Monday, November 11, 2013

Nein Quarterly to Exist!

THE ABSURD TIMES is under construction and ready now for donations.  It is the perfect gift of nihilism:  Nothing for Something.  It will be operational fully as soon as health allows, if not before.

Since this f the more popular subjects, we could not avoid it.

  1. The revolution will not be pre-paid.
  2. Let's be honest: I don't know much about German politics. But I'm trying to know less.
  3. Finally going to see the Magritte exhibition at . This is, perhaps, not a Monday.
  4. "The language describing and discussing art has a reputation for unusual opacity, even sadism."
  5. Also Menschen, die hinterher das Geld nicht haben, für ihren Strom zu zahlen, sollen es jetzt vorher haben?
  6. : THIS: Susan Sontag on how the false divide between "high" and pop culture limits us
  7. The 10th annual New Literature from Europe festival kicks off next week:
  8. It's a beautiful day. Somewhere. Far, far away. Long, long ago. In a land that knows no Monday.
  9. Erst als Tragödie. Dann als Prepaidfarce.
  10. "For your connections, please listen to se Lautsprecherdurchsage on se Bahnsteig." ()
  11. "Zurzeit verkehren keine Züge. Bitte benutzen Sie öffentliche Verkehrsmittel" ()
  12. Nein zu den Spielen. Vermutlich auch dem Brot.
  13. Dieses ständige Suchen nach dem, wonach wir eigentlich suchen.
  14. Monday 2:30am calls for Herzog on the Obscenity of the Jungle (cc )
  15. Life in the : 10 November 1989, one day after the fall of the Wall, 1000s head west. Via
  16. ist eine bloße Fortsetzung der mit einem besseren Hashtag.
  17. "Political science is a device for avoiding the dangerous subject of politics without achieving science" - A. Cobban
  18. A rare color photo of a French dirigible, 1909.
  19. Eigentlich immer dasselbe.
  20. In German, they say "Montag." It means capitalism.
  21. Heute gehört dem Montag. Uns gehört die Zukunft.
  22. Your own. Personal. Montagsmisere.
  23. Lose something in translation? The might have it.
  24. Most languages lose something in translation. German: a good 10-20 pounds.
  25. There will always be a tomorrow, my friends. And it'll always be a Monday.
  26. even over London? RT “: The airship on its first test flight, Bayswater, 1929.
  27. In English, "politics" is a plural that thinks it's a singular. In German, "Politik" is an art that thinks it's a science.
  28. Despair, as you know, is German for hope.
  29. Im Moment sieht es ja so aus: Die hat die Wahlen verloren und die gewonnen
  30. Familientreffen wären viel cooler, wenn ich bei der Mafia wäre.
  31. Kommunismus. Kapitalismus. Apfelismus.
  32. falls ihr keine twitter-aktien bekommen habt, kauft doch einfach unser buch! solides investment mit starker rendite!
  33. 'Baby, ich glaube du hast zu viel Literatur !'
  34. Es existiert kein Menschenrecht auf nicht überfordert werden.
  35. I've seen the best social media platforms of my generation destroyed by the social, the media, and the platform.
  36. Even if Twitter is ruining your life, friends, don't let it ruin your brunch.
  37. : "But he who dies in despair has lived his whole life in vain." --Adorno. " "YOLO." --Horkheimer.
  38. In German they say . It's like making up after a divorce. Usually from reality.
  39. Vertrauen ist gut. Snowden ist besser.
  40. Bei den zur geht es nicht um eine weltweite Katastrophe. Das sollte es aber:
  41. : Sorry, Sonntags ist die Gesellschaft geschlossen.” This week it's because everyone's celebrating Schiller's birthday.
  42. Sorry, Sonntags ist die Gesellschaft geschlossen.
  43. Nasty. Brutish. And 140 characters.
  44. It's been a long week. Have a little Salvador Dali on a game show:
  45. We narcissists prefer to call it Myhilism.
  46. I've seen the best cynicism of my generation destroyed by fear of the cynicism of the next generation.
  47. Warhol once suggested that the most embarrassing thing you could do was die.
  48. If there's any hope left for humanity, it's Twitter. And this, friends, is why we despair.
  49. Some of my best friends are poorly conceived avatars.
  50. Yes, misanthropes. We are the last true humanists.
  51. I've seen the best topics I was still able to discuss with my father destroyed by Fox News.
  52. “DeLillo sent me a postcard after a call. It said, Write or die. I sent one back saying: Write and die.” —Mary Karr
  53. Dichter. Denker. Werner. Herzoger.
  54. "We love to buy books because we believe we're buying the time to read them." - Warren Zevon (paraphrasing Schopenhauer)
  55. Die müssen umdenken, was ihr Sicherheitskonzept betrifft. Die Kraft zur Erneuerung ist vorhanden.
  56. Vor 75 Jahren begann die systematische im NS. 5 Historiker bilden die Ereignisse nach – auf Twitter
  57. Considering a subscription? Please double amount you had in mind and send to the Philippines instead:
  58. You don't have to follow to lead a life of quiet desperation and impotent rage. But it helps.
  59. Let's be honest: the error is the message.
  60. “From the sublime to the excremental…”—Žižek on Coca Cola (maybe Twitter) ~ The Surplus of Commodities
  61. Thoughts with 's many friends in the Philippines.
  62. Report on Kristallnacht by American Consul in Leipzig, David Buffum. Source : Nuremberg Document L ¯ 202, quoted...
  63. This Saturday, historians will be tweeting to commemorate the 75th anniversary of Kristallnacht - follow .
  64. Dogs asserting the superiority of the least likely of all possible worlds.
  65. Dogs indicating three crucified figures atop a distant hill, noting, "The milkman, the paperboy, evening TV."
  66. . Future hipsters will ironically 3D print blank sheets of paper.
  67. ": Some of my best friends are radical alterity." He ain't heavy; he's your Other.
  68. Let's be honest: 3D-printing will only truly come into its own when you can 3D-print the end of 3D-printing.
  69. Some of my best friends are radical alterity.
  70. Dogs studying the features of your face and deciding finally, "Not in my house."
  71. Dogs living your exact life, only nude.
  72. Dogs drinking the last ever pumpkin spice latte on Earth.
  73. Today's Wordbird: FREELOATHING-Doing something you hate or fear because it's free, so as not to let a package...
  74. Nov 13 6:30-8.30, join me, author Ilija Trojanow & PEN's Suzanne Nossel as we talk of erosion of privacy & the NSA
  75. If you like the end of the week, you'll love the end of class society.
  76. If you love something on Ubu, download it. It won't be there forever.
  77. Jorge Luis Borges lectures on The Riddle of Poetry, The Metaphor and more [MP3]: (via )
  78. I grow increasingly fond of the Emperor and his absence of attire.
  79. It's not you. It's your authentic self.
  80. Coffee: the diuretic of enlightenment.

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