Wednesday, September 08, 2010

It's the Stupid Economy

Illustration:  From Keith Tucker,

How the morons get the idea that ALL the Bush cuts should remain in place is beyond me.  I can see Republicans liking it as they are traditional supporters of the rich.  But these Teat Party nuts just don't get it -- nor do they make over $250,000/year.

I've been waiting awhile to make a few comments, but needed some sources.  True, I did post a series of essays on the economy by Nobel prize winners, the last was Paul Krugman, but all that was before things got even more absurd than they are now.

Daley announced that he will not run, so Rahm Israel Emmanuel is going, going, going!!!!  Let him go!  Let his people go!!

In his last speech Obama talked a good game about the Republicans.  He has been spineless against them so far, however.  We shall see.

Some Christian nut proposes Koran burning on 9/11.  Let him.  Then all hell will break out in the Mideast.  You know, I haven't heard any such hate speech from Atheists and Agnostics.  It takes a God in the sky to hide behind to be a bold bigot.

Here is the truth about the economy:

Robert Scheer, longtime journalist based in California. He is the editor of Truthdig and author of many books. His latest is The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street.

Rush Transcript

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AMY GOODMAN: As we continue our discussion on the state of the economy, we’re joined in Los Angeles by veteran journalist and editor Robert Scheer. His book is out today; it’s called The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street.

Bob, welcome to Democracy Now!


AMY GOODMAN: What is wrong with the economy today? And how did we get here?

ROBERT SCHEER: Well, you know, you say a longtime journalist. I worked for the Los Angeles Times as a national reporter, and I covered these hearings in Washington when the Clinton Administration in the '90s basically fulfilled the promise of the Reagan Revolution. Reagan was not able to reverse the sensible regulations of the New Deal of Franklin Delano Roosevelt designed to prevent us from getting into another depression. And those regulations of Glass-Steagall, which Feingold was against—was for keeping and against reversing, said that investment banks playing with supposedly rich people's money should not be allowed to merge with commercial banks that were using the deposits of people that were insured by the taxpayers and that these were different activities. And Reagan could never pull off that kind of deregulation. In fact, because of the savings and loan scandal at the end of his term, he actually had to sign off on increased financial regulation. But when Clinton came in, he brought in one of the big players on Wall Street, Robert Rubin, who has been head of Goldman Sachs, and basically turned to him and said, "You know, what do I need to do to get Wall Street on my side?" And they said, reverse what they considered to be onerous financial regulation. And Clinton delivered on that. He brought in Rubin then to be his Treasury secretary, who was followed by Lawrence Summers, who’s now the top economics adviser in the Obama White House.

And in addition to the Gramm bill that reversed Glass-Steagall, he did something even more significant for our current crisis. He—after Summers had pushed it through, Congress signed off on the Commodity Futures Modernization Act of 2000. He was already a lame duck president. It was in the closing weeks of his administration. And this is the source of our whole problem, really, in terms of the housing meltdown, because we had these suspect derivatives that sensible people in the administration, like Brooksley Born, had warned against. No one knew what these toxic investments all about, the bundling of mortgages, which is what encouraged all of the wild subprime and Alt-A financing, because they were then going to be packaged together, made into securities, and then backed by credit default swaps, and all of this stuff that really didn’t exist. It certainly didn’t exist in Adam Smith’s capitalism, but it didn’t really exist even in Ronald Reagan’s capitalism. This newfangled—these gimmicks that were developed and spiraled wildly out of control were made possible because of that Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which Clinton signed and which said in Titles III and IV, no existing government regulation, no existing government regulatory body, will be allowed to supervise these credit default swaps, these collateralized debt obligations that were there.

And as a result, we had this wild runup of irresponsible mortgage lending. The banks no longer did, as in the old days, worry about whether you could make your payments, whether there was value in the house, because they weren’t going to hold that mortgage for thirty years like in the old days. They were going to sell it, you know? And that wild runup of the market—I call it the Clinton bubble. I think his administration deserves or should be given the main responsibility. And that is at the source of our problem. And this has not gone away. This is why we’re threatened with a possible 'nother steep decline, or we're threatened with a decade of Japanese-type stagnation. And the reason is because we now, taxpayers, are holding, you know, trillions of dollars of this stuff, these toxic investments. And as a result, housing right now is in a terrible state of affairs. There are 11 million homeowners that are underwater. They owe more on their mortgages than their houses. That translates to about 50 million people living in houses that are now worth less than what they owe on them, and they’re tempted to walk away from them. That’s why we don’t have any consumer demand. And it’s not just the people who are in trouble with their own houses, which is a tragic enough story, but even if somebody’s made every payment, even if they own their home outright. If you foreclose a house or two in that neighborhood, it brings everyone else down.

And all this stuff that Obama has been talking about really does not meet the problem. And the basic problem is, instead of throwing money at Wall Street, which is what Bush did and what Obama continued to do, you should have had a moratorium on housing foreclosures. You should have said, "OK, Wall Street, we’ll help you, but you are now going to be forced, through bankruptcy courts, new rules we’re going to put in place, to adjust people’s mortgages so they can stay in their home." And all this malarkey about "We’ll do more infrastructure," you know, and so—they always do that. We’ll spend $50 billion on this—what he said in Wisconsin. What is that $50 billion? It’s chump change compared to, say, the $300 billion of toxic investments by one group, Robert Rubin’s bank, Citigroup. He went, after he left the administration, to be a top bigshot at Citigroup, made possible by the reversal of Glass-Steagall. And, you know, $300 billion. So compare that to the $50 billion they’re going to do for infrastructure for the whole nation.

And I think the sad thing about Obama—you know, obviously, I supported him. I wrote columns thinking he was going to be great. An enormous disappointment. Somebody—no one can explain to me—I haven’t seen a satisfactory explanation. But in my book, I reprint the speech that Obama gave in the spring of '08, when he was a candidate. And it came three months after Robert Rubin had given a speech at Cooper Union saying we had no financial problem, we had no crisis. Three months later, Obama, at that same Cooper Union, said, you know, this is all due to reversal of Glass-Steagall, all due to reckless, radical deregulation. He spelled it out. And then, you know, mysteriously—maybe not so mysteriously when you think that Wall Street became his biggest, financial community became his biggest campaign contributor—he turned to the disciples of Robert Rubin—the Lawrence Summers, Timothy Geithner, the very people that had, with Rubin, created this mess—and said, "OK, you guys, fix it all." And they haven't fixed it. They’ve taken care of Wall Street. And as my subtitle in my book said, they mugged Main Street.

AMY GOODMAN: We’re talking to Robert Scheer. Robert, you said this is what President Obama should have done. For example, a moratorium on all bankruptcies. What should he do now? Why "should have"? What could he do starting today?

ROBERT SCHEER: Oh, immediately he should push for bankruptcy courts to have the power to force the banks to readjust these mortgages. You know, we picked up their bad paper. Why don’t they help people now who are stuck? You know, the basic idea of the New Deal was that these were not innocent victims of Wall Street scams. So we have—this is why you have all this anger in the tea party and everything else. It’s very legitimate.

I’m not one of—and by the way, you mentioned Feingold in your—it would be a tragedy to lose Feingold. If there’s one person in the United States Congress that has called this correctly, that has stood up for the interest of ordinary people, it’s Russ Feingold. I mean, I can’t think—you know, maybe Bernie Sanders, but Russ Feingold has been at it longer in the Senate. I mean, he just has been right on this stuff from day one. And the idea that rage about what’s happened to the economy is now going to take its toll on him, the one guy who—one of the few who got it right, is really frightening. But that’s what happens when you have an economic breakdown. We saw it in Germany, for God’s sake. You know, you look—the demagogues scapegoat all the people. You know, they scapegoat immigrants. And what you have now is a lot of money, a lot of money, from the big banks and everyone else, going into lunatics’ camp—the campaign of lunatics. But why? Because, "Oh, get government off our back. You know, big government," ignoring the fact that, you know, this government did not get big and the debt did not rise because we’re trying to help firemen or school teachers keep their jobs. It happened because we have, literally, through the Fed and through the federal government, spent, you know, what? Three, four—committed three, four trillion dollars to make the banks whole.

So when you say what we should do right now, Obama could call for a moratorium. A moratorium, what? Two, three years on mortgage foreclosures. You know, that’s what you do when you’re facing a crisis. He could call for and push through a regulation, as well as legislation, saying the bankruptcy courts—remember, we had the change in bankruptcy law to hurt consumers, make it harder for consumers to declare bankruptcy. Well, they could push for new regulation, new laws, say, no, we’re not going to leave it voluntarily, as he’s now doing with the banks to somehow make readjustments of which there have been very few, has not dealt with the problem. They should say, no, this is the ball game right now. The ball game is keeping people in their homes. The ball game is preventing all those boarded-up buildings in suburbs of South Florida, Riverside, California.

I mean, if you travel in this country, there’s enormous pain, because people’s life savings, their sense of their worth, their piece of the American Dream, were tied up in their family. When you lose that home or when you’re suffering or you’re facing foreclosure, you lose not only your pride, you lose your ability to retire, to send your kids to school. I mean, the dreams of Americans are wrapped up in their home. And I don’t know why we’re talking about anything else right now. If we want to get the economy going again, if we want to get people back to work, if we want to get consumption up, what you’ve got to do is help people with that nest and that nest egg, which is their home. And there’s very little, precious little in Obama’s speeches, and certainly almost nothing in his actions, to help those homeowners.

AMY GOODMAN: And how do you help people who don’t have a home?

ROBERT SCHEER: Well, you know, I know—there’s lots of things to do to help people home. But let me tell you, this is not a division between haves and have-nots when it comes to home owning. And one of my anger with some of the liberals around in the Democratic Party who supported this deregulation, they said this was going to help minority people get homes. You know, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were as rapacious as any—as Citigroup or Goldman Sachs. And the so-called liberal—this is dealt with in great detail in my book, which takes very few prisoners on either side, in either party. But Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, with the support of people like Barney Frank and even many in the Black Caucus, said, "No, no, don’t touch Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. They’ll help poor people get into their homes." Sure, a lot of minorities got into homes. They lost their savings. They’re now hurting. They can’t hold on to their homes. They’re being foreclosed. So, you know, the dream of American housing was not a have/have-not thing. It was supposed to be emancipation of Americans. It was supposed to be of them a piece of the pie.

So, first thing is, if we do this thing of keeping people in homes, we’re helping a lot of working people and poorer people. This is not something to benefit the rich. The rich make out like bandits in this kind of market. But secondly, if we can’t put a floor on housing foreclosures, if we can’t stem this bleeding right now, we’re not going to get consumption back, you know, and if we don’t get consumption back, because people were consuming based on their sense of what they’re worth, we’re not going to get the jobs back—jobs in construction, but jobs generally. And so, I would not divide the interest of homeowners and keeping them in their homes from the rest of the population.

AMY GOODMAN: Robert Scheer, your last chapter, "Sucking Up to the Bankers: Crisis Handoff from Bush to Obama"—has Obama done anything different about the economy than Bush, do you feel?

ROBERT SCHEER: No. Obama has been a disaster. And I say this as someone who was suckered into contributing to his campaign financially. You know, my wife maxed out in her contributions, pushing those buttons every time. I still get emails from the Obama campaign telling "We’re winning here, we’re winning there." But it’s been a disaster. Now, maybe, you know, if he could appoint Elizabeth Warren, you know, to the consumer agency, there will be a little bit of value in this deregulation—in this new regulation. But—

AMY GOODMAN: What about that?

ROBERT SCHEER: Russ Feingold was absolutely right to vote against it. Hello?

AMY GOODMAN: We’re going to play an excerpt of Elizabeth Warren’s speech that she gave recently at Netroots Nation next. But what about Elizabeth Warren, seen as the frontrunner for this job, but seen as a—there’s a quiet campaign in the White House, or perhaps not so quiet, among people like Rahm Emanuel, who supposedly, rumor has it, are opposing her?

ROBERT SCHEER: Yeah, well, look, come on. You can’t look to the Democratic Party, you know, hacks, for leadership on this. First of all, most of these people are veterans of the Clinton administration. They’re the same people who destroyed Brooksley Born. Brooksley Born was one of the most competent lawyers in this country, dealing—she represented banks. She understood more about these derivatives than anyone around, actually, when she was appointed to what was supposed to be a lesser agenc, you know, the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. And she spotted this problem. You know, seventeen times in testimony before congressional committees, Brooksley Born sounded the alarm that there was going to be a housing meltdown, that this thing had gone wild, that we had enabled Wall Street graft. She knew the inside outside. It was people like Summers, who’s now in this administration, I think, who don’t want Elizabeth Warren—Timothy Geithner, and there are plenty of others. There are many Goldman Sachs veterans and other big Wall Street veterans in this administration, as well. And they destroyed Brooksley Born. And they’re threatened by Elizabeth Warren, because Elizabeth Warren represents consumers. She’s a brilliant legal mind, and just as Brooksley Born is. And Elizabeth Warren said, "Wait a minute. You know, what kind of, you know, government is this, when you’re caring about Wall Street and you’re ignoring the pain out there?"

And I have to stress this, Amy. This is not some abstract—you know, I studied economics in graduate school, and I could do some mathematical modeling and all that stuff. This is not a game. It’s not a political game. It’s not a mathematics game. They’re real human beings who invest their whole life putting shelter over their family, caring about their family. And when you go out in these communities—and I’ve done some of that—you know, it’s so depressing. You know, I mean, I talked to people in Riverside who cleaned office buildings, you know, in Long Beach and commuted to Riverside so their kids could live in a better neighborhood. And they bought this house, and they made the payments. They made the payments. They did everything they were supposed to do. And the neighborhood went into the toilet, and they lose everything. They lose everything. And that story is repeated millions of times in America.

And the guys who did it to us, they weren’t those vicious right-wingers. And, you know, it wasn’t all the people that we liberals like to attack. It was our friends. Let’s get that straight, you know? When I call this the Clinton bubble, you know, I mean it very seriously. It was our friends. It was people, you know, like the heads of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, who claim to be liberal Democrats. But they were being rewarded with enormous bonuses. You know, enormous bonuses. They made out just as well as the people running Citigroup. These were not government agencies. These were actually traded on the stock market, but posing as government-supported agencies. And the fact of the matter is that the damage that was done to us was done by people who talk a very good game. You know, Robert Rubin contributed money to the Harlem dance group, you know? Jesse Jackson even supported the reversal of Glass-Steagall. There’s a whole chapter in my book, you know? The people who acted in a very bad way, in this book, were people who we would probably be more comfortable talking to, you know, over a drink somewhere than the others. So, you know, my book, you know, it’s called "How Reagan Democrats—Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street and Mugged Main Street." And the Clinton Democrats, who now control the Obama administration, are—you know, this is turning the henhouse over to the foxes. And I would say the record of Obama on this has been abysmal. He has been a frontman for Wall Street, and it is shocking.

AMY GOODMAN: Robert Scheer, I want to thank you very much for being with us, longtime journalist based in California, worked for the Los Angeles Times for some thirty years, editor at, author of many books. The latest, just out today in paperback, is The Great American Stickup: How Reagan Republicans and Clinton Democrats Enriched Wall Street While Mugging Main Street.

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And about Elizabeth Warren:  it appears Rahm Israel Emmanuel  opposes her appointment.  It also seems Daley will not run for another term and Rahm wants to be Mayor.  Let him go.  I don't have to put up with him anymore.
Filed under economy
Elizabeth Warren, Harvard Law School professor and bankruptcy expert. She chairs the Congressional Oversight Panel over the bank bailout.

Rush Transcript

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AMY GOODMAN: Harvard Law School professor, bankruptcy expert, Elizabeth Warren, is frontrunner to lead the newly created Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. The bureau’s director will be the most powerful new banking regulator in decades and the first with the exclusive mission of focusing on consumers. She chaired the Congressional Oversight Panel over the bank bailout and is an outspoken consumer advocate.

Big banks are strongly opposed to Warren’s nomination. According to a New York Times editorial from earlier this summer, quote, "The banks don’t oppose Ms. Warren because she doesn’t get it. They oppose her because she does."

Well, the idea for an independent federal agency to protect ordinary borrowers from abuses by lenders was largely her idea, based on an article she wrote three years ago. In July, Congress made her idea a reality as part of the financial reform legislation.

Elizabeth Warren addressed an enthusiastic crowd at the Netroots Nation convention in Las Vegas earlier this summer. This is a part of what she said.

    ELIZABETH WARREN: I thought of four things that we should think about as we begin to build a new bureau. The first one is: It must stand for families. We’ve had long enough where there’s been no one to stand for families. Now, what does that mean? It means, in part, in the case of the credit agreements that we’ve been talking about, a level playing field again. It means that there’s someone there to make sure that both families and lenders understand the terms of the credit agreement; that it is as obvious to one side as the other; that when they come together, they get what this transaction is, the cost; that we create competitive markets so that the products are products that not only are priced so that consumers can understand them, but they’re priced well in the marketplace. But it also means something else to stand on behalf of families. When folks—when powerful people get together in our government, and they start to divide up where things are going to go, when they start to make decisions about who’s going to be helped and who’s not going to be helped, there needs to be at least one person in the room who asks the question, how will this affect America’s families? Not just how will it affect America’s banks, not just how will it affect America’s businesses, but how will it affect America’s families? One of the things this bureau can do is be there on behalf of American families. Now, the second thing that I think is really critical about this agency is it must be reality-based. It’s not good enough to have a great theory. And frankly, it’s not good enough to have just a good heart. It’s got to be grounded in how things really work on the ground. And I’m going to give you an example of that. Small banks. If the consequence of this agency is to put in enough new bureaucratic obligations that it crushes community banks, then the agency will not have been successful. If the community banks are driven out of business, that creates more concentration in the banking industry. The big get bigger, and the small go away. But it also means there are fewer of those banks around to lend to the small businesses that we’re counting on to restart this economy. And it means that families themselves have fewer choices between small banks and big banks. And that’s a choice we’ve got to preserve. So, ultimately, what this agency has to be about is, yes, the first one on the side of the families, but second, the side of creating workable, realistic markets, sustainable markets, over time—markets that work for consumers, but that also create a viable functioning credit system. It’s got to be part of what goes into this. Third part is the agency—the bureau. The bureau has to be able to grow and change. You know, part of what went wrong in the 1930s was that we didn’t keep the rules up to date. The world changed around it. The markets changed around it. How families behaved changed around it. But the rules were not changing. They were not vital. And so, what this agency—what we have to think about when you’re building in at the beginning is, how do you build change? How do you build some creative destruction into the agency itself? You know, I come from the world of bankruptcy. It’s what I teach. Bankruptcy is littered with the businesses that didn’t adapt to the world. Government doesn’t have that same discipline in it. And so, part of building this agency is building in how it will change and adapt over time, that it has the right structure to do that. And then the last part I want to mention is part of why I’m here today. This will be the first agency we have built in a wired world. Think about that for just one minute. The relationship between government agencies, between bureaucracy, between the government and its people, at the time we built all of the earlier agencies, was one of—the government labors relative obscurity, and you send out some information, and people get it through their newspapers or watching television or radio or whatever they listen to. This is an agency that will be the first to be born digital. It will be an agency that can send from—it will have the capacity to communicate with millions of Americans by just hitting a send button. It will also be an agency where millions of Americans have the capacity to communicate with the agency by hitting a send button. And the possibilities here are endless. The notion that part of how one comes to understand and define the problems in the credit area will change if we hear—if this agency hears, if this bureau hears from people who are experiencing it. This is part of its—it can be built into the research function of the agency. If the agency can hear from people and communicate with people, it changes the concept of how regulations work, of how regulations are tested, of how regulations are communicated and how they are enforced. So, I think of this as a real opportunity as we build this agency, not to replicate what was built last time, when we had a consumer agency in the 1970s, but to try a whole new model, to think about this agency from a different perspective. So, that’s why I came here today. I bought a plane ticket and showed up here, because I have a specific “ask.” I wanted to talk to people who have a voice, and that’s why I came to talk to you. There are three things I want to ask you to do with your voice. I want to ask you to use your voice on behalf of economic security for middle-class Americans. In a world in which so many people face so much insecurity, I want you to give them voice. I also want to ask you to use your voice for ideas. This is the place to let ideas be born, to let them bounce around, to let them get tougher, to let the bad ones die out and the good ones advance. This is where ideas should come from. And the third is, I want to ask you to use your voice as a voice of conscience, in a world that sorely needs more conscience. You are our collective conversation on conscience. So, I’m going to wrap this up by saying we have an opportunity now to pick up the tools that were laid out in this new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. And, look, unused tools don’t do anyone any good. The point is to pick them up and use them. And it’s going to be tough. The era of my grandmother in the Great Depression, it was tough then. Remember, Franklin Roosevelt faced his economic royalists. Remember, it took him years to get his entire economic package into place. It paid off. It was tough, but it paid off. So what I want to think about is what we do from this moment going forward. If you have any doubts about where we’re headed and how much change we can make, I ask you for just one second to glance back over your shoulder at where we have traveled over the last year. I was in Chairman Barney Frank’s office just a few weeks ago, and Barney Frank deserves as much credit as anyone on this planet for keeping this Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and making it strong. So, Chairman Frank and I were talking about some details about the bureau and what might happen and not in conference. And we got to the end, and Barney looked up in that way he does, you know, over the top of his glasses, and he growled, because that’s the only way I know to describe a conversation with Barney. He’s like, “You know, Elizabeth, a year ago, this idea wouldn’t have even qualified as a pipe dream. And here we are.” And here’s the best part of it, when you’re thinking about what we can do. We’re not here today because the banks gave it to us. The banks did not, a year ago, say, “Well, we’re really sorry we broke the economy. And we really appreciate that you put $700 billion and a few trillion in guarantees on the table to help bail us out. And, therefore, we’re going to support some regulation for ordinary families to kind of level the playing field and just make sure that everybody’s getting a fair deal here, that you can read your credit card contracts and mortgage agreements.” They didn’t say that. They fought us every single inch of the way. They announced in August of last year that the consumer agency was dead. And why was it dead? Because they were going to kill it. They were quoted in the New York Times. They were that sure of themselves. The lobbyists came out and said, “We will kill the consumer agency.” And they announced it, and they re-announced it, and they re-announced it. They also announced its death over and over and over. If you check the papers, it was the agency was still dead as of February of this year. But we didn’t give up. We scratched, and we bit, and we hung on, and we didn’t give up. And today, here’s where we are, with a good, strong set of tools to change the consumer market. So let me wrap this back around. Is this going to save the middle class by itself, the consumer agency? I’ve written about the middle class now for two decades. And if you want to give me another couple of hours, I could bend your ear about all that’s happened here. And the answer is no. There’s frankly too much that’s broken. We’ve got to have change in labor policy. We’ve got to have change in health policy. We’ve got to have changes in education policy. That’s what it will take to restore a middle class. But we also have to have changes in consumer credit policy. And the new bill is a big step in that direction. So, here’s what I want to say. One way or another, I’ll keep pushing for the middle class. I hope you will, too. Thank you. Thank you.

AMY GOODMAN: Harvard Law professor Elizabeth Warren, chair of the Congressional Oversight Panel that oversees the bank bailout and an outspoken consumer advocate. She was speaking at the Netroots Nation conference.

Creative Commons LicenseThe original content of this program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 United States License. Please attribute legal copies of this work to Some of the work(s) that this program incorporates, however, may be separately licensed. For further information or additional permissions, contact us.

Saturday, September 04, 2010

Smear Campaign Against Wikileaks

Illustration: >From
If you are going to vote, vote against.  Only the Republicans make Obama look good, quite a task in itself.

See, the problem with Wikileaks is that it let some of the truth out.  We have never liked that.  Imagine if everyone went around telling the truth.  Why, there'd be no living with them.  We have important shit to do in the Mid-East, civilians to kill, oil to steal, defenseless children to rape, and so on, and people like Assange just make it more difficult.  Why if we stopped all this important killing, plunder, and rape, people would start wondering why they don't have universal healthcare, a decent retirement, a good job, and so on.  What kind of world would that be?  Unheard of. 


The WikiLeaks Controversy: What’s the Truth?
Friday, August 27, 2010 at 4:49PM
Tom Hayden
While the White House and Pentagon worry over the coming disclosure of another 15,000 classified documents on Afghanistan by WikiLeaks, the organization’s leader Julian Assange finds himself swirling in accusations of sexual impropriety.
The Peace and Justice Resource Center has a special obligation to report this story fairly and accurately because thousands of people have signed the petition:
What is the truth behind the allegations? What effect will they have on WikiLeaks? Is this a “dirty tricks” effort by intelligence agencies to discredit, disrupt and destroy the whistleblower threat?
The situation changes daily. For this analysis, the Bulletin has relied on Swedish sources on the ground, and translations from the papers Expressen, Dagens Nyheter, and Svenska Dagbladet.
Here is the sequence of events:
  • Expressen, which was first out with the information, phoned the prosecutor the evening of Friday, August 20, already knowing all the information about the alleged rape, who was involved, and places; as of Friday, August 27, the source of the newspaper’s information was not known;
  • “No one has explained yet why a newspaper had access to the investigative materials in the same minute as the prosecutor had it,” a Swedish source tells the Bulletin.
  • The on-call prosecutor, Maria Haljebo-Kjellstrand, who received the media inquiry, says she only acknowledged that the investigation was about Assange. She says she revealed no other information and asked the evening paper not to print the news, according to DN.
  • The rape allegation went around the world in the media and internet;
  • On Saturday, August 21, Chief Prosecutor Eva Finné dropped the rape charge and, shortly after, terminated any suspicion of sexual assault [sexuellt ofredande]; she authorized an interview/investigation into the charge of molestation;
  • The lawyer for the two women, Claes Borgstrom, will appeal the prosecutor’s decision;
  • Assange’s lawyer, Leif Silbersky, complained that, “my client has been stigmatized world-wide as a rapist, one of the worst of crimes [and] has been damaged enormously”;
  • Both affected women deny giving the story to the media;
  • Assange denied committing any crime, and said all his sexual relations always have been “fully consensual”;
  • One of the women involved denied there has been any conspiracy by the police or CIA, but says Assange has a “distorted [warped]” view of women and “simply can’t take a no for an answer.” She added, “It is quite wrong that we should be afraid of Assange and therefore refuse to notify the authorities. He is not violent and I do not feel threatened by him.”
Here are some translated definitions in Swedish law:
  • Molestation, harassment, covers a wide range of offensive behavior, commonly-understood as behavior intended to disturb or upset.
  • Sexual molestation, harassment, is a molestation or a harassment with a sexual element involved. For example, to a flash, or to handle/paw are both sexual molestations (also referred to as sexual abuse). Sexual harassment is a persistent and unwanted sexual advance.  
  • Sexual assault, is associated with the crime of rape, and may cover assaults which may not be considered rape. Sexual assault is determined by the laws of jurisdiction where the assault takes place -- these vary considerably, and are influenced by local social and cultural attitudes. Understood as immediate, of short duration, or infrequent, sexual assault may include rape, forced vaginal, anal or oral penetration, forced sexual intercourse, inappropriate touching, forced kissing, sexual abuse, or the torture of the victim in a sexual manner.
In summary, the press initially reported that Assange was charged with rape. That charge, and that of sexual assault, were dismissed the following day, leaving a police investigation of molestation.

Whatever the truth in this case, readers also should understand that law enforcement agencies repeatedly have used dirty tricks involving sex in efforts to defame political opponents. A brief list of examples would include:
  • [Daniel] Ellsberg, according to Henry [Kissinger], had weird sexual habits [and] used drugs,” according to White House chief of staff H.R. Haldeman. Richard Nixon ordered the burglary by White House “plumbers”, including CIA agents, of confidential medical files from the office of Ellsberg’s psychoanalyst, Dr. Robert Fielding, on Sept. 3, 1971. The purpose was to discredit Ellsberg as an anti-war spokesman according to White House aide Egil Krogh in a 1974 pleading in federal court. One of the objectives was for the CIA “to perform a covert psychological assessment/evaluation on Ellsberg.” They wanted information on his wife and children, according to historian Taylor Branch. [In Ellsberg, Secrets, 2002, p. 445]
  • It is well-known that the FBI attempted to “neutralize” Dr. Martin Luther King with illegal wiretaps which revealed extra-marital affairs. Tapes were sent to his wife at home and, in 1964, when King was receiving the Nobel Prize, the FBI sent him a surreptitious warning letter which concluded, "King, there is only one thing left for you to do. You know what it is ... You better take it before your filthy, abnormal fraudulent self is bared to the nation."
  • In 1970, the FBI planted rumors with a Hollywood columnist alleging that the actress Jean Seberg was pregnant by a Black Panther. As an agent wrote on April 27,1970: "The possible publication of Seberg's plight could cause her embarrassment and serve to cheapen her image with the general public." Seberg miscarried, and eventually took her life August 30, 1979.
Eva Ehrstedt contributed research. Additional editing by Wesley Saver of the Peace and Justice Resource Center.
Article originally appeared on (
See website for complete article licensing information.

Thursday, September 02, 2010


This caught my interest.

Here is a book with a great subtitle:

Alexander Zaitchik, author of Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance.

Rush Transcript

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JUAN GONZALEZ: We turn now to a deeply polarizing figure who’s been dominating the airwaves. He’s the darling of conservatives and right-wing activists. But to liberals and progressives, he’s a much-reviled object of derision, a demogogue prone to maudlin dramatics. Yes, I’m talking about the right-wing TV and radio host Glenn Beck. He’s also a bestselling author, and his latest venture is a slickly designed blog called "The Blaze."

Last weekend, Glenn Beck organized a much-publicized "Restoring Honor" rally in front of the Lincoln Memorial in the nation’s capital. It was held on the forty-seventh anniversary of the historic March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech.

Here’s an excerpt of Glenn Beck’s speech at the rally.

    GLENN BECK: Somewhere in this crowd—I know it—I have been looking for the next George Washington. I can’t find him. I know he is in this crowd. He may be eight years old. But this is the moment! This is the moment that he dedicates his life, that he sees giants around him. And twenty-five years from now, he will come not to this stair, but to those stairs, and he can proclaim, "I have a new dream." Tell the truth. Tell the truth. And it only matters when you tell the truth and you know it’s going hurt you. You know that it’s not going to help your side. Tell the truth. America is crying out for the truth! Tell the truth in your own life and then expect it from others.

JUAN GONZALEZ: That was Fox News broadcaster Glenn Beck. His fans reportedly number in the millions, and Saturday’s rally drew nearly 100,000 supporters.

How did a former Top 40 Radio DJ who describes himself as a recovering alcoholic who struggled with drug abuse become a nationwide cultural phenomenon? Well, investigative journalist Alexander Zaitchik tells this story in his book Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance. He joins me here in our studio.

Welcome to Democracy Now!

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Good to be here.

JUAN GONZALEZ: You were at the rally.


JUAN GONZALEZ: What was it like?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Well, it certainly didn’t resemble the rally that I read about in the press. It sort of got a pass. People thought this is a softer, kinder, squishier Glenn Beck, a non-political Glenn Beck. But it was a deeply political event, I think. He’s calling for, you know, basically a return to Biblical principles, turning back to God, which is as political as you can get. This is a secular republic the last time I checked. And Beck’s conception of turning back to God and bringing the Constitution back to its, you know, original Biblical kind of base is—you have to see it in light of Beck’s Mormon reading of American history, in which God literally wrote the Constitution and intended its development to stop at around the Tenth Amendment. So when Beck talks about turning back to God, what he’s really talking about is a drastic diminuation of the government as modern Americans know it.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Tell us a little bit about his history. How did he get to where he is now, to become this sort of icon of right-wing conservatives?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: It’s an incredibly unlikely story that this guy would end up addressing this many people at the foot of the Lincoln Memorial. Just ten years ago, he was still a struggling Top 40 DJ. Basically a failure. Had bottomed out after about twenty years as a Morning Zoo Top 40 guy traveling the country, getting fired from markets pretty quickly for making a lot of enemies and being famous for his mean streak, which is still in abundant evidence. He was really kind of a divisive figure even then, when he was in this clownish, infantile world of Top 40 radio.

And he got a talk show largely through being at the right place at the right time. He was working for Clear Channel when it was still a small company. And then, when it began to take advantage of deregulation, he used his connections to land a job in Tampa, where he was about to get fired, until the recount drama of 2000 put a lot of focus on Florida, where he was working. So he was able to parlay that into ratings, and then he was syndicated. And then 9/11 happened, and he sort of turned overnight into this hard-charging, fire-breathing superpatriot that we know today.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And some of the—you mentioned his propensity to get in trouble for what he says. Some of the statements that you’ve been chronicling over the years now of his?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Right. Well, his more recent controversies are pretty well known. But even going back to the '80s and ’90s, he was known for a racist, sexist shtick. He famously, or infamously, called up the wife of a competing DJ in Phoenix in the mid-'80s and mocked her for having a miscarriage live on the air. He made fun of a guy named Malik Jones in New Haven, who was an unarmed black man shot by a white police officer, and it was quite a big police brutality case at the time. He went on air that week making fun of Jones, talking about how he used to smoke crack with his grandmother. Stuff like this. So, you know, this Glenn Beck that is so divisive today has been there the whole time. And the idea that he had this, you know, transformative experience when he became a Mormon and became a good guy and is this sort of moral beacon is just ludicrous.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, Glenn Beck was on Fox News Sunday with Chris Wallace discussing his "Restoring Honor" rally and how he plans to, quote, "reclaim the civil rights movement." When Wallace asked him about Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s vision of economic justice, Beck said that's a part of the civil rights leader’s message that he didn’t agree with.

    GLENN BECK: Reclaim the civil rights, meaning people of faith that look at equal justice and look at every man the same, that’s who needs to reclaim it, not the politicians, not the parties, not white people or black people. CHRIS WALLACE: But Glenn— GLENN BECK: People of faith. CHRIS WALLACE: But Glenn, the civil rights movement always had an agenda beyond just equality, beyond just, quote, "justice." The full name of the march forty-seven years ago was the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom. GLENN BECK: Right. CHRIS WALLACE: One of the speakers at the event was a labor leader, A. Philip Randolph, who talked about the injustice of people who live in poverty. John Lewis, then a student, now a congressman, said this at the event: "We need a bill that will ensure the equality of a maid who earns $5 a week in the home of the family whose total income is $100,000 a year." The civil rights movement was always about an economic agenda. GLENN BECK: Well, you know what, Chris? I think that is part of it, but that’s a part of it that I don’t agree with. I think the bigger part—the thing that we fail to recognize is that is the racial politics.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And last year, Glenn Beck accused President Obama of being a racist and having a, quote, "deep-seated hatred for white peope." Well, on Sunday, Fox News’s Chris Wallace played that clip for Glenn Beck.

    GLENN BECK: This president, I think, has exposed himself as a guy, over and over and over again, who has a deep-seated hatred for white people or the white culture. I don’t know what it is. This guy is, I believe, a racist. CHRIS WALLACE: Question: after that, do you have any credibility talking about reclaiming the civil rights movement? GLENN BECK: OK, let me go over this again on the reclaiming the civil rights movement. People of faith that believe that you have an equal right to justice, that is the essence. And if it’s not the essence, then we’ve been sold a pack of lies. The essence is, everyone deserves a shot. The content of character, not the color of skin. Now, when—I’ve addressed this comment a million times, and, in fact, I think I amended it this week, that what I didn’t understand at the time was the influences on President Obama. And, you know, the white culture, look—read his own books. He writes about the white culture and how he struggled with it, etc., etc. But I didn’t understand really his theology. He’s—his viewpoints come from liberation theology.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Alexander Zaitchik, your response to those comments of Glenn Beck’s, and especially what the comments on President Obama did to the campaign that developed against him?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Right. Well, it led to the most successful campaign against Beck, the Color of Change,, campaign to get sponsors to drop his show, and it’s been quite successful. It’s created this narrative out there, which Beck is rightly seen as somewhat freakish. No one recognizes brands from their breakfast table on his show anymore, and that’s as it should be.

As for the comments about Barack Obama’s liberation theology, you know, it’s hard to know where to begin. This is just kind of classic Beck, and it’s part of his larger campaign against social justice, which is, you know, a combination of the sort of classic Beck trifecta of ignorance, provocation and pretty sly racial innuendo, which comes pretty effortlessly to him.

As for Martin Luther King appropriation, he clearly would have put King on is chalkboard, had they been contemporaries. Beck not only would have honed in on King’s connections to real radicals, but he also would have, you know, called him a cockroach for spreading the virus of social justice. This is the kind of language that he engages in on a regular basis, which is what makes him so dangerous. He’s injected this language that is pretty foreign to American political discourse, this sort of pre-Hitlerian, almost, talk about cockroaches, rats, viruses, cancers, dehumanizing your political opponents.

JUAN GONZALEZ: And in the little time we have left, his involvement with the Mormon Church, while at the same time trying to curry support among evangelical Christians, who regard—many of whom regard the Mormon Church with disdain, could you talk about that?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Sure, sure. This is, I think, the most interesting fault line that’s developed lately. It’s not so much between Beck and his liberal critics—we all know about that—but it’s between his evangelical fan base, those who are a little bit put off by his posturing as a Christian leader, as a divine medium, when in fact he belongs to what most evangelicals belong to—consider a cult. So it’s a little strange also that he would be throwing stones at other people’s Christianity, when he himself is in a pretty big glass house when it comes to, at least as his fans understand, his faith.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Is there any sense, in your research on him, that he has political aspirations? Of course, the talk a couple of years ago was more about Lou Dobbs running for president. But what about Glenn Beck?

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Yeah, no, I think Beck is smart enough to know there’s too many skeletons that’ll be dragged out if he ever tried to run for office. And also, frankly, there’s too much longevity and money in what he’s doing building himself up as a sort of movement leader that’s above the fray, or at least pretends to be above the fray, but in fact is not.

JUAN GONZALEZ: But he’s had a lot of influence, obviously, in terms of the campaign against Van Jones and then against ACORN. He was very influential in helping to destroy those figures.

ALEXANDER ZAITCHIK: Sure, sure. He’s a potent political force, absolutely. I don’t think you can understand what happened on Saturday without reference to what’s going to happen two Saturdays from now with the FreedomWorks-organized march. Taxpayers March, they’re calling it.

JUAN GONZALEZ: Well, thanks very much for being with us, Alexander Zaitchik, an investigative reporter and the author of the Common Nonsense: Glenn Beck and the Triumph of Ignorance.

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Monday, August 30, 2010

The Big Uneasy


Tonight, August 30, 2010, in theaters across the country is a documentary by the talented Harry Shearer.  It is called "The Big Uneasy" and it is basically about what really happened after Hurricane Katrina.  It involves the work of the Army Corps of Engineers and you should all try to see it.

Below is an interview done with him by Democracy Now that gives a good account of it, so I'll just preface it by saying a few things about my own experience with that body.

During the Rotten Ronnie administration I was working in research administration.  I found the work extremely interesting, although there were several aspects to it.  I considered the main purpose of a department at a University that was in charge of research administration was to take the burden of dealing with federal, state, and local agencies and all their various tasks that are piled on top of the actual research.  In return, I got the opportunity to read the proposals on the cutting edge of just about all sciences and I learned more about Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Micro-Biology, and Engineering than I had learned in my entire student life.

At first, when I called faculty members with questions about their research they were quite hostile and I soon found out why:  when they had been called by the Grants and Contracts Administration Office in the past, it always concerned a complaint that they had not added up their budget correctly, they had used the wrong sheet of information form, and so on.  I was the first to ever call them who had actually read their proposal and had a question about its contents.  I remember one time talking to a physicist who had been very surly until I asked him about the negative sign at the top of an integral sign and his reaction was "My God!  Get rid of it!  It is crazy with it there.  I'll kill my assistant!"  (I did not heard of any homicides in the Physics Department that year, so I imagine he was speaking figuratively.)

Well, there were many interesting incidents, some of them hilarious, but they are not to the point.  I'll try to focus.

One day, my Director handed me a letter from the Administrative Department of the Army Corps of Engineers.  It seems they were refusing to pay the last installment because the final report was "sub-standard".  (Few people realize this, but grants are made to institutions, not to faculty members, because the institution, in this case the University, assumes responsibility for it.)

I called the guy in the Civil Engineering Department who was aready frothing at the mouth.  We decided to get together and I would help him rewrite the final report as I had done this professionally for a number of years in a variety of disciplines.  We finally finished with a nicely polished report and sent it off.

We got another refusal for the same reason.  This time I called them.  As the conversation became more and more heated, it emerged that there was absolutely nothing wrong with the report;  in fact, it was one of the best written and professional ones they had ever received.

So what was wrong?

In the last call, it became apparant that they did not like the conclusion the engineer arrived at which was not to build the dam.  I threatened to let it be known that the University stood by its recommendation and suggested that this would interest several newspapers, that it even had ramifications on a national scale and that newspapers in Washington and New York would be interested.  The final report finally became satisfactory and they would be sending final payment immediately.

It later turned out that they went ahead and built the dam anyway and then ran into a national scale about a fish called a snail darter.  We were able to reassure the public that we did not recomend that they go ahead with the project.

Well, as the documentary points out, things have not changed.  Here is the interview:

"The Big Uneasy"–In New Doc, Harry Shearer Makes the Case that Katrina Was an Unnatural Disaster

On the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, a new documentary, The Big Uneasy, argues that the destruction of New Orleans was an unnatural disaster and how it could have been prevented. We speak with the filmmaker: actor and satirist Harry Shearer. [includes rush transcript]
Filed under Hurricane Katrina
Harry Shearer, actor, writer, director, satirist, musician and radio host. He is the voice of dozens of characters on The Simpsons, and his latest project is a feature-length documentary about the causes of the flooding of New Orleans called The Big Uneasy

Rush Transcript

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ANJALI KAMAT: This Sunday marked the fifth anniversary of Hurricane Katrina. Early on the morning of August 29th, 2005, the storm slammed into the Gulf Coast just south of New Orleans. It ravaged the coasts of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama and left over 1,800 people dead. Eighty percent of the city of New Orleans was under water after the levees failed.

President Obama visited New Orleans on Sunday and said that the construction of a fortified levee system to protect the city is underway. He called it a, quote, "a natural disaster but also a man-made catastrophe—a shameful breakdown in government that left countless men, and women, and children abandoned and alone."

Well, we begin today’s show with a new documentary that gets the inside story of why the destruction of New Orleans was an unnatural disaster and how it could have been prevented. The Big Uneasy is a feature-length film by actor and satirist Harry Shearer. Here are some excerpts.

    HARRY SHEARER: We all know what happened to New Orleans on August 29th, 2005: Katrina. FOX NEWS: The biggest natural disaster in America. P.J. CROWLEY: Katrina was a natural disaster. SEN. CHRIS DODD: A major American city went through a natural disaster. REV. AL SHARPTON: Unlike Katrina, where you had a natural disaster. NEWT GINGRICH: When Katrina, the hurricane, did so much damage in New Orleans. GERALDO RIVERA: This natural disaster befell New Orleans. HARRY SHEARER: And yes, it’s true, the Mississippi Gulf Coast did suffer devastating damage from a hurricane that day, but as a part-time resident of New Orleans, I became aware over the weeks and months that followed the flood, as did everybody else here, that there was a very different side to that story. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: We know that Katrina was about a one-in-thiry- to one-in-forty-year storm. MAX MAYFIELD, Fmr. Director, National Hurricane Center: In fact, New Orleans proper likely experienced only Category 1 or Category 2 conditions. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: This is contrary to the US Army Corps of Engineers, who are trying to claim that Katrina was a— COL. JEFFREY BEDEY, Fmr. Cmdr., Hurricane Protection Office, Army Corps of Engineers: One-in-496 probability of occurrence. MICHAEL GRUNWALD: The Army Corps generals came out in their green suits and immediately said that— COL. JEFFREY BEDEY: That was a big storm. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: The reason they’re doing that is to cover their behinds. COL. JEFFREY BEDEY: And you can’t out-engineer Mother Nature. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: Part of their defense was, this was a humongous storm. KAREN DURHAM-AGUILERA, Army Corps of Engineers: Katrina was a storm that was, until then, unimaginable. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: There would obviously be no oversight of the Corps of Engineers and their operations. And as we dug deeper, we found clerical errors, we found misinterpretation of data, misscribing data, as we looked from breach to breach. The kind of mistake at the London Avenue breach is what you learn about in second-year engineering. JOHN BARRY, Member, Louisiana Coastal Protection & Restoration Authority: There was one contractor who in fact went to court, because he did not believe the flood wall he was building could hold in front of a storm, and he wanted the Corps to do it right. LISA MYERS, NBC News: The contractor, Pittman Construction, told the Corps of Engineers that the soil and the foundation for the walls were "not of sufficient strength, rigidity, and stability." JOHN BARRY: He went to court. The Corps fought him and won. And he was compelled to build as designed, which he did. And it failed. BRIG. GEN. MICHAEL WALSH: The design of those walls were based upon a standard Hurricane coming through. The Hurricane Katrina was much larger than what the walls were designed for. IVOR VAN HEERDEN: In many locations, levees were built at ten feet when they should have been at fourteen feet. They had new model data available to them from 1979 onwards that they ignored. MAJ. GEN. CARL STROCK, Fmr. Cmdr., US Army Corps of Engineers: The intensity of this storm simply exceeded the design capacity of this levee. BOB BEA: This was not a natural disaster. In fact, this was a very unnatural disaster. This was a disaster caused by people. Following the release of a report, we’ve had three things coming back: "Atta boy! Go for it! Keep it up!"; the other one, deadly silence; and a third one, "Please shut up."

ANJALI KAMAT: Excerpts from The Big Uneasy, a documentary by Harry Shearer that is playing tonight in theaters across the country.

Actor, writer, satirist, musician, director and part-time New Orleans resident, Harry Shearer, the voice of many characters on The Simpsons, joins me now from New Orleans.

Welcome to Democracy Now! Explain why you decided to make this film.

HARRY SHEARER: Really, very simple proximate cause. I was watching President Obama’s town hall meeting here last October, and when he referred to the flooding of New Orleans as a natural disaster, some three years after these two independent investigative forensic engineering reports had been issued, which agreed that this was a man-made disaster—in one case, the quote from the UC Berkeley people is the largest—"greatest man-made engineering catastrophe since Chernobyl"—when the President called it a natural disaster, I realized that what New Orleans knew, the rest of the country didn’t, that New Orleans had basically lost control of the narrative of its own near destruction. And I thought one way to try to get it back was to do a factual feature-length documentary.

ANJALI KAMAT: And what did you think of President Obama’s comments yesterday? He called it a natural disaster again, but he also said it’s a man-made catastrophe.

HARRY SHEARER: A man-made catastrophe related to the leaving people abandoned, referring to the government failure in the response. That’s exactly the same language he used last October. He refuses to acknowledge that an agency of the federal government, the US Army Corps of Engineers, under administrations of both parties over four-and-a-half decades, is—as the Corps has itself admitted—of course, the head of the Corps who admitted that was no longer the head of the Corps within a few months, but that the Corps was culpable for this disaster. Ray Seed of the University of California, Berkeley, team says clearly—it’s the first scene in my film—that had the right kind of hurricane protection been offered to New Orleans, the worst Hurricane Katrina would have done to New Orleans is, quote, "wet ankles." If the President doesn’t acknowledge that, then we have no hope of getting this thing done right this time.

ANJALI KAMAT: Well, I want to go to a clip. President Obama and the Army Corps of Engineer’s promise that a new flood prevention system that will protect against the worst storm in the next hundred years will be ready by next June. This is Colonel Robert Sinkler, the Hurricane Protection Commander for the US Army Corps of Engineers.

    COL. ROBERT SINKLER: The Corps of Engineers did take—accept responsibility primarily for the four failures that occurred on the outfall canals and in the Inner Harbor Navigation Canal, primarily due to design issues. But since then, we’ve actually taken those areas out of the system, and what we want to do is really fight the storm surge at the perimeter of the city, rather than allowing the storm surge to penetrate into the middle of downtown New Orleans.

ANJALI KAMAT: Harry Shearer, your response?

HARRY SHEARER: You have Colonel Sinkler admitting responsibility, which is one step beyond what the President has done. The Corps has adopted a perimeter response. It’s a good idea, assuming that all elements of the perimeter system are up to snuff, because once water gets in, they have not fixed the defective flood walls that failed so catastrophically last time.

In my film is a whistleblower from the Army Corps of Engineers whose responsibility was to test and install the new pumps on those outfall canals, which are essential to keeping those canals at a safe water level defined by the Corps. She says unequivocally the pumps never passed their testing. They failed. They self-destructed. They were installed anyway. And they will not withstand a hurricane event.

ANJALI KAMAT: Harry Shearer, your film goes into the wetlands around New Orleans. Talk about the role of the Army Corps of Engineers around this.

HARRY SHEARER: Well, you know, now the wetlands is the slow-motion disaster that’s been going on for the last thirty or forty years. The Corps leveed the Mississippi River in response to the flood, the disastrous flood down here, and they have succeeded in making the river not a threat to New Orleans. But the river, by flooding, would replenish the wetlands with sediment every flood time. And now that sediment gets dumped into a hole at the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico. The Corps didn’t really anticipate that that would start starving the wetlands.

Then the second blow to the wetlands was when oil was discovered in the Gulf and oil companies started making thousands of miles of canals and pipelines to get their equipment out to the Gulf and to bring the oil back. This allowed saltwater to intrude into the marsh, killing the vegetation, which then left the soil unanchored. And we’ve been losing an acre of marsh every hour for the last decade or two.

Richard Campanella, a geographer at Tulane who’s in my film, says we have a window of about ten to twenty years to start reversing this before sea level rise makes it a futile attempt. That’s another thing I looked for in the President’s speech yesterday, in vain, a commitment for serious resources to deal with coastal restoration. In this year’s budget, the President has asked for the munificent sum of $33 million, one-tenth of the amount of money he’s asked for to clean up the water in the Great Lakes, not nearly enough.

ANJALI KAMAT: And how does the oil spill disaster that continues to unfold in the Gulf of Mexico impact the wetlands and coastal restoration near New Orleans?

HARRY SHEARER: Well, you know, we know that there are some serious issues with regard to the deepwater, the plume and the existence of dispersed oil. The teams that have been out actually scouting the marsh, their initial reports, although they are subject to more rigorous science, are that the wetlands, you know, have not been as seriously affected by the spill as it was first feared. I think the most important thing about the BP oil spill with regard to the wetlands is it may have put the subject of Louisiana’s wetlands on the national agenda for a change, that people are now aware of this fragile but very important resource. The wetlands serve a huge function of what Bob Verchick of Loyola calls natural infrastructure. I don’t know the exact ratio, but they serve to buffer and beat down the ferocity of incoming hurricanes, both wind and storm surge, so they are our natural protection system, and we’ve been losing that, as I say, in a slow-motion disaster over three decades.

ANJALI KAMAT: Harry Shearer, talk about the distribution of your film. And your <a href=""recent post on Huffington Post talks about "NPR—The Initials Stand for Nothing." Explain what you mean.

HARRY SHEARER: Well, NPR announced recently that they’re no longer National Public Radio, that the initials stand for, NPR. After I found out that they were not going to do a story about this film on either All Things Considered or Morning Edition, I decided to buy some time—you know, those enhanced underwriting announcements at the end of each half-hour. And NPR legal told me this language was unacceptable, quote, "documentary about why New Orleans flooded." The only language that they found acceptable was "documentary about New Orleans and Hurricane Katrina." And when I told them it’s not about a hurricane, that was the end of the conversation.

ANJALI KAMAT: And your film is showing across the country tonight?

HARRY SHEARER: Mm-hmm, yes. I thought—I knew you could see sort of coming that the mainstream media were going to do basically reruns of the coverage from five years ago. Here’s me in water, and here’s me with a person on a roof, and more footage of suffering people and some "where are they now?" You know, where’s Ray Nagin now? Where’s Mike Brown now? But we’re still not going to ask the question, "Why did it happen?" So I thought the night after that whole barrage kind of climaxed, it would be a good opportunity to offer people a chance to spend ninety minutes and find out why this thing happened.

ANJALI KAMAT: Well, Harry Shearer, thank you so much for joining us, actor, writer, director, satirist, musician and radio host. He’s the voice of dozens of characters on The Simpsons, and his latest project is a feature-length documentary about the causes of the flooding of New Orleans. It’s called The Big Uneasy. We’ll end with a clip from the film.

    IVOR VAN HEERDEN: When they couldn’t get my own faculty to get rid of me, they made the decision to terminate my position. What was very insulting is they couldn’t tell me why. You know, I felt like a good pair of shoes just being cast off. MICHAEL GRUNWALD: There have been generally no consequences for this catastrophic failure. UNIDENTIFIED: We want to ensure that folks are accountable and responsible for their actions. JED HORNE, Fmr. Metro Editor, New Orleans Times-Picayune: I have no doubt that heads should roll. The fact that Ivor’s is the head that seems to be rolling is the height of irony. PIERCE O’DONNELL, Chief Trial Counsel, MR-GO Lawsuit: The Army Corps builds incompetent levees in New Orleans, and Congress says, "Here’s ten or twenty billion. Go fix your mistakes." MICHAEL GRUNWALD: It’s going to be very difficult to change the culture of that agency. PIERCE O’DONNELL: The Army Corps destroys wetlands, and then Congress says, "Here’s some money to go fix them up." COL. JEFFREY BEDEY: Whether we like it or not, it was political. Not—I don’t say political in a negative sense, just it was political. PIERCE O’DONNELL: Congressmen and women and senators want Army Corps projects in their districts. They want to bring home the bacon. COL. JEFFREY BEDEY: It’s part of how our government works.

ANJALI KAMAT: The Big Uneasy. Stay with us. We’ll be back in a minute, and we’ll go to New Orleans.

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Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Robert Fisk on Iraq

It has been awhile since we've heard from the great Robert Fisk. so it is about time.  He provides a useful corrective to a lot of what Amerikan Media has been contributing, as it were.

Iraq: Torture. Corruption. Civil war. America has Certainly Left Its Mark

When you invade someone else's country, there has to be a first soldier - just as there has to be a last.

The first man in front of the first unit of the first column of the invading American army to reach Fardous Square in the centre of Baghdad in 2003 was Corporal David Breeze of the 3rd Battalion, Fourth Marine Regiment. For that reason, of course, he pointed out to me that he wasn't a soldier at all. Marines are not soldiers. They are Marines. But he hadn't talked to his mom for two months and so - equally inevitably - I offered him my satellite phone to call his home in Michigan. Every journalist knows you'll get a good story if you lend your phone to a soldier in a war.

"Hi, you guys," Corporal Breeze bellowed. "I'm in Baghdad. I'm ringing to say 'Hi! I love you. I'm doing fine. I love you guys.' The war will be over in a few days. I'll see you soon." Yes, they all said the war would be over soon. They didn't consult the Iraqis about this pleasant notion. The first suicide bombers - a policeman in a car and then two women in a car - had already hit the Americans on the long highway up to Baghdad. There would be hundreds more. There will be hundreds more in Iraq in the future.

So we should not be taken in by the tomfoolery on the Kuwaiti border in the last few hours, the departure of the last "combat" troops from Iraq two weeks ahead of schedule. Nor by the infantile cries of "We won" from teenage soldiers, some of whom must have been 12-years-old when George W Bush sent his army off on this catastrophic Iraqi adventure. They are leaving behind 50,000 men and women - a third of the entire US occupation force - who will be attacked and who will still have to fight against the insurgency.

Yes, officially they are there to train the gunmen and militiamen and the poorest of the poor who have joined the new Iraqi army, whose own commander does not believe they will be ready to defend their country until 2020. But they will still be in occupation - for surely one of the "American interests" they must defend is their own presence - along with the thousands of armed and indisciplined mercenaries, western and eastern, who are shooting their way around Iraq to safeguard our precious western diplomats and businessmen. So say it out loud: we are not leaving.

Instead, the millions of American soldiers who have passed through Iraq have brought the Iraqis a plague. From Afghanistan - in which they showed as much interest after 2001 as they will show when they start "leaving" that country next year - they brought the infection of al-Qa'ida. They brought the disease of civil war. They injected Iraq with corruption on a grand scale. They stamped the seal of torture on Abu Ghraib - a worthy successor to the same prison under Saddam's vile rule - after stamping the seal of torture on Bagram and the black prisons of Afghanistan. They sectarianised a country that, for all its Saddamite brutality and corruption, had hitherto held its Sunnis and Shias together.

And because the Shias would invariably rule in this new "democracy", the American soldiers gave Iran the victory it had sought so vainly in the terrible 1980-88 war against Saddam. Indeed, men who had attacked the US embassy in Kuwait in the bad old days - men who were allies of the suicide bombers who blew up the Marine base in Beirut in 1983 - now help to run Iraq. The Dawa were "terrorists" in those days. Now they are "democrats". Funny how we've forgotten the 241 US servicemen who died in the Lebanon adventure. Corporal David Breeze was probably two or three-years-old then.

But the sickness continued. America's disaster in Iraq infected Jordan with al-Qa'ida - the hotel bombings in Amman - and then Lebanon again. The arrival of the gunmen from Fatah al-Islam in the Nahr al-Bared Palestinian camp in the north of Lebanon - their 34-day war with the Lebanese army - and the scores of civilian dead were a direct result of the Sunni uprising in Iraq. Al-Qa'ida had arrived in Lebanon. Then Iraq under the Americans re-infected Afghanistan with the suicide bomber, the self-immolator who turned America's soldiers from men who fight to men who hide.

Anyway, they are busy re-writing the narrative now. Up to a million Iraqis are dead. Blair cares nothing about them - they do not feature, please note, in his royalties generosity. And nor do most of the American soldiers. They came. They saw. They lost. And now they say they've won. How the Arabs, surviving on six hours of electricity a day in their bleak country, must be hoping for no more victories like this one.

Robert Fisk is Middle East correspondent for The Independent newspaper.  He is the author of many books on the region, including The Great War for Civilisation: The Conquest of the Middle East

From: Z Net - The Spirit Of Resistance Lives

Friday, August 20, 2010

Wikileaks Wins Award -- Blackwater Hides

Here is the announcement along with a slew of comments.

First, however, I forgot to mention that the New York Times felt it had a real breaking news story that Blackwater had moved to the United Arab Emirates.  No kidding?

Jeremy Scahill reported that over two months ago.  Eric Prince, a major donor to the Republican party, relocated there as the Emirates has no extradition arrangement with the United States.  So, all the people who need to prosecute or sue him, forget it.  It also helps him with his taxes.

Jeremy was one of the reporters in Iraq when it was not safe at all.  He reported for Democracy Now at the time.  He also wrote a definitive book of Blackwater and private contractors.

I do have to share a remark he recently made in the context of the idiotic nonsense over the new center in New York.  He suggested that 9:10 and 9:12 be removed from clocks because they were too close to the hallowed 9:11.

On to Wikileaks:

August 19, 2010

Julian Assange wins Sam Adams Award for Integrity

The award is judged by a group of retired senior US military and intelligence personnel, and past winners. This year the award to Julian Assange was unanimous.
Previous winners and ceremony locations:
Coleen Rowley of the FBI; in Washington, D.C.
Katharine Gun of British intelligence; in Copenhagen, Denmark
Sibel Edmonds of the FBI; in Washington, D.C.
Craig Murray, former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan; in New York City
Sam Provance, former sergeant, U.S. Army, truth-teller about Abu Ghraib; in Washington, D.C.
Frank Grevil, major, Danish army intelligence, imprisoned for giving the Danish press documents showing that Denmark’s prime minister disregarded warnings that there was no authentic evidence of WMDs in Iraq; in Copenhagen, Denmark
Larry Wilkerson, colonel, U.S. Army (retired), former chief of staff to Secretary Colin Powell at the State Department, who has exposed what he called the “Cheney-Rumsfeld cabal”; in Washington, D.C.
Not sure yet where this year's award ceremony will be held, but I'll be there.
Posted by craig on August 19, 2010 12:15 PM in the category Afghanistan


Congratulations to Assange - this is a richly deserved recognition.
Posted by: Jon at August 19, 2010 12:33 PM

Great to see you back to blogging after a few days - how's the house coming on?
Posted by: John E at August 19, 2010 1:43 PM

Congratulations to Mr. Assange!! Open disclosure is an essential precondition for democracy since for a meaningful public debate to take place one has to be made aware of the facts. But it is not just democracy that benefits from the disclosures in wikileaks, but human rights and civil liberties as well. Again, well done Mr. Assange, and well done Craig Murray for so eloquently bringing your issues to the public eye.
Posted by: Roderick Russell at August 19, 2010 2:57 PM
Shame on the British government for cowering in the face of Washington's threats to Assange.
Posted by: james kenyon at August 19, 2010 3:14 PM

Assange has put lives at risk by revealing classified documents containing details about informers. In my view he has been gravely irresponsible and deserves not an award but a stiff jail sentence.
Posted by: Abe Rene at August 19, 2010 4:56 PM

Assange for the Nobel Peace Prize too.
You kept that award quiet Craig. Well done.
How is the house refit going. Are you knackered? And will we get the 'after' photos having had the 'before' set?
Posted by: somebody at August 19, 2010 5:44 PM

Posted by: somebody at August 19, 2010 5:45 PM

Is Julian Assange a hero or an intelligence operative.
Here's Webster Tarpley's analysis:
Posted by: at August 19, 2010 5:46 PM

Abe Rene
Lives are always at risk when the war mongers get their way. Not only are they at risk, they're lost on a daily basis often in staggering numbers and attended by horrendous injuries for those who manage to survive.
However, I'm sure a stiff jail sentence for Assange will ensure the war mongers can sleep safer in their beds.
Posted by: Renee at August 19, 2010 5:47 PM

John Pilger on "Why Wikileaks must be Protected":
Abe Rene, here's a paragraph:
"On 31 July, the American celebrity reporter Christiane Amanpour interviewed Secretary of Defense Robert Gates on the ABC network. She invited Gates to describe to her viewers his "anger" at WikiLeaks. She echoed the Pentagon line that "this leak has blood on its hands," thereby cueing Gates to find WikiLeaks "guilty" of "moral culpability." Such hypocrisy coming from a regime drenched in the blood of the people of Afghanistan and Iraq – as its own files make clear – is apparently not for journalistic enquiry."
The hypocrisy is breathtaking.
Posted by: dreoilin at August 19, 2010 6:25 PM

Yes! What excellent news.
thanks for reporting this, and good to see a post from you. What a list of fine people you share this award with. I hope your new home is coming along well.
Abe Rene
(if that really was you), Wikileaks did check the material before they released, and withheld a substantial proportion to prevent people being put at risk.
Posted by: Clark at August 19, 2010 6:29 PM

OK, so it's great to have someone like Assange, Wikileaks, and of course Craig Murray. But so what..we know most of this shit anyway and when was the last time we did anything about what these people bring to our attention.
Posted by: cid at August 19, 2010 7:19 PM

I applaud the stated aims of Wikileaks and support them 100%. And Julian Assange is clearly a bright, techno-savvy young man - but a young man with a burning ambition.
According to John Young of Cryptome (and the original front-man for Wikileaks who resigned over its astronomical fund-raising ambitions), the market for illicit, classified and otherwise confidential information is vast - and VERY lucrative indeed.
Unfortunately, big-money potential, burning ambition, and the explosive emotionally-charged nature of Wilileaks recent leaks (and potentially of those it allegedly holds in reserve) is a combination that is manna from heaven for the Spooks.
Have a look at:
For a disturbing alternative view of the Wikileaks saga. It expands on the Webster Tarpley analysis refered to at 5:45 above.
As for Abe Rene - yet another believer in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy - and an angry one too it seems. Oh dear.
Posted by: Sabretache at August 19, 2010 7:38 PM

some of us do a little, some do more. Craig does a lot. But just knowing helps - we bear witness. That the Powers That Be know this influences their decisions.
Posted by: Clark at August 19, 2010 7:56 PM

Well done to Julian Assange, keep it coming. The public should be able to make decisions on fact not fiction... I would love to say "the truth sets you free" and mean it... unfortunately for some of my friends round the world its landed them in prison for subversion...though perhaps their minds remain free...
Posted by: Carol at August 19, 2010 7:56 PM

Clark: yes, it is me. Sabretache: I ceased to believe in the tooth fairy a few decades ago. Bush and Rumsfeld's screw-up over the bad planning as well as the questionable decisions to go to war (especially Iraq) in the first place is no reason for Assange to release a great deal of material most which he admits he has not thoroughly read, let alone vetted. Most imprtantly, disclosure is not his decision to make. The informers who risk their lives do so on the understanding that anything they say will be completely secure. So I would say to Assange as would Col. Nathan Jessup to Lt. Kaffee in "A few good men", but with justice: "You put people in danger. Sweet dreams, son."
Posted by: Abe Rene at August 19, 2010 8:40 PM

Like the wiki leaks thing was not endorsed by the Good ole Obama Administration and those monkeys at the CIA. Leak?? my butt. Just grooming the sheep
Posted by: Ishmael at August 19, 2010 8:42 PM

Obama, the drone-firing Peace Laureate should hand over his Nobel Prize to Assange and apologize for embarrassing it. Thank you, Julian.
Posted by: Tony at August 19, 2010 9:04 PM

Abe Rene
Hmm - I wouldn't have gone that far but, now you mention it, your take on the issue would make a good Nathan Jessop (amoral, Orwellian "our business is saving lives", wouldn't bat an eye about killing if his childish sense of honour dictated - so long as it remained secret or he thought he would get away with it, massive ego, blind as a bat to the real issues) to Assanges Kaffee.
Nice one.
Posted by: Sabretache at August 19, 2010 9:16 PM

Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Assanges ask for the leaks to be vetted by the US Military then throw a hissy fit?
Don't get me wrong I'm all for disclosure but be careful about making this guy a saint. This is from the wikileaks twitter
"Pentagon wants to bankrupt us by refusing to assist review.Media won't take responsibility.Amnesty won't.What to do?" see "" Wikileaks whilst laudable is all about the ego of it's main man what with his never sleep in the same place twice crap. FFS have you read about the '1.4 gigabyte mystery file named "Insurance" on the WikiLeaks website' ? Have a look at
Guess it will all go the way of Google, remember "Do No Evil (unless the Chinese ask us to remove the references to a certain Square).
Posted by: Paul at August 19, 2010 9:52 PM

Abe Rene
"Assange has put lives at risk by revealing classified documents containing details about informers."
These informers, by collaborating with a foreign occupying armed force, are traitors to their own people. Is that really where your sympathy lies?
Posted by: Johan van Rooyen at August 19, 2010 10:53 PM

I can't find that Cryptome article from the Cryptome home page. Could you give a more specific reference please?
Posted by: Clark at August 19, 2010 10:53 PM

is this what you were referring to?
Posted by: Clark at August 19, 2010 11:00 PM

"These informers, by collaborating with a foreign occupying armed force, are traitors to their own people. Is that really where your sympathy lies?"
Informers are a very sensitive topic in Ireland, since we were bedevilled by them for centuries ... I remember being taught that at the age of 8 or 9. However, Julian Assange says they contacted the Pentagon beforehand, and asked them to indicate where sensitive names might be, and they received no reply. So their whining now is two-faced.
Posted by: dreoilin at August 19, 2010 11:42 PM

"John Young of Cryptome"
Is he not a one-man amateur operation?
"(and the original front-man for Wikileaks who resigned over its astronomical fund-raising ambitions)"
Assange argues that their safety, secrecy and online anonymity cost money. He says they need new staff to handle all the material they have -- which needs to be assessed and sometimes unencrypted. He claims they need people they can rely on, people who can be trusted, and they do a lot of background checks on potential employees. I imagine all that costs money.
I think his collaboration with Iceland can only be a good thing.
"The WikiLeaks advised proposal to build an international "new media haven" in Iceland, with the world's strongest press and whistleblower protection laws, and a "Nobel" prize for for Freedom of Expression, has unaminously passed the Icelandic Parliament."
Posted by: dreoilin at August 19, 2010 11:57 PM

as I understood it, Google got to supply search facilities to China by brokering a deal: the Chinese government wanted certain search results not to be displayed. Google negotiated that such results would be acknowledged with a notice reading "This information is withheld by the Chinese government" or something similar. So they negotiated a compromise that was better than nothing; the Chinese government would not have accepted Google otherwise.
Posted by: Clark at August 20, 2010 1:03 AM

I found the recent activities of Wikileaks most odd.
The US and UK governments being so corrupt must live in perpetual fear of leaks. So, how much better if they could publicise Wikileaks extensively and gather up the leaks and decide which to publish and which not to. Also they could quite easily find out the source.
Read this excellent article and see what I mean:
Hidden Intelligence Operation Behind the Wikileaks Release of "Secret" Documents?
The real story of Wikileaks has clearly not yet been told.
Posted by: Ruth at August 20, 2010 1:24 AM

nice post. thanks.
Posted by: cna training at August 20, 2010 3:37 AM

So when do you think Assange will publish documents that detail 911 being an inside job? Answer: never. They don't exist, you silly gooses.
I can't imagine how annoyed Assange gets with 911 Truthy Truthers bothering him all the time.
Posted by: Larry from St. Louis at August 20, 2010 5:30 AM

Is that the book 'How I got WTC7 Collapsed and Collected the Insurance' by Larry Silverstein?
Posted by: somebody at August 20, 2010 8:24 AM

I can't help but feel that a call to throw Assange in jail is specifically hawkish, pro-war. As has been said earlier in the thread, putting the truth-tellers in jail helps the amoral warmongers sleep soundly in their beds.
It does rather seem that WL have taken care to filter the material, along with the journalists with whom they worked. But if that is not enough for the conservatives here, what would be? To have had the material released to WL and then for it to be destroyed, or never released? Isn't that rather like telling Ellsberg he should not have released the Pentagon Papers - which were part of the building domestic pressure that ended the war against Vietnam?
Posted by: Jon at August 20, 2010 9:38 AM

Arthur Silber treats the issue of Wikileaks very well, as always. I find him one of the best and most honest bloggers.
Posted by: antidote at August 20, 2010 12:06 PM

Congrats, Julian
You deserved the award and I hope you get new ones every year.
Posted by: JOSE at August 20, 2010 1:22 PM

John Van Rooyen: 'traitor' is a loaded word. The people who work for the Americans are fighting the Taleban, who are Islamists who would impose a lunatic and oppressive regime, treat women as slaves, and give support to Al-Qaeda. My sympathies are certainly against them. Assange has high-handedly put people at risk and deserves punishment, not sympathy as far as I am concerned.
Posted by: Abe Rene at August 20, 2010 2:06 PM

I could give Abe Rene a long list of 'loaded' words connected to the illegal wars on Iraq and Afghanistan.
This is from one of the doctors in the original group. Remember that they have been going at this for nearly seven years. I admire their tenacity throughout and their resistance to the cold water poured on them by the likes of Mangold and Aaronovitch, Blair's pals Rentoul and Campbell and even Gilligan recently. The cold water has ended up just muddying the water but has so far failed to silence those who call for justice.
Posted by: somebody at August 20, 2010 3:05 PM