annually. Israel holds almost complete control of the aquifer and exploits 80 percent of the production for its needs, leaving the remainder for the Palestinians’ use. “The discriminatory and unfair division of shared water resources creates a chronic water shortage in the West Bank, and is liable to harm Palestinians’ health.” The World Health Organization recommends a minimal per capita daily consumption of 100 liters. The daily per capita consumption in Israel is 242 liters, the consumption in the West Bank is 73 liters per person. “In certain districts, consumption was as low as 37 liters (Tubas District), 44 (Jenin District), and 56 (Hebron District).” So  Palestinians have to buy their own water back from Israel, as Israel does not recognize Palestinian rights to the water that exists under Palestinian land. As absurd as it sounds Palestinian farmers are prohibited from digging wells on their own land. When seen as a per year distribution it is even more alarming. Israel distributes the water as follows: Per capita, Israeli Jews receive 300 cubic meters of water per year. Per capita Palestinians receive 85 cubic meters per year. (World Health Organization recommends 100 per year) Per capita, Jewish settlers in the WB are allocated 1500 cubic meters of water per year. In other words while Palestinians have barely enough to drink, Jewish settlers not 500 yards away have swimming pools and green lawns. So does anyone seriously think that this can go on forever? Democracy indeed. Now in light of the peoples uprising in the Middle East we can expect to see dictatorial regimes falling like dominos. Can we expect that 5 million Palestinians will continue to live under a regime, that is democratic for Jews but is a brutally oppressive one to Palestinians? There are close to 6 million Israel Jews and 5.5 million Palestinians sharing the same country under different laws.
My father who was a military giant but had also spent years fighting for justice for the Palestinian cause, was often asked about the question of Palestinian terrorism. I mention his reply in my book because it is classic: “Terrorism,” I recall him saying in an interview on Israeli television, “is a terrible thing. But the fact remains that when a small nation is ruled by a larger power, terror is the only means at their disposal. This has always been true, and I fear this will always be the case.”

My father’s predictions have all come true. The work of the Israel lobby in this country not withstanding, people around the world are beginning to realize that there are in fact two nations who live between the Jordan River and the Med sea and that the brutal regime under which Palestinians live is unacceptable.

And speaking of AIPAC, I remember seeing many of you, the mighty San Diego AIPAC bunch who are sitting here tonight, at the vigil that was held for the innocent victims murdered by Israel in Gaza. It was held a couple of months ago in Balboa Park. You were draped in the Israeli flag, singing and dancing as we who were there too, separated from you by a line of police and a sense of morality tried to recall the names of over 1400 dead, innocent civilians, police officers, children, women and men who were killed by the state of Israel in a matter of three weeks.

Those were three weeks of such death and destruction that one can hardly comprehend. I recall stories of the Israeli air force pilots who flew sortie after sortie, dumping hundreds of tons of bombs on Gaza, exposing a civilian population to unimaginable horror and then returning home to their families to celebrate the Jewish holiday of Hanukah, you see the attacks took place during Hanukah. Then these pilots, having enjoyed the celebration slept well in the comfort of their homes and their beds only to get up the next morning and do it again, and again, and again. I recall that during the vigil you who were draped in the Israeli flag held signs that told of the warning the Israeli army gave the people of Gaza prior to the attacks. They dropped thousands of leaflets to let the besieged people of Gaza know that this nightmare was about to begin. I can only imagine the mother who saw the warnings. Knowing that the death and destruction were pending and knowing also that there was no where to go, nowhere to take her children no where to hide them from the fire, the smoke, the chemicals and the phosphorous that melts the flesh and won’t be extinguished – no where to go because Israel had imposed a siege, a never ending lockdown on the people of Gaza. So for the Israeli air force pilots, young men who Israelis and Jewish Zionists everywhere consider their finest, this was nothing more than shooting fish in a barrel as they began their merciless onslaught at precisely 11:25 am on December 27, 2008. A date that will forever be etched in our memory as one of the darkest and most shameful days in the long history of the Jewish people. A day when the Jewish State committed horrendous shameful crimes by dropping hundreds of tons of bombes at the precise time that Gaza children were out on the street. Between 11 and 11:30 AM 800,000 children of Gaza are on their way to school or returning home from school, it is at this time that the two shifts of the school day change. That was the time chosen by the Israeli decision makers to begin the assault.

To emphasize the how criminal this is, I want to read to you the quote from Charles Glass a veteran writer and middle east reporter: In “The Tribes Triumphant” arguably the one of the best books ever written about the Middle East, journalist Charles Glass describes children in Gaza on their way to school in the morning. Everyone should read his book, by the way, and here is what he writes about children in Gaza: “ smocks of blue or grey little girls with white fringe collars, boys leading their younger brothers…with canvas bags of books on their backs, hair brushed back and faces scrubbed .. Thousands and thousands of children’s feet padding the dusty paths between their mother’s front doors and their schools…Gaza is a children’s land. …beautiful youngsters so innocent that they could laugh even in Gaza.” these are the people Israel attacked on that dark, dark December day. Those of you who are here because you support Israeli brutality will no doubt claim that Israeli had the right to act as it did because it was acting in self-defense. Self defense from kassam rockets fired by Hammas militants in Gaza. Thousands of rockets that were launched to kill innocent civilians in Israel.

I know a thing or two about kassam rockets. I was sitting with my children and relatives in a kibbutz, a stones throw from Gaza relaxing on a Saturday afternoon as the rockets began flying over us and the alarms went off. It was frightening. Just this last December a kassam rocket fell in the same kibbutz near the kindergarten, when children were present. The children were hurt. There were bloody scratches, shattered glass everywhere and several children were hospitalized in a state of shock. I saw the hole in the ground created by the rocket, the size of a large soccer ball. And then I remembered what a crater made by a one-ton bomb looks like. It is the size of a city block. Children do not suffer shock or scratches, they are decimated and burned and buried in the rubble and suffocated from the fumes. Now, multiply that by 100 and multiply that again and again and keep in mind that in Gaza population density is one of the highest in the world 10k per sq mile. Yet the Israeli lobby will justify this. Those among you who are Jewish will be familiar with the story in the book of Genesis, chapter 18, verses 23-26: God decides to destroy the city of Sodom and Abraham, the patriarch chastises him and says “wilt thou also destroy the righteous with the wicked, perhaps there be fifty righteous within the city” and God promises he will spare the city if he finds 50 righteous people. But in Israel today there is no Abraham, for as we know there are 800,000 children in Gaza and Israel did not spare them the horror. Hard to imagine.

I am often accused of being one sided and not mentioning Palestinians terrorism. Well this time I will: as my father said it decades ago, when a small nation is governed by a brutal larger power, some sort of violent resistance is to be expected. And the victims are always innocents.  As for my family’s brush with terrorism it was what drove us to learn more about the conflict and to reach out to our Palestinian neighbors: And the drive, the final push for me to reach out to Palestinians came as a result of a devastating tragedy:  I quote again from my book The General’s Son: Then, in the fall of 1997, disaster. My niece Smadar was killed by Palestinian suicide bombers. Hours later, there we were, driving along the road to the cemetery. Police escorted our procession on motorcycles, making way for vans carrying the devastated family members of another Jewish casualty. As we got out of the van, someone approached and asked me to carry the small coffin. My heart felt far heavier than the heartbreakingly slight weight on my shoulders. Israelis and Palestinians, family members and friends from across the political spectrum, famous leaders and ordinary people, came to give eulogies or express their sorrow at this unspeakable loss. Smadar was laid to rest near my father, her grandfather, in a small hilltop cemetery just outside of Jerusalem. To this day my sister Nurit cannot forgive herself for leaving her baby girl alone out in the cold, damp ground. But when she came out of her room to face the thousands of mourners she did not ask for retaliation. She did not beg for revenge. Instead she said this:  “No real mother would want such a terrible thing to happen to another mother.”

It seemed impossible to carry on. But my mother always said that life was stronger than death. And so we went on. But something had changed. I felt I had to do something and I knew that meeting and talking to Palestinians was the right thing to do. And so I did, and I began right here in San Diego where I was welcomed by the warm embrace of the local Palestinian community.

The experience of meeting Palestinian was comforting, liberating and heart wrenchingly difficult. It was comforting because I found that we were very similar, it was liberating because I found we are not doomed to be enemies forever and it was heart wrenching because I realized I did not have full possession of the truth – that is where you my AIPAC supporting friends are right now: you are not in full possession of the truth and I suggest you get over it and join me in what was so eloquently described by the great Clovis Maqsoud as The “Constituency of Conscience”.

I can only imagine that the whites in SA upon seeing the end of apartheid wanted so badly to hang on to their dying way of life, corrupt as it was. I can only imagine that white racists in the Southern states were doing the same as legalized racism and discrimination came to an end in this country. We see brutal tyrants everywhere these days, from Libya to the Gulf states do the same. Holding on even as they fall one by one.  Now Zionists and their supporters do the same, holding on to the notion that a racist regime can last, that injustice and horror can last that crimes against others who are different can go unpunished. But we are near the end. The Zionist dream of an ethnically, religiously homogenous state was shattered by the Zionists themselves with their insatiable hunger for land. In their own hands they created a bi national state, a state where half the population is not Jewish or Israeli but Palestinian Arab. True they have no rights, true also that they are not counted but that will change and sooner than you think.

Change will come because the non-violent resistance movement in towns and villages all over Palestine will prevail. In Beit-Umar, In Bil’in, in Nabi Saleh, in Silwan in Ni’ilin, in Shekh Jerrakh, in Maasara, dear friends Palestinians and Israelis who are committed to justice and democracy, organize non-violent marches every single week. And this is why we who believe in justice and democracy are optimistic. The people, grass roots Palestinian leaders who are dedicated and relentless.

In East Jerusalem, just outside the walled old city and not far from the Jewish Quarter, sits the neighborhood of Silwan with close to 50,000 residents. Israel wants to expel families from Silwan in order to build an archeological park that glorifies its Jewish past. They claim that king David built a city there some 3000 years ago and they hope to find the remnants of this city under the homes of the people of Silwan. Thousands of families may have to leave so that Israel can build a park to glorify a conquest that took place 3000 years ago, never mind that not a shred of scientific evidence exists that such a king ever lived, any more than there is evidence the world was created in 6 days. The past trumps the present in Israel – a state that wants to eliminate the existence of people who live on their land to solidify the myth of a glorious past.

But the Palestinians constantly and stubbornly interfere with the Zionist myth making and so the Palestinians, men, women, children and the elderly along with their schools and mosques, churches and ancient cemeteries and all evidence of their existence must be destroyed so that Zionist claims to exclusive rights to the land may be substantiated.
So, those of you who wish to associate yourself with Zionism and AIPAC and drape yourselves in the Zionist flag, the flag that has come to symbolize intolerance, hate, racism and brutality, feel free to do so. But know this: When the trials begin, when the tribunals take their seat, when the “truth and reconciliation” commission begins its work and when you are finally shamed into admitting that you are wrong, remember to go down on your knees and beg for forgiveness of the people you so blatantly wronged. You will not be able to claim that you “did not know” because we watched you dance as others were counting their dead. Remember and never forget that you and I and these witnesses were here today. Because I will not forget you, they will not forget you and worst of all, your conscience will not let you forget that you draped yourself in the flag, you supported the killing and you mocked the bereaved.

The rest of us will move on, and along with the rest of the Middle East we will follow the example of the brave people of Egypt to create what will surely be tremendous accomplishment: A democratic, secular state in our shared homeland, A state where Muslims Christians and Jews live as equals. A shared state, a secular democracy, where every vote counts and people raise their children to love their diverse homeland with its multitude of cultures, its rich history and its promising future. It is true that there is a misguided assumption that sharing the land means nations have to be enemies but that is not true. Israelis and Palestinian will join together in their shared homeland and form something that is greater than the sum of its parts. Thank you very much.


Spent a terrific weekend in DC, weather was perfect and… I Signed a book deal with Just Books Publishing. Expecting to have the book out in the spring.

With immigrant Zionist grandparents who came to reclaim the Jewish homeland and to build a state for their people, one of whom signed the Declaration of Independence (!), a father who was a war hero and a General who then decided to study Arabic, specialized in Arabic literature and paved the way to talks between Zionist Israelis and the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO).  Then a tragic death of a 12 year old niece.. after years of seclusion an irreversible plunge into the thick of the Israeli Palestinian issue, becoming an activist, speaker and writer to promote the creation of a new reality that will allow both people of our shared homeland to live together in… yes, P E A C E !.

In a nutshell, this is what the book is about.  I will have a few excerpts ready very soon.